Chapter 3: The Meeting!

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When news got out the next day that the crazy bitch Lila Rossi from the human world was killed by a human who became the first HellWolf, all of Hell celebrated that their tormentor was finally gone for good and thanked the HellWolf for killing the bitch. All of the demons who used to be human and were victims of Lila Rossi celebrated with drinks, food, as well as parties. Fang heard the announcement on the television inside his penthouse that he bought with Loona and he heard the shouts and the screams of many demons enjoying themselves while Fang remained in his penthouse to avoid the craziness happening outside. When the stuff dyed down, Fang took his shower as well as got dressed because today was his first day of work in which Blitz texted him to come into work for a meeting with the team.

Fang arrived on time and looked to see the team in the meeting room, he entered and Loona offered him a seat next to her that Fang thanked her for but then turned his head towards what appears to be a human kid strapped to a lift support system for reason.

Fang: Uh what's with the human kid?

Blitz: I will get to that part later, now on with the meeting. All right everyone, I know business has been...a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one fault's, okay? I'm not naming any names here...Moxxie.

Moxxie: Huh?

Blitz: Now, does anyone have...any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?

Fang: Has any of your clients called up and ask for if we need to kill somebody?

Loona: We got a call from a client and asked to kill a human.

Fang: Would that be him, the kid strapped to a lift support system.

Blitz: Unfortunately we have no idea, we shot him by mistake and he is paralyze from the waste down.

Fang: How the hell did that happen?

Blitz: Questions later, for now does anyone have an idea to get our business back up again.

Millie: What about a car wash?

Fang: Millie I don't think doing a car wash is the right option.

Blitz: He's right. This is Hell Millie. No one cares about cars being clean here, okay? Now let me think..hmm..wh..ooh! What about a billboard.

Fang: Like the one you have outside, no offense Blitz but that one looks like crap.

Loona: Second it.

Moxxie: I agree with Fang also.

Blitz: Oh helpful Moxxie. really glad you're in the room right now. Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?(Blitz saids before pushing Moxxie out of his chair)

Blitz turns on the tv that stars both him along with Loona, Millie and Moxxie killing people from the human world as they are getting paid to do these things. Fang thought the show looked like a goofy cartoon show with the team killing people but he was classic entertainment. Fang watches Blitz whack a man in the face with a mallet while Millie and Moxxie shoots someone in the mouth with a shotgun and decapitates another person with a harpoon. Fang then also saw Loona swinging a mans heart and eats it with her own teeth and that was wicked cool to see and reminded Fang of those werewolf movies he seen back in the human world.

Blitz: Ahh, those were the good times.

Fang: Got to admit that was totally radical, pass the popcorn Loona.(Fang saids as Loona passes him the popcorn while enjoying the show)

Moxxie: I don't need any reminding sir. Considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel that nobody watches.

Fang: He actually did that?(Fang whispers to Loona who nods in agreement)

Loona: Yea were not too proud of it.

Blitz: Uh, hey excuse me? What's obnoxious about a super fun jingle alright? It's fun distraction when advertisement's spitting bullshit!

Millie: People love musical sir.

Blitz: Exactly, Millie and we're basically doing a musical. Fang since your new here, you get to be part of our musical.

Fang: Oh joy.(Fang saids while rolling his eyes)

Blitz: Moxxie are you gonna crush my musical theater dreams like my dad did.

Moxxie: Sir.

Blitz: Because right now, all I see is just my dad's asshole talking to me! Crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside.

Millie: Moxxie are you trying to crush his dreams?

Moxxie: I..what?

Millie: Hmph! I thought I knew you.

Blitz: I can't believe you Moxxie! After I made you employee of the month!

Fang: he looks terrible in that picture.

Loona: You should see the others they are horrible. I even got videos.

Fang: You got copies?

Loona: Want me to send you them.

Fang: Hell yea.

Moxxie: Okay sir! I'm sorry, a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theater. Nobody actually likes the jingle!

Millie: I like it.

Moxxie: Do not agree with him in front of me!

Blitz turnes on the TV and soon another show came on where Fang and the others watch.

Tv Show: Hi there I'm Blitz, The O is silent and I am the founder of IMP. Are you a piece of shit who got yourself sent to hell or you are an innocent soul who got fucked over by someone else.

Demon: After lovingly killing my wife for fucking the delivery man, you can imagined my surprise when I wound up here after the state of Ohio killed me. I really wish I could stick it to that yappy PETERBOROUGH saw me hiding the body.

Blitz: Well luckily for you thanks to our companies special access to the living world we can help you take care of your unfinished business by taking out anyone who screwed you over when you were alive.

🎶 When you want somebody gone and you don't wanna wait too long. Call the Immediate Murder Professionals! Hand grenade or cyanide, we'll make it look like suicide! The Immediate Murder Professionals! We do your job so well, because we come straight up form hell! We'll kill your husband or your wife, we'll even let you keep the knife! We're the Immediate Murder Professionals!🎶


Fang watches the show and heard the music playing but then saw the same kid that was laying on the table and finally see's what really happened to the kid. He watched Moxxie trying to shoot the woman but misses and just shoots the kid instead.

Fang: Huh so that is what happened to the kid.

Moxxie: I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. Dispatch is supposed too give us the right info on the target, it is very simple.

Loona: Oh sit on a dick Moxxie.

Fang: Ohh.

Moxxie: You sit! Sit on...a..and your job!!

Blitz: Hey now we don't blame our screw ups on Loona okay. She is didn't do anything wrong.(Blitz saids while hugging Loona who growls of the embarrassment)

Moxxie: Are you kidding me sir? She's awful.

Fang: How exactly?

Moxxie: She didn't help us while we were in trouble!! Millie called her and then the next thing you know Loona hangs up.

Loona: Because I was doing something.

Moxxie: Yea like what?

Loona: Reading my magazines.

Moxxie: Are you kidding me!!

Blitz: Okay my little Looney may have her ups and downs but she did like the present I got her for her adoption anniversary.

Loona: No I didn't.

Fang: What did he get you?

Loona: I thought it was a cure for syphilis but instead he got me spiders.

Fang: Damn thats is just wrong.

Moxxie: She faxed me an ad for weight loss. She even ate my lunch!

Loona: I had the worst hangover ever like you care dip shit.

Fang: Worst morning I take it.

Loona: Yea.

Moxxie: She said she needs to blow off some steam and by steam I mean she kicked my food in front of me and then screamed while running outside to kick a baby away from its mother.

Fang: Holy shit that is something, I seen a lot of people do crazy things like that in human world it is commonly natural. I think what Loona needs is her space and she will be fine when ever she wants to get better.

Loona: See Fang gets what I am going through.

Blitz: I do to Looney.

Loona: Shut up Blitz.

Moxxie: Oh don't forget that outburst when that rich cleavage person called for Blitz about something important.

Blitz: It was only one time!

Fang: Let me guess you fucked somebody and then took something from their home which made Loona pissed off.

Blitz: How did you know I had sex with Stolas and stole his magical book to get to the human world!

Loona: BLITZ!!!

Fang: Okay, 1. Gross and 2. I didn't know until you told me because I was just guessing.

Blitz: Oh god dammit!!(Blitz saids while facepalming himself)

Fang: Okay now I am going to guess that this Stolas called you in which um Stolas is woman right?

Moxxie: No he's a guy.

Fang: Blitz you're sick bastard. Anyway this Stolas called you on the phone and the next thing you hear is probably him talking about fucking you in which you couldn't stand it so you must of broke your phone and shredded it into juice and made Loona drink it.

Blitz: Wow your good. Did Satan give you mind reading powers?

Loona: You made me drink your smashed up phone?!!!

Blitz: Well at least you shit it out over the bridge.

Fang: Okay that I didn't need to know.

Loona: BLITZ!!!

Blitz: All right I heard you already! Anyway the point is Loona is a valued member of our family and we don't get rid of families.

Moxxie: We aren't a family sir! You are the boss, we are the employees. You treat her like she's some troubled teenager. She's more like a meth-addicted homeless woman you let man the phones.(Moxxie saids while Loona was giving Moxxie the middle finger while also on her phone)

Moxxie: Fang please tell me you're nothing like her.

Fang: I used to act a little crazy when I was younger but I grew out of it when I got older, I am more mature now but if anyone pisses me off you don't want to know what happens next.

Moxxie: Well at least he's acts normal around here.

Blitz: Okay that about Loona is offensive, without homeless people I wouldn't have half the joy and laughter I do in this life.(Blitz saids while looking at a homeless guy outside and waving to him)

Moxxie: While we are on the subject of family, can you stop finding me and Millie outside of work.

Millie: Come on sweetie, it's not that big of deal.

Moxxie: Excuse me...what?!

Fang: I take that he comes to your home and spies on what you are two are doing. Also takes pictures.

Moxxie: YES EXACTLY!! He even fucking filmed us when I was singing a song for Millie!!

Fang: Geez...

Moxxie: Just stop doing that.

Blitz: I don't see what the issue is or something you don't want me seeing.

Moxxie: No!!

Loona: Hehehe...

Blitz: Baby wiener haver.

Moxxie: Sir what you say and how you act is totally inappropriate!!

Millie: Calm down Mox, you are going to have another panic attack!

Moxxie: I AM CALM!!!

Millie: Sh sh there there Moxxie.(Millie saids while petting Moxxie on the head)

Blitz: I don't judge the boring couple stuff you do outside of work hours so don't judge me.

Moxxie: Ooh I do judge you sir. Quite a lot actually.

Millie: Mox he's our boss.

Blitz: No, no it's fine Mills your husband is just how do I say this about being offensive...retarded.

Moxxie: Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad single life.

Blitz: It actually does.

Loona: The only reason you have a wife is because you're easy to manage.

Fang: Ooh I know where this is going to turn out.(Fang saids in thought while shaking his head)

Millie: No he is not you bitch!

Loona: GRRRRRR......

Blitz: Do not talk to my receptionist that way she's sensitive.

Loona: YES I AM!

Eddie: You guys are fucking assholes.

Everyone looked to see the kid waking up from his condition while looking at everyone in annoyance.

Blitz: Oh shut up kid, you're lucky to witness this.

Moxxie: This company is such a mess.

Blitz: All right let's get back to talking about my outfit.

Loona and Fang: No body was talking about that..jinx!(Both said at the say time)

Blitz: Which is why I'm trying to get the ball rolling, so how does it look it's good right.

Eddie: It's been a little hell pretending to be paralyzed so you fuck shits wouldn't kill me. But now I want that, I want death.

Fang: Wow this kid got problems.(Fang saids in thought)

Eddie: You are a selfish greedy clown and I'm a kid we're suppose to like clowns even the creepy ones.(Eddie saids to Blitz)

Moxxie: Hey now thats not very...

Eddie: If I wanted to hear from a spineless jackass I'd rip out your spine and ask you some shit.

Millie: Hey that's my husband you're talking to!

Eddie: Hehehe thats your husband. I figured you for a slut but I didn't know you needed a dick that bad. And you!(Eddie saids to Millie and Moxxie then at Loona now that made Fang angry)

Loona: What? What about me?

Eddie: Nothing I don't talk to dogs, I'm a cat person. And as for you wolf-man.

Fang: What?

Eddie: I am betting that you are loner who parents died because their son watch them die all because he couldn't be there for them and think they meant nothing too him. I even bet that your parents are even ugly as hell hehehehe.

With those words Fang's rage increased and the whole room went cold and Fang's power was growing. Fang bared his fangs and his eyes were glowing with hatred and death itself.

Fang roared a loud growl that made everyone in the room scared until the next thing happened, Fang leaped from his seat and attack Eddie with all of his rage. Fang started to rip the kid into pieces while the kid himself was screaming in such terrible pain.


Blitz: OH OH GOD OH!!!(Blitz saids while shielding his eyes)


Moxxie: Okay now I see why we shouldn't piss Fang off.

Loona was in awe of what she was seeing Fang do to the kid in which she took out her phone and recorded the whole thing and found Fang attractive while he was in full on rage.

Fang: Path..path....never insult my family again.(Fang saids while looking at the remains of the boys body)

Moxxie: Okay all in favor to not piss off Fang say I.

Millie/Blitz: I!

Loona: I think that was awesome. Kid did deserve it.

Blitz: Yea you have point that kid was a piece of shit.

Millie and Moxxie: Yea.

Beep! Beep!

Loona: Oh fuck, guys I just got a text from our client. I guess he was the right target after all.

Blitz: Who?

Loona: The kid that Fang torn to pieces.

Blitz: They wanted us to kill an actual child.

Loona: That's what they were saying and it looks like Fang did the job.

Blitz: Well christ on a stick I guess there is a god, nice work Fang.

Fang: My pleasure. Shit heads like him don't deserve to live.

Soon Blitz along with Millie and Moxxie started to kick the remains of the boys body whole Loona contacts the client about the target being killed. Fang went to clean off the blood off him and rejoin the others to bag the boys body.

Blitz: You know guys even though this kid was the target he's still a child, its important we've handled this going forward respectfully.

Fang: Yea about the kid, turns out he did a whole lot of crazed up stuff back in the human world. He fucked twelve women, killed fifteen animals and ate their flesh without cooking them and lastly sold drugs outside his country. I read his file.

Moxxie: Okay that is so wrong.

Millie: You did the right thing of killing him, Fang.

Blitz: Well fuck this kid because this evil little monster is going back to that fucked up mother of his who gave birth to a gremlin!! Looney open the dame portal, we are taking this bastard body back to where it belongs.

Loona opened the portal using the book that Blitz got and soon threw the boys body that was in the bag to the mother who screamed at seeing her son dead which brought a smile on Blitz's face.

Blitz: Now that is taken off, its is time for lunch break. If you will excuse me I am gonna get a bite to eat see you all back in the office.

Millie: Come on Moxxie let's grab a bite to eat.

Moxxie: I am hungry from all the shit that is going on.

Blitz, Millie and Moxxie left while leaving both Loona and Fang alone to themselves.

Fang: I owe you a lunch.

Loona: And I owe you a tour of the city.

Fang: Hows about we get a bite to eat then we can do the tour.

Loona: Yea that sounds great.

Fang: Know any good food places in hell.

Loona: There's this place called the Howling Hounds of Hell, the food there is really good.

Fang: Howling Hounds of Hell it is.

Loona: By the way I enjoyed the mauling of you killing that kid, I never knew you had such a savage side.

Fang: Hehehe I would like to see yours too.

Loona: Oh I think you will someday.

Fang: Shall we.(Fang saids while holding out his arm for Loona)

Loona: Let's.(Loona saids while wrapping her arm around Fang's)

Both Loona and Fang walked together to get a bite to eat while also talking to one another about their lives.

Fang: Seems like coming to Hell is so much better.

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