Episode 3: Stoliz Wedding

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By the way, this episode will explain the Blitz incident that is mentioned in the Hazbin reaction.

RavenDragon: Before we get to the twins' birth, I have a special episode to show you.

Blitz: Which is...?

RavenDragon: How are you with weddings?

Fizzarolli: Wedding? Wait, is it mine and Ozzie's secret wedding?!

RavenDragon: Sorry Fizz but no. It's actually Stolas and Blitz's wedding.

Helia: Yes! We finally get to see Mom and Dad's wedding!

Spiroz: Helia's a sucker for romantic events.

Octavia: And she is my sister.

RavenDragon: And you should know about one more demon in your lives.

Blitz: Who?

Spiroz: She's talking about Auntie Kara. Our godmother.

Helia: Spiro! They don't know about her.

Blitz: What is she? A hellhound?

RavenDragon: You'll see. But first, we're going to see the proposal.

Moxxie: Which one of them proposed?

RavenDragon: You'll just have to wait and see. Now, let's get started.

(The scene opened to the Pride Ring at Kara's Karaoke Bar and Club. Blitz was sitting at the bar, drinking his fifth cup of beer.)

BLITZ: Hit me again, Marty.

MARTY: Not happening. The boss put you on a five-beer limit. You Imps have a high alcohol intake.

BLITZ: What?! Since when?!

(Kara Melody, the Overlord of Music, walked to the bar.)

Fizzarolli: Who is that?

RavenDragon: That my friend is Kara Melody, the Overlord of Music. In this universe, she's the one who gave Blitz advice on getting his act together. And is the one that helps bring you two lovebirds together.

Moxxie: Like a therapist.

Blitz: I do not need a therapist.

Barbie/Fizzaroli/Verosika: You do!

KARA: Since you drank so much that you sang up on stage, drunk, about your break up with Verosika and then decided to have an orgi in my club with a few of my workers.

BLITZ: Let that live forever!

KARA: I hear you and Stolas have been going on strong. And you two adopted a hellhound pup? Blitz, I'm happy for you.

BLITZ: Thanks, kid.

KARA: So why are you drowning your worries in beer?

BLITZ: As you know, Stolas and I have been in a very committed relationship. And I want to take it to the next level.

(Blitz pulled out a little velvet box and opened it, inside was a beautiful diamond ring.)

Stolas: Oh my!

Bee: Ooh! Boy, you got some bling!

Millie: It's beautiful.

KARA: Is that a...?


KARA: (squeals) Congrats Blitz. Stolas is going to love it!

BLITZ: I hope so. I want the proposal to be big, memorable, and grand enough for Stolas to say yes.

KARA: He's going to love it, Blitz. And he will say yes.

BLITZ: I don't suppose you know any good places.

KARA: Actually, I do know a restaurant here in Pentagram City. It has a balcony where you can get the most amazing view of the city. Completely romantic and the perfect place to propose. Lots of sinner and hell-born couples go there for a romantic night out or pull off a grand romantic gesture.

BLITZ: Oh, sounds promising. What kind of gesture?

KARA: (sighs) You're lucky I'm nice.

Fizzarolli: No surprise there.

Blitz: Hey!

Fizzarolli: You don't have a romantic bone in your body. A lustful one, yes. But not a romantic one.

Verosika: I can vouch for that.

Blitz: OK, banging on Blitz time is over!

KARA: Here's what you should do, make a reservation for the balcony view for you and Stolas, then order the champagne but hide the ring in Stolas's glass.

BLITZ: So he'll swallow it?

KARA: No. He'll see the ring inside and fish it out with the fork. Then propose to him. Easy.

BLITZ: You are a genius! Thanks, Mel. (leaves)

KARA: (whispers) Go get your happy ending, Blitz.

Millie/Moxxie/Sally May: Aww!

(The scene changed to the restaurant at night. Blitz and Stolas were all dressed up. The waiter led them to the balcony view where their table was. The table had lit candles and a vase filled with Hell's version of roses in the center. They sat down at the table.)

STOLAS: Blitz, this place is wonderful. What made you choose should a place?

BLITZ: Oh, a friend recommended this place. Said that it had the best view.

(The waiter came with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Stolas was looking at the view and distracted while Blitz pulled out the ring from his pocket.)

Millie: Ooh! Here it comes!

Beelzebub: Come on...

(Blitz was about to put the ring in Stolas's glass but he stopped midway. He started to have doubts in his mind about the proposal. Memories of his failed relationships started to hit him like a ton of bricks; one by one the memories made him have second thoughts. What if he screwed it up like he did before? What if Stolas said no? What if he was a bad husband to Stolas? So many questions and doubts were swirling around inside Blitz's head that he just put the ring back in his pocket.)

Blitz: Yeah that... That sounds like me.

Fizzarolli: Oh, come on!

(The scene changed to back at the mansion after the date. Blitz was sitting under the giant tree, the same tree from when he and Stolas met as kids. Stolas joined Blitz moments later.)

STOLAS: Blitz, are you alright? You've been acting strange all night.

BLITZ: Well... I kind of had this big romantic gesture all planned out but I, I choked.

STOLAS: Blitzy...

BLITZ: I feel so stupid. I wanted us to have a memorable evening, but I fucked it up. Every single time I get close to someone, they leave. I thought things with you were different, I thought I'd have a chance at happiness. But it's all just fake. No one could ever love someone as messed up as me. (tearfully) I mean, what's there to love about me?

(Stolas wrapped his arms around Blitz to give him a loving hug.)

STOLAS: Hot-tempered, sneaky, dreadful manners, a good shag, and a very avaricious person...

Octavia: Dad....

Loona groans.

Blitz: Is that what you think of me?

Stolas: I mean...

Fizzarolli: Shh! I wanna see where this goes.

BLITZ: Very funny.

STOLAS: Is what I would've said when we first met.

Blitz: Huh?

STOLAS: But now? I see someone worth loving. Never in all my entire centuries of living have I ever met such a beautiful, loyal, and astounding being. You've changed my life. I cannot put into words the things I feel for you, my little imp.

BLITZ: S-Stolas... (Stolas put a finger on his lips to quiet him.)

STOLAS: Blitz, you mean the world to me. I want you here with me until the seven rings collapse.

Girls/Fizzarolli: Aww!

(Stolas takes Blitz's hand then he starts to softly sing a little tune.)


Never knew I could feel like this

Like I've never seen the sky before

Want to vanish inside your kiss

Every day I love you more and more

Moxxie: Whoa. You have an amazing voice, your highness.

Stolas: Thank you.

Verosika: Now that's natural talent.

(Blitz felt like he wanted to say something but he was just mesmerized by Stolas' voice. Stolas pulled Blitz closer to his chest.)


Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing?

Telling me to give you everything

Seasons may change, winter to spring

But I love you until the end of time

Come what may

Come what may

I will love you until my dying day

(Blitz blushed up a storm; Stolas was being so romantic towards him. Blitz couldn't help but join in as well.)


Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace

Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste

It all revolves around you

Blitz was surprised by this.

Moxxie: Never pegged you for a romantic singer.

Blitz: Shut up Mox!

(Stolas and Blitz start to slowly dance together under the night sky. The both of them suddenly felt like they were transported to another world as they were both singing to each other together.)


And there's no mountain too high

No river too wide

Sing out this song, and I'll be there by your side

Storm clouds may gather

And stars may collide


But I love you (I love you)

Until the end of time (until the end of time)


Come what may

Come what may

I will love you until my dying day

Oh, come what may, come what may

I will love you, oh I will love you

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Come what may

Come what may

I will love you until my dying day

(The two sat down under the tree looking up at the night sky. Blitz finally gathered up the courage then he kneeled to the ground and pulled out the ring.)

Millie: Here it comes.

Barbie: I'm getting a royal for an in-law. (looks at Fizzarolli and Asmodeus) Make that two royal in-laws.

Fizzarolli: We aren't married!

BLITZ: Stolas, will you marry me?

STOLAS: (tearful) Yes!

(Blitz placed the ring on Stolas's finger and then the two shared a romantic kiss.)

Everyone (minus Blitz): Yes!

RavenDragon: And that's it for the proposal episode. Get ready for the next episode, the wedding.

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