Chp.5 Spring Broken

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Couple days have passed now since (YN) have been working with Blitz and the others, and yet he was starting to get along with more with Loona as well and getting to know her much as day, Blitz, Loona, Millie, And Moxie we're making their way to work on their vans as Blitz was driving crazy as he arrived to the parking lot and head over to his own parking space...until suddenly, a pink fashion car stole his parking spot...

Blitz: H-Holy shit fuck!

Blitz stepped on the brakes quick enough to not end up getting crash as he realizes the vehicle stole his parking spot...

Loona: Uh-Oh...

Blitz: OOOOHH you suck for life do ya?!!

Blitz exited his van and confronted to the person that stole his parking spot...

Blitz: Hey listen up you utterly dumb fuck! You have two god damn seconds to get the hell out of my parking spot or I will-

And suddenly, the person who came out from the vehicle was rather to be a female demon, and yet to were so much fashion outfit...her name is Verosika Mayday...

Blitz: ...Oh shit! Verosika?!

Verosika: *sighs* Blitzo...

Blitz: Tch, I should have known you be here, I could smell fish for miles, which is odd cause I believe the nearest ocean is three rings down!

Verosika: And I should have know you be here when I heard the amber alerts going on.

Blitz: Oh yeah? I'm surprised you left your fatass out of rehab. See you're still a drunk hore, clenching on that bielsa juice bottle like it's the last cock in hell!

Verosika: Hehe, they let me out of here cause I'm famous, and rehab is for sad losers wash ups...and your sister says Hi.

Blitz: Nrgh! Fuck all of that, tell me why are parked here?! This is the only parking spot the company have! So take that tampon race cars of yours out of here!

Verosika: Actually prick, it has my name on it, hehe. You see, I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitive more successful company in the building, and they wanted to have me coming here this week and lead their team during spring break.

Blitz: A week?! No no! You are not parking here!

Verosika: Says who Blitzy~? You snooze, you lose. Now do me a favor and leva eke alone and go choke on a sandpaper you cock.

Verosika walks away as Blitz tries to stop her...

Blitz: Hey hold up! You better move that pussy wagons of yours or I'll-

Suddenly, Blitz realizes someone huge approach behind him, as it was a tall hell hound, and yet to seemingly to be scary...his name is Vortex...

Vortex: *growls* You'll what?

Blitz: O-Oh...Uhm...holy shit your tall.

Verosika: This here is my new hellhound bodyguard, Vortex, and he does his job well unlike you. Let's go Vortex.

Vortex: Hm.

Verosika: Ta-Ta, fuck face.

And so, Verosika and Virtex leaves to the building...

Blitz: *sighs* That's what I get for wasting time with a bunch of bag holes like that-

Loona: You know Verosika Mayday?!?

Blitz: Eh?? Oh yeah, her yeah, me and her dated before...

Millie: Was it before, or after she became a pop-star-

Moxie: You dated a pop-star!?

Blitz: Okay why are you all acting like it's a big shock??

Loona: Hello? It's Verosika Mayday.

Millie:'s you.

Moxie: I-I she blind??? Suffering with some sort of brain damage???

Millie: What was her sex like~?

Moxie: MILLIE!!

Millie: What??? It's a pop-star, besides you wanted to know what sex with Michael Crawford was like.

Moxie: ....Toché.

Suddenly, (YN) arrived to the parking spot as he came walking...Loona notiecs him as she was happy to see him as she wags her tail...

Loona: Hey (YN)!

(YN): Hey Loona, hey guys, what's up??

Blitz: Oh nothing (YN), we were just-

Millie: Blitz dated a pop-Star.

Moxie: A POP-STAR!!!

Loona: Yeah, he did.

(YN): Blitz?? Dated a pop-star??

Moxie: I know, crazy right?

Blitz: Oh can we just forget about it?! Let's just go in and do our work, (YN), do me a favor and park our van somewhere else yea??

(YN): Sure thing.

Blitz: Cool, the rest of you let's go.

And so, Blitz and the others enter the building while (YN) parks the van...soon they all arrive to their floor and head to their office...

Loona: Aw shit, hey guys do I look good? I don't wanna look stupid in front of Verosika.

Blitz: Oh don't you worry Loony, you look beautiful as always.

Loona: *grunts* Shut up Da-

Blitz: *gaps in shock*

Loona: I mean Blitz!

Blitz: Awww.

As Loona was walking and not paying attention, she bumps into Vortex...

Loona: O-Oh! S-Sorry...

Vortex: Heh, it's cool, no worries.

Suddenly, Loona started to get a little blush while seeinf Vortex...

Loona Mind: W-Woah...wait, the hell am I doing!?

Blitz: Okay listen you! Where's your bitch bag of your employer?!

Vortex: She sin her office...there wasn't room on the second floor so they building a new on here.

Which is aside to Blitz office...

Blitz: Oh come on!!

Vortex: Hehe, sorry.

Vortex walks away to Verosika's office...

Blitz: Nrrrgh!!

Moxie: Sir, why don't I go reason without her? Surely she'll listen to me.

Blitz: Heh, I would love to see that, but go anyways.

Moxie: Alrighty then.

Millie: Careful babe.

Moxie: I will sweetie.

And so, Moxie enters Verosika's office, as she started talking with her...and through the glass window, Blitz and them can see the conversation happening...until Verosika and one of her friends surrounded Moxie...and started beating him up...

Loona: Oh shit!

Millie: Moxie!

Blitz: Oh fuck Moxie! Don't let her access any of your holes!

After that, Moxie manages to escape the room, as he was beaten up...and having his face left with kissing marks...

Moxie: I-I need to lie down...

Moxie collapses as Millie checks up on him...

Blitz: Oh this won't fucking stand!

Blitz bursts in Verosika's room as her and her friends notices...

Blitz: Alright you cunts! If you're gonna be shitty to my employees, then I will challenge you into a...a...challenge! ....fuck I said that twice...

Demon Lady: Mmmmm~is this demon tryna have a demon dual here~??

Verosika: I think he is, hehe~ what's the game then, Blitzo~?

Blitz: Every year you STD spreaders go up for topside easy pickings while spring break is a prime time for crime of all kinds! So I bet you Sucu-Bitches can't fuck as many people as we can off by the end of the day!

Verosika: Oh really?? Then game on...bitch.

Blitz: It's is on you slut!

Suddenly, (YN) arrives in the scene...

(YN): Hey Blitz, I'm back, and how come there's another office here?? Do we have-

Suddenly, Verosika focus her attention on (YN) as she had her eyes on him...

Verosika: Well Well Well...who do we have here~?

Verosika and her friends approach to (YN)...

(YN): O-Oh! Can I help you ladies??

Verosika: Why yes we do, cutie~we wanna know your name~

Demon Lady: Yea, tell us~

(YN): Hehe, the names (YN). Nice to meet you all...I guess.

While Verosika and her friends were having a little chat with (YN), Loona was seeing everything as she felt...bothered by it and yet annoyed as well by Verosika and her friends being up to (YN) close and being too nice with him...

(YN): Wait, you're Verosika Mayday?? The pop-star singer???

Verosika: Why yes I am sweetie~

(YN): *chuckles* Blitz, is this the pop-star they were talking about you dating??

Blitz: Oh not you too!

Verosika: Oh? You know Blitzo??

(YN): Yea, he's my boss, working for him.

Verosika: Oh really~well your boss here gave me a demon dual challenge against me, so I'll be seeing you later, cutie~

Blitz: Come on (YN), let's get out here already, smells like fish here.

And so, (YN) exits the office with Blitz as Blitz, Moxie and Millie walked over to their Loona walks up to (YN) with her arms crossed and with a little bothered look on her face and says to him..

Loona: was it talking with Verosika?

(YN): Oh, well I mean she's okay I guess.

Loona: Hmm. Good for you.

(YN): Hm?

Loona: Nothing, anyways I'll see you in the office.

Loona walks away with still her arms crossed and bothered as (YN) looked kinda confused ....

(YN): ...Okaayyyyyy.

Later on, they all were in the office as Blitz talks about his idea on how to beat Verosika...

Blitz: Alright shut your assholes you guys this is how we are gonna do this shit! First we find a fuck tons of clients, then buckle them up, and have our murder time with them, pile them up in one big fucking canoe, and light them on fire and have sharks eat them, win the bet, run it on that sloppy drinking bitch's face! So, any questions?

Moxie: Uh yeah, why was that nonsense?

Blitz: That wasn't a question.

Moxie: That wasn't a plan either sir.

Blitz: Sorry Mox, but this has to be the best flawless idea I have ever came up with.

Loona: Oh hey guys, is it cool if I join you this time?

Blitz: Absolutely not! Not gonna happen! Sorry, never! Sorry sweetie but spring break isn't vulnerable for goth girls! You know the kind of FREAKS up there who drew all over you!

*Looks at the fans/fandom people*

Loona: ...Well anyways, I can blend in with people easy enough. Let me tag along for once.

Blitz: Wait, say that again?

Loona: I can...blend in??

Millie: You have a disguise??

Loona: Yeah, don't you all??

Blitz/Moxie/Millie: .........

Loona: ...You three have been screwing around on earth this whole fucking time, WITHOUT HUMAN DISGUISES?!?

Blitz: ...U-Uh...(YN)! What about you?? Do you have a disguise??

(YN): Oh, well yeah, I mean I use to go to the living world back then and make myself human...but not anymore...

Loona: Tch, to talk with other girls.

(YN): Eh?

Loona: N-Nothing! Nothing.

Blitz: Sweet! Okay new plan! Loony and (YN) can help lure the humans with their disguises to us, and take care of them! How about that?

Millie: Flawless object.

Moxie: I think you're missing the biggest issue here sir, isn't it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We aren't just going to massacre.

Blitz: Ha! I got that covered Mox.

Not even a minute later, Blitz posted a flyer on the small one...

Blitz: Hehe, and now we wait.

Moxie: Sir, with all due respect, there is no way that we are going to get enough clients by the end of the day with one, horribly, spelling bad grammar flyer-

And suddenly...a lot of client looked at the flyer and bought it...

Moxie: ...

Blitz: Hehe, told ya. Okay, now who's first?

While gathering client for the spring break, they all headed to the living world and arrive to a beach and a pier where a lot of people enjoying the spring break at the beach, lots of muscle dudes and babes in bikinis, soon Blitz and the others arrive and hiding under the bridged and not to be seen...

Blitz: Okay now remember, we can't be seen and loose shots will likely cause a panic, so Loona and (YN) will help us lead our targets to a right spot for us to kill. You got the list Loony?

Loona: Got it, okay, here goes.

And so, Loona uses a spell to transform her werewolf form into a human form as blue aura starred to appear around her body and turn herself into a human...

Blitz: Woooooah Loony look at you! You're downright...awful! I am so proud!

(YN) sees Loona in her human form as Loona notiecs...

Loona: What?

(YN):'s look...great.

Loona: *blushes and looks away* Wh-Whatever.

Blitz: Okay (YN), your up.

(YN): Right.

(YN) soon started to turn his demon form into a human as flames appeared around his body, and after, turn himself into a human as well...

(YN): Alrighty then.

Loona blushes as she gets to see (YN) in his human disguise, (YN) notiecs as Loona looks away quickly, arms crossed...

Blitz: Alright, now go get them!

And so, (YN) and Loona both went and go get the people that are in the list to be killed, Loona took care of the dude as (YN) took care of the ladies, and as they do and lewd them to Blitz, Mox and Millie, they ended up killing the humans that are suppose to be killed, they kept doing it over and over and over until sunset hit as Blitz and them collected dead bodies...

Blitz: Alright, that's 15 body counts, hehe, I like to see that Whaley snatch orgasm kill that many-

Verosika: Alright spring breakers!

Suddenly, on the stage, someone was about to perform and sing, and yet, she appeared out of the smoke, and it was none other than Verosika, in her human form...

Verosika: Are y'all ready to get tucked up and bake bitching bad choices?!

The crowd cheers for she started singing....

-Here's a little clip of her singing-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Now after seeing a clip of Verosika singing, and yet she kept on singing still as the crowd was going with the flow, and yet started making out together while hearing her singing...

Blitz: God damn it that bitch started singing her godish mating call! Now she's pick up the win, we gotta catch up guys! Loona, is this prick puking aside me on the list?!

Loona: Huh??? O-Oh...yeah...I think so....

Loona sounded...a bit sad, as (YN) suddenly started to talk with some babes as she sees him making them laugh...and making her a bit annoyed about it...suddenly, she then notiecs to spot Verosika's hellhound, Vortex, in his human form...

So, she decided to go up to him...and talk with Blitz and the others doing the work...

Blitz: Okay he's down! Who's next-

He realizes Loona was gone...

Blitz: Loona?! Loony!! Where are you?! Where's my baby?!!

Millie: Over there!

Blitz notices Loona walking over to the crowd...

Blitz: Wha?! Where is she going?!

(YN): Hey, take it easy Blitz, you Mox and Millie take care of the work, I'll go and get Loona.

Blitz: Okay.

Back with Loona, she then somehow was getting nervous to approach to she suddenly was getting distracted and being blocked by the crowd...until she realizes that Vortex left with someone dragging to their feet and tossing him to the garbage as Vortex stood there as Loona goes up to him...

Verosika: Now, who wants a piece of this?!

Verosika suddenly tosses her bottle of liquor to the the liquor spreads and somehow started to react all of the sudden....meanwhile...Loona got to Vortex and started chatting with him..

Loona: Heeeyyyyy....You, hehe.

Vortex: Oh hey, you're the other hound working for my boss's freaky ex, right?

Loona: Hehe, y-yeah, that's me, sorry if that's weird...

Vortex: It's cool, her beef ain't mine, I'm not paid enough to care.

Loona: Yeah! I mean, yeah..hehe...b-by the way...I'm Loona...

Vortex: Hehe, Cool, nice to meet you Loona, Names Vortex. But you can call me Tex, that's how my friends call me

Loona: C-Cool! *nervously laughs* C-Cool you have friends cause hehe...I-I don't have that much friends...hehe...

Suddenly, (YN) arrives...

(YN): Sorry for the interruption.

Vortex: It's cool man, no need to worry at all.

(YN): Very well, Uh Hey Loona, we kinda need Youre help more, so could you mind coming back and-

Loona: Oh really? Cause it seems like your having fun talking with other girls and don't seem to be working.

(YN): What?? What are you-

Loona: Look forget it okay?! Just get out of here and do your job okay?! I'm a bit busy here.

(YN): ...Okay! First off, what the hell is wrong with you?! And second, what's with the attitude against me?! What did I do to you??

Suddenly, Loona and (YN) were starting to have a heated conversation with each other...

Blitz: Whats going on?? Why are Loony and (YN) arguing?? What's their beef???

Moxie: I don't know, but we lost them, seems like we gotta do this job ourselves right??

Blitz: Seems like it, but I'm wondering what their arguing?? But we'll deal with that later, for now let's go kill more humans and win that challenge!

Millie: Hell yeah!

While Blitz Mox and Millie go on and continue killing people, (YN) and Loona continue their argument...

(YN): So is that why you're angry at me?! Cause I'm talking to other girls?! Why does that bother you?!

Loona: You won't understand cause you won't listen! Now get out of here, your making a scene and get us to shit!

(YN): Oh now I get it, seeing me talking with girls, makes you think that talking with guys like him will make me mad too?!

Loona: Oh what?! So I can't catch a break?! Your not my boss anyways.

(YN): We have a job to do Loona!

Loona: Nrrrgh fuck (YN)! Can you just stay out of my business?!

(YN): I am trying to get you focus on your job here! And I'm your friend to help you stay focus on your job-

Loona: And why the hell does that even matter anyways?!? I never needed you then nor now! Not even when you first came and met you! I don't now! Never! So go and talk with some other girls to like you expect me!

Loona turns around with her arms (YN) felt...literally upset about it...but didn't wanted to say anything back....and turns around....
Not even 10 seconds...Loona started to realize of what was she talking about....and regrets it already, of how she went a bit too she turns around, felts bad for what she said to (YN)...

Loona: U-Uh...(Y-YN)...I-Listen...I-I didn't mean to say those things....I really don't, I-

(YN): No No, it's cool. You know what? ...Let's forget it okay? Don't wanna talk about it, nor wanna bring that up....especially don't wanna talk to you anymore.

Loona felt sad to hear what (YN) told her...

Loona: (YN)...I'm-

(YN): Forget it, okay?...Enjoy your break.

(YN) walks Loona felt terribly Vortex heard everything...

Vortex: Damn girl, that was...damn, but hey, you okay?

Loona: Y-Yeah, I am...don't worry...he'll probably forget it and get over it....I hope...

Meanwhile, Back with Blitz, Mox and Millie, the three kept on killing...
until suddenly...something humongous merge out from the a huge mutated sea monster everyone notices it...even Verosika and her friends...and the sea monster was created by Verosika's liquor...

The people at the beach panicked and started running away...soon the sea monster was causing a rampage at the beach as it extend its tongue and gets Moxie...

Blitz: Oh shit!

Millie: Moxie! Blitz, we gotta get him now!

Blitz: Right! Let's go!

Millie and Blitz ran and swim to the ocean as the two used their blades to climb up to the sea monsters mouth and Millie using her demon strength to forcefully open the monsters mouth as Moxie was trying to free himself...

Moxie: Millie! Sir!

Millie: Grab my hand!

Moxie reaches for Millies hand as he grabs it as Blitz cuts the monsters tongue to let Moxie free, the monster screams in pain as it spat the three of them out from his mouth...
Suddenly, the sea monster focus on (YN) as he was standing still, turning the opposite direction arms crossed as the monster rushes at him...Blitz and the others notices it...

Blitz: Oh shit (YN) get out of there!

Moxie: Dude run!

Millie: Run!

Loona: (Y-YN)?!!? ...(YN)!!!

Loona notices it as well....until the monster approach to (YN) and yet places it's whole mouth and suddenly crashes (YN) and swallows him....

Loona: NOO!!!! No!!!!

Blitz: N-No fucking way....!

Everything was quiet....
Until the monster started to act the inside of his body started to move around...and yet, several slices started to open his body, and a bunch of blood pouring out, and his eyes being taken out as well...and soon...(YN) burst out from the monsters gut as the monsters collapses to the ocean and dies as (YN) was in the air...and lands on the ground safely....

(YN): Hmph.

Blitz and the others run up to him...

Blitz: Holy shit! That's was so fucking scary and cool at the same time?! How are you not dead?!?

(YN): ...I keep trying telling you that I'm-

Blitz: Look that doesn't matter now, what matters is that you're okay!

(YN): *sighs* ...yeah, I am.

Moxie: We all are.

Loona wanted to say something to (YN)...but she realizes (YN) looking at her for a second, and looks away as Loona felt bad knowing what she said to him....afterwards, Verosika and her friends approach to Blitz and them...

Verosika: Blitzo.

Blitz: Oh wow, look who it is, the hores.

Verosika: You know...that was handle rather...obvious. Don't you think?

Millie pulls out a bottle of liquor, and knowing it was Verosika's...

Millie: I don't think this belongs to any of us, hehe.

Moxie: You know, it would be a shame if anyone found out you guys were behind on the giant monster fish in the human world.

Blitz: And also...we could keep this little "Bee movie" scene on the down low...if you agree to let us take back our parking space???

Verosika: .....Fine!

Blitz: Hahahaha!!! We fucking won!!!

Moxie: Hell yeah!

Millie: Fuck yeah!

(YN): ...Woo-Hoo...

Loona: Y-Yeah...w-woo-hoo...

Blitz: In your face bitch! Alright guys, let's fo and celebrate and get our fat van to park on our fat fucking parking space!

Verosika: Whatever! Come on, let's get out of here! Tex!

Vortex: Going.

Vortex approaches to Loona as he tells her...

Vortex: Hey, Loona...I know you and that (YN) guy have a thing together, I can tell. So if I were you, I say you two should patch things up together, he seems to care about you.

Loona: Yea...he does. Thanks...

Vortex: Heh, anytime...well, see ya.

Loona: Yea, later...

Vortex walks away with Verosika and the others to the portal to their underworld, and so as Blitz and them...and Loona seeing (YN) walking to their portal, and not even looking at Loona Ashe was very upset with her....

Loona: ...I really fucked this one up.


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