Murder Family

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"I Was A Good Person Before It All Went Down. I Was Good My Entire Life." Mrs. Mayberry Said.

Mrs. Mayberry teaching an elementary school class.

She Opened The Curtains And Birds Started Chirping As She Wrote 'Good Morning!' On The Chalkboard.

"Good Morning! I Hope You All Did Your Homework!" Mrs. Mayberry Said.

Several Smiling Students Nod In A Dance At Their Desks. A Brown Haired Boy Wearing A Dunce Cap Spins On A Stool And Faces The Wall.

Students: We Love To Do Our Homework, And We Love Our Teacher, Too!

Mrs. Mayberry: Then, When I Throw Out These Fun Questions, You Should Know Just What To Do!

Students: Okay

Mrs. Mayberry: Two Plus Six Is

Students: Eight

Mrs. Mayberry: And Good Behavior Is

Students: Great

Mrs. Mayberry: And It's Now That Part Of The Class When We Say The Time Of Day And Date

Boy 1: It's Nine In The Morning

Girl 1: On January 8th

Girl 2: The Sun Is Out Smiling

Dunce Kid: And It's Your Husband's Birthday

The Class Sings "La La La" while Mrs. Mayberry Faces The Board. She Dragged Her Piece Of Chalk In A Line On The Board, The Piece Almost Gone. Her Face Is Beaded With Sweat And Her Eye Twitches.

 Oh My Stars! Stop Singing, Children! Hush Up, Now! Mrs. Mayberry Said.

"The Class Went Silent.

"I Forgot It's My Husband's Birthday! I Didn't Get Him Anything Special!" Mrs. Mayberry Said.

"Maybe If We Call Him, We Could Do A Happy Birthday Surprise!" A Girl Student Suggested.

Mrs. Mayberry Agrees To, Using The Classroom Computer To Video Call Her Husband. However, Much To Her And The Class's Shock And Horror, Jarold Mayberry Is In Bed Having Sex With Another Woman, Which Causes Mrs. Mayberry To Snap And Storm Out Of The Classroom.

"Wait! Mrs. Mayberry! Remember What You Taught Us? Think Before You Act." Girl 2 Stated.


"You Do Everything Right In Life. Play By All The Rules And Still Get Sent Down Here With All The Hitlers And Epstein's Of The World."

Blitzø Was In His Office, Looking Bored As Mrs. Mayberry Paces The Room.

"After One Measly Massacre Propelled By Blind Rage. So That's Why I'm Here. To Get My Revenge." Mrs. Mayberry Turns Around, Revealing Her Demon Form. Her Face Is Partially Shadowed By Blinds. She Holds A Cigarette In Her Hand.

"I Mean, Was She Hotter?" Blitzø Questioned.

Mrs. Mayberry Glares At Blitzø From The Remark He Made.

"I'm Just Saying I Had A Hard Time Understanding The Unprompted Melodrama You Just Spat At Me, Tits." Blitzø Added, Remarked.

Mrs. Mayberry Soon Seethes With Anger And A Red Aura Glows Around Her.

"Anywayyyy, I Don't Think You Quite Understand How We're Operating Down Here." Blitzø Said As He Stands And Walks Around His Desk, "See, We Take Revenge Out On The Living, And It Sounds Like The Core Cast Of Your Sitcom Of Death..."

This Makes Ms. Mayberry Clench Her Fist Even Harder And An Aura Glows Again.

"...Frankly Are All Probably Down Here In Hell With You. Boop!" And Blitzø Boops Her On The Nose.

"Not All Of Them. That Whore Survived. Now They All Call Her A Hero." Mrs. Mayberry Stated.



Mrs. Mayberry's Purple Fists Create Cracks On Blitzø's Desk As She Smashed Down On It. "SHE IS NOT A HERO!!" She Leaned In Close To Blitzø's Face.

"Mm-Hmm. Yeah, Okay, Yeah, My Thoughts Exactly." Blitzø Said, Rapidly Pressed A Red Button From Underneath His Desk.


A Red Light Flashes By A Label Reading "Deranged Client". The Other Labels Read "More Coffee," "Soiled My Pants," "Horny Client," "Client Giving Birth," "Ghost," And "Stolas."

Moxxie, Who's Holding A Black And Red Crossbow In His Hands, Doesn't See the Red Light.

In Front Of Him Is A Picture Of A Smiling Family: A Father, A Mother, A Baby, And Two Children. His Arms Are Shaking As The Pointer Hovers Around The Man's Crotch Area.

"Moxxie, Stop Shaking. You're Gonna Shoot Our Only Hellhounds!" Millie Said..

Hunter Sits On A Gray Couch With Loona Layed On His Lap And Holds Up The Family Picture In One Hand And Her Phone In The Other.

"Wow, I Feel So Loved Here." Loona Said, Sarcastically.

"Just Be Glad That You're Being Acknowledge, At Least." Hunter Stated.

"Just Take A Deep Breath And Let It Out." Millie Stated.

"But, It's A Family. Under What Circumstances Would We Ever Need To Kill A Human Family?" Moxxie Asked.

"I Mean, If That's What The Client Wants." Millie Said, Shrugging Her Shoulders.

"Yeah. I Mean, We Might Meet A Client That Wants Us To Kill A Whole Family Bloodline. You'll Never Know." Roxy Said, Looking Up.

"Maybe Like A Shitty Dad. Or A Mob Family. That's Understandable. But To Eradicate An Entire Innocent—Seemingly In This Instance—Upper Middle Class Family Bloodline?" Moxxie Asked, Not Convinced.

"Hey! You Don't Know They're Innocent. This Kid Probably Sets Dogs On Fire. Maybe This Girl Gets Off To Bullying Australian Kids Online. And This Guy..." Loona Said.

"This Guy Definitely Watches And Organizes Porn Videos." Hunter Said, Grimly.

"I Couldn't Have Said Better Myself, Kid." Loona Said As They Shared A Fist Bump.

"Exactly. Humans Are Full Of Secret Nasties. It's Why So Many Of Them End Up Here." Millie Said.

"But..." Moxxie Said Before Getting Cut Off.

"But, Guilty And Innocent Ain't Our Business, Mox. Killing Who We're Paid Is Our Business. Shot The Target." Millie Said, Kissing His Cheek.

"I Just Think It's A Bit Excessive And We Could Be A Bit More Selective, Is All." Moxxie Said.

Blitzø Barged Into The Room Followed By Mrs. Mayberry.

"Guys! I Want You To Meet—" Blitzø Said.

That Startled Moxxie And He Accidentally Fires His Arrow And It Rockets Around The Room. Millie Jumps Into Moxxie's Arms As The Arrow Hits A Computer While Roxy And Azalea Ducked For Cover. The Arrow Then Flies And Creates A Hole In The Family Picture That A Stunned Loona Is Holding. The Arrow Hits The Bottom Of A Tank With Eels And The Tank Starts To Wobble Dangerously.

The Arrow Flies Towards Mrs. Mayberry, But Blitzø Caught It With One Hand.

"Our Newest Client!" Blitzø Finished.

The Eel Tank Falls Down With Glass And Water Spill On The Floor.

The Eels Fall Out And Burst Into Electricity, Setting The Room On Fire.

"Dammit, Moxxie! I Just Bought Those Eels!" Blitzø Exclaimed.


Outside Of The Building, Imp Firefighters Carry The Eels Away And Head Into A Red Fire Truck.

Mrs. Mayberry Drives Off In A Yellow Taxi Cab As Blitzø Waved Goodbye.

"Bye and Don't Worry, We'll Get That Skank In Less Than Twenty Four Hours Or Your First Kill Is Free!" Blitzø Said.

"When Did We Start Implementing That Deal?" Moxxie Asked.

"When You Set Fire To My Office In Front Of A CLIENT, YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT!!" Blitzø Grabbed Moxxie's Face And Pushed Him Away. "Now Someone Please Tell Me That Fancy Book Is Still Intact!"

Loona Texted On Her Phone Before Pulling Out A Blue Book From Behind Her.

"You Mean Our Only Ticket To The Other Side? Yeah, Got It." Loona Stated.

"And That's Why You're One Of My Favorites, Loonie." Blitzø Talked In A Baby Talk Voice And Holds Up A Dog Treat To Her. "You Get A Tweat Now!"

"Ew. Stop." Loona Said.

Blitzø Throws The Treat Into The Air And Caught It With His Tongue, Like A Frog. He Pulls It Into His Mouth And Chews, Making Loona And Azalea Disgusted.

"You're So Gross!" Loona Yelled, Slightly.

"That's Just Fucking Disgusting." Azalea Said.

"Aw, Stop It. I Get Enough Of That From My Therapist." Blitz Said, Making Azalea And Loona Roll Her Eyes In Reply.

At The Same Time, Millie Used A Piece Of Chalk To Draw A Circle With A Pentagram Inside, Making The Picture Glows And Makes A Portal As Then Loona And Roxy Walks Back Inside.

"Now Let's Go Lick Some Ass!" Blitzø Yelled And Pushed Moxxie Away With His Hand.

"The Expression Is 'Kick Some Ass.' Blitz." Millie Said As She Walked Through The Portal With Azalea.

"Mine's Better." Blitzø Said, And Walked Through The Portal Next.

"Mine's Better." Blitzø Said, And Walked Through The Portal Next.

"Doesn't Sound Better To Me." Hunter Replied, Bluntly.

"(Sigh) Aw, Fuck..." Moxxie Groaned.


Soon, The Teenage Hellhound, Half Sin And The Three Imps Find Themselves In The Human World. They See A Small Red House With A Long Red Fence By The Lake As The Sun Sets. The Group Then Sneak To The Side Of The House As They Rise From The Bushes, Under A Garden Box Outside The Window.

Blitzø And Striker Stands Up And Peers Into The Window.

"That's Gotta Be Her." Blitzø Chuckled, Darkly. "Z, Ready To Work Your Magic?"

Azalea Was Preparing Her Rifle Before Looking At Moxxie.

"This Seems Too Easy. Why Don't We Have Moxxie Have This One?"

Moxxie Looked Pleasantly Surprised.

"Me?" Moxxie Asked.

"Yeah, This One's Simple Enough For You To Handle." Blitzø Told Him.

Moxxie Stands Up As He Looked Through The Window.

His Face Fell As He Looked At The Family Having Dinner.

"It's Just A Happy Mother Who Just Got Out Of The Hospital." Blitzø Added.

Martha And Ralphie Affectionately Rub Each Other's Noses. Martha Holds A Dinner Platter In Her Hand While Moxxie Hesitated At The Window.

"You Snooze, You Lose, Mox!" Blitzø Said.

Striker Aimed His Rifle At Martha's Face As He Licked His Lips.

"And I've Got You, Bitch." Azalea Said.

"Wait, Are We Actually Killing A Family?!" Moxxie asks.

"Moxxie, Stop Being A Wimp. We're Not Killing The Entire Family. We're just Killing The Mother... Which Is Going To Ruin The Family. See? It's Different." Azalea Said, Trying To Calm Him Down.

"Lea's Right. (Scoff) I Mean, It's Not Like The Father Or The Kids Did Something That Fucking Stupid." Hunter Said.

Azalea Positioned Her Rifle And It Clicked.

"But... Hold On Hold On. Let's Just Think About It." Moxxie Said Before Lifted Up Azalea's Rifle As He Fires.


The Bullet Hits A Glass Mirror Inside The House, Barely Missing Martha.

All Four Family Members Gasp In Fear.

"What Was That, Ralphie?" Martha, The Mother, Asked Her Husband.

Ralphie Shook His Head. "I Don't Know, Martha. But Whatever It Is..." He Grinned Evilly As He Stands Up Holding A Rifle In His Hands. "They're Gonna Be Tomorrow Night's Dinner!"

Martha Sets The Platter On The Table And Pulled Out Another Rifle Before She Drinks A Glass Of Wine And Smashes It Onto The Floor.

"Alright, Kids! Guns Out!" Martha Instructed.

Her Son Pulled Out A Small Gun From His Beaver Skin Hat. Her Daughter Pulled Out Another Rifle. All Of Them Have Evil Grins Of Sharp Teeth.

"Looks Like We Got Some Rabbits To Catch, Young'uns!" Ralphie Chuckled, Darkly.


Outside Of The House Moxxie Was Having Some Kind Of Panic Attack As Blitzø And Azalea Glared At Him While Lilly And Twyla Tries To Calm Him Down.

Azalea Grabbed Moxxie By The Collar.

"I Had The Fucking Shot And You Made Me Miss, You Little Wimp!" Azalea Yelled, Quietly.

" Yeah! What The Fuck Was That, Moxxie?!" Blitzø Asked, Angrily.

Moxxie Then Started To Wheeze, Prompting Azalea To Release Him.

"I'm Sorry! They Just Seemed So Wholesome And Happy, I Panicked." Moxxie Cried As Tears Fall From His Eyes And Took Deep Breathes.

"Oh, Who The Fuck Is Innocent, Moxxie? From The Moment Of Birth, You're Already A Parasite Leeching Off Your Momma's Tits. So, Get The Fuck Over Yourself, You Baby Dicked Prune!" Blitzø Yelled, Quietly.

Then, Hunter Heard A Gun Click.

"Uh, Guys, We Should Run Probably Run." Hunter Said.

"Why?" Blitzø Asked.

Suddenly, A Blast Shoots Through The Wall And Hits Azalea In The Arm, Black Blood Flying Out.

"Aah! Oh Fuck, MY ARM!" Azalea Said In Agony.

"A New Hole! Scatter!" Blitzø Yelled.

Blitzø, Azalea And Millie Flee The Scene While Moxxie And Hunter Hid In The Bushes.

Another Hole Appears And Part Of The Wall Explodes As Ralphie and Martha Grinned and Leap Through The Large Hole With Guns Drawn.

Moxxie Peers Out From The Bushes And Rapidly Looked Around. A Child's Hand Grabbed Moxxie By His Tail And He Yelped.

"Moxxie!" Hunter Yelled.


Ralphie Fires At Millie, Who Flipped Backwards And Dives Into A Lake.

"Where'd You Go, Little Critter? Y'all Can't Hide Long From Me." Ralphie Called Out.

Millie Has Their Head Above The Water Under The Dock With A Knife In Their Mouths.

Then, They Breaks Through The Dock And Lands On It, With Their Knife And A Grin. Ralphie Swings A Glass Bottle And Millie And Hunter Runs Behind Him Out Of The Way.

The Girls Jumped Up In The Air, Knife In Both Hands. Ralphie Swinged His Bottles Upwards, Knocking Millie In The Head.

She Cried Out And Falls To The Ground As She Struggled To Stand But Collapsed Onto The Dock.

Their Eyes Twitched Before They Closed Their Eyes.

Ralphie Smiles Evilly Down At Her As The Cloudy Sky Spirals Red.

Ralphie Begins To Approach Millie And Hunter, But Is Stopped By A Gun Fire That Is Fired Between Them. Ralphie Looked To See Azalea Holding Her Firearm.

"Well, It Looks like I'll Be Goin' Bird Hunting. Could Use A New Head On The Living Room Wall." Ralphie Evil Grinned.

This Ticked Azalea Off And Charged At Ralphie. Ralphie Fired His Rifle At Her, But Azalea Dodged It. Azalea Then Dodges The Attack, And Kicked Him On The Chest. Then Ralphie Then Swings His Rifle And Smacks Her On The Butt Of His Gun. 

Azalea Then Rolled On The Dock. Azalea Gets Up And Speeds To Attack Him. Raphie Continued To Fire His Rifle At Her. The Half Sin Dodged The Attack And Kicks Him On The Head. Then Ralphie Punches Her In The Stomach. Azalea then punches him In The Face, Spined, And Kicked Him In The Shins. Ralphie Feels The Pain, And Then Smacked Azalea On The Head With His Rifle. Making Her Fall To The Ground And Feel Dizzy From The Hard Hit. Just Then, Ralphie Grabs Azalea By Her Tail, Swinged Her Over His Head And Smashes Her To The Ground, Knocking Her Out.


Moxxie Opens His Eyes And Gasped With A Squeak To Find Himself Tied To A Stitched Up Dead Body In A Chair.

Then, He Heard Groaning And They Look To See Hunter, Who Was Also Tied Up To A Chair, Waking Up.

"Hunter! You Okay?" Moxxie Asked, Worriedly.

"Well, My Head Feels Like I Got Ran Over A Stampede Of Hellish Beasts. But, Other Than That, I Think I'm Gonna Be Okay." Hunter Assured.

"We're In Deep Shit." Moxxie Said.

Moxxie Looked In Front Of Them, The Son And Daughter Appear With Red Eyes And Devious Sharp Grins On Their Faces.

"Oh. Well Hello There, Little Ones. Aren't You Cute?" Moxxie Said, Trying To Ease The Situation.

"It's Nice To Have A New Critter To Play With." The Kids Said, Creepy.

Hunter And Moxxie Soon Gazed Up In Fear At The Red Light.

To Their Shock, The Light Reveals A Human Head High Up With Limbs On Plaques. They Soon Looked Around To See The Walls And Table Are Decorated With Human Corpses, There's Even A Dead Human Body On A Platter With An Apple In Its Mouth And Human Organs In A Bowl Close By.

"This Family... Is Just Fucking Deranged." Hunter Said.

"Oh... Crumbs." Moxxie Said.


Somewhere In The Forest, Blitzø Dash Through The Bushes And Into The Forest Where Martha Evilly Laughs And Fires Her Gun At Him. Martha's Evil Laugh Surrounds The Forest As He Runs Through The Forest.

He Slid Down The Hill And Catches His Breath.

Then, He Hears Martha In A Singing Like Tone, "I Know You're Hurtin', Little Devil."

Blitzø Quickly Hides Behind The Tree As He Takes Deep Breaths Before Quickly Covering His Mouth.

Soon, Martha Comes Walking Back And Continued To Call Out In A Singing Voice.

"I Promise That I Can Make That Pain Go Real Quick. Just Come Let Mama Martha Put A Bullet In Your Pretty Little Skull!" Martha Said.

Knowing That Martha Is Gone, He Took A Deep Breath In Relief.

Suddenly, He Hears A Yelling Sound, Causing Blitzø To Quickly Take Out His Yellow Hellphone And It Flips In The Air.

"Damnit!" Blitzø Whispered As He Tries To Grab His Phone.

Blitzø Quickly Grabbed His Phone, Pressed Answer And Holds It In His Ear.

"Stolas! This Is A Really Bad Time." Blitzø Whispered, Getting Annoyed.


Stolas Was In His Palace Relaxing In A Bathtub.

There Was A Lot Of Candles With Blue Flames Around The Tub. The Floor Has Glowing Astrological Symbols On It. The Curtains Look Like The Starry Night Sky With Glowing Constellations Floating Around The Room.

Stolas Holds An Old Rotary Phone To His Ear, In The Shape Of Sunflowers.

"Oh, When Isn't It A Bad Time, Blitzy?" Stolas Asked.

"What is it?" Blitzø Questioned, Wanting To Get Straight To The Point.

"I've Been Meaning To Follow Up On Our Last Little Conversation Regarding My Grimoire?" Stolas Stated.

Blitzø's Angry Face Appeared In A Bubble, Which Stolas Pops With His Finger.

"What Did You Just Call Me?" Blitzø Asked.

"My Book, Blitzy. The Book I Was Given To Do My Job? That I Have Allowed You To Use To Do Yours?" Stolas Reminded.


Suddenly, Blitzø Hears A Clicking Sound From The Other Side Of The tree, And Ducked Down Before The Fire Blows A Hole In The Tree, And Revealed Martha With Some Sharp Teeth.

"I Can Hear Ya, Darling!" Martha Said.

"Shit!" Blitzø Muttered And Runs Off.


"Anywho, I Have Been Thinking. You Know, I Have Been Permitting You To Access The Mortal Realm Less Than Legally For Some Time Now, But I Do Need It Back To Fulfill My Duties. I Was Thinking, What If We Worked Out Some Kind Of Exchange?" Stolas Suggested As He Runs His Finger On The Edge Of The Tub.

Stolas Made A Walking Motion With His Fingers.

"Favors For Favors?" Stolas Asked As His Hand Begins To Glow.


Blitzø Continued To Run Through The Woods As He Has The Phone In His Hand.

"Doesn't That Sound... Enticing?" Stolas Asked, Seductively.

Then, A Bullet Hits A Tree As Blitzø Quickly Ducked Behind A Tree.

"You Gotta Stop Using Your Fancy Ass Rich People Talk, Okay? I'm Trying To Concentrate On Not Getting Fucked In My A!" Blitzø Whispered, Angrily.

A Bullet Hits The Tree that Blitzø Was Hiding Behind And Nearly Hits Him.

"Then Let Me Keep It Simple." Stolas Said Over The Phone.


"Once A Month, On The Full Moon, You Return The Book To Me, Followed By A Night Of... Passionate Fornication." Stolas' Eyes Glow red And He Lowered Himself Into The Water With A Lustful Look. He Then Leans Slightly Over The Edge. "And, You Get To Keep It All The Rest Of The Time, Hmm? Sound Fair, My Little Imp?" Stolas Asked.


"Fine, Whatever!" Blitzø Answered.

"Oh, Blitzy! I'm So Excited! I Cannot Wait To Feel Your Slimy C**k Inside Of My *****. To ***** The—"

Blitzø Cringed And Closed His Eyes As Stolas Rambles On About His Lust For Him.

Then, Someone Knocked Blitzø's Phone Out Of His Hand And Pinned Him To The Tree.

Stolas Continues Talking On The Phone, However.

"So, You're A Little Devil, Huh? Come To Drag Me And My Kin To Hell? Well, Not Today, Satan!" Martha Pressed The Gun Harder Into Blitzø. "Gonna Send y'all Back To Where Ya Came From!"


Moxxie, Striker And Twyla Struggled To Free Themselves From The Rope, Their Hands Are Tied Behind Their Backs. The Two Imp And Gasped As They Sees Fires Being Lit From Outside.

A Hangman's Noose Hangs From The Wall.

"Millie!" Moxxie Yelled.

"Z!" Hunter

Both Kids Stared At Moxxie And Hunter With Wide Evil Grinned As The Imp And The Teenage Hellhound Grunted And Struggled To Get Free Again.

The Girl Pulled Out A Serrated Knife On Moxxie.

Moxxie Pushed The Chair Backward And Fell On Top Of Her.

Hunter Took Advantage Of The Distraction By Using His Tail To Pull Her Dagger Out Of His Leg Pocket And Expertly Slice Through The Ropes.

Moxxie Managed To Free Himself With The Girl's Own Knife.

Moxxie And Hunter Broke Through The Window, Holding Their  Guns.

They Raced Outside Through The Forest To Save Their Friends, Where Red Symbols Hang From Tree Branches.


Meanwhile, Lilly, Millie, And Blitzo Are Tied To A Stake Decorated With Spikes At The Top.

Ralphie Was Laughing As He Poured Gasoline On The ground Under Their Feet.

Nearby, Martha Was Holding A Torch In Her Left Hand With A Grin On Her Face.

"Azalea Had That Fucking Shot. God Dammit, Moxxie!" Blitzø Complained Under His Breath.

"Satan! We Return Your Filthy Creatures Back To The Pits Of Hell!", Martha Rises Her Torch As Blitzø, Lilly And Millie Struggle To Free Themselves. "May The Root Of Evil Remain Honored As We Continue Thy Work!"

Martha Tossed The Torch To The Ground, Where It Landed Under Blitzø, Azalea And Millie As She Evilly Laughed.

The Flames Rise Up Around The Two Imps And the Half Sin, But They Remain Unharmed.

"Yeah, That's Not Exactly How It Works, Lady. Sorry, Your Fire Doesn't Actually Hurt Us, But I Mean I Could Fake It If That'll Get Your Dick Hard." Blitzø Said.

"Yeah, If You Knew Anything About Hellborns, You'd Know That We're Immune To Fire." Azalea Stated.

"Oh... Shit! Well,... I'll Just Shoot Ya In Your Smartass Mouth!" Martha Said, Holding Her Shotgun.

"That Would Be More Effective." Blitzø Said.

"Blitzø!" Millie Scolded.

"Why The Fuck Would You Say That?!" Azalea Asked, Angrily.

Martha Laughed Evilly Again As She Aimed Her Rifle At The Three Imps.

They All Close Their Eyes And Flinch As Martha Yelped As A Gunshot Is Heard.

Martha's Eyes Flew From Her Sockets While Their Was A Hole On Her Forehead And She Collapsed To The Ground, Revealing Hunter And Moxxie Were The One's Who Shot Her With Their Gun.

"Moxxie!" Millie Yelled.

"Hunter" Azalea Exclaimed.

"You're Not Gettin' Your Goddam Paycheck For This One, Mox." Blitzø Stated.

Moxxie and Millie Smiled At Each Other And Embrace While Hunter And Azalea Hugged Each Other Blitzø Fell Down.

Ralphie Tripped Backwards On Martha's Corpse Before Fleeing Away From Them.

"Oh Yeah, Thanks! I'm Fine!", Blitzø Said, Sarcastically.

Moxxie And Azalea Helped Blitzø Up And Supports Him.

"I'm Sorry, Sir. I Compromised Our Objective And Put Us In Harm's Way. It Won't Happen Again. I Promise." Moxxie Said.

"Apology Accepted." Blitzø Hugged Moxxie Before Whispering, "But, If You Ever Pull A Stunt Like This Again, I Will Fuck You And Your Wife."

Blitzø Let Go As Moxxie Looked Terrified And Millie Raised Her Arms In A Cheer.

"Alrighty! Job Well Done! Now Let's Get Off." Blitzø Said, Pulling A Gray And Black Horse Toy From His Chest.

"Eh, Yeah Give Me A Moment. I Need To Get Something I Left At The House." Moxxie Said.

"Okay, Fine, But Hurry Up." Blitzø Talked Loudly Into The Phone. "Loona! We're Ready To Come Home, Dear!"


Moxxie Ran Through The Woods With A Determined Look On His Face. He Passes The Phone With Stolas Continuing To Speak about His Plans For Blitzø.


Meanwhile At The House, The Son And Daughter Were Being Lifted Into Their Father's Arms In The Corner Of The House When Moxxie Pointed His Rifle At Them.

The Son And Daughter Look Scared As The Girl Held A Stuffed Bear With Her.

"Don't Move!" Moxxie Threatened.

"What Are You Gonna Do, Little Guy? Kill Us?" Ralphie Asked.

"I Should! You People Are Monsters! But... You Should Have A Chance At Life And A Purpose. Look At Your Children. They Have Their Whole Future Ahead Of Them! You Are Going To Face Your Crimes, Justly." Moxxie Picked Up A Phone. "I Will Call Your Earthly Authorities And They Will Make Sure You Are Dealt With, Fairly. I'm Handling This My Way."

Moxxie Pressed A Button And The TV Turned On.

"Oh, Shit." Moxxie Said As He Glanced At The TV Remote, The Buttons Looked Like Eyes And A Face. "Uh, Do You Have A Phone To Summon 911?"

"Yeah, It's In The Kitchen." Ralphie Said.

"Then, What Is This For?" Moxxie Asked,

"It's A Universal Remote. Got It For The Kids." Ralphie Said, Hugging Them.

"Aww." Moxxie Said As His Eyes Shined.


Moxxie Arrived Back At The Portal Where Blitzø, Millie, Striker, Lilly And Twyla Were Waiting For Him.

"There He Is. Have A Good Wank Off Session, Moxxie?" Blitzø asks.

"Excuse Me?" Moxxie Questioned.

"I Don't Care Where You Come In The Living World. Just Come To Your Job On Time, Alright?" Blitzø Poked Moxxie several times for Emphasis Before Going Through The Portal With Hunter. "See You At The Office!"

"You Doing Okay, Sweetie?" Millie Asked.

"Better Now, Honey. I Think I Just Need A Minute To Process." Moxxie Said.

"You Have A Good Heart, Honey. JustA Fuzzy Head." Millie Said Before Kissing Him, Making Him Smile Lovingly.

Millie Walked Through The Portal, Leaving Azalea And Moxxie.

"So, What Exactly Did You Do, Mox?" Azalea Asked.

"Oh, I Just Called The Cops On Them. No Big Deal." Moxxie Said, Feeling Proud.

"Wait. You Called The Cops?!" Azalea Asked.

"Yes." Moxxie Answered, Proudly.

"On Cannibals?" Azalea Continued.

"Yes?" Moxxie Said, Confused.

"In Texas?" Azalea Finished.

"Yeah. Why?" Moxxie Questioned.

Then, They Heard Sirens As They Saw Two Police Cars And A Chopper At The House.

"We Got Them, Boys." A Police Officer Said.

The Chopper Fired A Missile Through The Roof And The House Exploded In An Inferno, Killing Ralphie And His Kids.

"That's Why." Azalea Said.

Then, The Girl's Teddy Bear Hit Moxxie In The Head.

"Don't Let It Get Into Your Head. They'd Probably Do That With A Human Baby If It Was A Murderer." Azalea Said.

Azalea Grabbed Moxxie By His Shirt Collar As She Dragged Moxxie Into The Portal.


Back In The Office, The I.M.P And Mrs. Mayberry Celebrated Their Accomplishment Of Killing Martha And Her Family With A Little Party.

"You See My Little Mox, Mox! He Did It! Oh Moxxie!" Millie Said, Hugging Her Husband.

"Well, Here's To Another Mission Accomplished! And Moxxie Here Finally Learned Not To Fuck Up." Blitzø Said.

"And Pilling People Isn't That Big Of A Deal If They Try To Kill You Back!" Millie Said, Rubbing Moxxie's Head.

"That's Messed Up. But, I Paid For It." Mrs. Mayberry Commented.

Then, Everyone Started Laughing.

"Yeah. Fuck That Family!" Hunter Said.

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