Episode 4: You Belong With Me

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RavenDragon: Alright, now, you two ready to see the wedding?

Blitz: I'm gonna regret this.

Stolas: Well, I'm interested.

RavenDragon: Oh also, Loona, Via, you two are a little younger in this so...

Loona: (blushed) No! No way!

Blitz: On second thought, play it! I never found any pics of Loona when she was a puppy.

Loona slumped in her seat.

Vortex: I'm sure it's not that bad.

(The scene opened to a bridal shop in Pentagram City. Inside were, Millie, Cherri Bomb, Kara, 10-year-old Loona, 5-year-old Octavia, and Stolas.)

Spiroz/Helia: Awwww!

Blitz: (sniffles) Oh Loonie.

Loona: (Groans) Some embarrassing.

Beelezabub: She's even adorable as a pup.

(Kara, Millie, and Cherri each grabbed two different wedding dresses for Stolas to try on. Stolas took Cherri's choice and went into the changing room.)

MILLIE: I still can't believe that Blitz finally proposed. Took him long enough.

KARA: And we've all been pitching in with the wedding. We've got the cake all set, the flowers prepped, the guest list, security in case Stella or any unwanted guest try anything, the flower girl...,


KARA: The rings and ring bearer...


Moxxie: How did you go from that sweet pup, to grouch secretary?

Loona: (growls) Don't make me throttle you, fatty!

Moxxie: I am not fat!

KARA: The officiant, and even the entertainment.

CHERRI: And by entertainment, you mean you and a few of your workers.

KARA: All that's left is Stolas's wedding dress and our bridesmaids dresses.

Barbie: Wait, why is Stolas wearing a dress?

Spiroz: It's what Dad wore at the wedding. He wanted to surprise Mom.

Blitz: OK, I'm never going to get used to hearing that Stolas and I have kids, or that my kids call me, mom.

STOLAS: (in the dressing room) Ok. I'm ready.

MILLIE: Alright, bride-to-be, let's see it.

(Stolas stepped out of the dressing room wearing Cherri's choice which was a very sexy two-piece dress.)

Blitz's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

Fizzarolli did a spit take from his soda.

Asmodeus: Wow. That's one way to make a lustful evening.

(Kara had to cover Loona and Octavia's eyes.)

MILLIE: That'll make heads turn.

KARA: Cherri, honey. It's a wedding, not a porn video.

CHERRI: What? Just imagine Blitz's eyes popping out of his head seeing him in this.

Verosika: We're seeing it now.

Blitz: What?! He looks kind of hot.... (Blushes)

Stolas: Oh my.

KARA: Along with half the guests becoming horny.

STOLAS: Maybe I'll try something else.

MILLIE: Oh, do mine next!

(Stolas changed out of the two-piece and changed into Millie's dress choice. Stolas came out of the dressing room wearing, a dress that was a sort of farm girl overall style that sort of stuck out like a sore thumb.)

Sally May: Oh now that is a dress.

Everyone else: Ehh...

MILLIE: Ye-haw! Now that's a dress!


STOLAS: As sweet as this is Millie, I don't think this one is it.

KARA: What about the other ones?

STOLAS: Um, too short, too long, and the fifth one was a little too similar to my ex-wife.

CHERRI: Try the last one.

(Stolas changed into the final dress, the one that Kara picked out. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled.)

STOLAS: This... This is the one.

Helia: Dad's wedding dress.

(The scene changed to nightfall at Stolas's house. Loona and Octavia were in bed while Moxxie, Millie, Cherri, Kara, Stolas, and Blitz were having the reception. Kara clinked her glass of champagne with a fork to get everyone's attention.)

KARA: Raise your glasses, mates. (everyone raised their glasses of champagne.) As I look around this room, I see a bright future for all of us. And a wonderful life for our two lover demons, may you have happy lives together. To the happy couple, Stolas and Blitz. Who shows us that love can come from anywhere, no matter what your status is.

EVERYONE: To Stolas and Blitz.

(Everyone clinked glasses.)

Blitz couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He was happy in this universe while in his own universe, he messed up so much with Stolas.

(The scene changed to the next morning. Blitz woke up alone in bed. He saw the breakfast tray on the nightstand along with the note. It says Bad luck for the groom to see the bride on their wedding day. Blitz smiled reading the note, he was marrying a prince, and it was the best thing.)

Everyone: Aww!

Beelzebub: I hope we get to see Ozzie and Fizzie's wedding.

Fizzarolli: You will never let that go.

Beelzebub: No way.

(The scene quickly changed to the church where everyone was. Blitz was dressed in his wedding tux, standing at the altar with Moxxie as his best man. When all the guests were seated, Octavia walked down the aisle in her light pink dress throwing rose petals, Loona followed her with the pillow with the rings. Kara walked up to where the orchestra was and that was her cue to sing.)


Can't say how the days will unfold

Can't change what the future may hold

But I want you in it

Every hour

Every minute

(At that moment, everyone stood up from their seats to face the doors opening to reveal Stolas. He was wearing a wedding dress that almost resembled Cinderella's with Alencon lace and little gemstones that sparkled like stars. He was holding a bouquet of white lilies, and he was even wearing a wedding veil too.)

Blitz: I take it back. He looks better in this.

Stolas looked like he was gonna cry.

Octavia: Dad, you ok?

Stolas: (wipes away his tears) Yeah. I'm ok.

This world can race by far too fast

Hard to see while it's all flyin' past

(Stolas started to walk down the aisle.)

But it's clear now

When you're standin' here now

I am meant to be

Wherever you are next to me

All I wanna do

Is come runnin' home to you

Come runnin' home to you

(Stolas was now at the altar holding Blitz's hands.)

And all my life I promise to

Keep runnin' home to you

Keep runnin' home to you

(Kara finished singing then she went to her seat. Everyone sat down.)

Moxxie: That was... beautiful.

Fizzarolli: I'm not a sappy cheesy love fan but I have to admit, this Kara girl is amazing.

RavenDragon: I'm glad you like her Fizz. Because you and Oz might get to see her soon.

OFFICIANT: Welcome to you all. I'm honored to be presiding over the wedding of Prince Stolas and Blitz. As I look out to you all, their friends and family. I can tell that this is a good match. It tells me that these two demons deserve to be together. If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.

(No one spoke out. But just as the Officiant was about to continue, someone barged in.)

VOICE: I object!

(Everyone turned to the doors, Stella was here.)

Stolas: (groans) Why?

STOLAS: What do you want Stella?

STELLA: Are you joking Stolas?! Marrying a low-class imp!? Adopting a common hellhound? Why am I not surprised? Found her in the gutters?

BLITZ: Why you...!

(Stolas stopped Blitz.)

STOLAS: Blitz, let me deal with her. (turned to Stella) You have no power over me anymore Stella! I'm happy with Blitz, Loona, and Via. I won't let you ruin it!

(Stella charged at Stolas but she was suddenly grabbed by security hellhounds that work for Kara.)

KARA: Boys, show this trashy bitch the door.

(The hellhounds dragged Stella out of the wedding, kicking and screaming.)

Blitz: Now I like this gal. Too bad she's not a hellborn, we could use someone like her.

OFFICIANT: Right. Do you Stolas Goetia, take Blitz to be your husband? For better or worse?


OFFICIANT: And do you Blitz, take Stolas to be your husband? For better or worse?

BLITZ: Hell yes, I do!

(Loona presented the rings to her fathers. Blitz put one ring on Stolas then Stolas put the other ring on Blitz.)

OFFICIANT: I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss.

(Blitz didn't need to be told that twice; he pulled Stolas in for a long steamy kiss as everyone clapped and cheered.)

Everyone clapped.

Moxxie: Bold move, sir.

Blitz: I do love pulling gutsy moves.

(Soon everyone was at the party eating cake, drinking, and dancing as Kara sang for the guests. Stolas, Blitz, Loona, and Octavia posed for wedding photos together. Kara then spoke into the mic.)

KARA: And now, it's time for the bride and groom to have their dance.

(A soft melody played.)


I walked across an empty land

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand

I felt the earth beneath my feet

Sat by the river and it made me complete

(Stolas and Blitz stepped onto the dance floor and started slow dancing.)

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on

So tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree

I felt the branches of it looking at me

Is this the place we used to love?

Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Moxxie: (holds out his hand for Millie) May I?

Millie: (giggles) Moxxie.

Moxxie and Millie got out of their seats and started slow dancing.

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on

So tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

Asmodeus: Froggie....

Fizzarolli: Oh.. Ozzie.

Asmodeus and Fizzarolli joined the slow dancing. So did Vortex and Beelzebub.

And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go somewhere only we know?

Somewhere only we know

(Soon more couples started to join them.)

Blitz: Stolas, would you...?

Stolas: I would be honored.

Stolas and Blitz started to slow dance.

(Some - where)

And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go? So why don't we go?

And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go somewhere only we know?

Somewhere only we know

Somewhere only we know

RavenDragon: And that's the wedding.

Stolas and Blitz stopped dancing and blushed at how close they were.

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