Chapter 7: C.H.E.R.U.B!

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Inside the office Fang along with the team were watching a commercial featuring three creatures from heaven called Cherub and judging by how Fang was looking at his commercial he can already see he was close to melting the television with his laser vision because the way he is looking at heaven it looks too cute and weird looking.

Cletus: Well howdy! I'm Cletus, welcome to heaven. If you did something good to get here and good people deserve to give loved ones special blessings.

Song:🎶Does it make you want to cry, when your loves one has to die? Does it hurt you through and through, when your face is turning blue? Well, luckily for you There's something we can do. We can help keep them alive, So you can watch them thrive. Cause here at C.H.E.R.U.B, we'll save your honeybun from dying violently, Cause here at C.H.E.R.U.B, No, we never even ask a fee. Because good people spread the love, And we're here for all above. We do the paperwork for you, and the heavy lifting, too. So sit right back and let us bless a soul for you. Oh, we are the C.H.E.R.U.B!🎶

After the song was finished, Fang was about to melt the tv but saw Blitz taking out a gun and blasting the whole television to pieces.


Millie: Nice one B!

Blitz: Give me another Mox!(Blitz saids to Moxxie who pushes the destroyed tv out of the way and puts in another tv for Blitz)

Blitz then had Moxxie switch channels to get the boss in the mood for something to do until he saw a commercial for Wacky Wally WackFord's Wacky Idea Factory and that got Blitz excited that he took out his same gun and blasted the television once again in which Millie cheered. Fang on the other hand was just minding his own business with Loona taking a nap on Fang's lap while snuggling on his chest. Loona was enjoying her cuddles with her HellWolf boyfriend until the mood came to an end when Loona and Fang started to feel some vibrations.

Loona: Yawn!....What is going on babe? I was having a wonderful dream.

Fang: Sorry Lune and I haven't gotten a clue. Uh guys do you feel that?

Blitz: Oh shit is that a hell shake?

Moxxie: Thats possible?

Millie: All right don't panic Moxxie!

Moxxie: I am not panicking because hell quakes don't happen.

Loona: Stop getting hysterical fatty?!(Loona saids while shaking Moxxie then slapping him into the wall)

When Moxxie was about to get back up from the slap, all of sudden something busted throw the wall and came in a weird looking guy with robotic arms on his back while also wearing a ridiculous costume and glasses.

Do not be afraid!

Blitz: Pleas tell me you got insurance thing.

Millie: Who are you and what do you want?!(Millie saids while holding an ax)

I am Loopty Goopty, dustily the inventor of all things loopy and luffy!

Fang: This guy is like a cheep mixture of Doctor Octopus, Doctor Strange mixed in a weird and lame way not to mention cartoony.(Fang saids in thought)

Loona: You couldn't just use the door dude. It doesn't need to be this whole thing.

Loopty: I am eccentric and must therefore do eccentric shit!

Blitz: Eh..this old fuck reeks of the living world. Did you just die?

Loopty: Yes! Moments ago in fact, which is what brought me here!

Loona: Sigh..just saying the front door would have gotten you here fine.(Loona saids while on her phone)

Loopty: Shut up dear furry!

Fang: Say that to her again and you will end up in super hell in about five seconds.(Fang saids while glaring dangerous at Loopty who paled at the HellWolf)

Loopty: Okay you scare me...anyway where was I oh yes this is the man I'm gonna need you to kill!

Fang: He wants us to kill an elderly guy?(Fang saids in thought while looking at the picture Loopty has)

Blitz: Not even a shit's length of time in hell and already plotting revenge. I can respect a man with that sort of passion! I'm Blitz the O is silent.

Loopty: What O?

Blitz: Thank you, now what's the t-sis?

Loopty: The T?

Moxxie: Uh saids while under the rubble)

Blitz: Yea why are we killing this guy, I mean what did he do to you?

Fang looked over to see Moxxie in pain and headed over to get him out of the rubble in which Moxxie thanked Fang for then turned to hear the conversation again with Blitz and Loopty.

Loopty: He business partner! You see I was not always an old man. My partner Lyle and I ran Lyle Loopy Robotics, a technological empire. Earlier today we were testing a new machine intended to stop or reverse the aging process. It could have saved all three trillionaires though unfortunately we neglected to test the machine on the poor like we usually do. We were sure of our own genius but the machine was accidentally set forward and by the time we managed to get out it was too late at least for me. Now that evil son of bitch is going to take over the empire we built together without me to share it with he'll make all the good damn money in the world and become the fourth trillionaire and get all the credit!

Fang: Dude I don't how to tell you this but that is not even evil not one bit and it was your stupid fault in the first place.

Blitz: I agree with my HellWolf, that's not really evil.

Loopty: It's evil towards me! Now get your crimsons asses up above and send that thoughtless no good son of a bitch to hell where he belongs!

Fang: This guy is more whacky than the nut jobs down here.(Fang whispers to Loona who nods in agreement)

Blitz: do know pooty..

Loopty: Loopty.

Blitz: Of course of course, if we do kill him though and he ends up down here you know you will be stuck with him forever.

Loopty: Oh trust me, I am counting on it.(Loopty saids while showing his weapons with a sinister grin on his face)

Soon Blitz got together with Moxxie, Millie and Fang where both are in the human world while on a tour bus and came across the mansion of Lyle Lipton in which Fang wore his human disguise and the team wore clothes that stood out too much. Fang shook his head for how ridiculous Blitz along with Moxxie and Millie looked then they got off the tour bus and headed towards the mansion where they looked to see Lyle on a medical bed.

Moxxie: Wow that machine really did a number on him?

Fang: You can say that again, it looks like he is about to reach his end soon.

Blitz: Yea but not before we do it first.

Inside the room Lyle was saying goodbye to his true love in which was a picture of his money that he earned when he took over the empire himself.

Lyle: Goodbye my one true love, all the riches of the world can't fill the emptiness I'm feeling now that my shitty old body can't do anything of value.

Blitz: Oh fantastic he's gonna do our job for us.

Fang: Seems like he's having trouble pulling the plug to his life support. No wait I think he is planning to hang himself thats what he is doing though it looks like he is having a tough time making a not for a hang rope.

Moxxie: Should we go in there and tie it for him?

Fang: No it looks like he got it now.

Blitz: Oh he's about to kill himself get the popcorn ready!

Admittedly Blitz along with Moxxie and Millie stood by the window to eat popcorn and watch Lyle kill himself until all of sudden Fang sensed something was coming and it was nearby.

Fang: Guys I sense something and it's coming for Lyle.

When Fang looked into the window again he saw the wire that Lyle had over his head glow bright and disappeared that also created a shockwave that blasted Blitz, Moxxie and Millie back while Fang stood his ground. Fang looked back into the window and saw three figures appearing before Lyle in which Fang see's the beings from that commercial that was on the television.

Fang: Oh great it's those guys from heaven who were on that stupid commercial.

Lyle: Oh lord! I'm being haunted by ugly orphan children now.

Blitz: Who the fuck are they?

Moxxie: Oh no sir those are...

Cletus: Cherbus Mr.Lyle!

Lyle: I hate filthy stinking orphan children!

Collin: We're here to convince you not to kill yourself sir and to grant you a blessing. On behalf of those in heaven benefited by your amazing technological advances.

Blitz: Oh hell no!!

Blitz took out his gun and busted through the window and was about to say something until he tripped on the ground while Fang along with Millie and Moxxie took the door instead.

Moxxie: Mr.Lyle it is our humble opinion that you should continue the process to commit die.

Millie: I mean what are you expect to do with all this money now that you're old? Gross.

Keenie: Is that a serious question? He can help spread his wealth around with people of the world and do so much good with it and be so fulfilled!

Fang: Uh yea and watch him say no to do that.


Fang: See.

Collin: He could pay for new hospitals and schools.

Lyle: Why won't you let me die?

Blitz: Oh sounds like you need help off in yourself there buddy. Mox, what do we got for this fella?

Moxxie: I have some assault weapons, crossbows, honey bow, tommy gun, old fashioned shotgun, revolvers in three colors, chainsaws, katanas..(Moxxie saids while pulling out lots of weapons for Blitz)

Fang: Where does he keep all of those weapons?

Millie: Nobody knows Fang but my Moxxie is full of surprises.

Collin: He's classier then that.

Fang: Really because it looks like he just wants to end it all, I mean he's holding assault gun to his head.

Collin: There is still plenty of reasons to live Mr.Lyle.(Collin saids while taking the gun away from Lyle)

Millie: Yea right, smells like he haven't been out of bed in months. Sniff...ehh....blahhhhhh!!!(Millie saids then pukes)

Fang: Ehh that is just nasty.

Cletus: Love can beautiful at any age.

Keenie: And we'll show him!

Cletus/Keenie/Collin: Yea!!!

Fang: Oh boy this is going to be a long day.(Fang saids while shaking his head in annoyance)

Moxxie and Millie: NOOOOO!!!

Blitz: Oh come on!!!

The three heaven beings took Lyle outside to look at a view of the wide open area where they try to make Lyle see that there is a better way then just killing himself.

Cletus: Look around Lyle. God's gift of nature is a wonder to behold regardless of age or will.

Collin: If you would to end your life, you'd be missing all of this.

Blitz:'re gonna buy that load of shit from a baby and the sheep it fucks.(Blitz saids while wearing an animal costume along with Millie and Moxxie except for Fang who denied wearing a costume)

Keenie: Gasp! That is so inappropriate!

Millie: Oh kiss our ass prude!

Blitz: Anyway take it from me a fellow genius, nature is no picnic up close.(Blitz saids to Lyle who gave hims some binoculars)

Lyle looked through the binoculars and saw cute little critters until they were all mauled by hungry dangerous wolves that killed all of them while Lyle saw the whole thing happen.

Lyle: Oh no.....

Collin: Stop looking.

Lyle: I can't stop! I've never wanted to die more than I do now.

Out of the forest came a bear that attacked a wolf but survived but then looked at the bear who was about to attack again but instead it got kicked by a falling tree that was cut down down by a man with a chainsaw who later got his head stuck in a bee hive where hundreds of bee's were stinging him and his chainsaw slipped out of his hands and fell that caused both of his arms to be cut off and soon get killed by a deer who rammed its antlers through the mans body.

Lyle along with the three heaven critters had their mouths ride open while Blitz acted shock of what he saw and smirked at seeing the look on Lyle's face of what he just seen.

Cletus: Uh...l..lets go check some place else...

Fang: This would make a good horror movie scene. Totally saving this on my phone.(Fang saids while recording the scene happening)

Before everyone left Fang went over to the injured wolves and healed them with his magic in which the wolves can smell Fang's scent that they think he is one of them. The wolves thanked Fang and gave him lick to the face before heading back into the forest. Now back with the group they headed to a human mall.

Lyle: Oh lord where are we now? Let me perish!

Keenie: We're here to show you another thing life is worth living for. Childhood wonderland!

Lyle: Why look at those sweet disease ridden vermin, their joy comes from innocence unspoiled by the burdens of adulthood and their middle-class existence such simple joy they have it is inspiring. Thank you for showing me this.

Blitz: Hey dipshit! Want to see whose lap you're sitting on!(Blitz saids while talking to a kid sitting on Santa's lap until Blitz took off the Santa suit to reveal the children whose under the suit)

Fang: That is so wrong. I hope the real Santa Claus doesn't see this because this will give him nightmares.(Fang saids in thought while looking at the fake Santa appearance)

Fake Santa: Ho..

Children: AAAAAAAAHHHHHH?!!!!!

After Lyle saw the true person under the Santa Claus suit, he cried like baby that left him not only shocked but broken until Collin and Keenie covered the old mans eyes to avoid the site he is seeing.

Cletus: Okay next place!

The next place they went to was a place for teenagers in which was called Lovers Lookout, a place for couples to spend time together and share their romance with one another.

Lyle: This place reeks of teenagers!

Cletus: Lovers Lookout sir! We're here to remind you about possibly life's greatest joy of all.

Lyle: Money.

Collin: No, love.

Lyle: I've never been in love before, I imagined it's quite nice.

Collin: It's not too late sir, you can still find....

Blitz: Ha! Nice try ugly.(Blitz saids while him along with Moxxie and Millie dressed up and Fang stood behind to take pictures of how ridiculous his boss and team looks)

Fang: Hashtang..Blitz has lost his mind and now is cross dressing as a woman. And posted.(Fang saids while posting on Sinstagram so everyone can see how Blitz looks like a bigger fool)

Blitz: Hey horny lovers! Which one of you would fuck this old man!(Blitz saids through a microphone)

All the teenagers in their cars heard the news and did what they thought was best in which they all drove away as fast as they can. Lyle now felt bummed out and defeated.

Collin: You know you three are so utterly cruel. We're just trying to give hope to someone in need.

Fang: At least I wasn't dragged into this conversation.(Fang whispers to himself while checking his phone and the comments he's getting from his post)

Moxxie: Oh and you three are so superior to us just because we want some selfish, greedy, authoritarian capitalist to kill over debt!

Blitz: You're making things to real now Moxxie.(Blitz saids while spraying Moxxie with perfume)

Cletus: Come on Mr.Lyle there is another place that you must see and this one has music!

The next place was an opera where Lyle looks and listens to a woman singing dressed up as viking as well as on a unicorn.

Cletus: Behold! The wonder of art and music. Something always there to comfort entertain and live for.

Above the stage Blitz was watching the scene with Moxxie and Millie at his side and as for Fang well he was sitting with the audience waiting for what plan Blitz has as well as texting Loona and telling her about what is going on so far.

Millie: So, how do we make this bad?

Moxxie: We can't , there is literally nothing bad about opera and that's fact.

Blitz: Unless we ruin it someone. Hey where did our HellWolf go?

Millie: Oh he is down by the audience probably wants to see a good show.

Blitz: Good I hope he's recording this because this is a show that will never be forgotten.

Blitz started to move the light for the singer to move from side to side lots of times until all of sudden something happen that made the light break off and land on top of the woman who was singing. Fang looked up from his phone and only saw the singer being killed by light that was on top of the body.

Lyle/Cletus/Keenie/Collin and everyone in the opera: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH?!!!!!!

Fang: Sigh..looks like Blitz ruined opera for the first time.

Cletus: YOU WHERE ARE THOSE THREE MONSTERS!!!(Cletus saids to Fang)

Fang: If you're looking for my boss, top of the stage where the lights are.(Fang saids while not paying any mind to the three from heaven)

The three flew up to where Blitz was and let's just say they were not happy of what they just seen.

Cletus: That's it! I have had it, you three monsters have messed with us enough!!!

Collin: We're just trying to do a job!

Moxxie: Well so are we.

Cletus: ENOUGH!!! We are saving that shitty old man's life whether he wants it or not!!(Cletus saids while him and the others hold golden arrows in front of the three imps)

Blitz: Well someone wants that fucker dead and he paid in advance and I spent it all on this green horse with gems on it so he's gotta go!

Keenie: You all such disgusting lowsome beasts, your kind is nothing but dirt that shitty dead people dread on and now you're trying to meddle with the lives of humans!!

Millie: So are you! So why don't you shut your trap you judgmental cotton candy tit heaven  bitch!

Keenie: FILTHY DEMON!!!(Keenie saids and attacks Millie)

Soon an all out battle was taking place from above where the heaven creatures and the imps were shooting at each other while below Fang was sitting next to Lyle who were watching the show while the people around them were getting shot in the head by bullets from Millie and Moxxie who were trying to shoot the heaven creatures.

Lyle: It's all starting to make sense now.

Fang: Really.

Lyle: Yes, life is worth living because we only get one. We must cherish it if creatures far beyond this living world are going through these lengths over my life then suddenly it's worth living, Killing myself is not the answer, plus I am still rich and I could just buy all the things. I no longer crave death!

Fang: Bravo sir though there is something that you should know.

Lyle: What is that?

Fang: You can get more richer in hell because in heaven they don't have money but in hell they have a lot of awesome stuff that you can get including all the gold and gems you can receive.

Lyle: Really!

Fang: Mhm.

Lyle: And heaven doesn't have that?

Fang: Nope.

Lyle: Well, forget what I said, I rather die then go to heaven!

Fang: Here swallow this pill, and you will be off to hell sir.

Lyle: Hell and money here I come!(Lyle saids while taking the pill from Fang)

Fang: In 5..4..3..2..1...

Fang looked at Lyle and soon after a second he lies dead on his bed meaning the job is complete without those heaven guys knowing about it. Fang then looked to see Blitz along with Moxxie and Millie fall from the top and landed near the piano guy who got off the stage and then the piano itself flew into the air and landed near both Lyle and Fang. The piano misses Lyle and lands on some people behind them.

Blitz: Oh god dammit it missed its target!!

Cletus: Haha!!! Now is our chance. Mr.Lyle is ours now.

Keenie: Suck it you monsters!!!

Collin: In your face!!!

Fang: Actually he's not.

Cletus/Keenie/Collin: Huh?

Millie: What do you mean Fang?

Fang: While you guys were doing whats so ever, Mr.Lyle here rethink his decision in which he decided to go to Hell instead of heaven since he cannot be rich up there and there is no money so he preferred to have a death sentence. I told him he can get whatever he wants in hell and be rich and all I had to do was give him a pill and second later dead on his bed. Simple as that.

Moxxie: Well well would you look at that, our assassin did the job for us while you weren't looking.

Millie: Nice going Fang!

Blitz: You laid it all out beautifully.

Fang: Oh your heaven commercial, yea it sucks ass like literally sucks.

Blitz/Millie/Moxxie: OH!!

Collin: Oh my gosh...oh my gosh..oh my gosh...oh my god....

Keenie: Get a hold of yourself Collin!! And do not use the lord's name in vain!!!(Keenie saids while slapping Collin in the face multiple times)

Cletus: THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!!(Cletus saids to Fang)

Fang: Hey the guy wanted to be rich so I gave him a better choice.

Keenie: How could you do this your a human for gods sake!!! GASP!! I said the lords name in vain...

Fang: Hehehe and whose saids I was human.

Fang changes his form back into his HellWolf in which brought shivers down the three heaven creatures spines.

Collin: Y...y....y...your....your...your....

Keenie: I...I...I....

Cletus: You mean you are.....

Fang: Thats right I'm a HellWolf. So got anything to say before I tare you three limb from limb and I could use some sheep in my diet.

Collin: HELLWOLF!!!!! HIDE ME!!!!!


Cletus: NOT TO WORRY I WILL GET US OUT OF HERE!!!!(Cletus saids while opening a portal to heaven)

When the three went to go back to heaven all of sudden they were blocked off and couldn't go through in which caused a panic for the three of them.

Cletus: WHAT THE?!!!

Out of the portal to heaven came more creatures that were two sheep, two bees, and one deer that were explaining why Cletus, Keenie, and Collin cannot enter heaven.

Hello everyone names Deerie, I am here to bring some news for Cletus, Keenie, and Collin.

Cletus: What's going on why can we not enter?!!!

Deerie: Yea so sorry Cletus but I am afraid your actions resulted in the deaths of many human beings in the audience here. I am afraid you can't renter heaven yea no.

Cletus/Collin/Keenie: WHAT?!!!!

Fang: Well you also did curse the lords name in vain as well as said this and that which could violate the laws of heaven, I mean didn't you hear yourselves cursing moments ago and saying bad things to Mr.Lyle before he died.

Deerie: The HellWolf is correct, yea um sorry yea no.

Collin: Is there anything we can do?!

Deerie: Yea, um no. Oh no.(Deerie saids while pointing at Cletus, Collin, and Keenie)

Keenie: we didn't mean too we never it was all....aaaaaahhh?!!!!

Keenie looked to see the imps and the HellWolf gone that left all Keenie, Cletus, and Collin in shock that their proof was gone without a trace.

Deerie: Anyway, sorry guys but those are the rules yea bye. By the way did you guys see that HellWolf man that guy was hot.(Deerie saids while herself and the other heaven creatures headed into the portal to heaven)


Back in Hell, everyone was back in the office to discuss the terms of what happen in the human world as well as with those three heaven creatures in which Fang told Loona all about it and was laughing at seeing the videos that her boyfriend shared.

Blitz: Well the old man got what he wanted and we killed him thanks to Fang though if those fucking Cherbus got in our way the whole plan would be ruined. Now that the old man is being sent to hell our client will be able to get his revenge on his business partner.

Millie: And good news we didn't fuck up!

Moxxie: Sir when are you going to tell the client?

Blitz: Oh I already sent him a text, we're in good hands because text don't make people angry.

Fang: Moxxie you may want to scoot over to the side because something is coming towards us and it might land on you so move it.

Moxxie in panic did what Fang said and moved his seat over and what landed in the office room now was a coffin with Loopty Gooty coming out of it.

Loopty: Blitz!

Blitz: Loopty, did you get my text?

Loopty: I sure did and look who came to hell!(Loopty saids as another coffin came into the office and landed on top of Moxxie)

Fang: Looks like Mr.Lyle is here.

Blitz and Millie: Lyle Lipton!!

Fang: Seems like you made the trip to hell sir.

Lyle: I sure did HellWolf all thanks to you, and heaven can go fuck itself because you can't make millions in technological advances in robotics by not experimenting on the poor.

Loopty: Oh you good heartless son of a bitch! Thank you for reuniting me with my best friend.

Lyle: The only question now is what do two old genius robotic inventors do now that we're in hell?

Fang: I think the imp falling through the woof will have the idea for you.

Blitz: What imp I don't see any...(Blitz was about to say something when all of sudden an imp from the commercial show better known as Wacky Wally came through the roof)

Fang: That imp right there.

Wally: I say inventors! Names Wally Waxford and I am looking for creative new people to I mean employ.

Blitz: Will everyone stop fucking up my walls!! Moxxie's gonna have to fix all of this shit.

Loona: You do know that Fang can fix your crummy walls.

Fang: Yea and besides Moxxie is crushed under rubble so he's out for a while.

Blitz: Oh yea good point.

Wally: I guess you can say you say you have a holy operation here Blitzo! Hahahaha!

Blitz: Get out.

Wally: Oh no hahahaha!

Blitz: I am serious get the fuck out!!!

Fang: Hey wanna get out of here and go to my place.(Fang whispers to Loona)

Loona: Better than being here, by the way once we get to your place your getting a full on makeout so be prepared Wolfie.

Fang: And that is why I like your personality babe.(Fang saids then kisses Loona on the cheek)

Loona: You're sweet and dangerous at the same time, but I love you either way.

Fang: Same goes for me.

Fang and Loona left the office and back to the penthouse where Fang received his full on makeout from his girlfriend while also texting the other girls who wanted to text Fang and ask if he wants to hangout with either of them but for now he wants to enjoy being with Loona.

Loona: really are a good kisser Fang.

Fang: Hehehe you ain't so bad yourself my amazing and beautiful HellHound.

Loona: Hehehe I love you babe.

Fang: And I love you more.

Loona: I know you do but now bring those lips to me, this hound needs more pecking.

Fang: Whatever my HellHound wishes.

Loona: By the way, what happen to those Cherbus guys after the mission?

Fang: Hm..don't know don't care and who gives a shit.

Loona: Good point.

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