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"demons don't like being disrespected, and i am no exception."

taehyung's eyes widened. 

"but if you're the one disrespecting me," jungkook paused, peering up at taehyung with glinting red eyes whilst he began to sensually trail his fingers down the other's chest, smirking when his breath instantly hitched at the sudden feathery touch. "i think... i might just let it slide, hyung."

taehyung's brows furrowed as jungkook's scorching palm pressed flat against his front. despite his roommate's words sending waves of heat towards his lower region, he tried his best to shove any unholy thoughts back down where they came from and forcefully pushed jungkook away from him.

"wow, rude. that hurt my feelings," jungkook grumbled under his breath, his eyes shifting back to a natural shade of caramel. yet, the sly smirk that spread across his lips said entirely otherwise.

"look, jungkook," taehyung started with a frustrated click of his tongue, crossing his arms on top of his chest where minuscule sparks of warmth from jungkook's palm were still lingering, but no one needed to know that. "i'm not gay."

"no one said you were," jungkook retorted, cocking his head to the side, smirk still plastered on his perfectly sculpted face. "but it's okay. i know it's only a matter of time before you come out of denial and admit that you are, in fact, gay. i'm sure of it."

"dude, you don't know anything. you don't even know what a timetable is," deadpanned taehyung. "hold on, do you really know what 'gay' means?"

jungkook coughed awkwardly and gave a coy nod. "yes, i perfectly understand what 'gay' means. d-don't make fun of me! there's still a lot of stuff for me to learn about human life. things here are... way more complicated than the things down in hell. it's s-scary, i don't know what to do," he added, his sentence finishing off in a soft mutter, hanging his head low but that couldn't hide the fact that his cheeks were quickly turning a faint pink.

taehyung wordlessly blinked at the younger because he could've sworn a couple of seconds ago, jungkook was just smirking at him like a typical cocky fuckboy. fast forward a few seconds, now the latter was somehow blushing like a shy teenager.

demons were fascinating.

"c-can you help me, please?" jungkook asked, adorably jutting his bottom lip out and shit— taehyung's heart nearly burst out of his chest at that. on top of that, he even knew how to ask nicely. 

"depends. what do i get from helping you out? can you grant wishes or something whack like that?"

"i'm not a genie— yes, i also know what a genie is, hyung," jungkook cut himself off to snarkily slip in the second part. "but you'll be getting... a friend in me, i guess."

taehyung quietly blinked at him because did this demon just quote toy story?

"fine, whatever. i'll help you," he finally gave in, abruptly blurting out with a followed sigh.

jungkook's head shot up immediately, his eyes enlarged with awe and relief. heck, you could probably even see sparkles and glitter in his dark irises if you looked close enough.

"i'll teach you everything you need to know about adapting into human life," the elder then proceeded to elaborate further. "i mean, i'll try to teach you everything. it'll be beyond terrible if someone walking on the streets happened to catch you with glowing red eyes for obvious reasons. actually, wait, it would be even worse if you tell a stranger that you don't know what the fuck a timetable is."

"hey!" jungkook whined with the cutest pout taehyung has ever seen on anybody as soon as the whole timetable thing was mentioned once again. let's just say that it took all of the elder's willpower to not melt into a pile of mush while cooing at the ravenet repeatedly right then and there.

"i'm just teasing you," taehyung said, reaching over to gently ruffle at jungkook's tuft of silky black locks which only managed to deepen his roommate's pout further. taehyung then chuckled at how jungkook blindly attempted to swat his hand away with a childish huff.

"demons don't like being teased," jungkook murmured.

"is that so?" taehyung grinned. "that makes me want to do it even more."

jungkook groaned in irritation before pouncing at taehyung without any warning, sending them both tumbling back onto taehyung's unmade bed with a light bounce, yet somehow ending with taehyung being the one on top and the other laying below him. "i'm serious," jungkook claimed, glancing up at the older as taehyung's lean arms swiftly caged him in underneath his sturdy frame. 

"oh yeah?" taehyung taunted, craning his head down until the tips of their noses were just mere centimeters apart from each other. "you know, it's hard to be intimidated by you and your demon shit when you're looking like this beneath me," he heard himself mumbling out as the gap between their faces gradually grew smaller and smaller.

jungkook audibly gulped, his eyes flashing red for a split second. "l-looking like what?"

taehyung contemplated answering when his phone decided to be a jerk and suddenly ring, causing him to hastily scramble off the bed and scurry across the room to retrieve the blaring device.

"damn cockblock," he hissed as he grabbed his phone from the top of the shelf, not even bothering to check who's calling before picking up with a roll of his eyes.

meanwhile, on the opposite side of the room, jungkook was still laid completely motionless on top of taehyung's mattress, cheeks incredibly flushed from the moment prior and one single loud thought running through his mind,

what's a cockblock?

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