All in the fair of love and war

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Moxxie continues to stare deeply at the shark demon as he did the same in return, then he winks at him, making Moxxie blush even more.

Then Bruce noticed Moxxie looking at the shark boy.

"Ah I see noticing my son" Bruce wraps his arms around the shark.

"I want you to meet my son, Chazwick Thurman" Bruce introduced him.

"Or You can call me Chaz for short the z stands for...jizz" he purrs.

"Oh just shut up Chaz" his dad facepalm himself and shook his head in embarrassment.

But Chaz continues to stare at Moxxie then...The maid enters the room.

"Dinner is served" the maid says in a French accent.

"Shall we discuss some business?" Crimson says.

"Hmm...well very" Bruce says.

As they head to the dining room, Moxxie looks up to Chaz who lets him go first acting gentlemanly.

It was flattering at first but then he starts twirling Moxxie's tail giving him a strange feeling.

At the dinner was a variety of pasta, Bruce and Chaz were sitting across from crimson and Moxxie.

"Ok crimson let's talk, I doubt this isn't some celebration for your son, why have you invited us here" Bruce asked.

"The imps and sharks have been in war far too long I propose a truce the sharks and us come together as one we welcome you to our home" crimson says.

"Hmm you are very persuasive crimson but we don't just work with anyone not unless you have something to offer, we have money to finance our business what do you have?" Bruce questioned him, "we shark can be quite the challenge, we not eat pork not when we have chicken"

"It is quite juicy" Chaz says as he licks the meatball all around pulling it in and out of his mouth teasing Moxxie as he stares, it made him blush really hard as he tries to ignore him but Chaz smirked.

"You alright Moxxie, you seemed red" crimson saw.

"He's, I just feel a bit hot, I got to go" he ran upstairs to the restroom and locks the door, he felt his heart racing.

After washing his face, he ran back down to see dinner was finished.

"What do you say: a game of cards" crimson puts down a deck of cards.

"Very well, you're game" Bruce gets a seat closer to crimson.

The two sons join in, Moxxie takes his seat but then Chaz used his tail to pull him closer, which made Moxxie blushed as he looks at his cards.

"Blackjack, you see the way I see it is this we have control of every place and every gang member there ever was" crimson says.

"And what makes you think we would agree with working with you for all we know this could be a trick to betray us, we're not stupid you know" Bruce says.

"Just intimidating" Chaz added.

Crimson grunts, the sharks weren't making it easy for them as he was getting beaten at the game.

"Trust us for not but we have more weapons then you can count, there are more of us then you can handle, weather you can mistrust us this treaty is the only way to bring peace for each other and with us together we can end the other gang terrorizing us" crimson says.

"I win" Moxxie puts his cards down surprising the sharks.

"You make very good points crimson, very well after the mob turf war we can discuss the boundaries and conditions for our peace treaty" Bruce says.

"Very well, until then why don't everyone get some rest"

"What?" Moxxie panic then he turns to see Chaz smiling.

"We go in war tomorrow"

"Good night crimson, come along Chazwick"

"Coming dad"

Then Moxxie has a private chat with his dad, "sir they're spending the night here"

"Is that a problem Moxxie"

"Yes I don't feel comfortable with the sharks"

"Well you better get used to it because we'll be sharing our home with them"

"But sir?"

"GET to bed Moxxie you have a big day tomorrow and I suspect you win...or else, any Moxxie...don't cross me"

"Yes sir"

Moxxie heads up to his room but once inside, he was shocked to find Chaz laying seductively on his bed.

"Ah...sorry but this is my room" Moxxie explained.

"I know but I like what I see, do you like what you see baby" Chaz approached him.

He closed the door and pins Moxxie against the wall who was flustered by him.

"Ah-hahaha, I uh-" then he opens the door as Chaz leans in closer and fell out with Moxxie closing the door.

"I love it when they play hard to get" he smiled

Meanwhile in his room, Moxxie blushed so hard he grabs his pillow and buried his face in it and internal screams.

The next morning was the following day of the morning, breakfast was served for the mafia.

Moxxie felt horror as he fetched his cup of coffee, but as he sits down to drink he sees Chaz seemed tiresome he rubs his eyes and when he saw Moxxie, he smiled.

Again he blushed, crimson and Bruce go over through the plan.

"Ok so we attack at downtown tonight" Bruce says.

"If we're lucky this means we'll have them outnumbered" crimson says. "Everyone get ready, we battle tonight"

During that night, Moxxie finds himself hiding behind a car in the middle of a mob turf war.

"Ah!" Terrified He throws away the Tommy gun and pulls out a grenade, but it slips out of his hands before he can pull the pin.

Moxxie runs after it and catches it the same moment that Chaz grabs it, touching his hand.

"So we meet again beautiful" Chaz says, they Both share a smile as Moxxie was captivated by his charm.

"Excuse me for a minute" before Moxxie picks up the grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it away.

Chaz and Moxxie stare fondly at each other as the grenade explodes in the distance, the smoke forming the shape of a heart.

After the war was over, Moxxie and Chaz started to get...acquainted with each other and right behind their dads back.

The scene switches over to Moxxie answering the door.

"I'll get it dad"

But he greeted by Chaz at the door. Chaz is holding signs that he lets fall from his hands.

The signs say "TELL YOUR DAD IT'S A SALESMAN" "I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU" and "MOKSIE, WILL YOU BONE WITH ME?" Moxxie blushes fondly and lets Chaz in.

They carefully walk inside together, Chaz puts his arm around him then slides down and gropes his butt making Moxxie aroused.

Moxxie polishing a rifle when Chaz comes up from behind and assists.

"Need a little help baby" Moxxie grows aroused by the interaction till he started rubbing something else.

Moxxie came in his room to find Chaz shirtless on his bed with a rose, then he raise his eyebrow.

But soon that all started to change, one night during a heist, Moxxie was carrying a bag of money, is running with Chaz to the exit as the security gate begins to drop.

Moxxie throws the money out of the bank and catches the gate with his shoulders to give Chaz time to slide under.

Moxxie tries to escape but his leg and tail are caught under the gate when it drops to the floor.



After struggling to get out he turns to Chaz for help. Chaz suddenly hears the police sirens and grabs the gate and lifts it up freeing Moxxie who is picks up the money.

They get in a car and try to escape but the police were getting closer.

"Where not gonna make it?" Moxxie says.

Then Chaz turns to him, he cups his face and he gives him a kiss.

"We'll be fine I promise"

Then he sees they were heading for the lake, Chaz gets an idea and he shoves Moxxie out of the car.

"CHAZ" Moxxie sees him getting out to the car and blows him a kiss before the car crashes in the lake.

Moxxie devastated and in tears. Moxxie is thrown inside a jail cell. He sadly climbs into the bottom bunk of the bed.

"So, what're you in for?" He hears a cell mate.

Moxxie quietly pulls his tail closer to him. His cellmate, Blitzo, is lying on the top bunk.

"Okay, not much of a talker, are you?" hops down and shakes Moxxie's hand, "I'm Blitzo, the "o" is silent. I'm sure we're going to get along just fine. So, what's your deal? What'd you do? Who'd you diddle? You look like someone good with a gun. You look like someone who could shoot up an office-" Moxxie attempts to speak.

"and I hope you are 'cuz I got a plan to get us out of this dump but I'm going to need some help, you think you can give me a hand? I need to get out to my daughter. The babysitter will kill me if I don't get back soon. Do you like kids? 'Cause lemme tell 'ya. They're a-fucking-dorable"

Moxxie tearfully smiles as Blitzo continues talking about his escape plan, but he still frown still thinking about Chaz's death.

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