Comfort and healing

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A/n:Sorry for the long wait guys. A lot happened. Don't worry this story will go on. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

The next two days after the attack.

Y/n was currently in bed still with his bandages. After Sam clean and sterilize the wound. She took him to the doctor in worry as Y/n tried to play it off. It didn't work as she threaten him that he will go to the doctor to have his wound check on even if she had to drag him there. Y/n knew that this was one battle he couldn't win. When they arrive at the hospital Sam went to the desk and told the person there that Y/n was stabbed in the back as she showed the person the wound. The doctor and the nurse immediately Arrived and escorted Y/n to a room. Who immediately check on the would and how severe it is when he sat on the bed. Luckily the doctor told him the knife didn't hurt any vital organs.

But after having the wound stitched up after they thoroughly cleaned it and checked for any signs of a infection. Once it was done the doctor recommended to Y/n that he should rest up for a while until the wound has healed enough for him to continue his daily routine as well take the recommended meds. Y/n has suffered worse injuries than a stab wound during the war. But decided to not take the chance or he might face the wrath of his of his over-worried girlfriend.

After the doc prescribed the medicine and we're off. But the doc had another visit set up to check on his status and soon left to pick up his meds. During the ride Y/n told Sam about the North Koreans trying to take him. Since after he "asked" their leader why they were after him. He got his response of how Kim wanted to abduct the ODST and reverse engineer his stuff to booster the regime etc typical tyrant stuff.

That brought a disturbing image for Sam. Though she though the fire of chasing him down died down. Y/n though so but it seems it didn't. Now he knows that now who knows might try their luck on capturing him or her. When they arrived back home after picking up the meds Y/n was sent immediately to bed to recover. It was a one sided argument and Y/n spent the rest if the day laying down not doing anything.

The next day Y/n woke up and took his meds and went to relax a bit on the couch going through the channels. He didn't find anything good to watch and settled to take a nap. Cloud was there looking out for him as per Sam's assistant. Y/n tried to exercise but was interrupted by Cloud every time to relax and not push himself to far.

So he decided to continue his little search in the hard-drive he picked up from the last raid. Over time he check the data that was on it. Y/n was surprised by how well connected the White Masks are. Since most of the weapons he has seen were military grade and knowing how certain cartels can get them sent a bit of worry to him. As well it detail their plans for their planned terrorist attacks. He tried to find the name of the cartel who was supplying then but had no luck. His plan was to take out the cartel who is supplying the WM with the weapons and ammo. But that is going to take longer than he though. Looks like he will need to launch another raid soon. But maybe this time except of blowing up the place. Y/n would secure and clean out the building and take a few weapons and ammo. His supplies are thin and the weapons he has on his Pelican need to be conserve for a emergency. Sure some of the caliber are similar to his own. But it just didn't feel the same as a 26th century NATO 7.62 caliber rounds which had 500 years of improvement compare to the 21st century round. Either way he sigh as he closed the laptop as he heard Sam coming though the door.

She was wearing a blue tank top with grey shorts as she ask her love.

Sam: Still nothing good you found Y/n?

Y/n shook his head as Sam went over to him and lay down next to him as she got comfy.

Sam:Y/n you need to rest and recover. You have done more damage to them and you still continue to fight.

Y/n:*sigh* I can't help it Sam. You know what I been through for the last 24 years. I just can't stand idly by and let this continue. It'll be like the insurrection war. It's not who I am. I'm a ODST and a soldier who has been near death more times than I could count. I lost a lot during those days. I don't want anyone else to suffer the same. Even though the UEG and UNSC aren't here. I will still fight as I have. For once a soldier always a soldier.

Sam was looking at him for a minute until she sigh. What he said was true and he is one stubborn man. But that is what she loved about him. His drive to continue to fight even after what he's been through to make sure it doesn't happen to others. It did worry her at times but she trust him to not push himself to far.

Sam: Y/n you are one stubborn SOB I have ever meet.

Y/n:*smiles* Yeah, I have heard that one a lot of times. But that is one of my defining qualities.

Sam:*chuckles* I know, but understand Y/n. I just am very worried about you. I don't want to you to push yourself to far or worse than I loose the man, I love.

Y/n puts a hand on her cheek and they look at each other as he said.

Y/n: I know Sam. But I won't because I have a reason to finish the fight. For you, Sam. I love you and I truly mean it.

She smiled as they got closer and began to kiss each other for a short make out session. Until Sam began to feel her lust rising for the man in front of her as he is shirtless with his bandages he has on him. As they stop to get a bit of air.

Sam:I-I can't....

Y/n: Can't what Sam.

Sam Gave him a predatory smile as she got up and lock the door and she said to him.

Sam: I want you now Y/n.

Y/n:H-Hey I am still recovering from my wounds. Remember.

Sam soon was on top of him and Lean down on his ear and said.

Sam: Don't worry. You won't need to go much. Leave it all to me~.

Y/n gulped.

At Rainbow Base

??: Man she sure has left a tough legacy to upheld.

The man standing in for the of the board was Six's successor code name Harry.

He was looking over the folder label Helljumper. He has heard of the mysterious soldier but unlike others he has a different approach to things. As he finish putting the folder down and look in the window.

Harry: This guy's is one tough Soldier. Though, I can't help but kinda wonder who he is and where he came from. But seeing how anyone hasn't found him yet, I kinda understand why he might be in hiding. His stuff could be valuable and dangerous in the wrong hands. As well maybe he wanted to adjust or go off the radar to recollect himself. Still I wouldn't mind talking to him in a more civil way. He doesn't seem like a bad guy but a lost soul. Still I need to return to work. Those white masks aren't going to hunt themselves.

As Harry went back to work. Will he get the chance to meet the ODST. Only time will tell.

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