Chapter 2: Welcome to Imp City!

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Fang drove down the flame road and towards the city that Satan mentioned and when Fang looked towards his front of his bike, he looked to find the city that he was looking for and it actually look like a site that you never see in Hell before.

Fang: Damn this is definitely something you don't see everyday, I always thought Hell would just be a waste land filled with nothing but fire and ash, I dig this place. Might as well have a look around and possibly find a job for hiring as well as place to stay.

Fang: Whistle this is some city and a whole lot of demons here.(Fang saids in thought while looking around and saw so many demons and people who have been sent to Hell)

While driving in the city many of the demons were eyeing Fang with interest well mostly the women who eyed the hot HellWolf with lust and desire. The female hellhounds were howling and wagging their tails at seeing the most attractive male in all of Hell. Fang didn't pay no mind to anyone and just kept to himself until he pulled over to find himself a place to work and hopefully the payment is good.

Fang looked around and couldn't find a place that will be for hire until a demon wearing a dark pink and black coat came up to him with an evil smile on his face.

Demon: Nice bike mind if I give it a spin or two.

Fang: Fuck off dip shit.

Demon: I'll make you a deal give me your bike and I wont blow your head off hair ball.(Demon saids and takes out his guns)

Fang: You can try but it wont do anything to me.

Demon: Oh yea well suck it mutt!


All of sudden while firing the bullets bounced off Fang and landed on the ground showing that Fang's body was impervious to any weapon which earn the HellWolf a smirk on his face.

Fang: Heh was that suppose to do something to me.

Demon: What the fuck?!

Fang: My turn asshole.

Fang grabbed the demon by the throat and crushed his windpipe and then shot the demon with his laser vision that brought Fang surprised that he can shoot beams from his eyes but then looked to see the demon he met was now a pile of dust.

(Replace SuperGirl with Fang destroying the Demon)

Fang: Wow so these were the abilities that Satan mentioned cool. Oh look the demon dropped his wallet, let's see what the little bastard has on him.

Fang opened the wallet and found the demon had over $10.5 million dollars as well as some gems that were found in a small bag that was near the demons ashes.

Fang: Sweet not only I am rich but I will have enough money to get myself a place to live and maybe get myself a phone could use one. Though still should look for a job, it will get kind of boring if I don't get anything exciting to do.

Fang got back on his bike and drove further into the city and after a while he can to a stop and looked at some kind of billboard with a picture of a demon and it looked like the place was hiring.

Fang: Okay that sign needs work but I guess it's better than nothing, the guys name is Blitzo, might as well see if they are hiring. I'll take any position as long as I get to do something in my life.

Fang parked his bike near the building that had horns and thanks to the arrow from the billboard he found the right place. Fang took the elevator up to the top floor and headed down towards the hallway in which he looked to see a sign.

Fang: IMP, Immediate Murder Professionals. It would seem these guys go to the human world and kill people though might as well ask what people they kill before I get the job because if the people in the human are fuck faces like Rossi then that would be okay for me. I could use something to shoot and claw out.

Fang opened the door and looked to find himself in a small office and looked around to see that there was one person in the room and it was a very beautiful and gorgeous HellHound that was on her phone and acting like nothing is going on.

Fang: Excuse me.

HellHound: Yea what do you wan.....(BA-DUMP!❤️)....I mean what can I do for you...s..sir.(The hellhound saids while blushing at the site of Fang)

Fang: I am looking for a job by any chance is this place hiring.

Hellhound: Woof..😳....I..I...cough..yes we are hiring. We are looking for an assassin for the position.

Fang: Assassin my kind of job. Is your boss Blitzo here?

Hellhound: Y...yea he is I will just buzz him now.....Blitz there is someone who wants to take the assassin position should I let him in.

Blitzo: Send him in!

Fang: Names Fang by the way.

Hellhound: name is Loona.

Fang: Beautiful name for an attractive and stunning Hellhound.

Loona: HOLY SHIT THIS GUY IS SO FUCKIN HOT!!!!❤️(Loona saids in thought while blushing red)

Fang: See you around Loona.

Fang goes into the office to meet the boss while Loona was giving Fang the dreamy eyes as well as waging her tail at who she met.

Loona: That is hound right there and those muscles...ooh that is sexiness right there.

Hey Loona were back!(A female voice saids while coming into the room)

Two demons called imps came in and look to see Loona wearing a big smile on her face as well as blushing that made the two imps look at the hellhound in confusion.

Male Imp: Okay uh what is going on with her?

Female Imp: I don't know I'll ask. Hey Loona you all right?

Loona: I just met the most handsome and totally hot hellhound ever!!! He was so tall and so muscular...sigh....oh Satan the way call me by my name made my heart burst.

Female Imp: Oh okay.

Male Imp: Why is she making that face?

Female Imp: Our hound has a crush on a certain someone.

Male Imp: Oh so that explains why she is acting weird.

Inside the office Fang was having a conversation with the boss of the place known as Blitzo in which Fang wants to take on the assassin position since he killed before and is highly skilled in combat and knows about stealth he would make a great assassin.

Blitz: All right new guy the name is Blitz the O in my name is silent, so what doe a hellhound like yourself want from us.

Fang: First of all I am not a hellhound, I am actually a HellWolf.

Blitz: Wait HellWolf, holy shit!!! We never had HellWolves in Hell in centuries so how did one like you appear out of the blue.

Fang: Satan.

Blitz: Okay good choice.

Fang: I heard this place is hiring for an assassin and I want the job.

Blitz: Have you have any experience with being an assassin.

Fang: I know to kill, I am clever with stealth, I am also highly skilled in combat because anyone dares mess with me are in for a world of death and a good ass kicking. I also know how to use guns, I used these two bad boys to kill someone back in the human world as well as shoot an idiot who got on my nerves.

Blitz: Hmm not bad, though how much do you need to be payed.

Fang: Payment not required just need the job, after all I did disintegrate a demon who tried to steal my motorcycle and his wallet was loaded so I am rich now. I also have supernatural abilities that Satan gave me when he turned me into a HellWolf.


Fang: Just like that?

Blitz: Yup, welcome to team mr..

Fang: Hunter, Fang Hunter.

Blitz: Welcome to the team Fang Hunter. Now let me introduce to you to the rest of the team.

Both Fang and Blitz headed out of the room and look to see Loona with two imps in which both imps looked to see the large wolf behind their boss while Loona was blushing and waging her tail.

Blitz: Everyone meet our newest assassin Fang Hunter, You probably met my daughter Loona.

Loona: Adopted.

Blitz: These two here are Moxxie and Millie. Moxxie is guy and Millie is girl.

Fang: I can see that. Hey there.

Moxxie: Uh sir not to sound rude or anything but why do we need another hellhound since we already got one.

Blitz: Actually this big muscles guy here is actually a HellWolf, a real HellWolf we just struck gold bitches!!

Moxxie and Millie: A HELLWOLF?!!!!

Loona: HE'S SO MINE!!!❤️(Loona saids in thought while smiling big and blushing that she is seeing a real HellWolf in person)

Fang: Yes I am HellWolf, first one to appear in Hell and I am highly skilled in mostly everything and was given supernatural powers from the devil Satan himself.

Millie: Nice to meet you sugar.

Moxxie: Huh I read about Hellwolves but I thought they were just myths.

Blitz: You better believe it because this guy is going to make us rich. And best part I don't need to pay him since he killed a demon and took his money by the way how much money do you have on you.

Fang: $10.5 million dollars plus these gems in this little pouch I took as well.

Millie: Oh....

Moxxie: My....

Loona: Lucifer....

Blitz: Like I said this guy is going to make us rich!!!

Millie: Quick question. How did you just arrived in Hell?

Fang: Back in the human world I killed a pathological liar where I got manipulated by others and lied to as well as framed in which I took action and shot and killed the bitch who ruined my life but the morons there believed in the lies instead of the victim and soon I was shot down by police officers and ended up here.

Loona: Wow I feel bad for him.(Loona saids in thought)

Millie: Who was this bitch that you killed?

Fang: Lila Rossi.

Loona/Blitz/Moxxie/Millie: WHAT?!!!!!

Fang: Uh...what is going on?

Moxxie: You killed the sickest and most craziest bitch in the human world!!

Fang: Uh yea I used to be human before I became a HellWolf. I was there when I killed Lila Rossi in front of students as well as shot a fashion model in the legs and kick the living crap of the bitches minions who have no brain cell. How do you guys know about her?

Millie: Let's just say there are a lot of demons who used to be humans who know about that lying fuck face. Many were hired to go to the human world and terminate the Rossi but she always manages to slip away.

Fang: Satan told me about that.

Blitz: On top it off we were hired by a client to kill the crazy whore but it looks like we missed our chance and now were not even going to get paid.

Fang: Um you do realize I work for you now, so basically speaking I did the job of killing Rossi and you know what that means don't you.

Loona: We still get paid.

Blitz: Gasp! He's right. Haha wait until everyone hears that crazy lying whore is dead all thanks to our new assassin!!

Fang: What time should I come in for work?

Blitz: Oh don't worry I'll text you the information.

Fang: All right well I might as well go buy myself a new phone and a place to live. See you guys later.

Loona: Oh wait I'll come with you.

Fang: All right.

Blitz: I want you back here as soon as you are finished Looney.

Loona: Yea whatever Blitz.

Millie: Bet you those two will get together.

Moxxie: How much you betting?

Millie: Hm I bet $200 bucks they will get together.

Moxxie: Hmm all right I am down for a bet.

Millie: If you loose, your gonna get something big in bed.

Moxxie: Oh boy...

Both Fang and Loona headed out of the building and towards the parking lot where Fang parked his motorcycle. When Loona got a look at the bike in person she was in awe as well as amazed of seeing a radical wolf bike.

Loona: Whoah that is a sick bike.

Fang: Hehehe thanks. Hop on Loona.

Loona got on the bike and held onto Fang where she started to feel his muscles but then when she moved her hands towards his stomach she can feel what appears to be a ten pack that made her whole face turn crimson.

Loona: HOLY FUCK HE HAS A TEN PACK?!!!(Loona saids in thought)

Fang: Hey you good back there.

Loona: hot...I mean yea I am fine..yea super.

Fang: All right, so where is the nearest phone store.

Loona: Couple blocks down near Hell's park.

Fang: Got it.

Fang drove to the place with Loona hanging on and enjoying the moment, when they arrived at the phone store many hellhound women were eyeing him with lust and want to have his puppies in which made Loona pissed and gave the girls a growl and a vicious glare.

Loona: GRRRRRRRR......Get the fuck out of here!

The women ran out the store and Loona calmed down but that didn't go unnoticed by Fang who saw everything and he did get uncomfortable when those women were eying him like a chew toy.

Fang: You okay?

Loona: Sigh..yea sorry I just don't like sluts and perverts.

Fang: You're telling me. By the way you looked badass when you go all vicious and dangerous on them that wicked.

Loona: Oh um...thanks...(Loon saids while blushing and smiling)

Fang: For hellhound she's awesome, I think she and I will get along quite well.(Fang saids in thought)

Half an hour later Fang buys himself a new phone with a cool looking demon wolf case that Loona picked out for him.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Loona: If you need help with the apps I can download them for you.

Fang: Oh that would be great thanks.

Loona downloaded the apps for Fang as well as did the contacts where she put her number in so that she and him can text each other and call one another but she also made sure to put in Blitz's as well as Moxxie and Millie number onto the phone.

Fang: Really appreciated this Loona thanks.

Loona: Oh no any idea where you are going to stay.

Fang: I think I might get myself a penthouse, I used to live in one back in the human world. Would you like to help me find one.

Loona: Really! I mean sure all right.

The next hours Fang found himself a cool looking penthouse in the city with the help of Loona who thought the place looked badass and had a great view of the area. Fang dig the place and liked how he was his color.

Fang: Now this is what I call a penthouse, I like it.

Loona: You have good taste.

Fang: Well you were the one who helped me find it, so I guess I give more credit.

Loona: Yea...say while we are not you know at work..would you like to hangout together since you just arrived here I could give you a tour of the area.

Fang: I wouldn't have it any other way, sure we can hangout together your a very chilled girl.

Loona: Would you wanna....


Loona: OH WHAT THE FUCK?!!!(Loona saids and takes out her phone)

Blitz(Phone): All right Looney you had your fun now it is time to come home.

Loona: Blitz!!!

Blitz(Phone): Love you to sweetie.

Call Ended

Loona: Fucking dammit....

Fang: I take it that your adopted father wants you home.

Loona: You have no idea.

Fang: Want me to give you a lift home.

Loona: You would do that.

Fang: Sure, I'll be happy too and when we hangout I treat you to lunch sound good.

Loona: Yea that sounds nice.

The two of them headed back on the bike where Loona gave the directions to her place and when they arrived Loona smiled and thanked Fang for the ride home.

Loona: Thanks for the ride Fang.

Fang: Hey no problem, see you at work Lune.

Loona: Lune?

Fang: It means Moon in french because you shine like the bright moon itself. But your eyes shine like the blood moon.


Fang: See you later.

Loona: Bye....

Fang waves goodbye and drives off while leaving a smiling and blushing Loona who is going to enjoy having a HellWolf working at IMP and he makes her feel special.

Loona: He's so hot..I wonder what he looks like in human form.

Blitz: What was that Looney?(Blitz saids while sticking his head out of the door.

Loona: BLITZ!!!

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