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Back in hell, during Blitz office, Loona was being lay on the couch as Blitz covered her up with a blanket and a pillow for her head to lay down, Moxie and Millie manage to heal up her wounds and were relief for Loona to be alive and okay, but still unconscious...

Blitz: How is she?

Moxie: She'll be fine, her wound aren't that bad at all, just that one in her neck, those bastards got her really bad.

Millie: But never mind that, she's fine now. She'll wake up any moment now.

Blitz: Well...that's a relief. Crap, I wonder if (YN) didn't end up hurting himself-

Suddenly, a portal appeared as (YN) appeared out from it and appeared...

Moxie/Millie: (YN)!

Mox and Mill rush to him and giving him a hug...

Moxie: We owe you a lot for helping us back there!

Millie: Thank you so much! I knew you come.

(YN): Heh, don't mention it guys...and Blitz.

Blitz: I'm relief as well, and I owee you big time to, so I'll keep that in mind...thanks (YN).

(YN): No probs, boss.

(YN) realizes to see Loona laying on the couch still unconscious as (YN) walks up to her, sits down aside her and touches her face gently...

(YN): ...She...She'll be okay, right??

Blitz: Yea, don't you worry, she'll wake up any moment, like Mill's said.

(YN): ...Okay, good.

Suddenly....a portal was summon out of nowhere as they all realize to see Stola with such a surprise to arrive...

Blitz: Stolas?? What are you doing here??

Stolas: I've sense that all of you happen to had a bit of trouble dealing with the humans in the real world, is one of you okay?!

Blitz: Y-Yeah, we of us isn't.

Stolas realizes seeing Loona on the couch unconscious...

Blitz: But don't worry, she's fine, so she'll wake up any moment now.

Stolas: Phew, that's a relief.

Blitz: B-But wait, how the hell did you know we were in the living world???

Stolas: I have my ways, Blitzo. And I am glad everyone of you are alright, especially my Blitzo~

Blitz: Mmmm!

Stolas: Alrighty, now tell me you the FUCK did you all get caught by humans?! Are you creatures not being careful up there?! You know, if YOU get in trouble, I get in trouble, and WE don't want that!

Moxie: They caught us off guard, your highness.

Millie: And we won't go back there again.

Blitz: Yeah, you could un-clench your bird puss Stolas, won't happen again.

Stolas: Good, cause I am NOT gonna have to deal with "Him"!

Blitz: Him??? Who's "Him"??

Stola: Well you see-

Suddenly...his attention somehow was caught by (YN)...

Stolas: Eh...I beg your pardon son, but...your face kinda has the similarities of someone I know, please, do tell me your name?

(YN): O-Oh, the names (YN).

Stolas: Oh, well nice to meet you (YN). Hehe, you know, you're name has the exact same as His-......*sudden realization* W-Wait! Are you...Are you-O-Oh dear! Oh dear! Your his son! Oh no! This is bad! This is bad!

Blitz: Stolas, the hells your problem??! Why are you panicking?!

Stolas: Blitzy! Do you know who HE is?!?

Blitz: Who (YN)?? Well no shit Sherlock, he's my employer, he works for me.

Stolas: Wh-What the?! (YN), did you not told them who you ACTUALLY are!??

(YN): Well not really, they always keep cutting me off from telling them my full name.

Stolas: O-Oh no! Oh dear!

Blitz: Okay, what is going here anyways?!

Stolas: Blitzy! Do you realizes who (YN) actually is?!? That's (YN) Morningstar!

Moxie: Morningstar??? That's your last name??

Millie: Sounds catchy, hehe.

Blitz: Really catchy.

Stolas: Wha?!!??? Are you utter fools not realizing anything at ALL!?!! (YN) is the son of Lu-

Suddenly, Stolas got cut off as a bunch of flames merge from the ground as (YN)'s father, Lucifer Morningstar appeared on the office...

Stolas: ...oh no!

Lucifer: to explain the whole situation that these bloody fools got into?!

Stolas: M-M-My lord! Q-Quite the entrance you gave off! M-My apologies sir, y-you see-

Blitz: Hold it right there Blitz!

Blitz marches up to Lucifer...

Blitz: Okay you demon tuxedo fuck! I don't know who the hell you are, but you have no right to appear to my office and thinking your the shit!

Moxie: Yeah! Who do you think you are?!

Millie: Yeah!

Blitz: Now we'll give you three seconds to get out of my office and-ACK!!

Moxie: Sir-AAACK!!

Millie: Mox-EAACK!!!

Lucifer was starting the three of them down as he lifted them up, choking their necks as Stolas tries to stop Lucifer...

Stolas: M-My lord! Please don't hurt them! They mean no harm! They just don't know who you are yet! Please let them go...!!

Lucifer: ....Fine!

Lucifer let's them go...

Blitz: *coughing* O-Oh man! You are SOOO gonna get is you ass!

Stolas: The three of you, knock it off! Do you realizes who are you talking to?!

Moxie: Yeah, the one who's gonna get his ass kicked by us!

Millie: Yeah! Let's kick his ass-

Stolas: No you imbeciles! You're talking to Lucifer Morningstar!!!

Blitz: ...L-Lucifer???

Moxie/Millie: Morningstar???

Stolas: YES! Lucifer! The ruler of hell! He's the real deal you utter imbeciles!

The three looked back at Lucifer gives off a menace look with his color eyes glowing at the three realizes that who he actually is and what he is capable of...and three rush at him and were apologizing to him and hailing for him...

Blitz: W-We are so sorry my lord! We didn't know!

Moxie: P-Please! Don't kill us!

Millie: We'll do anything for you to make us accept our apology!

Lucifer: ...You three are lucky that Stolas are your side, if not I would have perish the each of you with me.

Blitz: S-Sorry again!

Moxie/Millie: Forgive us!

Lucifer: It's fine, don't worry about it, but the next time it WONT happen again, you hear?

The three nods...

Lucifer: Right, now excuse me you three, and Stolas, I'm gonna have a little chat with (YN).

Lucifer approaches to (YN) as (YN) stood up...and scratches his head behind...

Lucifer: Son.

(YN): ...hey dad.

Blitz, Mox and Millie gaps is shock to already find out that Lucifer is (YN)'s son...

Blitz: What the actually hell?!? (YN), Lucifer is your FATHER?!?

Moxie: THE Lucifer?! Your father?!?

Millie: You and him!??

(YN): ..yep.

Blitz: Wh-Why the hell didn't you told us then?!!

(YN): I was, but you kept on cutting me off every time to tell y'all my name...and well...surprise.

Lucifer: Enough!

The whole room stood Lucifer speaks...

Lucifer: (YN), what the bloody hell were you thinking going out to the real world?! Did I not tell you not to go out?!

(YN): I know, and I'm sorry dad! But I had to-

Lucifer: You had to?! You could have gotten hurt up there son! You know it terrifies me and upsets me for you to be up in that dangerous world! I could have lost I have to your mother...please don't you ever do that again! Promise me son!

(YN): Okay dad I understand! B-But I had a reason to do so.

Lucifer: A reason?! And what is that reason??

(YN): ...Saving my friends.

Lucifer: ....

(YN): Look, I know, it was a high risk...but I manage to save my friends, and my boss too...and...Loona of course.

(YN) stares at Loona for a while...and turns back to his dad again...

(YN): Look the point is dad, I did what I had to do, and you should at least be proud about it...and besides...I-I found...the humans that...killed my mom.

Lucifer: Y-You have??!

(YN): ...Yeah, their the ones who were hurting Loona and the others...and well...I killed them all, especially the one that killed mom. So...yeah.

Lucifer stood quiet to hear that shocking response from (YN)...but was relief that he manage to kill them for vengeance of his wife's death...

Lucifer: did you killed them??

(YN): ...Well, I slice them up...and beat them to death, a-and I use their weapons to kill them easily. Hehe, you should have seen the look on their faces of how scared they were, and their screams to. Haha.

Lucifer: Hehe, I could imagine it now son.

Lucifer and (YN) both laugh about Lucifer then places his hands onto (YN)'s shoulders as he says..

Lucifer: I am so proud of you son.

(YN): Heh, thanks dad.

Both Lucifer and (YN) gave each other a hug...

Moxie/Millie: Awwwww.

Stolas: Such a wonderful father and son moment.

Blitz: ...if only Loony and I had something like that.

Afterwards, Lucifer then mention about Loona...

Lucifer: So, that's the hellhound you were talking about??

(YN): Yea...Thats friend.

Lucifer: *sighs* Well I hope she's okay, and hopefully wakes up soon.

(YN): Don't worry, she will.

Lucifer: Right, well then, I should be on my way then. Right then son, I'll see you at home then?

(YN): Yea, I'll meet you up there.

Lucifer: Alright then. And Stolas, please make sure no one ELSE goes to the living world, or the two of us will have a talk, understand??

Stolas: Understood my lord, that will never happen again.

Lucifer: Hmm. And the three of you...keep out of trouble, got it?

Blitz: Right!

Moxie: On it!

Millie: Yes sir!

Lucifer soon waves bye at them, and his son of course knowing they will see each other again at home as Lucifer walks into the flames that merge out from the ground and vanished...

Stolas: *sighs* Right then, as he said, please stay out of trouble so I don't get in trouble as well, got it??

Everyone nods...

Stolas: Good, now, I'll be on my way then, promised my daughter that we wi spend time together for a daughter and father moment. Good day to you all, and I'll see you very soon, Blitzy~

Moxie/Millie: Bye!

Blitz: ...Later.

And so...Stolas leaves to his home going through the portal...and (YN) leaves as well to home...


Minutes later, Blitz, Millie and Moxie were in the office, sitting in their chairs as they realizes to see and hear Loona waking they all rush up to her...

Blitz: Loony! You're awake! Oh I'm so glad!

Millie: Welcome back friend!

Moxie: Glad your okay!

Loona: O-Oh man...h-how long have I been out..???

Blitz: You've been out quite a while, but I'm glad my precious hellhound is okay and awake!

Loona: ...y-yeah...thanks...

Blitz: Here, let me get you another comfy blanket! Be right back!

Blitz leaves the Loona got up and scratches her head...

Millie: Keep resting Loona, me and Mox will go to the kitchen and make you a warm drink.

Loona: O-Okay...h-hey wait...what happen?? Where's (YN)???!

Moxie: Oh don't worry, everything turn out okay, (YN) manage to save all of us back there...and especially you of course.

Millie: Yeah, he really kicked ass out there.

Loona: ...He did, did he.

Moxie: Yup, now stay there and we'll bring you something to drink and to eat.

Mox and Millie exits the room as Loona was she then remembers everything that happen back there...and slightly remembers where (YN) arrive just in time...and saving her and the others...she kept on thinking about him...and yet...she still felt bad about between them back at the she looks down...and says...

Loona: ...I didn't woke up in thank him....and apologize to him. *sighs* ....


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