Chase and unknown confrontation

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At the park

At the public park where Y/n was with Sam playing catch with cloud. It was a nice day with the weather just right. Though something was bothering him. It's a old habit he had especially during the war which saved his life more times than he can count. Still he had a gut feeling that he was being watched and followed. He looked around until he saw a green hair women with a cap on and a guy he can guess was from South Korea due to certain features. They were the same people who were in the cafe when they passed by it. At first he was thinking it might be a coincide but in his experience,expect the unexpected. This and the fact that he was still being hunted down by many groups. Y/n when he looked at them they look the other way as he look away, and out of the corner of his eye he can see that they were looking at him. Which seems to confirm his guess.

Y/n:*though* Damn it. I was hoping I was wrong. It seems their focus is on me. I need to lure them away from here. As well anyone else who might be on my trail as well. *sigh* It was only a matter of time before I was found out.

With this he needed to be quick. He went to Sam and said to her.

Y/n: Sam you and Cloud need to head back home.

Sam: Why Y/n?

Y/n: Were being followed by those two. Don't look at them directly.

Sam sneaked a look for herself and notice the two her boyfriend was talking about. Though what unnerved her was by how they were like studying him. It hit her aunt they know of who was the mysterious black armored soldier. She went back to him with a worried look on her face and said.

Sam: What are we going to do Y/n?

Y/n: I'm going to lure them away. Since you notice they gave been focusing on me.

Sam: Y/n it's to risky.

Y/n: I know but if anyone else suspects if me I'll try to find out who. Sam I don't want to risk you or Cloud.

Sam was about to protest until she looked into his eyes and knew she couldn't convince  him.  She sigh as she gave him a quick kiss and sais to him.

Sam: Just make sure you get home or meet us safely alright.

Y/n: I will.

After that he began to run which made the other two run after him. Unknown to them there were two others that notice Y/n being followed by the two operators. Then spoke in their language.

??: Looks like those two are going after that man.

??2: True, though I know who those people are they are operators of Rainbow Six.

??: Then why are they after that man?

??2: Maybe they think he is the strange soldier.

??: Maybe your right if he is. Then he should catch him before they do and see if he is.

??2: Indeed. If he's the man then it'll be glory for us and our great leader.

??: Yes. Soon we shall put the Americans in their place and show them the real power of North Korea.

The two then follow.

Back to Y/n and the chase

As Y/n was running form his two persuers as he takes a turn in a alley and sees that it was closed in. As he was in though he heard footsteps getting closer and  voices saying. First it was a female voice

??: We got him Vigil he's cut off.

Vigil: Good maybe this is our break Ela.

Y/n: Gotta think quick.

Y/n looked around until he saw a ladder up to the railing and got an idea. He jumped on top of a dumpster and jump again to the ladder as he quickly got up and made sure the ladder did go down and continue to climb up until he was in the roof. There he heard one of them say.

Ela: Where is he?

Vigil: I don't know Ela, we almost go him. Do you think he climed over the fence?

Ela: No it would've taken longer and we could of seen him getting to the other side.

She look around until she saw the ruling with the ladder then it hit her.

Ela:He must of gotten up the and made his way up.

Vigil: That is the most likely outcome.

Ela: Quick, we need to corner him before she gets away.

As he heard it Y/n began to sprint and jump onto the next rook as he rolled over and continue to do the same thing for two hours as he waited for the coast to he clear. Y/n checked his surroundings and didn't saw them, which he let out a breath of relief as he went down. As he got down and was about to leave the alley a black Van appeared where two thugs came out and rushed him.

Y/n: Fuck.

Y/n dodged a punch as he grab his arm and twisted it until he heard a crunch sound and the screams of pain of his assailant as he thew him over. The second one took out a knife and swiped at him a few times he manage to back away and wait for a opening. When the second one tried to thrust it Y/n saw his opportunity as he dodged it. Then he disarmed him and grabbed his knife and stabbed him in the arm. Which the second guy started to yell in pain as Y/n kicked him into the wall knocking him out. He though he was done until he felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder looking over he saw a combat knife lodge in there. As he grunt in pain and look at who threw it. Seeing what he thinks is the leader of the little team. Looking cocky as he though he got him. Unfortunately for him he will find out the hard way. That it'll take more than a simple knife throw to take down a ODST.

The little fight began as y/n was on the defensive as he needed to conserve his stamina. After running from his two persuers and fighting two guys. Now the man trying to take him down as he swiped his other knife at him which left a small cut on his right cheek as Y/n returned the favor with a hard hit in the face on his attacker as it seem to left him momentary fase. As Y/n took advantage of as he then deliver a roundhouse kick to the head. Which had the guy twirl around for a bit until falling to the foor. Where Y/n went to disarm him and try to get answers. As he held the man and ask.

Y/n: Who are you? Who sent you?

The guy laughed as said in his language.

??:You can't understand me.Fool

Y/n knew from what he said that this guy was from somewhere in Asia. He didn't have much time as he needed to get his wound treated. He then knew from the accent. As he then said.

Y/n: Yes I can and you will give me answers.

Then the guys faces went from confident to fearful as the looming shadow of Y/n came over him. Where Y/n will get his answers one way or another.

At Sam's house after the interrogation

Sam was walking around her home worried about Y/n.

Sam: Please be safe and nothing bad happens to him.

Then she heard the door open and ran towards it to only see in shock Y/n with a knife in his back and his shirt bloodied as he said when he looked at her.

Y/n: Hey Sam. I might need a bit of help with this.

Sam: Y/n go to the couch, I'll get my first aid kit.

Y/n did as she said after a few minutes she came back with the First aid as she asked him as she began to remove the knife and cleaned the wound.

Sam: What happened?

Y/n:*sigh* It seems like I have caught the attention of a fat tyrant.

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