Chp.6 The Truth Seekers

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So some couple days have passed...and yet things haven't been looking pretty good between Loona and (YN) after the whole conversation they during the spring break....they have never looked eye to eye, nor even talk to each other, Loona wanted to talk with (YN), but she knew (YN) was upset with her still...and well...Loona couldn't do anything else...she felt awful, and yet she ruined everything from their relationship between them...they had something, and it was more than just being friends...and Loona screw it up...
One the living world, TV screens were to be shown as the TV's were showing footages of Blitz, Millie, Moxie Loona and (YN)...

Male Agent: Right there! He was the first sighting!

Female Agent: Definitely from hell, they've just use that dark magic book to come over to our world. They seem to be killing specifically targeted people, but why?

Male Agent: They always attack in random, left from right all over the country! I mean who knows when they can show up next.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from the alley way as the two agents peak out the window...and sees Blitz...

Female: Hehe, well that's convenient. Let's get him.

In the alley way...

Blitz: Okay Mox, we cannot be seen, remember.

Blitz falls down and makes such noise...

Moxie: *sighs* Sir with all due respect, but you're currently being the loudest.

Blitz: I said shush your dick sucking lips Moxie!

Moxie: Hmmmm.

Suddenly, a portal appeared from the wall as Loon and Millie waited for Moxie and Blitz to come back to their world...

Blitz: Moxie get down!

Blitz drops Moxie to the ground as a net was shot towards Moxie, as if someone was trying to capture it...and yet it was the Male Agent, as the Female Agent arrived as well...

Moxie: Loona! Close it!

Loona: R-Right!

Millie: Wait no!

Loona shuts the portal as Blitz and Moxie have to deal with the agents...soon the agents shot Moxie with a tranquilizer shot and hit him to his neck, as Moxie started to lose balance and get dizzy and he collapses to the floor unconscious...

Blitz: Moxie!

Blitz rushes to Moxie and carries him in his arms and runs down the alley to get away from the agents...but then he soon ended up in a dead end as the two agents pointed their tuna at Blitz as Blitz pulls out his gun...

Blitz: Stay away you tuxedo-wearing fucks!

The male agent without hesitation shot Blitz with a taser gun and Moxie as well as he put them down to sleep...

Male Agent: Haha! I would love to see the suits in corporate Corp see the looks on their faces when they see this.

Female Agent: You said it.

Meanwhile, back at hell, in Blitz office, Millie with such anger and frustration, she was punching the wall and wanted to go back and save Moxie and Blitz...she drop her knees to the ground and crying...

Millie: Shit! Shit Shit Shit!! No! Blitz....Moxie!!!

Loona: Hey Cool it Millie!

Millie: Cool it?! Why would I do that?! Why the hell did you close the portal?!

Loona: Hey I'm sorry okay?! I panicked a little! Look, wipe those tears off your face, we're getting them back from those fuckers!

Millie: Y-Yeah! We are! Okay, let's gear up!

Loona packs some things in her backpack, as Millie carries her axe on her arms as Loona turns herself into her human form as both her and Millie enter the living world again...and yet...the boys are no where to seen...

Millie: Fuck! Where could have they taken them?!

Loona uses her nose to smell the scent of Moxie and Blitz...

Loona: They went straight ahead! Hop on my bag, let's get those dumbass twins.

Millie a hops behind Loona's bag as Loona and her make their way to go get Blitz and they do, Loona pulls out her phone...and yet to go to (YN)'s she realizes the last time they texted....was a 3 weeks....after the whole argument they had that's she texted him...

"Hey...listen...I know your still mad at me, but we really need your help, Blitz and Mox got taken by humans, and we need and come as soon as you can."

And sends the text...and she hopes that he receives the message...
. a random room, Moxie was waking he realizes that he was tied up with Blitz as well...and soon the female agent points the lamp towards his face...

Female Agent: Finally awake little guy? Your buddy there as well and he looked like he enjoyed his little nap.

Blitz: *sighs* Look shitbag, it'll take much more to take me down alright? The tranquilizers and taser guns may caught me off guard back there, but not anymore.

Soon the male agent points the lamp at Blitz face...

Male Agent: Okay demon scum, who do you work for?? Satan??

Female Agent: How did you get here from the afterlife?

Male Agent: Why are you killing humans? When did you showed up here?

Blitz: Okay I'm gonna stop you right there bitch. First off, we just woke up from a nasty shock nap and I am still feeling woozy, so I suggest you two get us some coffee and get this over with. I mean it happens often in the movies, so I want mines iced bitch! Moxie?

Moxie: Yes, I'll have Neapolitan cappuccino, make sure it's got no four ounces of milk, the beans won't have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name correctly, they always put roxy or foxy and I hate that. If not, then I'll have a traditional misto, please make sure it has soy milk with two blonde shots, affogato and ristretto, and also I would LOVE three vanillas pops and-

Male Agent: ENOUGH! We aren't getting you coffee!

Blitz: Wow, I was kinda getting massive douche vibe chills, congrats hehe.

Female: If you two won't talk, then we will use torture methods to make you talk you hell beasts!

Moxie: When you say "tortured", do you mean physical or psychological? Physical seems counterproductive; we would likely tell you anything if it meant an end to the pain, and you have no way of knowing what was true.

Blitz: Or we might like it too much.

Male Agent: What do you mean by that??

Blitz: Oh, you're stupid, huh? I can work with stupid. Daddy Likey Dummy! Haha!

Blitz: Hahahahahahaha! Good one sir!

Male Agent: Stop laughing!

Female Agent: Yeah, your the ones at our mercy!

Moxie: I mean, It's hard to resist, I'm really sorry. I mean, considering your approach thus far, you've had us tied up here for what, hours? And you haven't even had us confirm what exactly we are!

Male Agent: So what are you?!

Moxie: A Virgo!

Blitz: HAAA!!! Good one Mox!

Male Agent: Oooh a smart guy Eh?

Female Agent: One more quip out of you and we'll shut you up!

Blitz: Oh! Getting kinky I see??

Both the agents recoil back to the wall with sock and fear...

Agent Male: N-No! No No! We are NOT playing any of your vile demon trick games!

Blitz: I mean that's what it sounds back there, you sickos, hehe.

Moxie: Hehe, please them give them ideas sir.

Male Agent: Stop it!! Stop it with this kinky bullshit!

Female Agent: Hey Hey! Calm down, don't let these monsters play in your mind!

The two were about to walk and exit...

Blitz: Oh hey, aren't we gonna get our call bitch?

Male Agent: Entirely depends, who are you calling?

Blitz: Your FAT mom, thinking about her for a FAT time!

Female Agent: Hey nice try demon! His fat mom dead!

The male agent cries into his the two try to deal with Blitz and Moxie...meanwhile, outside of the building, two guards guarding the door, as Loona and Millie appeared and notices the guards...

Millie: So this is where they took them here?

Loona: Yea, fuck these guys look intense, how are we gonna get pass them?

Millie: Hmmmmmmm. Oh oh! Hey Loona, lift me up to that vent!

Loona lifts Millie to the vent as Millie enters it, opens the vent and crawls into the building. She unlocks the side door from the inside and lets Loona in. They sneak through the halls trying to find Moxie and Blitzo, suddenly, a guard sees them on the surveillance camera in the security room and sounds an alarm to alert the other guards of the trespassers.

Loona stops running, the camera moves toward the screen revealing a bunch of agents holding several Japanese firearms. An agent holding a naginata runs toward Loona and Millie and swings the spear to them. The girls ducks, avoiding the spear. Loona jumps swinging the axe, causing an agent to have his right leg sliced while Millie shots his head twice. Loona throws the axe to another agent's face, Millie climbs the body picks the ax and slices another agent in half. Loona runs into an agent with nunchucks, ready to kick but he avoids, she rolls and jumps to avoid him. An agent swings a kusarigama to Loona but Loona ducks, slicing the nunchuck guy in the neck instead. Millie sneaks up to a surprised agent and breaks his neck, he falls down face first. Loona grabs Millie and Millie grabs the axe, running to another set of agents. A door opens revealing an agent, alerting the other agents. The set of agents reveal their shuriken and throws them to the girls.

Millie: Throw me!

Loona: Here goes!

Loona throws Millie towards the agents right when the door closes, as Loona can hear the loud thuds and slice and the door open as Millie was able to kill the agents...

Loona: Hehe, not bad. Pretty agile for an old lady.

Millie: Hey! I'm like, 5 years older than you.

While Loona and Millie kept on searching for Blitz and Moxie, the two started messing around with the two agents...

Male Agent: Stop insulting my mother! She's dead! *starts to cry*

Female Agent: Hey Hey! Cool it down, let's leave them here until they feel like talking.

The agents exited the room and slams the door as Blitz try to figure out to escape with Mox...

Blitz: Don't worry Mox, if we keep being obnoxious, they'll eventually slip up and we'll get a chance to get out. Let's just keep fucking with them until they get so frustrated they stop thinking clearly. It usually works.

As he kept on talking, the agents looked at each other, and grins as the female agent soon pressed a green Hutton that says "Truth Button"....wonder what does that do??? As the press that button, Mox is worried about Millie...

Moxie: I'm just worried about Millie, she'll be on her way, I'm sure of it!

Blitz: Ugh, she'll be fine, Moxie. It would take a roided-up hippo to take down that woman when she's upset.

Moxie: I just...I'm worried! We've never dealt with the human government before! She's in danger!

Suddenly, green gas started to fill the Blitz says...

Blitz: Oh my fucking days Mox! Do you ever honestly shut up about Millie? It's always "oh, how's Millie?", "I can't tonight, I'm hanging with Millie." "I'm so worried about Millie." And she's always FIVE FUCKING feet away from you, it's pathetic!

Moxie: ....That...That was oddly personal...

Blitz: O-Oh shit, you know you're right, I don't know why I let my fucking guts spill like that??

Moxie suddenly realizes the green gas spreading on the floor and filling up the room...

Moxie: S-Sir! They're filling the room with something!

Blitz: They are? *smells the gas* Fuck! The hell is this anyways??

Moxie: I-It seems like they're spreading some kind of airborne truth telling serum.

Blitz: Oh wow, so you just guess what it is?

Moxie: I-I mean yeah maybe, okay look ask me something specific I wouldn't normally tell you.

Blitz: O-Okay then Uh, does Millie ever peg you?

Moxie: Sometimes~..WHA?! Ew! Fuck! Why that?!

Blitz: Ha! Knew it!

Moxie: Well your suit is always tacky as hell-Fuck, sorry!

Blitz: *le gasps* how FUCKING dare you! Well you have shitty taste on music-I-I'm sorry!

Moxie: Sh-Shitty taste??? *gets emotional* You said you liked that musical I recommended to you!

Blitz: *gets emotional as well* I lied, I left halfway through...

Moxie: Y-You said you loved it!

Blitz: It was awful Moxie! It was about ugly horny cats!

The two started crying hysterically as the two try to get out of there and free themselves...

Blitz: D-Damn it Moxie! It's all your fault!

Moxie: How the FUCK is this my fault?!

Suddenly.....both of them started hallucinating and imaging Moxie suddenly was free from the ropes...walked over to the smoke...and yet...happens to be in a place where he is surrounded by pillars...

-Here's a clip of Blitz and Moxie singing-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Now, after seeing that clip of Mox and Blitz singing, the two woke up from their respective hallucination trips. The truth gas has run out...and yet...they felt bad for how they actually felt towards each other as they stood Moxie says..

Moxie: remember...what you said to me on my very first day working with you?

Blitz: ....not really, don't remember...

Moxie: I do...I remember you telling me that I did a good job, you were proud and wanting to work with me...I feel like you wanted to say something more judgmental said that cause I needed it...and...well it helped...

Blitz: *sighs* look I'm hard on you cause I know what you are capable of, you care about what everyone thinks cause you me a favor...and keep doing a good job. Okay? You shoot and kill good, escape easily, and you can be cold blooded, and well...yeah...

Moxie: Thanks...Blitz.

The two smile...and were relief to be on the same track...until suddenly...Millie burst out from the ceiling...

Moxie: Hell yeah! There's my Millie!

Millie: Blitz! Moxie!!!

Millie unties Blitz and Moxie as she and Mox hug each other...

Blitz: Impressive work Mills! How did you got here??

Suddenly, glass broke through as Loona use one of the Agents to break through and arrive with them...

Blitz: Loony?!

Loona: Get your asses ready before more fuckers show up!

Blitz: Right! H-Hey wait a tick, where's (YN)?? You didn't call him for help??

Loona checks her message...and yet to see that he hasn't seen the message yet...and she felt bad about it...and stood quiet...

Blitz: Okay let's forget that, I'll have a talk with him later! But now, let's gear up!

Loona dropped her bag and turn herself back to her hellhound form as Blitz and Moxie grin at each other and grabbed some weapons from the bag as the agents pressed the button and alarm noises begin playing. A bunch of disposable agents appear holding weapons, surrounding Blitz and the others...

Blitz: Okay you know what?! I had one too many emotions for today! Guys, let's fuck these fuckers up!!!

And so...they began to fight against the agents as Loona started off with her rushing at some agents as she manages to slice and cut them with her hellhound claws, and chopping their heads out as she uses their weapons to kill them with it, next Millie was rushing at the agents with ace, swinging it like a crazy bitch she is, slicing and dicing them like nothing, ripping their guts out and slicing their heads off as for Blitz and Moxie, the two were teaming up together, shooting the agents with their weapons and stabbing them as well, working together like boss and employee, and the two were feeling good about it...
And so, after a wild and bloody fight against the agents, they manage to win the fight...

Moxie: Okay, is everyone okay??

Blitz: Woooo!!! That was awesome!!

Millie: It was!!

Loona: was...

As for the two remaking agents that cautioned Mox and Blitz, the male agent presses a red button and having an alarm going off...

Blitz: Ah shit fam, we gotta get the hell out of here now! Loony, the book now!

Loona pulls out the book and tries to open the portal...but can't read the words..

Loona: Sh-Shit! I can't read! Can't see the words to open the portal! I can't see dick!

Moxie: Hey, there's a door, maybe it can lead us to the exit!

Blitz: Okay! Let's bounce!

Blitz and the others soon rush to the door and started running down the hallway...

Blitz: L-Loony! Nows the best time to call (YN) like now!

Loona: I-I can't! He won't-

Millie: Just do it! We don't care if the two of you are still angry, just call him now Loona!

Loona: ...O-Okay!

While still making a run for...Loona pulls out her phone...and dials (YN) as she waited for him to pick up...and yet...nothing as she only got a voice message from him as she sends him a voice message...

Loona: (Y-YN)! It's Loona! Please, if you're hearing this, please come to the living world! We are some serious shit! And we need your help...p-please...we need you....I-I need you...I need your help (YN)...s-so please...please come...and save me!

She was down with her voice message and sends it to (YN). Afterwards, they all soon arrive to this huge room...and yet stopped running as they realizes to see a bunch of agents bursting out from a door, more than 100 agents appeared and blocking their way to exit...they have no where to run...

Millie: ...O-Oh no!

Moxie: Damn it!

Blitz: Shit!

Loona: ...N-No...

Suddenly...the male and female agent started approaching to Blitz and the others behind with weapons in their hands...soon the male agent shot a net from his gun, capturing Blitz, Moxie and Millie at the same time in the net...

Blitz: Fuck!

Loona: Guys-ACK!!!

Suddenly, a agent with a steel wire dog catch pole catches Loona from her neck, hurting her neck and herself as well and choking her too as he got her on the ground...

Moxie/Millie: Loona!!!

Blitz: Loony!! You cruel bastards! Let her go now!!!

Male Agent: We will...Not! Haha! You see, you think we will let you off that easily? I'm your dreams!

Female Agent: We will let you free...only if you tell us how you manage to get here on our world!

Blitz: Kiss my ass!

Male Agent: Hehe, you said it. *snaps fingers*

The agent that is holding down Loona soon pulls out a dangerous taser gun pistol as he started shocking Loona, hurting her while still choking her with the dog catch steel rope on her neck as Loona was hurt and needing of help...

Millie: Loona!! No!!!

Moxie: Sir!!!

Blitz: Loona!!! You motherfuckers!!! Stop hurting her now!!

Female Agent: We'll stop...until you tell-

Blitz: I won't you fucks! I swear I will get out of this net, and rip your guts out for hurting my Loony!

Male Agent: Hehe, still making us do the hard way Eh? Very well then, if you won't tell us...then we might as well kill your precious little hellhound.

The male and female Agent looks at their agent holding on Loona as they nod at him, as the agent grins, as he then pulls out a sharp knife as Loona was losing unconscious already...and can't see at all as Blitz and the others scream for Loona to wake up and fight back...but couldn't for the torture she got as she then says her last words...

Loona: ...(Y-Y-YN)....

And before the agent was about to stab Loona to death....suddenly...someone punch through a hole towards the agent's back through his guts, as his guts were spilling out and blood as well as he collapses to the floor...and yet luckily...(YN) has finally showed himself up...

Blitz: (YN)!!!

Millie: Y-Yes! You're finally here!

Moxie: Hell yeah!

(YN): Guys!

And suddenly...he sees Loona on the floor, hurt...

(YN): L-Loona!!

He got onto his knees, holding Loona onto his arms as he takes off the steel dog catcher from her neck and checks up on her...

(YN): Loona!! Loona please! Answer me! Wake up!

Loona can barely open her she then can barely see...and also to see (YN) with her...

Loona: (Y-YN)...y-you...actually...c-came...

(YN): Of course! I saw your message and-

(YN) suddenly realizes to see a horrible bruise on her neck from the dog father and the wounded from the taser gun...he then looks at Loona as she then says softly...

Loona: D-Don't worry about that...a-all...that''m...glad you are...

After that...Loona suddenly lost unconscious ass she shut her eyes completely...until (YN) kept on seeing the nasty bruise on her neck...and wounded burns on her arms...knowing that they hurt Loona really bad....
and he didn't like it at all...

(YN): bastards...hurt Loona...

Suddenly...while still holding Loona onto his arms on the ground...his both eyes started to glow bright we can all tell....that he was gonna lose it.


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