Chapter 8: A King's Request!

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Inside the Imp building, Fang was in the room cleaning his guns while his girlfriend Loona was snuggling into his chest while checking on her phone. Moxxie and Millie were planing a dinner a date for tonight while their Blitz was in his office doing who knows what until the phone on Loona's desk started to ring.

Ring! Ring!

Loona: This is Imp, what do you want? sure I will put him on now please hold.(Loona saids then became pale of who was on the phone)

Fang: What is it Lune?

Loona: Uh babe it''s for you.

Fang: Wonder who called about me, might as well see who it is. Hello this is Fang Hunter, may I ask who called?

Phone: Ah, Mr.Hunter just the HellWolf I wanted to speak with, the person you are speaking to happens to be Lucifer Morningstar The King of Hell. I heard about your reputation here in Hell and I just had to get you on a call with you.

Fang: Ah the king of hell himself, I heard a lot about you sir. What do I have the honor of speaking with the king himself.

Millie and Moxxie: DID HE JUST SAY THE KING OF HELL?!!!(Both said in thought while in shock)

Lucifer(Phone): I would like to talk business with you Mr.Hunter, I think that you and I should meet in person to discuss terms.

Fang: I see, I take that you want to hire me for something important.

Lucifer(Phone): You could say that, I want you to come to Pentagram City where I will be waiting at my daughters hotel. The name of the place is called Hazbin Hotel see you then.

Fang: I will be there sir.

Call ended

Fang: Sorry Lune, I got to go. Have to meet with the King of Hell.

WHAT?!!!(Blitz saids while barging into the room)

Blitz: Did you just say the king of hell wants to speak with you?!!!

Fang: Yea I guess it is something important probably business. Hard to believe the king of hell would be interested to speaking to someone like me.

Millie: What do you think he wants besides business?

Fang: I will know once I meet him at his daughters hotel. Who is his daughter anyway, I never knew the king himself had kids.

Loona: Her name is Charlie Morningstar, she is the princess of hell. Daughter of Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith. She is also the owner of the hotel in Pentagram City.

Moxxie: It used to be called Happy Hotel until it was changed to Hazbin Hotel, Millie and I saw it lots of times though never stayed at place.

Fang: Well looks like I will be seeing the place for myself. I will be back and I will inform all of you of what the king needs me for.

Blitz: If he talks about paying you for whatever he says take it.

Fang: I will see what I can do.

Loona: Be careful babe.

Fang: I will be fine Lune promise.

Fang headed outside to the parking lot and got on his bike and drove off towards the location where he will find the city know as Pentagram, he read about the area and heard about a lot of crazy nut jobs doing whatever they want as well as there being those overlords would want to become the strongest demons in all of hell.

Fang arrived at the city and it was a lot bigger than most cities in hell. He drove into the city where he saw a lot of assholes running around the streets causing chaos while the women were eying Fang with desire which included the female hellhounds. Fang didn't pay no mind to the people around him and just went to look for the hotel that he was asked to go until he saw a sign that said Hazbin Hotel. Fang drove over towards the sign and when he arrived, he looked upon the hotel that looked tall as well as something you see out of a fan fiction story though it looked more like a collage you see in the art museum.

Fang: Hazbin Hotel, huh not that bad of place especially when it's on top a dark hill. I might have to book a week vacation here though hope the services are good.

Fang walked over towards the front door of the place but not before taking pictures of the hotel itself because it looked badass. When he arrived at the front door he gave the door a couple of knocks before someone came running towards the door and opening it revealing a girl with blonde hair, white skin with red cheeks while also wearing a red suit.

Fang: Hello I'm looking for someone named Charlie Morningstar. I heard that she is the owner of this hotel.

Oh my gosh! Our first customer, welcome to Hazbin Hotel, my name is Charlie Morningstar. Princess of Hell, please come in come in!

Fang: Wow she's very cheerful, kind of reminds me of Marinette.(Fang saids in thought while entering the hotel)

Fang got a better look of the inside of place and he had to admit it looked even cooler from the inside though makes him wonder why no one in hell was coming to this place but he figure it out later because he needs to speak with Charlie's father.

Fang: Not that bad of a hotel you have here. I wouldn't mind booking a week vacation here.

Charlie: Really!

Fang: Sure as long as the services are good than I would be honor to stay at the hotel for couple weeks. Though I will think about it whenever I get time for myself since I work for IMP.

Charlie: Wait a minute, I think I saw you on the news. GASP! You're the HellWolf!

Fang: Seems like news about me has spread through hell.

Charlie: Oh my gosh I can't believe I am meeting the HellWolf who took out that psycho chick in the human world. I thought someone like her could be redeemed but after finding out that she did a lot of bad things especially insulting lesbian couples, that bitch doesn't deserve to be redeemed.

Fang: Tell me about it. I also shot her boy toy who was a complete moron but he's still alive though he will never walk again. As for her brainless minions I don't care what happens to them.

Charlie: Hope you don't mind can I get a selfie with you.

Fang: Sure why not.

Charlie smiled and took out her phone and snapped a shot of her with Fang which made the princess happy that she made a new friend and someone who wants to stay at the hotel whenever he gets time for himself.

Fang: So what is the reason for this hotel, I only been in hell for at least a month already still knowing more about what goes on.

Charlie: Oh well you would probably think this would be silly and kind of stupid but the reason for this hotel is that I want to see if I could get the people of hell to show them what it takes be redeemed so that they might have a chance to enter heaven if possible.

Fang: And I take that nobody enjoyed of what you told them about your plan.

Charlie: Yea...the only one who supported me is my girlfriend Vaggie. She stood by me while the people of hell laughed and made a mockery for my plan for redemption.

Fang: Well I think your idea would be brilliant, you just need more support and look for people who want to be redeemed. I mean sure hell is full of crackpots and scum but I am sure there are plenty of other people who want to be redeemed for the wrong doings they have done. Don't give up on your dream plan Charlie, I am sure with support and patience your dream could become a reality. If the people of hell don't see it, then what you need to do is show them some tough love.

Charlie: You really think so.

Fang: Of course, I used to be human in the human world before I became I HellWolf and I lived a great life and had friends who supported me.

Charlie: Then why were you sent to hell?

Fang: Lila Rossi.

Charlie: You were a victim of hers too.

Fang: After I killed her, the police shot me down for believing in the words of bitch and so did the former classmates of mine who took the side of a liar. Satan told me that heaven would take people who think they did some good but deep down those souls are people who like to manipulate others into getting what they want so I decided to come to hell and not be dragged into what lies in heaven.

Charlie: Surely there are good souls in heaven right.

Fang: Of course there are, but I don't trust some who did the wrong idea while manipulating others thinking they were a good person. Rossi did that before I killed her. I may have lost my life but I will always remember the people who stood by me and treated me like I was something special to them.

Charlie: That was beautiful. You're right I shouldn't let my dream die. I will keep doing what I need to do if I want to help these people even if they want help or not.

Fang: That's the spirit.

Charlie: So um what is the other reason you are here.

Fang: I got a call from your father, he wanted to discuss business with me, is he here by any chance.

Charlie: Oh yes I can take you to him. He told me that he would be expecting company while he visits.

Fang: Thank you Charlie.

Charlie: And after you're done with my dad, I could introduce you to everyone who is working at the hotel.

Fang: Sure.

Charlie: My dad is in the office waiting for you.

Charlie took Fang to the upstairs of the hotel where Lucifer is waiting for his guest to arrive and once near the door Charlie opened to reveal the king of hell himself sitting on his chair.

Lucifer: Ah my guest has arrive!

Fang: Pleasure to meet you in person your majesty.

Lucifer: Please come in, that will be all Charlie you may continue what you are doing.

Charlie: Okay bye dad, talk to later Fang.(Charlie saids then leaves the room)

Fang: You too.

Lucifer: Pleasure to final meet you Mr.Hunter or do you prefer Fang.

Fang: Fang is fine sir. 

When Fang was gonna go to Lucifer and shake his hand all of sudden Fang's hand went through Lucifer meaning that this wasn't Lucifer in person just a hologram. 

Lucifer: Sorry about that I forgot to mentioned that I am using this hologram projector because I'm still at my place working on something interesting hope you don't mind. 

Fang: Not at all sir, you're a busy man and I respect it. 

Lucifer: Excellent now come sit down Mr.Hunter so we can talk.

Fang: What is that you want to talk about sir?

Lucifer: Ever since you arrived in hell over a month ago, I started to admire your skills as an assassin. I must say your abilities as well as your strength amazes me Mr.Hunter and that is why I want to hire you for an important task.

Fang: I am listening.

Lucifer: You see there are people in other worlds who cheated themselves out of death in which they were suppose to come to hell so I can deal with them personally but they always manages to slip away and thats what ticks me off. But when I found out about you and the work you have done for over a month now, it gave me the idea that you would be perfect to complete my task for me and of course you will be paid handsomely for you job.

Fang: Interesting, what would I have to do sir?

Lucifer: I want you to kill some assholes who cheated out of death, I want you to destroy them, ripped them apart piece by piece until there is nothing left.

Fang: Where do I find these guys?

Lucifer: They are from other dimensions in which I know that Satan probably gave you something to travel to other worlds.

Fang: Yea he has sir, he gave me this ring with the red gem that allows me to travel to other dimensions.

Lucifer: I have a list of people here who I want dead and when they come to hell I will take care of the rest. I have bone to pick with these fuck faces and they will not get away from me this time.

Fang: May I see the list sir.

Lucifer: Sure.

Lucifer hands Fang the list of people he has to kill in which there was a group of four people on the list in which Fang would need to got to these other worlds and kill the scumbags.

Fang: Only four?

Lucifer: There are others but these ones are on my top list. I will also provide you a weapon to kill them, I have been waiting a long time to kill these bastards.

Lucifer takes out a briefcase that contained a weapon and when he opened it and showed it to Fang, the HellWolf was in awe of the gun he was seeing and it looked like it was made to be used for a HellWolf.

Fang: Whistle! That is a badass shotgun.

Lucifer: This is your new weapon Mr.Hunter for hunting down these bastards. These bullets you see are what you need to kill them with. I had these and the gun made especially for you and only you.

Fang: I think this would be a lot of fun to use. So hunt down these assholes from other worlds, kill them and I get paid seems faire.

Lucifer: Then we have a deal then Mr.Hunter.

Fang: I guess we do sir, though who will be my first target on the list.

Lucifer: Your first target would be this guy, he's a dark spirit who has been sealed away for over a thousand years in a place called the spirit realm. He was sealed by a being called an Avatar who can control the four elements, I want you to go to that world and destroy that bastard because I am thinking of turning him into a rug carpet.

Fang: What does he look like?

Lucifer: This is what he looks like, so once you arrive you will know.

Fang: Never killed anything like this before, I will enjoy killing this guy.

Lucifer: Also if he happens to merge himself with someone of that world might as well kill the person he merged with.

Fang: Very well. And he calls himself Vaatu strange name for a dark spirit.

Lucifer: Yea but soon he will be my new rug.

Fang: When do I get started?

Lucifer: He wont be free from his prison in about two weeks so that is plenty of time to continue with your job at IMP. If you finish with this job, I will pay $300,000 million for each death you kill for the guys on that list. Also don't worry I am loaded.

Fang: $300,000 million I'll take it. Your majesty you got yourself a HellWolf assassin ready to kill these bastards from other dimensions.

Lucifer: Excellent, I will call to let you know when you need to kill Vaatu.

Fang: Very well, good doing business with you sir.

Lucifer: You as well.

Fang leaves the room and heads back down where he see's Charlie at the front desk with a girl next to her. Charlie see's Fang coming over to greet.

Charlie: Hey how did the meeting go?

Fang: It went well, though your father wasn't really there but a hologram of him. But other than that your dad has tasked me to hunt down these guys on this list here who cheated themselves out of death and I will be paid for each kill.

Charlie: Yea my dad is a busy guy he hardly visits. Oh! Fang this is my girlfriend Vaggie, Vaggie this Fang.

Fang: Pleasure to meet you miss Vaggie, cool spear.

Vaggie: Are you that HellWolf from the news?

Fang: I am.

Vaggie: Charlie told me that you killed the human known as Lila Rossi, I hated that bitch for saying us lesbians are disgusting, if I saw her I would have killed her myself.

Fang: Luckily for you I have no disrespect for lesbian couples especially you and Charlie because I think you both make a wonderful couple. I know that you want to keep Charlie safe and not allow anyone bring harm to her. That is something a girlfriend with a strong back bone would do for someone they love.

Vaggie: You're not like the guys I met. Most of them just want our bodies.

Fang: Because I am more mature and I know how to treat a lady with respect. I also don't care for anything sexual like the scumbags in hell, I want to take my relationship slow before I do anything. I can tell that you and Charlie are doing the same thing as me.

Charlie: We are.

Fang: Good to know, also miss Vaggie I don't think that kind of spear would help you defend Charlie.

Vaggie: What do you suggest I use then.

Fang: Invoquer une lance énergétique.

Fang uses his summoning spell to summon a spear that left both Charlie and Vaggie in shock until Fang pulled out the spear but not any spear but a energy blast spear that is both powerful and deadly at the same time.

Fang: I think this spear would be more suitable for your need. It's an energy spear both powerful and deadly, you kill lots of people who would dare lay a hand on Charlie and it fires a red energy blast. To fire the blast you just have to say the words Le Feu de l'enfer which means Hell Fire.

Vaggie: Whoah...for real.

Fang: It's yours, you deserve a weapon that can be use for defense as well as to protect your girlfriend. Also consider it as a gift for a new friend as well as Charlie.

Charlie: I would love to be friends!

Vaggie: Okay you I am all right with it's the others I don't trust.

Fang: It takes time to trust someone even if they are assholes and jerks.

Charlie: Oh! I should introduce you to the others come on.

Fang: What the others like?(Fang whispers to Vaggie)

Vaggie: One's a drinker who works in the bar, one is a excited little girl demon, another is a sexually disgusting pervert who has a spider like body while the other is an overlord but he is very dangerous and don't make a deal with him.

Fang: And which overlord is it, I only been here for a month so I am still knowing about what goes on in hell.

Vaggie: His name is Alastor, The Radio Demon.

Fang: I heard that name Alastor from somewhere before, but where.(Fang saids in thought)

Vaggie: The Radio Demon is one of the most powerful beings hell has ever seen. Decades ago, Alastor manifested in hell seemingly overnight, he began to topple overlords who had been dominant for centuries that kind of raw power had never been hardness by a mortal soul before then he broadcasted his carnage all throughout hell just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners started calling him The Radio Demon as lazy as that is. Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our worlds most ancient and destructive evils but one thing is for sure he's unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery and a violent monster of chaos the likes of which we can't risk getting involved with unless we embraced.

Fang: Wow that was deep. Though his name sounds familiar to me like I read about it somewhere.

Vaggie: What ever you do don't make a deal with him.

Fang: I will keep that in mind.

Both Fang and Vaggie entered the room where Charlie went introduce the other people in the hotel to Fang.

Charlie: Fang this is Angel Dust. Angel this is Fang.

Angel: Whistle! Hello big muscle. 

Fang: I take that he's the sexual one.(Fang whispers to Vaggie)

Vaggie: Sigh...yes he is.

Angel: You got some nice muscles big boy and nice coat of fur hows about you little old me suck your....

Fang: If you say those next three words and I will put a powerful magical seal on you that will prevent you from having sex with anyone or think of anything sexual and trust me the seal will also shock you until you're nothing dust.(Fang saids with his vicious HellWolf glare that have Angel shivers down his spine)

Angel: Okay..big bad wolf now you scare me.

Vaggie: Finally someone has the balls to shut you up.

Angel: I cannot help for what I am I was born this way.

Charlie: Anyway over there by the bar is Husker.

Fang: Hey.

Husker: Whatever.(Husker saids while drinking a beer)

Charlie: And we also have...huh where did she go?

Fang: Hm?

Fang felt something touching his tail and looked behind him and saw a little demon girl with one eye who was snuggling into Fang's tail.

Fang: Uh would this be the excited one you told me about Vaggie.

Vaggie: Yea that's her.

Charlie: Fang this is Nifty.

Nifty: Hi there! I love your tail it's so fluffy!!

Fang: Uh thanks I guess.

Nifty: Wow you are so tall and muscular and your claws and teeth are so sharp!

Fang: This girl is full of energy excitement yet deadly at the same time.(Fangs saids in thought)

Charlie: And this the Radio Demon, his name is Alastor.

Fang looked over towards the last guy who wore a red suit while looking like red headed dear with black antlers while also holding a radio microphone but also has a huge demon smile on his face which made Fang remember something he read in the history books and saw that face he is seeing right now.

Alastor: Why hello there sonny boy! Names Alastor pleasure to meet you welcome to Hazbin Hotel my I haven't seen someone like you in hell before.

Fang: Pleasure to meet you too and I only arrived here about a month ago.

Alastor: Well I must say for all the hellhounds I have seen wondering around you are by far the biggest one I have ever seen.

Charlie: Actually he's a HellWolf the very first one.

Alastor: A HellWolf you say well that is something new to me. Why I haven't seen anything like this since that death incident that took place of 1929.

Fang: Now I recognize you. I know that face and that smile from anywhere.

Alastor: Oh I see someone knows of my reputation how fabulous! I am quite well known in all of hell.

Fang: Oh I'm not talking about hell, I'm talking about who you were back in the human world.

Alastor(Demonic voice): Really because thats hard to believe coming from someone who just arrived here over a month ago.

Fang(Demonic Voice): I know all about you like that fact that your real name is actually Alastor Kirby the comedian from the radio station in a place called Happy Fun Time Land. Does that ring any bells to you smiley.

Everyone felt the extreme raw power coming from Fang whose aura was more deadly and stronger then anything in which Alastor felt the HellWolf's power and it caused him to shrink under the pressure that someone is even more powerful than he is but also shocked that Fang revealed a dark hidden truth about him that he never told anyone.

Vaggie: Wait, Happy Fun Time Land?

Husker: The son of bitches last name is Kirby? Wow that's hard to believe.

Fang: It's all true, he's well known in the human world. He was a comedy guy on the radio who likes to joke around and tell puns but also act like a goof until it all went downward when his life became a living hell that he lost his job and turn to a life of a serial killer. It's all in the history books back in the world of the living. I even found a picture of him when he was human, I knew that face and smile looked familiar. Happy Fun Time Land was a theme park and Alastor was in charge of being the comedy guy who tells jokes and try to get people to laugh until everyone saw that his jokes and puns were lame.

Everyone but Alastor saw the picture of him when he was human and their jaws dropped to the ground of what the Radio Demon looked like before he became an overlord and once of the most feared beings in hell.

Husker: Pfff...hahaha that is what the son of bitch looks like!! Hahaha oh please send me that picture.

Angel: Well at least he still has his smile.

Charlie: Minus the creepy smile and eyes, he looks so normal.

Vaggie: Even as a human he looks dangerous.

Fang: He's like the Jack The Ripper of the early 20's. He was the top most wanted serial killer in his time until he died in the year of 1933. Even though he is no longer part of the living, the history about him still stands. So Alastor am I correct on your history or what?

Everyone looked to see Alastor but he appears that he fainted he actually fainted that left the room in silent until Husker and Angel burst out laughing.

Husker: Hahahahahahaha!!!! The son of bitch fainted he actually fainted hahahahaha!!! I wish I had a camera.

Angel: Hahahahaha! Wow that's the first time we see him do that.

Fang: I think the knowledge of truth was too much for the poor guy.

Vaggie: Or probably your aura, I mean it felt like Alastor was crumbling to his knee's. Are you by any chance stronger than him.

Fang: I wouldn't know, I never saw his demon form but there could be a possibility that I am stronger than him not sure yet.

Nifty: He's all right just got the wind knocked out of him!

Fang: Well as much as I want to stick around, I should be heading back to work. Though it was nice meeting you Charlie as well as you Vaggie good luck with the hotel. Also best not to tease Alastor about his past because he might kill you for it.

Charlie: Oh wait before you got here's both mine and Vaggie's number if you wanna hangout some time.

Fang: Thanks. See you later.

Fang headed out of the hotel and got back on his bike and when he left the grounds of the hotel, someone was walking up the street towards the hotel who shared similarities to Alastor but this one was female who wore dark pink instead of red. She looked and saw who left the hotel in which caused her to blush as well as eye the HellWolf with interest. The female was known as Alice, The Musical Demon and sister of Alastor.

Alice: 🎶 Ooh whose that charming and very handsome wolf that drove by me.🎶💖 We shall meet again my dear because I have set my eyes and heart upon you. For now better go check on my brother and see how he is doing.

As soon as Fang returned to IMP, he informed everyone about his task for Lucifer in which everyone was shocked and amazed that Fang is being paid a lot of money to kill four guys that Lucifer wants dead meaning for each kill Fang gets a lot of money. Though he had to wait two weeks until he is called to kill the first target on the list giving him time to do his job for IMP.

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