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"by the way, why did you choose to major in psychology?"

jungkook briefly hummed in thought. "well, before i left home, my father said something along the lines of making me take psychogy so that i'll understand how human behavior works or whatever. to be honest, i don't even know what psychogy's about."

"it's psychology," taehyung corrected.

"yeah, that's what i said," jungkook retorted with furrowed eyebrows, as if he was genuinely puzzled.

the older male rolled his eyes. "you're hopeless. simply put, psychology is the study of one's behavior and mind. so yes, your father is correct by saying that taking psychology should help you better understand how humans function."

"that sounds interesting," jungkook commented in awe. "we don't exactly have a course like that down in hell."

"what? but psychology is one of the most popular courses in university, like, worldwide," said taehyung.

"worldwide, like you said. not in hell," jungkook pointed out.

"then what courses do hell universities offer?"

"um, demonology, mastery of curse and hexes, necromancy," the ravenet trailed off for a moment. "conjuring is also pretty common."

"w-wait, woah woah woah. what the fuck?" taehyung exclaimed in a mix of shock and disbelief. "i never knew that demons have... magical powers, like a witch. i always thought demons just haunt you at night and stare at you menacingly with their red eyes, y'know."

jungkook let out a soft, breathy laugh that oddly managed to make taehyung feel some sort of fluttery way on the inside. "you're not completely wrong. we tend to do that, too."

taehyung found himself smiling like an idiot at the younger's statement.

"universities in hell are very expensive though, hence only around five percent of the population actually make it into one and graduate without any issues. but even if we never enrolled into a university, most of us, like myself, still learn those things at our own leisure and already know some of the basics," jungkook continued.

"so, that means you can use magic? as in... right now?" taehyung queried in curiosity.

"well, my magic has certain restrictions here since i'm not in hell anymore. but yes, i can still pull out a few neat tricks if i wish to," jungkook proudly answered, further surprising taehyung.

"show me, show me!"

jungkook visibly stilled, his once calm expression overwritten with hesitation. "uh, hyung, i don't think—"

"c'mon, please?" taehyung begged, clasping his hands together.

jungkook sighed at the older's plea and mentally cursed at himself for being such a softhearted individual, especially as a demon. they're supposed to be unsympathetic creatures that feast on negative emotions and are insensitive, cold-blooded, cruel, etcetera — but here he was, obeying a recently-encountered mortal so easily.

the ravenet raised his finger in the air as the other watched on in anticipation.

however, what jungkook did was the last thing that taehyung had expected to witness. in fact, it turned out to be anything but magical.

"je-jeon jungkook!" taehyung screamed in horror. "why would— i didn't tell you to set your own fucking blanket on fire!"

jungkook's eyes widened and he rubbed the back of his neck. "oh, oops. i'm sorry," he apologized with a sheepish grin. "relax, i can easily put it out."

"then do it!" taehyung nearly screeched.

with a snap of his fingers, the fire successfully ceased but to taehyung's dismay, the once pristine white blankets were now all burnt to a charred crisp, despite the fire only lasting for not even 10 seconds. weirdly enough, there were no other remnants of the fire ever being there; there wasn't even the lingering smell of smoke that taehyung always despised.

"jungkook, i swear to god. why would you do that?!" the elder asked, tugging at his silver strands of hair in exasperation and frustration.

"but you told me to demonstrate some magic so that's what i did. you never specified what type of magic you wanted to see or didn't want to see, hyung," jungkook innocently reasoned.

"you know what? you can freeze to death while sleeping tonight. there's no way i'm going out of campus just to buy a new blanket for you and i also sure as hell am not going to ask the school for a new blanket," taehyung stated, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth in irritation.

"why not?" jungkook whined.

"because i'm going to sound dumb if i tell them that my roommate's blanket got burnt when there's no fucking way a blanket should burn like that," taehyung began to explain. "i can't tell them that my demon roommate decided to burn his own blanket for shits and giggles."

"why don't i sleep with you? that bed is big enough for both of us," the demon then shamelessly purposed.

taehyung almost choked on his spit. "excuse me?"

"i said," jungkook paused to peer over at the older man with evident mirth clouding his irises as the smirk on his lips gradually expanded. "hyung, why don't i just sleep with you?"

"you... did you plan this all along? you chose to set your blanket on fire by purpose, didn't you?" taehyung questioned in realization.

"maybe, maybe not," jungkook slyly replied, making sure to add in a little shrug in order to irk his roommate even more. "isn't my idea genius though? we can keep each other warm and snuggle under one blanket. that's what humans like to do, right?"

"jungkook, back off of my bed," taehyung deadpanned.

"fine." jungkook gave up with an exaggerated huff. "can you at least show me where my class is? this place is huge and well, i don't even know which part of the campus we're in right now."

"this place is called a dorm. actually, it might be better if i take a look at your schedule first."

"i, uh, i don't think i have my schedule," the ravenet meekly responded.

taehyung already expected that sort of a response so he merely sighed whilst pinching the area between his brows. "of course, you don't. alright, just hurry and get dressed so that we can stop by the front office, then we'll check if you have any morning classes. if you do, then you're kind of screwed 'cause you should be in class right now."

"o-okay." jungkook murmured before he began to nonchalantly strip right in front of taehyung, causing taehyung to become rooted to his spot.

"hold your horses, no! n-not here, buddy. change in there, for god's sake," taehyung spoke, wildly gesturing over to the bathroom in the room. "or for satan's sake," he couldn't help muttering under his breath.

"oh. uh, okay." jungkook awkwardly trudged into the bathroom and thus, couldn't catch how taehyung quickly heaved out a large breath of relief as soon as he heard the door click shut.

taehyung made haste to change into his clothes because he surely did not want jungkook to suddenly walk out and see him in all his naked glory. yeah, nope, definitely not a good idea.

that'll be weird, right? i mean, no homo.

"jungkook, are you done yet?" the silver-haired student called out when the younger male still hasn't emerged from the bathroom after five whole minutes. although, he wasn't too worried since after all, the guy was a demon, but that didn't stop him from walking to the closed door and leaning against it. "jungkook?"

"t-tae—taehyung— hyung, why is there... an eight-legged thing here?" jungkook's words came out in a panicked and distressed manner. "it's big and— holy shit, it's moving towards me! w-why is it crawling in— fuck! hyung!"

"jesus christ," taehyung grumbled. "jungkook, open the door!"

the door was thrown open in an instant, revealing a shirtless jungkook (as per usual) who had the most terrorized expression plastered all over his face. he looked like he was absolutely frightened out of his mind.

taehyung frowned, trying his best to not stare at jungkook's toned upper body. "what's wrong?"

"t-there's something t-there. it's a-alive," jungkook whispered, immediately running behind taehyung and shakily pointing towards the shower with a barely audible whimper climbing up from his throat.

taehyung tried his best not to coo at the other and pretended to appear rather annoyed instead. he slowly moved towards the shower and peeked inside, eyes enlarging the slightest fraction when he sees a coin-sized spider crawling around the drain, its beige body supported by insanely thin yet long legs.

"it's just a spider, jungkook, it's not going to hurt you," he assured but soon halted in confusion. "wait, do you not know what a spider is?"

"i-i don't know. those— i've never seen one of those in hell, i think," jungkook revealed, clutching onto the back of taehyung's shirt with a pout. "i-it's scary, hyung."

"you're a demon, jungkook. that spider is the same size as your thumbnail. if anything, it should be scared of you." taehyung grinned in amusement. "so, what do you want me to do then? do you want me to kill it or—"

jungkook frantically nodded. "ki-kill it, please."

"sure. you might want to cover your eyes for this one, it'll probably be quite gruesome." taehyung tried to joke but playfully shook his head when jungkook actually buried his face into taehyung's back without missing another beat.

taehyung knelt down — or rather, tried to kneel down with a literal full-grown shirtless man clutching onto him from behind — and used the sole of his shoe to crush the poor spider, grimacing when he lifted the shoe to see a tangle of spider limbs. reaching over to turn on the shower, he made sure the spider was washed down the drain before he slightly turned his head to the side and nudged jungkook, who still had his face smushed right against taehyung's back.

"hey, it's dead. you can calm down now, jungkook."

"it's gone?" jungkook asked, looking up cautiously, unaware of how taehyung fought back the urge to groan in disappointment when the younger's body heat suddenly dissipated as a result of him finally pulling away. "t-thank you, hyung. spiders are spooky."

"mm, they really are," taehyung agreed with a lop-sided beam. "come on, your schedule won't get itself," he added, grabbing jungkook's shirt from the door handle only to gently throw it onto the ravenet's head before leaving the bathroom with a loud chuckle at the string of complaints that proceeded to flow out of jungkook's mouth.

a/n: spiders are hella scary lol like miss me with dat shit

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