Chp.9 Aftermath

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Couple days have passed now, after the whole incident that happen dealing in the living world...and for now...everything is settled now...well...almost everything is not settled...between Loona and (YN), the two haven't been talking still, One day (YN) this time has been calling and texting Loona...and somehow, she hasn't been answering her phone at all, and he was worried about her...he wonders what could have happen to her, he knows that Loona wouldn't just ignore her calls and texts from (YN) like that...he knew something was, it was sunset, he was in his home, watching TV as his father came in...

Lucifer: Okay son, I'm off to deal and punish evil.

(YN): Kay dad...

Lucifer: Son, is everything alright?

(YN): Yea....Well, not really...*sighs* It's's Loona.

Lucifer: Oh? The hellhound?

(YN): Yeah, she hasn't been answering nor receiving my messages, Loona never ignores them like that...and I know something is up.

Lucifer: Oh. Well why not call her back?

(YN): I tried...she hasn't been answering either....she's probably thinking that I'm still upset with her.

Lucifer: Well...are you still??

(YN): ...No, I'm not anymore, I want to talk things out with her...but she still thinks I'm still am...and I wanna stop this whole "ignoring and upset" thing between us...I want how things were before...

Lucifer walks up to (YN) and says down with him...

Lucifer: I know son, things like this can get tough, but don't just keep calling her and texting her, go up to her in person and talk with her.

(YN): ...Wow, I honestly should have done that in the first place.

Lucifer: *chuckles* Oh (YN).

(YN): Hehe.

Suddenly...(YN) gets a call from Blitz...

(YN): It's Blitz.

Lucifer: Your boss?? But you got the day off today.

(YN): I know...I guess maybe he wants to talk about next week's work I guess.

Lucifer: I see. Well alright then son, I'm off to go do my duty. See you soon.

(YN): Okay, later dad.

Lucifer leaves the house as (YN) stood up from the couch and answers the phone...

(YN): Hey Blitz.

Blitz: Yo (YN)! How's it going?

(YN): Nothing much, just home as usual, taking my day off of course.

Blitz: Yea I hear you, listen Uh...can you do me a slight...well actually a big favor??

(YN): Uh yea sure, what's up??

Blitz: *sighs*...Can you go to my office and talk with Loony?

(YN): Loona?? What's happening?? Is she okay??

Blitz: Well, not really...she's been kinda...sober lately.

(YN): Wait, she's been drinking??? Why??

Blitz: Look I don't really know okay...but all I know one thing, it has to be between the two of you, you two haven't been even talking like that ever since we massacred some fuckers at the beach...and she looked really happy and excited to always see and talk to you..but now she's been drinking and sobering too much.

(YN): ...Damn...

Blitz: *sighs* look can you just do me this favor and go talk with her....and try to work things out between the two of you? I can't bear to see the two of you not talking at all, especially my Loony sobering too much and not working.

(YN): You got it, I'll be on my way.

Blitz: Thanks.

(YN) hangs up the he then checks on his phone and sees his gallery with some picture of Loona and him together smiling and seemingly to be happy being together with each other...

(YN): ...Stay put Loona, I'll be on my way.



The following chapter will contain a Lemon chapter, containing lots of sexual activity, bad language grammar and especially a lot of  sucking and fucking!!! .....Ahem, readers, you have been advised! Enjoy :D!

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