Chapter 4: Murder Family!

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The following day came when Blitz got a call from another client about wanting to kill a person who ruined the clients life back in the human world. Blitz and the female client were in the office discussing turns on what to do about the situation.

Blitz: All right Tits tell me all about it.

Mayberry: I was a good person, before it all went down...I was good my entire life.


A beautiful blonde woman with green eyes opened the doors to a small red house school with birds singing from the window, because the woman was in a wonderful mood. The woman's name was Mrs.Mayberry who is a school teacher and enjoys teaching to her fellow students who are happy to see their teacher.

Mayberry: Good morning I hope you all did your homework!(Mayberry saids to her students who all nod to her)

Class:🎶We love to do our homework, and we love our teacher, too!🎶

Mayberry:🎶 Then, when I throw out these fun questions, you should know just what to do!🎶

Class:🎶 Okay!🎶

Mayberry:🎶 Two plus six is...🎶

Class:🎶 Eight!🎶

Mayberry:🎶 And good behavior's...🎶

Class:🎶 Great!🎶

Mayberry:🎶And now, it's that part of the class when we say the time of day and date!🎶

Boy Student:🎶It's nine in the morning...🎶

Girl Student: 🎶 On January 8th!🎶

Girl Student 2: 🎶 The sun is out smiling!🎶

Bench boy: 🎶And it's your husband's birthday!🎶

While the class was singing, all of sudden Mayberry felt off while she was writing something on the board and the chalk in her hands was almost gone. Her entire face started to sweat as well as twitch.

Mayberry: Oh my stars! Stop singing children! Hush up, now! I forgot it's my husband's birthday! I didn't get him anything special!

Girl Student: Maybe if we call him, we could do a happy birthday surprise!

At Mayberry's home her husband was in the bedroom with another woman and it looks like he was having fun until Mayberry called on video chat and when she was about to say happy birthday to her husband she gasped in shock and horror that her husband is cheating on her with another woman that made her angry inside for being betrayed. Mayberry then got up from her seat while the kids heard the commotion with the husband and the woman that he was with.

Girl Student: Wait! Mrs.Mayberry! Remember what you have taught us? Think before you act.

All of sudden the girls eyes widen when Mayberry grabbed the little girl by the neck and threw her up towards the roof. Mayberry with anger in her veins marched out of the class room to pay her husband and that slut of a woman he is with a visit.

By the time Mayberry got home, she took out a chainsaw and started to kill the woman that her husband was with while the kids themselves saw the whole thing on video chat and it was gruesome. After words Mayberry took out a gun and shot and killed her own husband while in shock of what she did and saw her students seeing the whole mess happen. Mayberry without any reason to go on, she ended up killing herself with the same gun that she used to kill her husband.

End of Flashback

Mayberry: You do everything right in life, play by all the rules..and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epstein's of the world! After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So, that's why I'm here. To get my revenge.(Mayberry saids while now a demon of hell)

Blitz: I mean, was she hotter?(Blitz saids that made Mayberry angry)

Mayberry: What was that?

Blitz: I'm just saying, I had a hard time understanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat at me, tits.

Mayberry: WHAT THE FUCK!!!!(Mayberry saids as her demon aura glows ups in rage)

Blitz: Anyway.....I don't think you quite understand how we're operating down here. You see we take revenge out on the living, and it sounds like the core cast of your situation of death..frankly are all probably down here in Hell with you.(Blitz saids while giving a boop on the nose of Mayberry who looks even more angry then before)

Mayberry: Not..all of them. That whore survived. Now, they all call her a hero. I keep on hearing the words she's a hero over and over again. Between the talk shows and the donation bullshit, she made so much goddam cash...getting shot as well as being chained sawed was the best thing to happen to her.

Blitz: So everyone in the living still calls her a hero.


Blitz: Mhmm...yea okay, yea my thought exactly. Not to worry tits I have the best team for the job to deal with this situation and not to mention we have ourselves our very first HellWolf on the job and he is brilliant at killing.

When Mayberry heard the words HellWolf all of sudden she heard rumors about a HellWolf being in Hell and killed a crazy chick named Lila Rossi back in the human world and heard from every woman that the HellWolf was drop dead sexy and strong in which Mayberry would want to meet this HellWolf in person and see the results if the rumors were true.

Meanwhile in another room Fang along with Loona as well as Millie were helping Moxxie try to shoot a family which is a picture of family but for some reason Moxxie couldn't find himself into killing a family. He was holding a crossbow towards the picture of the family but he was also shaking.

Millie: Moxxie, stop shakin! You're gonna shoot our only Hellhound and HellWolf.

Loona was laying on the couch while Fang was sitting next to her reading a book. Loona was checking on phone while also holding the picture that Moxxie is suppose to shoot.

Loona: Wow, I feel so loved here.

Fang: Also I am completely bullet proof so, Moxxie can't kill me though do keep track of where you are aiming.

Millie: Just take a deep breath, and let it out.

Moxxie:'s a family? Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?

Millie: I mean, if that's what the client wants.

Moxxie: Maybe like a shitty dad. Or a mob family, thats understandable. But too eradicate an entire innocent seemingly in this instance upper middle class family bloodline?

Fang: Moxxie, there are a lot of families in the human world who may look nice but deep down they are horrible people who pretend to be what they are and soon they show their true colors right in front of you, I mean Lila Rossi the bitch I killed did that sort of thing and whose know maybe a family can be like that.

Loona: Fang has a point. You don't know if they are innocent! This kid probably sets dogs on fire. This girl here gets off to bullying Australian kids online.

Fang: The father of this family just sits back and watches the whole thing happen. While the mother probably cheats on her husband and stole this baby from his or hers real family to make a quick buck. People I seen in the human world do the most crazy and wack up stuff like that trust me there are some humans who are all right while some are just plain old stupid and chaotic.

Millie: Exactly! Humans are full of secret nasties. It's why so many of them end up here.

Moxxie: But...

Millie: Guilty and innocent aren't out business, Mox. Killing who we're paid to is our business. Choose a target.

Fang: If I had to choose a target I say go for the mother then the father and lastly the trouble makers last.

Moxxie: I just think it's a bit excessive, and we could be a bit more selective, is all.(Moxxie saids while aiming the crossbow towards the picture)

All of sudden Blitz came barging into the room that got Moxxie distracted from his targeting.

Blitz: Guys! I want you all to meet...

Moxxie relased the arrow and it went flying all over the room and hit the picture that Loona was holding while Moxxie and Millie took cover from being hit with the arrow. Fang looked to see the arrow heading for Mayberry and leap in front of her and caught the arrow before it could hit her.

Fang: Moxxie learn to control yourself while holding a weapon. Are you all right miss.(Fang saids to Mayberry who blush at the site she was seeing)

Mayberry:(BA-DUMP!❤️)....Oh this is a HellWolf...he is so attractive and he saved me...I think I found myself a new lover.(Mayberry saids in thought while blushing with heart in her eyes at seeing Fang in front of her)

Blitz: I see you have met our HellWolf. Meet Fang Hunter our highly skilled and very dangerous employee.

Fang: Hello.

Mayberry: H..Hi.....(Mayberry saids while smiling with hearts still in her eyes)

Blitz: Now that is done, everyone meet our newest client!

Before Blitz can speak again the tank that contained electric eels tipped over due to the arrow that hit the glass and the whole thing fell to the ground and the eels themselves caught the whole room on fire.

Blitz: Dammit Moxxie! I just bought those eels!

Fang: Sigh...not to worry I will take care of this. Salle de restauration!

Fang said a spell that made everything revert back to the way it was before it got destroyed and the eels were now back in their tank as well as the water. The fire was also put out when Fang used a fire spell to make the flames go out before it spread through the whole building.

Blitz: Nice job Fang, now I don't have to kill Moxxie for harming my eels.

Moxxie: I didn't know you can use magic?

Fang: Like I said before Satan himself gave me these abilities so basically I can use wandless magic.

Mayberry: He's amazing!(Mayberry saids in thought while admiring the HellWolf)

Loona looked at how Mayberry was looking at Fang and it made her jealous that someone else likes Fang but Loona knows that she will get Fang first before any other chick in hell gets him.

Fang: So what kind of job do we have for today?

Blitz: We're are going to human world to kill a family, a crazy fucked up family!

Moxxie: What?!

Fang: Whose the main target of this family?

Mayberry: Her name is Mama Martha.

Fang: Oh I heard about her, wait a minute didn't she get shot as well as chained sawed by an ex husbands wife.

Mayberry: Yea that was me....

Fang: You're Mrs.Mayberry.

Mayberry: You know of me?

Fang: I heard about you on the news, and I don't blame you for killing your husband since he is the one who cheated on you and that bitch you shot and chained sawed deserved to be put down.

Mayberry's heart skipped a beat that someone knows how she feels about what happened and agrees with her that Martha needs to be killed.

Fang: Not to worry miss, we will have that bitch dead in no time. I will even bring back her head as a souvenir.

Mayberry: I want him!!!❤️(Mayberry saids in thought while blushing at Fang)

Loona: Better back off chick that wolf is mine.(Loona saids in thought)

Outside the building Blitz was saying bye to the Mayberry who left in a taxi but before she has one last look at Fang who waved her bye for now in which made her smile that Fang will kill Martha for her.

Blitz: Byeee!! And don't worry, we'll get that skank in less than twenty four hours or your first kill is free!!!

Moxxie: When did we start implementing that deal?

Blitz: When you set fire to my office in front of a CLIENT YOU FUCKING DIP-SHIT! Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact.

Millie: Fang did restore the whole office with his magic, so I think the book is still intact.

Loona: I got it right here.(Loona saids while holding the book)

Blitz: And that's why you're my favorite, Looney. You get a treat now!

Fang: She's not a dog Blitz.

Loona: Yea my thoughts exactly..ew stop.

Blitz then took the treat and ate it that made both Loona and Fang disgusted of what this stupid imp did in front of them.

Loona: You're so gross!!

Fang: If he does that again, I am shoving a bomb down his throat. By the way why are we using a book to travel to the human world we can always just use my magic ring to get there.

Blitz: Hmm..never traveled by a ring before, and Satan is the one who gave it to you. Oh what the hell, Loona forget the book we're going with ring style!

Fang uses his ring with the blue gem and opens a portal to the human world that left everyone in shock while Loona was impressed.

Blitz: Now, let's go lick some ass!

Millie: The expression is kick some ass...Blitz.

Fang: I would prefer slaughter their asses.

Blitz: Ooh I like that one better. Let's go slaughter their asses! Wow that does sound a whole lot better.(Blitz saids while entering the portal)

Moxxie: Aww...fuck....

Millie: Come on Moxxie lets go!(Millie saids while entering the portal with Moxxie following behind)

Fang: You coming Lune.

Loona: Nah I am sitting this one out, though be careful.

Fang: I will, I will even send you videos and pictures of the slaughtering.

Loona: Thanks but one more thing before you go.

Fang: What is it.

Loona gives Fang a kiss on the cheek that made him blush a little while Loona was smiling and blushing that she wanted to give Fang a good luck gift.

Loona: For good luck....

Fang: Hehehe, I except it. See you when I get back. Also I left you a coffee on your desk, its for those hangovers you have.

Loona: Thanks.

Fang then enters the portal and arrives in a forest with Blitz as well as Millie and Moxxie. When they arrived at the forest they looked upon what appears to the address that Mayberry mentioned where Martha and her family are living.

Blitz: All right people let's move!

Blitz and everyone headed towards the house unnoticed and looked through the window and saw the family that Mayberry talked about. Fang looked through the window as well and saw the family as well as Martha but also looked to see human remains all over the house meaning that Fang can tell that this family is so fucked up and needs to be taken down.

Fang: These people are sick...

Blitz: That's got to be her. This is too easy. Moxxie do you want this one?

Moxxie: Me?

Blitz: Yea, this one simple enough for you to handle.

Moxxie looks at the family inside and gasp that has to kill this family but doesn't know that the family themselves are psychopaths due to the fact that their house is covered in human remains.

Blitz: I was gonna have Fang do it but it will just draw too much of a crowd and the family might alert the authorities. But you can handle this Moxxie, it's just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital.

Moxxie: Don't I get a saying in this?

Blitz: No, you snooze you loose Mox!

Moxxie: Wait...are we actually killing a family?!

Fang: Uh Moxxie I don't think this is an ordinary family because for what I seen in their house is not normal, I think it would be wise to dispose of them.

Blitz: See Fang gets it, don't be a puss. We're killing a mother.

Fang: Best to kill the husband and the kids because I sense something sinister about them.(Fang saids in thought while eyeing the family)

Blitz: We're ruining a family!(Blitz saids while taking out his rifle)

Moxxie: But...ho..hold on, hold on! Let's just think about it.

Fang: Uh Moxxie I don't think...

Moxxie tries to take the gun from Blitz when it miss fires and aims at the picture frame near Martha that got her and her family spooked. Fang facepalms himself of whats going to happen next.

Martha: What was that, Ralphie?

Ralphie: I dunno, Martha! But, whatever it is..they're gonna be tomorrow nights dinner!(Ralphie saids while taking out a shotgun)

Martha put down the dish and did the same thing her husband did with an evil smile on her face while her kids did what their parents did and took out guns.

Martha: Alright kids guns out!

Ralphie: Looks like we got some rabbits to catch young'uns!

Fang glared at the family inside and now sees for what they are, hungry and crazed up people who like to do whatever they want even it means killing people.

Fang: Now I can see why Mayberry hates this bitch. This family is way beyond fucked up. Oh well time for them to meet their demise.(Fang saids in thought while preparing himself for the slaughtering)

Blitz: What the fuck was that Moxxie?!

Moxxie: I'm sorry. They just seemed so wholesome and happy. I panicked!

Blitz: Oh, who the fuck is innocent, Moxxie?! From the moment of birth, you're already a parasite leeching off your momma's tits! Get the fuck over yourself, you saggy boobed prune!

Fang: I suggest you stop shouting and hit the deck.

Blitz: Why?

Before Blitz could answer the question a gunshot blast was fired through the wall that spooked both Blitz and Moxxie.

Blitz: Oh christ!! A new hole, everyone scatter!!

Blitz and Millie flee into the woods while Moxxie get taken by the kids and Fang used his magic to hide himself and decided to help Moxxie first before going after Blitz and Milie who are being hunted by Martha and Ralphie who had evil smirks on their faces who are going to enjoy hunting down the imps. Millie hid herself under the dock near the lake area and looked to find Ralphie above her. Millie makes her appearance and goes to attack Ralphie but the man swings a glass bottle at Millie knocking her out cold. Blitz was there out in the woods running away from Martha who was gaining on him while still holding her shotgun.

As for Moxxie well, he is back in the house where he opens up his eyes and saw that he was tied up while also seeing dead body parts all around the room. But his attention came to halt when he looks to see the boy and girl looking at him with those deviant red eyes and sick twisted smiles.

Moxxie: Oh! Hello there little ones. Aren't you cute?

Kids: It's nice to have a new critter to play with.(Both said while smiles on their faces)

Moxxie gasped in shock of what he heard and looked to see the stuff hanging on the walls meaning that he realizes this family was so fucked up.

Moxxie: Ooh...crumbs...

In the woods Blitz hid from Martha who was hot on tails. While hiding Blitz relaxed from running until his phone started to ring in which he pulls it out and looked to find a name that showed GFY written on it with a laughing demon on it. Blitz picked up the phone and found out it was Stolas who Blitz tried to tell the guy it wasn't the right time to call as he is being hunted by Martha. Stolas called upon about the book Blitz took and wants it back but in return he must spend time with him like last time.

Martha shot a tree where Blitz was hiding and the imp took off running away while still on the phone with Stolas who wanted to form a deal with the imp while also talking sexually about how Stolas wants to do things to Blitz when he meets him again. But before Blitz could say anything Martha comes out of the nowhere and pins Blitz to a tree with her shotgun while also dropping the phone that Blitz had.

Martha: Gotcha! So, you're a little devil, huh? Come to drag me and my kin to Hell? Well..NOT TODAY, SATAN!

Meanwhile with Fang, he came out of his hiding spell and went back into the house to rescue Moxxie from those evil little monsters. Moxxie was struggling to get free from the rope he was tied on but gasp in shock when he sees fire from outside in which he looks to see that Millie and Blitz were about to be set on fire.

Moxxie: Oh no Millie!

Moxxie tried to get free of the rope while the kids held out knives ready to kill Moxxie when all of sudden the kids and Moxxie heard a load growl coming from the shadows.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Fang's growl)

Fang came out of the shadows with his HellWolf eyes glaring at the kids who looked completely scared until they were both knocked out cold when Fang using his incredible speed to hit the kids unconscious while also using his claws to cut Moxxie free.

Moxxie: Fang!

Fang: Still think this is a nice looking family.

Moxxie: I take back what I said, this family is so fucking crazy!!

Fang: Yea I can tell by the human remains and the crazy psycho look in their eyes. Come on let's go save your wife and Blitz. Don't worry about the kids they are just knocked out.

Moxxie: You know what I guess killing a mother wouldn't be that bad after all she is nuts in the head.(Moxxie saids while taking a shotgun)

Fang: Indeed.

Fang breaks the window and Moxxie hops on his back and the two of them headed towards the fire where both Millie and Blitz are tied to a wooden plank who look like they were about to be set on fire by Martha and her husband.

Blitz: I had that fucking shot. God dammit Moxxie!

Martha: Satan! We return your filthy creatures back to the pits of Hell! May the root of evil remain honored as we continue thy work!

Martha throws the fire at Blitz and Millie who are covered in gasoline thanks to Ralphie and when the fire went up with both imps tied, the fire didn't affect them which earned Blitz a laugh.

Blitz: Hehehe yea, that's not exactly how it works, lady. Sorry your fire doesn't really hurt us, but I mean I could fake it if that'll get your dick hard.

Martha: Oh shit. Well..I'll just shoot you in your smart ass mouth!

Blitz: That would be more effective.

Millie: Blitz!


When Martha was about to fire her gun all of sudden Fang dropped down in front of her in which she looked upon the HellWolf and shear size of him while Fang was glaring at the woman with hatred and the desire to kill.

Fang: GRRRRRRR.....



All of sudden a gun shot was fired but it wasn't Martha, no it was Moxxie who shot Marth throw her skull and right after Fang used his claws to slice off the woman's head.

Millie: Moxxie! Fang!

Fang looked at Ralphie who was holding a shotgun until Fang used his laser vision to melt the gun that caused Ralphie to run for his life.

Fang: Shit head. Nice shot Moxxie.

Moxxie: Thanks though why slice her head off?

Fang: Call it as a gift for miss Mayberry.

Moxxie: Oh yea thats right.

Blitz: Hey do you mind untying us and also Moxxie your not getting your pay check for this one.

Moxxie went over and untied Blitz and Millie where Millie hugged her husband for saving her and Blitz.

Moxxie: I'm sorry sir. I compromised our objective and put us in harms way. It wont happen again. I promise.

Blitz: Apology accepted...but I swear if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I will fuck you and your wife.

Moxxie: Uhhh...what was the last part?

Blitz: Alrighty! Job well done! Now let's get off.

Fang: Oh heres your phone, by the way you got a lot messages from Stolas.

Blitz: Oh go dammit!!(Blitz saids while taking his phone)

Millie: Well job well done let's go home. Fang would you mind sugar.

Fang: Sure thing.(Fang saids and opens a portal with his ring)

Moxxie: Ehh..yea give me a moment. I need to get something I left at the house.

Blitz: Okay fine, but hurry up. Loona! We're coming home dear!(Blitz saids while on the phone)

Moxxie: Hey Fang?

Fang: Yea Moxxie?

Moxxie: Thanks for saving me and sorry that I thought this family was like one of those happy people.

Fang: No problem, but word of advice don't alway believe in something that you see looks good trust me I learned that lesson. Do research on human families and learn about them before deciding rather they have to be killed or not.

Moxxie: Hmm..I think I will take your advice. Is that how you dealt with that Rossi girl.

Fang: Yea I found evidence that she wasn't a normal nice girl but a total witch who lies to get what she wants while making others miserable. Good thing I put her down like a whore she is. Also don't let Blitz get to you he's just an idiot.

Moxxie: Mhm.

Fang: So what do you need to get at the house?

Moxxie: Promise not to tell the boss.

Fang: You are going to have the family arrested instead of killing them.

Moxxie: Yea something like that.

Fang: I wont stop you, do what you need to do before Blitz finds out. I will keep this between us two.

Moxxie: Thanks Fang.

Moxxie headed back to the house where he saw Ralphie hugging his kids from the horror that his wife and the kids mother was dead until Moxxie came in and held his gun in front of them.

Moxxie: Don't move!

Ralphie: What are you going to do? Kill us?

Moxxie: I should! You people are monsters! should have a chance at a life and a purpose. Look at your children. They have their whole future ahead of them! You are going to face your crimes justly!(Moxxie saids as he picks up a phone but instead it was a remote)

Moxxie: I am going to call your earthly authorities, and they will make sure you are dealt with fairly. I'm handling way.

Moxxie presses a button on the remote that turned on the television which surprised Moxxie until he looks at what he was holding.

Moxxie: you, you have a phone to call 911?

Ralphie: Yea, it's in the kitchen.

Moxxie: Then..what is this for?

Ralphie: It's a universal remote. Got it for the kids.(Ralphie saids while smiling and hugging his kids)

Moxxie: Awww.

Moxxie called the authorities and headed back towards the others who were waiting for him which Fang can see that Moxxie did what he needed to do.

Blitz: There he is. Have a good squirt-off session, Moxxie?

Moxxie: Excuse me?

Blitz: Look, I don't care where you come in the living world. Just come to your job on time, alright?

Moxxie: Sigh..yes sir.

Blitz: See you at the office!(Blitz saids while entering the portal)

Millie: You doing okay, sweetie?

Moxxie: Better now, honey. I think I just need a minute to process.

Millie: You have a good heart, honey. Just a fuzzy head!(Millie saids while kissing Moxxie then entering the portal)

Fang: So did you do what you needed to be done.

Moxxie: Yup, the family will be taken into authorities anytime soon.

Fang: Actually it looks like they are already here.(Fang saids while seeing a lot of police cars and a helicopter surrounding the house)

Police(Speaker): WE GOT'EM BOYS!

Both Fang and Moxxie look to see the helicopter fire a rocket the house that caused the whole place to blow up killing those inside the place. Moxxie jaw dropped to the ground of what he saw as well as seeing a head of stuff teddy bear hit him.

Fang: Just pretend you didn't see that.

Moxxie: But...but...but...

Fang: You didn't see anything Moxxie, no body did.(Fang saids while carrying Moxxie back into the portal while Moxxie was petrified of the site of the family being killed)

When everyone returned back to hell, Loona ran over and hugged Fang as well as got the pictures and videos that he sent her in which she liked them all but was happy that Fang was alright even Mayberry was happy to see Fang safe. Soon Blitz through a party for Moxxie who is the one who killed Martha with Fang slicing off the head of that bitch. A sign was put up that said Killed The Bitch and everyone was congratulating Moxxie with party hats and cake.

Millie: Did you see my little Mox Mox? He did it and Fang sliced off the bitches head!

Fang: As promised miss Mayberry, I give you Martha's head as a trophy to hang on your wall.

Mayberry: I couldn't wish for a better gift than this. Thank you Fang.

Fang: My pleasure.

Millie: We did it! Oh Moxxie!(Millie saids while hugging Moxxie)

Fang: I don't think he is ever going to forget that little incident with the house being blown up.(Fang saids in thought while eating some cake)

Blitz: Well here's to another mission accomplished and Moxxie finally learned not to fuck up.

Millie: And killing people isn't that big of a deal if they try to kill you back!

Mayberry: That is messed up. But I paid for it!

Blitz: Yea fuck that family.

As soon as the party was over Blitz along with the others went to see Mayberry off but not before thanking Fang one last time for killing Martha for her and putting her head on a plaque.

Mayberry: Thank you again for taking care of my situation.

Fang: No problem, got to say that chick was probably far more worse than Rossi.

Mayberry: I want to give you something in return.

Fang: What is it?

Mayberry while blushing gives Fang a kiss on the cheek that Loona saw that made the hellhound growl for seeing the move.

Mayberry: A little thank you for what you did and...for understanding what I went through.

Fang: Uh sure it was nothing.

Mayberry: Call me sometime wolfie.(Mayberry saids while handing Fang a paper with her number on it)

Mayberry smiled and got into her taxi and drove off while Fang saw her number and put it in his contacts. Loona growled for what she saw in which she needs to be the first one to get Fang.

Loona: If anyone is coming in first of getting Fang it's me.

Fang: Did you say something Loona?

Loona: Huh oh nothing...heheh I didn't say anything.

Fang: Okay? So wanna get some dinner, found this place called Satan's FireHouse. It was said to have the best drinks and food you drink and chow down on.

Loona: I am down for that.

Blitz: Hear that everyone Satan's Firehouse tonight! I'll drive.

Fang and Loona: BLITZ!!

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