Episode 5: Baby of Mine

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RavenDragon: And now, for the twins birth.

Stolas: Um... Should some of them see this?

Spiroz/Octavia/Helia: Dad!

RavenDragon: Actually, Spiro, Helia, could you two wait outside? Just go with it.

Spiroz/Helia: Fine. (walk out of the theater)

(The scene opened to nine months ago during a mission with Moxxie, Blitz, and Millie in the human world. Blitz, Millie, and Moxxie were hiding in the bushes, waiting for the victim to leave their house.)

MOXXIE: Sir, are you sure you got this?

BLITZ: I'm fine, Mox. You sound like Stolas.

MOXXIE: I'm just saying. You threw up in the office bathroom before we came here.

BLITZ: It's fine Moxxie. It's just something I ate.

Fizzarolli: You went out while you were pregnant?! Are you fucking insane, Blitz?!

Blitz: This is the other me!

MILLIE: After this, you are seeing a doctor, Blitz.

MOXXIE: Target approaching.

(A male human opens the door. Blitz was ready with his gun, aiming at the male human's head. He started to feel a little woozy, his vision doubled, and he couldn't focus. When he fired the shot; it missed the target by an inch and then passed out.)

Stolas: Blitzy!

Barbie: Way to go, dumbass.

Blitz: Hey!


MALE HUMAN: What the...?!

(Millie threw her ax at the guy, killing him in an instant.)

MILLIE: Got him.

(Moxxie and MIllie looked over Blitz.)

MOXXIE: We need to get him to a hospital.

(The scene changed to the hospital in the Sloth Ring. Moxxie, Loona, and Millie were in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor.)

Loona: How much do you want to bet your dad's gonna lose it?

Octavia: Coming into the hospital all frantic? I'd take that bet.

Stolas: No betting girls!

Loona/Octiva: Oh come on!

(A portal opened in the waiting room and a frantic Stolas came out.)

STOLAS: Where's Blitz?! Is he ok?!

Loona/Octavia: Called it.

Fizzarolli: And I thought Ozzie was frantic.

Millie: Clearly you haven't seen Moxxie.

Moxxie/Ozzie/Stolas: Hey!

MILLIE: Easy hun. The doctors are looking over Blitz right now.

LOONA: I should have known something was off with him.

STOLAS: Loona, darling. It's not your fault.

(The doctor came out from Blitz's hospital room.)

STOLAS: How is he? Is my husband alright?

DOCTOR: Calm down, Your Highness. Your husband is alright. He just needs rest and fluids. Oh, I believe a congratulation is in order.

STOLAS: Excuse me?

MOXXIE: What are you talking about?

DOCTOR: Oh, your husband is pregnant. Were you not aware?

ALL: What?!

Barbie: Oh now that is priceless.

Fizzarolli: I'm still confused about how Blitz could get pregnant.

RavenDragon: In this universe, 2% of male imps can get pregnant. It's rare but it can happen.

Ozzie: You don't say... (looks at Fizzarolli.)

Fizzarolli: Ozzie, why are you looking at me like that?

RavenDragon: Don't even think about it, Oz.

Fizzarolli nearly choked on his burger.

Fizzarolli: Asmodeus!

Verosika: Oh now I'd pay to see a little hybrid of Ozzie and Fizzie.

Blitz: Ha! Now who's the woman in their relationship?!

Fizzarolli/Loona/Verosika: Still you!

Blitz: Christ on a stick.

STOLAS: How? How is this possible?

MOXXIE: Technically, about 2% of male imps can be pregnant depending if they have the reproducing gene.

LOONA: And you're just telling us this now?!

MOXXIE: What?! Every imp knows this! Then again, it is very rare.

MILLIE: Can we see him?

DOCTOR: Right this way.

(The doctor took the four of them to Blitz's room. Blitz was lying in a hospital bed with an IV in his right arm.)

STOLAS: Blitz!

(Stolas immediately hugged Blitz.)

BLITZ: Stolas, I'm fine. It was just a fainting spell.

MOXXIE: Sir, you are aware that you are...

BLITZ: Pregnant? Yeah. The stupid doctor already told me.

Blitz: Oh Satan. I am a mom.

LOONA: Via's gonna be so surprised.

STOLAS: Could you three give us a minute?

(Millie, Moxxie, and Loona left the room.)

BLITZ: Stolas, I don't know if I can do this.

STOLAS: Blitzy, it's alright, dear. We'll get through this together. This little one will have the most wonderful parents and caring sisters.

(Stolas and Blitz kissed.)

BLITZ: OK Stolas.

STOLAS: I promise Blitz, our little one will be happy.

(The scene fast-forwards to nine months later at Stolas and Blitz's mansion. Blitz sitting on the couch, nine-month pregnant belly. He was looking at old photos from when he, Fizzarolli, and Barbie were kids. Kara was with Blitz in the mansion.)

Blitz: That Melody chick is in this too?!

Stolas: Why do I get the feeling she has something to do with us being together?

Kara who was hiding up on the balcony where RavenDragon was.

Kara: (whispers) If only they knew.

(Kara had just walked into the living room with lunch trays when she saw from the corner of her eye the photo on Blitz's phone. It was a photo of young Blitz with young Fizzarolli and young Barbie Wire.)

KARA: Who's that?

BLITZ: (scrambles to hide his phone.) I don't know what you're talking about!

KARA: Blitz... I saw the photo. Who was that?

BLITZ: (sighs and pulls out the phone.) That's my twin sister, Barbie Wire. We used to be so close until an incident years ago. Now she's in rehab in Sloth Ring and I hardly see her. I did invite her to the wedding to try and make up with her but she never came.

Barbie: You... You invited me to the wedding?

Blitz: Other me! But I guess a part of me, misses my twin.

KARA: What incident? And why is she in rehab?

BLITZ: I don't really want to talk about it. But let's just say, it drove her to H-8 and other drugs. She ended up overdosing so I checked her into rehab and would sometimes check up on her. But it was always the same thing, she didn't want to see me.

KARA: Well, maybe I can help. We are going to Sloth.

BLITZ: Pump the breaks sister. One, Stolas would ruffle his feathers if he knew I was out of the house. And two, you're a sinner, you can't leave the Pride Ring.

KARA: (pulls out her royal pass wristband.) We'll be back before he even knows.

BLITZ: How did you even get one of those?!

KARA: Let's just say, my performance in the Lust Ring was a showstopper.

Ozzie: No argument here.

Bee: Sure.

(The scene changed to the rehab center in the Sloth Ring. Blitz and Kara enter the center. The nurse glares at them.)

NURSE: Well if it isn't the deadbeat.

BLITZ: Well if it isn't Nurse Pussy Face.

NURSE: You ain't getting in here. Go back to your prince sugar daddy baby.

BLITZ: You know I kill people for a living, right bitch?

KARA: (sighs) We're here to see Barbie Wire.

NURSE: She doesn't want to see you. Now beat it.

KARA: Excuse me? But I think Barb can answer for herself. Let her know that she has visitors.

NURSE: Leave before I taser you. And don't bother coming back. Barbs never gonna want to see her deadbeat brother. Should've rotted in greed.

Barbie: You tried to see me, Blitzo?

Blitz: I did. But Nurse Pussy Face would always stop me.

(Blitz looked like he was gonna cry from the hormones. Kara snarled at the nurse then she grabbed the nurse by the throat.)

KARA: Let us pass or, (demonic voice and her red highlights glowed.) I'll rip you into shreds and feed your remains to the cannibals in Cannibal Town!

NURSE: (scared) OK, ok! Go ahead!

(Kara released the nurse then her expression changed.)

KARA: Thank you.

(Kara and Blitz walk away.)

Almost everyone was speechless.

Millie: I think I just found a new contender for the Pain Games.

BLITZ: Wow! I don't think I have ever seen you that angry. I mean, Loona, I can see. Millie? Yes, because she's a killer. But you? I thought you were a goody-two shoes.

KARA: Hey. I can be scary when I need to be.

(Blitz and Kara found the room that Barb was staying in. Blitz knocked on the door to the room, someone opened the door, Barbie Wire, Blitz's sister. She was surprised to see her brother here and pregnant no less.)

KARA: I'll let you two catch up. (Leaves and closes the door.)

Blitz: OK now I'm scared.

Stolas: Blitz, she's your sister.

Blitz: I know. And she can be scary.

Fizzarolli: I can vouch for that.

(Blitz waddled towards the bed and sat down on it. Barbie sat down next to him.)

BARBIE: Blitzo, why are you here? Shouldn't you be with the Goetia Prince?

BLITZ: The O is silent now. And I thought you would have come to my wedding.

BARBIE: I never got the invite. I would have liked to meet my new brother-in-law. From what I heard, you adopted a Hellhound, you're the stepfather to a Goetia Princess, and you run a killing business. I saw your cheesy commercial on the TV.

BLITZ: Hey. The commercial is not cheesy!

Blitz: Thank you other me!

Verosika: I mean, it was a little cheesy.

Blitz: What?!

Loona: Raise your hand if you thought the I.M.P. commercial was cheesy.

Moxxie, Fizzarolli, Loona, Octavia, Sallie May, Barbie, Verosika, Bee, Ozzie, and even RavenDragon raised their hands.

Blitz: At least Millie and Stolas didn't think so.

Millie: Well...

Blitz: Oh come on!

BARBIE: Oh really? It has an annoying jingle. Also, kids die for free?

BLITZ: That was a last-minute add-on! Plus that kid had it coming for insulting my children.

(Barbie giggled then she put her hand on Blitz's stomach. She felt the baby kick, and it gave her a new feeling.)

BARBIE: Blitzo... Um, Blitz, I owe you an apology.

BLITZ: I thought you were mad at me for "ruining" your life.

BARBIE: I was. But then, I realized you didn't fuck up my life. I was a mess and you were looking out for me.

BLITZ: Hey, I'm your twin brother. It's my job to look out for you. Besides, I think my kids would like to have their cool Aunt Barb in their lives.

BARBIE: Cool Aunt, Huh? I could get used to that. Um, are you looking for any employees at the moment?


BARBIE: I've been clean for years and I need to find a place to live and a job. And I was getting over my addiction and withdrawals when you had the wedding. I would have come but the stupid staff kept me in rehab and banned me from leaving.

BLITZ: Oh... That explains it.

Moxxie: So it was all a misunderstanding?

Fizzarolli: Like you never visited me at the hospital because they said you never came and they told you that I didn't want to see you.

Blitz: And we cleared that up after our fun with Striker and Crimson.

Moxxie/Millie: What?!

Blitz: Oh right. I didn't tell you two.

Moxxie: You saw my father and Striker? Working together!?

Fizzarolli spat out his drink.

Fizzarolli: Crimson is your dad?! That would explain the resemblance.


BLITZ: It would be nice to work to... (winced in pain)

BARBIE: Blitz? You okay?

BLITZ: I'm fi... (shouts in pain.)

(Blitz felt his stomach cramping up followed by wetness in his pants.)

BARBIE: Blitz?

BLITZ: The baby... It's coming.

Stolas hyperventilating.

Blitz: Stols? Easy there.

Stolas: Don't! Say anything else Blitzy.

Fizzarolli: He's in the dog house.

BARBIE: Blitz, lay down on the bed.

(Kara came into the room after hearing Blitz's screams.)

KARA: What's going on?

BARBIE: My brother's about to give birth!

KARA: What?!

BLITZ: Hello?! Imp in pain here!

KARA: I'll get Stolas and the others!

(Kara tried to call Stolas on her phone but it just went straight to voicemail. She then called Moxxie.)

MOXXIE: (On the phone) Kara?

KARA: Blitz is in labor!

MOXXIE: (On the phone) WHAT?! NOW!?

KARA: Get Loona and Octavia with Millie and head to the rehab center in Sloth.

MOXXIE: (on the phone) Why are you two even...?

BLITZ: (off-screen) Satan's balls! This hurts!

KARA: Just get your asses here now! And call Stolas! (hangs up the phone.)

Blitz: And now I'm glad I can't get pregnant in our universe. This is painful.

Millie: It is. And Sallie May and I have helped deliver a few animals.

(One of the nurses heard screams from Barbie's room and rushed over.)

BARBIE: (to the nurse) Get some towels, hot water, and blankets. Fast!

(The nurse ran off.)

KARA: I'll go keep an eye out for the others. (leaves)

BARBIE: Blitz, I'm sure Stolas will be here soon. But I'm here and I'm gonna help deliver my niece or nephew. Besides, this isn't the first time I've helped deliver a baby.

BLITZ: Delivering a foal is not the same thing as delivering a baby imp or a crossbreed, or I don't know! (screams in pain.) Christ on a stick! I'm gonna kill Stolas for doing this to me!

Fizzarolli: Considering we met Sprioz and Helia, they're hybrids.

(The nurse came in with hot water, towels, and blankets. When the nurse left, Moxxie and Millie came running in.)

MILLIE: We came as fast as we could. Via and Loona are outside.

BARBIE: Oh good, you must be my brothers' employees. Grab a hand and let my brother crush yours.

MOXXIE: Brother?

BLITZ: Yeah, yeah, this is my fucking twin sister, Barbie! Now can we get back to the pregnant man?! AHH! Satan fucking dammit!

(Millie and Moxxie each grabbed Blitz's hands just as Barb said that the baby was crowning. She kept telling Blitz to push and he was. He kept pushing, screaming, and gripping onto Millie and Moxxie's hands like it was the last thing in Hell. Moments later, Blitz had given birth to a beautiful baby boy. Blitz was panting and sweating like crazy after the birth.)

BLITZ: Oh thank satan! It's over.

Loona: Wait for it.

BARBIE: Um, Blitz.

BLITZ: What? We're done, right? (screams in pain again.) What the fuck?!

BARBIE: That's what I was trying to tell you! There's another one coming!

BLITZ: What?! The doctor said that it was just one!

(The scene changed to Kara, Loona, and Octavia outside in the reception room. They could hear Blitz's screams.)

LOONA: And I'm not having kids.

Blitz: Oh thank Lucifer. Because that is never happening, Looney.

Loona: (embarrassed) Da... (groans) Blitz.

(A portal opened and Stolas stepped out of the portal, frantically looking for Blitz.)

STOLAS: Where's my husband?!

KARA: (holds Stolas back) Whoa! Easy Stolas! Blitz is ok. And his sister is delivering the baby.

STOLAS: Sister? (hears Blitz's screams) Blitz!

(He breaks out of Kara's hold.)

Bee: I'm impressed.

Verosika: Same.

(He barged into the room; thankfully Blitz was done giving birth to the second baby. Stolas shoved Moxxie out of the way and hugged his husband tight.)

STOLAS: Blitzy. I'm so glad you're ok!

BLITZ: Just a little tried.

STOLAS: Where's the baby?

BLITZ: Um, Stolas. I have something to tell you.

STOLAS: Darling, what is it?

(Before Blitz could answer, Millie and Barbie came over with the babies wrapped up in blankets. The baby boy was more like Stolas except he had little nubbed horns, sharper teeth besides a beak, and imp-like eyes. The baby had a mix of white and red feathers but had gray tail feathers. The second baby was a girl who looked a little more imp-like. She had red skin, little nubbed horns, and even an imp tail. Though she did have talons for feet and even owl-like eyes. She also had small feathers on the ends of her tail. Stolas had tears streaming down his face seeing his newborn son and daughter.)

All: Aww!

STOLAS: Twins... Oh, Blitz, they're beautiful.

BARBIE: You must be my brother's husband. I'm Barbie Wire, folks call me Barb.

STOLAS: Finally nice to meet Blitzy's sister.

BARBIE: (snickers) "Blitzy?"

BLITZ: Stolas, can you not call me that in front of my sister? She'd find anything to use against me.

BARBIE: Too late, Blitzy.

Barbie snickered.

Blitz: Please end me.

Fizzarolli: Too late, Blitzy.

BLITZ: Just give me my kids.

(Millie and Barb put the babies in Blitz's arms just as Kara, Loona, and Octavia came in.)

STOLAS: Girls, come here.

LOONA: Are they...?

BLITZ: Twins. Meet your baby brother and sister.

LOONA: Was hoping for two sisters.

OCTAVIA: Loona...

LOONA: Kidding. What are their names?

STOLAS: I was thinking for the girl, Helia. It means Sun in Greek.

BLITZ: And for the boy, I was thinking, Spiroz. We can call him Spiro for his nickname.

BARBIE: At least it wasn't something for a horse.

BLITZ: I get it, I get it. (turns to Stolas.) Stolas, I know this is a lot to ask. But, do you think Barb could stay with us? She's been clean for years and she's been looking for a job.

STOLAS: Welcome to the family, Barb. We would be honored to have you.

BARBIE: Thank you, Stolas. And Blitz...

BLITZ: Mox, Mills, Loony. Met your new co-worker.

Moxxie: Oh great. As if one of Blitz wasn't enough.

Blitz/Barbie: Hey!


MOXXIE: Please tell me she won't make things worse.

BARBIE: If my brother can go from a clown to a killer, so can I.

MILLIE: Finally I have a gal pal for girls' night beside Kara.

Spiroz and Helia returned to the theater.

Helia: Man, did we miss Mom's reaction?

Spiroz: To be fair, we did hear the screams.

Fizzarolli: Blitz sometimes screamed like a girl.

Blitz: Oh we'll see who's laughing when we see you having kids with Asmodeus!

RavenDragon: OK, you two save it for the next break!

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