Chp.7 The only thing humans fear is (YN)

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As we left off....(YN) was able to get there and save Blitz and the others...until he realizes seeing Loona hurt from the humans like the agents...and that...was something he didn't nor doesn't like at all...after seeing Loona hurt by them and unconscious, his both eyes started to glow red, while at it, he started to grow his black devil horns and soon his teeth started to grow sharper...and also, he then brought his devil wings out from his back, revealing them to the he then stood up while holding Loona onto his arms as he walks over to Blitz and them, he stares at them as he somehow manages to burn down the net and set them free...

Blitz: Holy shit (YN)! You alright??!

Moxie: Y-You seem...different...!

Millie: (YN)...?!

(YN) just stood quiet as he hands Loona to Blitz as Blitz was holding onto her, (YN) pints his palm forward as he then summons a portal to their world and straight to Blitz's office....


Blitz: H-Hey wait a damn minute! What about you?!

(YN): ...I'll deal with them, now go, and treat Loona her wounds, now! Hurry! ...I'll catch up with you guys later.

Blitz and them didn't wanted to say anything else, so they listen to him and go in the portal and arriving to his office....and he closes the he then takes a deep breathe...slowly turns around...and notices he's surrounded by a bunch of agents with weapons in their hands as the male and female agent said...

Male Agent: Well Well, seems like you made a bad choice son.

Female: You should have never stay here alone and let your demon buddies leave, cause now, you are trapped in here with us, and you will be feared by us and the torture we will give you! Haha!

(YN) stood quiet...and then gives a chuckle...and that made the two agents and a bit nervous...

Male Agent: Wh-Whats so funny?

(YN): You poor insignificant got it all twisted my pathetic friends.

(YN)'s hands turn to demon claws, sharp demon claws....

(YN): You see...I'm going make you pay, for hurting Loona, I'll leave each and one of you not breathing...and if I'm not said that I'm locked up in here with you all and be feared by you all humans?? No, that's not it. You see...I'm not locked up in here with you all bastards are locked up in here with me! ....And the only thing you all pathetic worthless humans fear...IS ME!!!


(YN) gave out a loud demonic roar as it caused more of a loud sonic scream...after that, (YN) started to rush towards the agents as he then ended up slicing some of the agents bodies in half as blood started to spread everywhere...soon the agents started surrounding (YN) as they all rush at him, (YN) was savagely fighting back at the agents, (YN) kept on punching and knocking down the agents, also he was punching through their guts and faces as well, ripping and tearing their body parts for good, as he grins to hear their screams in pain, soon he then picked up two katana blades as he sets them on flames and charges at the agents, he started cutting them up and slicing their bodies and heads off as well and bringing them inside their guts as well, afterwards, he then sees an agent swinging a chain around as he extends the chain and tries getting (YN), but (YN) grabs the chain with his hands, as he pulls the chain, bringing the agent with him as he then gives him a massive brutal Headbutt, causing the agent to brake his skull and open his head wide and killing him...(YN) then was holding on to the chia a on his he sets them on fire and chuckles at the agents as they all were scared of him at first, but soon still have to get rid of him as some of them charge right at him. As they do, (YN) started wiping the flaming chains towards the agents, hitting them as their bodies started to burn and set on fire and melted as well, he goes rushing through the guards and started cutting their heads off and slicing their guts as well...

Male Agent: Wh-What?! He's just wiping our nothing!

Female Agent: Hey cool it! Everyone shoot him down now!

Some of the agents pull out their weapon guns as they started shooting (YN), and were able to hit him...

Male Agent: Ha! Got you now!

(YN) was standing he the bullet wounds from his body stared to heal up and regenerate...

(YN): Hehe, that kinda tickled.

He then rushes towards the agents that shot him as he punches through their guts and smashing their heads into pieces with his bear hands as he picked up two sub machine gun on the ground, holding them and aiming at the agents that were rushing at him as he yells and started shooting them...managing to shoot all the agents one by one and not singly miss them, afterwards, he drops the sub machine guns as he uses his wings to fly up to the air as the agents see him and wondering what will he do and getting ready to do anything to avoid being, as (YN) was floating in the air...he then takes a huge deep breathe...and his wings started to brighten up more and more...and soon to release a huge fire beam out from his mouth and shooting it towards all the agents...the agents screamed in pain while be burnt alive by (YN)'s flames and some manage to get away/avoid being burned up...they all try to run and get out from the room...but (YN) blocks their way from exiting as he gives them a scary looking Nena car stare to them as they slowly backed away holding their weapons as (YN) says...

(YN): Leaving already? Heh, well It's not over...UNTIL I SAY ITS OVER!

(YN) flies towards one agent, grabbing his whole face and taking him with him flying awaiting the air as (YN) started crashing the agent through all the pillars...afterwards, he stopped and looks at the agent to see him all busted up, face almost ripped apart, can't even breathe at all and a blood face he has as well as (YN) squish his face into pieces, dropping his body to the floor and goes flying back and killing the remaining agents...and so (YN) kept on causing chaos on the room, killing all the agents, slicing them open, tearing their bodies apart, ripping them, torturing them, and not even leaving them breathe at all...
And so...all the agents were dead, bodies everywhere, blood as well, body parts, and guts everywhere burning up the room as well...the two agents were scared in fear as they try running away from the room...until they were blocked from their way by (YN) as he then widen his wings, and slowly approaches to the male and female agents..., the female agent shot her pistol at (YN) multiple times, yet it did nothing to him as he kept on approaching to him, she then takes her two blades out as she charges at him...(YN) throws a brutal jab towards the female agent's face, as his punch went all the way through her face, and ending up killing her as he pulls out his hand, filled with blood as the female agent's body collapses to the floor...and so...the male agent was left he trips backwards and started crawling away from (YN), but ended up in a dead end...he started to shake in fear as he reaches for a shotgun on the floor, and had one bullet left and aims it to (YN)...

Male Agent: S-Stay back! I-I will shoot! Don't make me!

(YN): Hehe, have you learn nothing? Bullets don't hurt me.

Male Agent: I-I know, but maybe with a weapon like this it will hurt you!

(YN): Tch, like if that will ever happen-

Male Agent: I'm warning you! S-Stay the hell away from me! Or...O-Or...or you're gonna end up getting shot at by a demon we killed back then!

(YN) suddenly stopped his ears were caught attention when the agent said "shot and killed another demon back then"

(YN): ....Wh-What??? What did you say??

Male Agent: Y-You heard me! If you didn't notice, your friends aren't the first one to be sighted here on earth...we manage to spot our first one back then...and we ended up killing the demon!

(YN): ...

Male Agent: Wh-Why so quiet???!

(YN): Y-You...You don't happen to kill a demon that happens to be...a lady??

Male Agent: A-As of matter of fact yea! She was a demon hag! Don't know what made her think coming here to earth and bringing that demon brat with her here! It was the wrong choice of her to come here!

(YN) was already growing ferocious inside as he clenched his hands and says with a scary he finds out that the ones that killed his mother...

(YN): ...That "demon hag"...was my mother! And I was with her when that happened!..!! Y-You...You bastards killed her!?

Male Agent: Th-That was...your mom?!! And that beat was you!?? ...h-heh..hehehe...hahaha! Hahahahahaha!!! Well Well...seems like you witness to see your precious mommy getting killed by us...well of course me...since I did shot her and killed her, hehe....and'll join her too!

(YN): YOU FUCK!!!!

(YN) charges at the agent as the agent pulls the trigger of the shotgun and shot (YN) straight to his face...
And the smoke clears from (YN)'s face...half of it was shot and bloody as it regenerates back as the male agent couldn't believe it...he try to fight back, but (YN) aggressively grabs the agents whole face, lifting him up...and squeezing his face slowly and painfully as he can here the muffled screams of the agent, as (YN) continues to squeeze the agents face, his eyes balls were already popping out...and then...(YN) ended up squeezing his whole the body collapses to the floor...
After killing every agent here in the room...(YN) was taking form deep he couldn't believe that the ones that killed his mother were the agents....he was about to get emotional...but then again, he holds it in as he sniffs and wipes his eyes as he looks around and looking at the killing he did...

(YN): ...Looks like I'm done here. Gotta head back with the others...and Loona as well.

(YN) summons a portal that leads him back to hell, and enters the portal and leaves....


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