Episode 6: Loo Loo Land

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RavenDragon: Oh, Via. Before I forget, a certain animatronic from a ripped-off LuLu World is gonna be in this episode.

Octavia: (fearful) Oh no.

Spiroz: Yes!

Helia: Oh hell no! You dragged us through those shows ever since it reopened.

Blitz: Please tell me you don't mean...

Helia: Loo-Loo Land. (shakes in fear).

Blitz: What?! I thought that shit hole was burned to the ground!

Moxxie: Because you pissed off the Robo Fizz and started a fire.

Fizzarolli: Wait. That was you!?

Blitz: Let me guess, I'm getting sued?

Fizzarolli: (laughs) Nah! We're good. Honestly, that bot was due for an upgrade. Some kids liked it while it scared others.

Helia: Well, Spiro here, has been a Fizzarolli fan since we were babies.

Blitz: What?!

Fizzarolli: Ha! In your face, Blitz!

Octavia: Nope. No way.

Stolas: Via, you used to love the show at Loo Loo Land.

Octavia: And that thing would give me nightmares. (turns to Fizzarolli) No offense, Mister Fizzarolli.

Fizaarolli: None taken.

RavenDragon: (clears her throat) May I start the episode now?

Blitz: All good here.

(The scene opens to a late at night in the house of Stolas and Blitz. Octavia and Loona were only five and ten years old. Loona and Octavia woke from nightmares.)


(Stolas woke up hearing Octavia's cries. He looked over the bed to where Blitz was asleep. He shook Blitz awake. Blitz woke up groaning.)

BLITZ: Stolas...

STOLAS: The girls need us.

BLITZ: I'm up. I'm up.

Loona and Octavia looked embarrassed.

(Stolas and Blitz ensured they were in their robes before heading to Octavia's bedroom. Stolas opened the door to find Loona and Octavia under the blankets, shaking.)

STOLAS: Via, Loonie, what troubles you girls?

(Octavia peeked out of the blanket.)

YOUNG OCTAVIA: *sobbing* Daddy! Daddy!

(Young Octavia climbs down from her bed and runs into her father's arms. Stolas hoists her up to comfort her.)

YOUNG OCTAVIA: I had a dream! A really bad dream!

STOLAS: (yawns) A nightmare.

YOUNG OCTAVIA: I was looking all over the palace, and... I couldn't find you or Papa anywhere! You weren't there!

(Blitz went to the bed where Loona was hiding.)

BLITZ: Let me guess Loonie, another bad dream about us sending you back to the orphanage?

(She just nodded and then buried her face in Blitz's chest. Stolas summons his Grimoire to him telekinetically as he walks Octavia back to bed. Loona peeked out from Blitz's chest, and then her eyes fell onto the grimoire.)

STOLAS: When you're scared and don't know where we are. You must remember,

(Stolas's grimoire floats over to him. He telekinetically flips it open.)

STOLAS: No matter what happens to me or your papa, we will never be far away from our little stars.

(He then used his grimoire to open a portal to space above them as he began to sing a lullaby.)

Octavia: I remember that lullaby.

Verosika: Now we get another Stolas song.


It always seems more quiet in the dark

(The girls look up in awe at the beauty of space through the portal.)

It always feels so stark

How silence grows under the moon

(All four of them float up through the portal and into the cosmos, landing on a barren moon.)

Constellations gone so soon

(Stolas had Octavia in his arms while Loona held his hand. Stolas walked across the moon leaving footprints as Blitz walked beside him..)

I used to think that I was bold

I used to think love would be fun

Now, all my stories have been told.

Except for one...

(Stolas looks down at young Octavia, and she looks back with her large, curious eyes. Loona tapped Octavia's shoulder and pointed to a pink glow. Her gaze shifts to the pink glow to her side.)

Everyone: Woah.

As the stars start to align

I hope you take it as a sign

That you'll be okay

Everything will be okay

(A meteor begins its descent towards a giant, pink-colored star. The meteor makes contact with the pink star and begins to sink beneath the molten surface.)

And if the seven rings collapse

Although the day could be my last

(Multiple planetary bodies begin gravitating toward the pink star, including the moon that Stolas and his family currently reside on, which eventually shatters into pieces as the star's gravity pulls on it.)

You will be okay

When I'm gone you'll be okay

(Young Octavia yawns and falls asleep contentedly against her father's chest. Loona was already fast asleep in Stolas's arms.

And when creation goes to die

Millie: Well I'll be damned! The prince's voice is good.

Stolas: Thank you.

Fizzarolli: I'll say. Are you sure you never performed?

Verosika: I wouldn't mind doing a duet with you.

Stolas blushed.

(Distant planetary bodies fly through the cosmos, pulled in by the pink star's incredible gravitational pull. They disintegrate upon impact and cause the star to explode in a powerful supernova just as the portal closes behind Stolas and Blitz.)

You can find me in the sky

Upon the last day

(Stolas draped a blanket over Octavia and Loona who were curled up together in Octavia's bed. He and Blitz walked out of the bedroom. He turned to the girls and finished singing,)

And you will be okay

(Stolas closed the door. Letting the girls sleep.)

RavenDragon: (wipes away her tears.) Every time.

Blitz: I knew you could sing like that.

Stolas: I used to sing lullabies to Via all the time when she was a little girl.

Helia: It's true. Dad would sing to us too.

Stolas blushed.

(The scene cuts to the present, where a teenage Octavia is jolted awake by the sounds of her baby sister crying from the kitchen. Octavia slumped out of bed then she headed into the kitchen. She just grabbed a box of cereal and a mug of coffee. Helia was in her highchair while Stolas was trying to feed her breakfast. Helia seemed more interested in throwing her food on the walls and spreading it all over herself than eating it. Stolas turned to Octavia.)

STOLAS: Good morning, Octavia. Did you sleep well, my owlet?

OCTAVIA: (grumbles) Is that a serious question?

(Blitz came in carrying Spiroz in his arms, he greeted Octavia with a good morning then he put Spiroz in his highchair. Stolas went over to the fridge to grab baby food for Spiroz.)

BLITZ: You ok, V?

OCTAVIA: I'm fine.

(Stolas felt bad then he got an idea.)

STOLAS: You know what I haven't done in a long, long time? I haven't taken you to your favorite place in all of Hell! Why don't we go to Loo Loo Land?

OCTAVIA: (grumbles) I'm not five anymore.

STOLAS: You always were so happy when I took you to Loo Loo Land! What do you say we go there again? Have a day out as a family?

(Blitz nearly choked on his coffee.)

BLITZ: Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. We are not taking the kids to Loo Loo Land!

Moxxie: (shakes) Why?

Fizzarolli: Not a fan?

Millie: He's never been to Loo Loo Land. But I have! I love it!

STOLAS: Blitz, it's only one day.

BLITZ: Nope. Not happening. Nothing will ever make me go back to that dumpster fire.

(Stolas walked over to Blitz with a smirk on his face. He then kneeled down and gently rubbed Blitz's shoulders.)

BLITZ: Hon, that's not going to work on me.

STOLAS: I'll buy the twins their own personal set of rocking horses, customized to be your favorite...

BLITZ: Spindle?

STOLAS: Spindle.

BLITZ: (groans) Fine. I hate when you use my love of horses against me.

Barbie: You're still on the horse thing?

Fizzarolli: That's what I said!


OCTAVIA: I'd rather kill myself. But, it's for the twins.

STOLAS: There we go. Now, I'll arrange our security.

OCTAVIA: Security for a theme park?

STOLAS: We are rich, and we're hot. People want our money and our bodies.

OCTAVIA: (mutters under her breath) Our money maybe.

BLITZ: Speak for yourself.

Loona: Gross!

Moxxie: Sir!

Blitz: What?

(The scene changed to Blitz's Office where Barb was. Her phone rang. She picked up her phone.)


STOLAS: Barb. Blitz and I are taking the kids to Loo Loo Land and I was hoping you brave imps might accompany us.

BARBIE: You used my brother's love of horses to convince him? Now I know who tops.

Blitz: Hey!

Fizzarolli: Ha!

BLITZ: (on the phone) I heard that!

BARBIE: Things have been slow so we are in.

(Barb hung up the phone then she pulled out her brother's megaphone.)

BARBIE: (In the Megaphone) M n' M, get your asses in here! We're goin' to Loo Loo Land!

(Moxxie opens the door to respond.)

MOXXIE: Loo Loo Land?

(Millie excitedly smashes her head straight through the office door's glass.)

MILLIE: (excitedly) Loo Loo Land?!

BARBIE: Loo Loo Land!

LOONA: (offscreen) SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Everyone laughed at Loona's response.

Barbie: I did not expect that.

(The scene changed to the Greed Ring and outside the entrance to Loo Loo Land. Moxxie opened the car and Stolas walked out. Stolas was wearing his Loo Loo Land shirt and hat which Octavia found a little cringe and embarrassing. Blitz helped the twins out of their booster seats with Barb's help. Barb took Spiroz while Blitz took Helia. Octavia was trying so hard not to ruin their day out. Loona stepped out of the car. All of them walked into the park.)

OCTAVIA: (To Loona) I'm surprised you wanted to come.

LOONA: Well, it was either this or being stuck in the office by myself.

OCTAVIA: And you rather be in this dump?

LOONA: It's better than what Blitz planned for a family day out last time. The horseback riding in Wrath?

(Both Octavia and Loona shuttered.)

OCTAVIA: I am never wearing that outfit again.

Blitz: Hey!

Loona: He made us wear cowgirl outfits didn't he?

RavenDragon: He did.

Octavia: And I thought the Loo Loo Land outfit was cringy.

Stolas: I wouldn't mind wearing something like that.

Blitz: (flirty) Oh really?

Barbie: Get a room!

BARBIE: (To Blitz) Played by your love of horses, huh Blitzy?

BLITZ: OK, one, never say that again. And two, I'm only doing it for the twins. We'll stay for an hour then we'll leave.

STOLAS: (taps his nose with a big grin) You are so cute when you are serious!

LOONA: Gross.

OCTAVIA: I am literally going to be sick.

Helia/Spiroz: Yuck!

Verosika: Wow. Making out in an amusement park? That's a new one.

Blitz: We did not make out!

MOXXIE: Oh, crumbs! I knew today would be a lot! What do you need?

(Moxie fishes around in a fanny pack and throws out several pill bottles as he lists off his inventory.)

MOXXIE: Anti-acids? Ibuprofen?

(Moxxie shows Octavia several hypodermic needles of a glowing, acid-green substance.)

MOXXIE: Morphine?

LOONA: That was figurative, fatty.

Moxxie: I'm not fat!

Loona: I'm just saying.

Moxxie: Why you...

Blitz: Break it up!

MOXXIE: Oh, right.

(Moxxie chuckles sheepishly as he discards the needles into a nearby baby carriage, where a baby imp happily reaches out to play with its dangerous new "toys.")

MOXXIE: (under his breath) But she said it was literal.

Helia: It's called teen angst.

Moxxie: I get it.

MILLIE: *excitedly* Wooooow! I haven't been to this place since I was a tot!

(A large letter falls off the sign of a nearby ride, crushing the teenaged imp underneath.)

MILLIE: It hasn't changed a bit. Ohhh! LOOK! It's Big Woobly!

(Millie gestures toward a hideously malformed animatronic dinosaur, which opens its mouth and lets out a terrifying, demonic shriek.)

Helia yelped.

Helia: I hate that thing!

Bee: He still hasn't fixed any of the animatronics.

MOXXIE: That is... deeply upsetting.

MILLIE: Oh, come on! It's fun! You've never been here?

MOXXIE: No. Theme parks always disturbed me, especially the mascots.

(The park's mascot, Loo Loo appears out of nowhere behind Moxxie.)

LOO LOO: Well, hey there!

MOXXIE: (jumps back in terror) AAAAAH!!

LOO LOO: I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!

Verosika: Um... did he just...?

Fizzarolli/Ozzie: Yes.

STOLAS: (gasps excitedly) Look! Kids! It's Loo Loo!

OCTAVIA: I have a question.

LOO LOO: Well, ask away, little girlie! A-hyuk a-hyuk a-hyuk!

OCTAVIA: Is it true this park is just a shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lu Lu World?

LOO LOO: No...

OCTAVIA: This place reeks of insecure corporate shame.

(Stolas chuckles nervously and leads Octavia away. Moxxie leaves, leading Millie off with him. Moxxie and Millie head down a pathway, and Moxxie, sweating profusely, stops to catch his composure.)

MOXXIE: You really like this place, huh?

MILLIE: I love this place! My parents would bring me and my siblings here when they could swing it. Money-wise.

Sallie May/Millie: Good times.

(Moxxie looks over to see a worker wheeling a wheelbarrow piled to the brim with money into a nearby gift shop. The two approach the window, where novelty cups and stuffed apples are for sale. The cups appear to cost at least 29 souls per.)

MOXXIE: The prices do seem rather criminal. I mean, that much for a novelty cup that you use one time?

MILLIE: 'Cause, it's Loo Loo Land!

(Blitz walks up, having loaded up on merch, including a novelty cup, as well as a hat with attached can holders and straws.)

BLITZ: *nudges Moxxie with cup* Listen to your hoe, Mox.

(Blitz takes a swig from his novelty cup.)

Fizzarolli: Of course, you would get one.

Blitz: What? I'm a sucker for novelty cups.

BARBIE: I'll take the first watch while you two have a little (takes off sunglasses and winks) fun.

MILLIE: (squeals then excitedly grabs Moxxie and runs) OOOOOH! We gotta do my favorite ride!

MOXXIE: Oh, yeah? Wh- which one?

(Cut to a shot of a lone imp riding a roller coaster named "The Lawsuit" that suddenly plunges off a sheer 90-degree drop at incredible speed while also on fire and with its rider hanging on for dear life. The coaster violently plunges into a tunnel in the ground.)

MOXXIE: (terrified) Oh, crumbs!

(Poor Moxxie ended up throwing up during the ride and his vomit hit a family behind them on the ride.)

Everyone minus Moxxie: Yikes.

(The scene went to Loona and Barbie walking around the carnival game booths. Loona had Spiroz in her arms. That was when Spiroz's eyes glazed at a little stuffed clown doll that looked like Fizzarolli. He let out a little whine to get the girls' attention. When Barb saw what her nephew was eyeing, she grinned from ear to ear.)

LOONA: Dad's gonna kill you for this Barb.

BARBIE: Eh. He'll live. (to Spiroz) You are gonna drive your father mad with that toy.

Fizzarolli: Let me guess, you hate your mama's jokes?

Blitz: Seriously?!

Spiroz: They are the worst.

Blitz: Betrayed by my own son.

Fizzarolli: Easy there drama queen.

(The game was to knock the milk bottles down with a ball. Barb picked up one of the balls then she threw it at the bottles. It flies past the bottles, then bounces off the pole in the tent, and then hits the bottles from behind, causing them to all go down. The Carney handed Barb the stuffed clown toy then she gave it to Spiroz who was squealing seeing the toy and hugging it tight.)

LOONA: Woah! How did you do that?

BARBIE: Loon, my brother and I were born and raised in Greed. We know a thing or two when dealing with carnies.

(The two caught up with Blitz, Stolas, Helia, and Octavia.)

BLITZ: There you three are. I was wondering... (Sees the Fizzaroli toy.) OK, which one of you got that?!

BARBIE: Lighten up, Blitz. He loves it.

[Before Blitzø could answer, Stolas suddenly excitedly pointed to a tent.)

STOLAS: (gasps) Oh! Look, Via!

[Stolas points excitedly at the circus tent. A demon mother is struggling to pull her crying son into the tent.]

STOLAS: You used to cry such tears of joy at this show!

OCTAVIA: (frightened) Oh no.

(The scene quickly changes to a flashback to Octavia as a young girl, as she is pushed against the stage by an excited crowd of imp children, as Robo Fizz sparks and cackles maniacally leering over Octavia, who soon breaks into tears. A younger Blitz is seen in the background tending to a food cart, dressed and painted as a clown, scowling.)

Fizzarolli: Yeah that bots definitely due for an upgrade.

Ozzie: Yep.

(Cuts back to the present.)

BLITZ/OCTAVIA: I hate that fucking clown.

(They looked behind them to see Stolas, who had been captured and hoisted aloft by the crew of imps from earlier. Stolas' arms are bound and his head is covered by a cloth sack, and the imps are pointing various weapons at him. One has stolen Stolas' wallet.)

BARBIE: I got it. (She shot the imp in the torso, splattering Stolas's head with blood. The other imps quickly scatter dropping him.)

Blitz: Nice shot sis. You would make a great assassin.

Barbie: You think so?

(Stolas took Helia from Blitz so she could watch the show with him, Spiroz, Loona and Octavia.)

BLITZ: I'm staying up on the high seats.

(Barb stayed with her brother as the show started.)

ROBO FIZZ: *glitching and sparking* Hey-hey-hey-hey-heyyyy, Implings! It's me, the Robotic Fizzaroli Shipped from Big Ozzie's factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo Land, spelled with Os, to avoid lawsuits! H-H-H-H-H-Hit it!

(Stage lights turn on and point at Robo Fizz as he begins to dance and sing a song of the name of the park.)


Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land!

(The curtains open to reveal Robo Fizz's band, FizzaRolli 'n Friends, composed of various hideously decrepit animatronics, including Big Woobly on guitar.)

Everybody sing along

with the Loo Loo band

(Robo Fizz goes around pointing and gesturing at various demons in the audience)

Ev'ry boy, ev'ry girl,

Ev'ry woman, ev'ry man

loves Loo Loo Laaand!

Blitz: I'm blocking my ears.

Octavia: Me too.

FIzzarolli: OK now I see why some kids are scared.

(Platforms on the stage rise up in time with the music.)

Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land!

Everything is beautiful

at Loo Loo Land

Ugly children holdin' hands

in Loo Loo Laaand!

(Robo Fizz grabs various Imp children out of the audience and wraps them up in a big hug, before jumping up and tossing them away. Most of the children slam into the bleachers, while one soars behind them.)

Everyone winced.

Ozzie: I'm gonna end Mammon for this.

Bee: And maybe keep that bot away from kids.

Everybody's friendly,

(Robo Fizz hugs Big Woobly so hard that its neck breaks a bit more than it already had been.)

And nobody is mean

(Robo Fizz dashes over to the two-headed, banjo-playing bear animatronic and slaps it in the back. The animatronic then squirts a stream of oil from its bigger head at the face of an Imp in the bleachers attempting to drown out the song with music from his phone.)

No copyright infringement's ever seeen

(Robo Fizz dumps a gasoline canister onto a large stack of cease-and-desist papers, lights a match, and throws the match and the canister at the stack, setting the whole thing ablaze.)

Vortex: That explains why that place hasn't shut down already.

Moxxie: No kidding.

I have a dream...

(He has a dream)

I'm here to tell...

(He's here to tell)

Loona: Didn't the princess say those exact words in her interview?

Ozzie: Char-Char? Yeah, she did. I saw the interview.

Bee: Me too. She is definitely Luci's daughter.

Fizzarolli: Wasn't it that interview where Charlie was trying to promote that hotel of hers?

Ozzie: That's the one. You haven't met Luci yet.

Fizzarolli: (nervously chuckles) Right. The King of Hell.

Bee: Oh don't worry, Luci isn't as terrifying as everyone claims he is. He's a loveable goofball. He's gonna love you.

About a magical, fantastic place

called Loo Loo Laaaaand!

[Octavia is sitting and absorbing the musical with disgusted boredom]

(The scene changes to the outside with Moxxie and Millie walking along a row of game booths when they are addressed by one of the vendors. Millie gleefully yanks Moxxie over towards the booth.)

CARNIE: Hello, hello! Step right up and win a thing!

MILLIE: (gasps excitedly) Oh, look, Moxxie! A THING!

(The "thing" in question is some sort of purple stuffed penguin creature with Imp horns, wearing pink overalls. The stuffed animal is labeled with a tag that says "THING?"]

MOXXIE: Oh, you like that thing?

MILLIE: YEEEEESSS! I don't really know what that thing is but I want that thing!

MOXXIE: *smugly* Ahhh... Finally, some...."thing" I can handle.

Blitz groans.

Sallie May: Boo!

Moxxie: Knock it off!

(Moxxie takes out some money and hands it to the carnie.)

MOXXIE: Okay! One game, puh-lease!

(The carnie Imp rolls his eyes and uses his tail to hand Moxxie a pistol with a cork projectile in the muzzle. Moxxie does not even line up the shot, instead looking to his wife as he effortlessly hits the target right in the bullseye. Unbeknownst to Moxxie, the target barely moves. He makes a "ricochet" noise with his mouth and blows the black powder smoke clear of the gun, pleased with his marksmanship.])

CARNIE: Ohhhh! Strike one, little man!

MOXXIE: But, I hit it!

CARNIE: Hmmm, I don't know what to tell ya, buddy. The target, see? It didn't go down. So, yeah...! No, go, bro.

Barbie: Next time, leave the carnies to me.

Moxxie: I can handle it.

Loona: The screen says otherwise.

(Moxxie growls in anger, and fishes another bill out of his pocket. He grabs the pistol and fires another cork, hitting the target dead-center. The target does not budge. Moxxie slaps the pistol in annoyance.)

MOXXIE: The Heaven's wrong with this thing?!

CARNIE: Oh, man. A real shame, I tell ya. (mockingly cries)

(Moxxie hisses in anger as he slaps another bill on the counter.)

MOXXIE: Another!

Fizzarolli: OK, this is just getting sad.

Octavia: Extremely sad.

(The scene cuts back to the show. The song inside the tent keeps going on and Octavia is sick of it. Loona was on her phone. The twins were enjoying the show.)


—body sing along with the Loo Loo band!

Ev'ry boy, ev'ry girl, ev'ry woman, ev'ry man loves

Loo Loo Laaaaaaand!

(The show ends with a small pyrotechnic display as Robo Fizz cackles maniacally. The bear animatronic faceplants onto the stage and falls to pieces.)

Stolas: Now I see why you don't like the show, Via. I'm so sorry.

Octavia: It's ok, Dad.

LOONA: Thank goodness. It's over.

OCTAVIA: I need some air.

(Octavia storms off.)

STOLAS: (concerned) Wait- Uh-... Octavia!

(Stolas went after her while carrying the twins. Loona walked out of the tent. Barb and Blitz were about to follow them when the Robo Fizz spotted them.)

ROBO FIZZ: Mua ha ha ha ha hoho-oh! Is that Blitzo my sensors spot up the-e-e-ere? I bet the kiddies are still running away from you, huh? (laughs)

BLITZ: (growls) The 'O' is silent now!

ROBO FIZZ: A-A-Awwwww, just like your audience always was when you to-told your lazy jokes here! (laughs)

Spiroz: You worked in Loo Loo Land, Mama?

Blitz: Sadly yes.

BLITZ: Bitch, I make more money killing people than you do being a cheap-ass robo ripoff of an overrated sellout JESTER!

BARBIE: Ok, that's enough, Blitz. Just let it go.

ROBO FIZZ: Oohoohoo! Someone's salty! Real or not, though, people love me! Does anybody love you... (low demonic voice) Blitzo?

BLITZ: That's it! (Pulls out his gun from his jacket.) Dance, bitch!

(Blitz shot Robo Fizz, who cartwheels out of the way of the incoming rounds. Robo Fizz rapidly spins like a wheel rolling up the stairs to where Blitzø is. He coils himself around Blitz like a snake, before using his own momentum to launch Blitz through the top of the tent.)


BARBIE: (groans) Here we go. (leaves the tent)

[Outside, Wally Wackford rolls a cart of lit torches in by the tent.]

WALLY: Torches, I say, I say! Get your inconvenient torches here!

(Blitzø lands on the cart, scattering the torches everywhere, which light the big top on fire.)

WALLY: Owww! I say, OWWWW!

(The green fire very rapidly spreads to all corners of the park. Burning and melting animatronics flee the tent as Robo Fizz cackles and spins his head with demonic glee at the destruction.)

Fizzarolli: Really, Blitz?

Blitz: Oh don't blame me. Blame the dumbass that was selling torches at a kids theme park!

(The scene changed to the Carnie Imp at the shooting gallery holding 600 souls of Moxxie's money, with Moxxie himself glaring at him with seething anger.)

CARNIE: Wow! Man, you're really starting to make this sad. Y'know, if you suck, you suck! Guess you won't win your honey here a prize...

MILLIE: Let me try!

(Millie grabs the pistol and fires a cork at a target, which misses wildly. The Carnie Imp grins mischievously, and presses a foot pedal in the booth, which causes a target to fall.)

CARNIE: Ohhhh, look at that! Lucky shot, baby.

Barbie: Sexist pig!

MOXXIE: Are you kidding me?! You- you- you charlatan!

CARNIE: Hey, uh, get lost, pipsqueak. I'm talkin' to the lady~

(The carnie Imp leans toward Millie and makes a seductive purring sound at her. Millie immediately recoils in disgust. In the background, Blitz and Robo Fizz continue to battle against each other and Barbie is trying to help her brother as the fires spread. Blitz is thrown up into the air by Robo Fizz and comes down through the roof of the shooting gallery, crushing the Carnie Imp under him.)


MOXXIE: (surprised) Sir?!

BLITZ: *(dazed) Ohhhh...Hey, guys! You should probably go, uh, make sure Stolas is okay. I've... got some unfinished business to take care of.

BARBIE: Come on!

(Moxxie and Millie went with Barb. The robotic clown appeared in front of Blitz. Blitzø draws his flintlock pistol, cocks it, and fires at the now burning Robo Fizz. The impact of the bullet spins Robo Fizz's head around, but when he spins his head back, he is revealed to be unharmed by the shot, having caught the bullet in his teeth. He then spits the bullet out.)

Loona: It can do that?

Fizzarolli: Yeah. That one is a bit of a... well...

Blitz: Piece of robotic shit?

Fizzarolli: That.

BLITZ: Oh, what a mouth!

(Blitzø immediately grimaces when he realizes what he just said. Robo Fizz coils himself up into his rolling form again, charging straight at Blitzø. He leaps out of the way as his enemy hits the burning tent, destroying it in a large explosion.)

Verosika: OK how is that thing for kids?

Fizzarolli: Be grateful it wasn't the sex bots. Those are a little... too good.

Blitz: You mean like that one fan you have with about four of those bots?
Fizzarolli: Yeah.

Bee: No offense there Fizz, but aren't you a little bit uncomfortable with those bots? I know Mammon does anything for money but even I think that's a little too far. And I'm the Queen Bee of Gluttony.

Ozzie: Bee. This is Mam we're talking about. He'd do anything for money.

(Elsewhere, Stolas is still running after his daughter.)

STOLAS: Octavia?

OCTAVIA: (off-screen) Just leave me alone!

STOLAS: Octavia!

(Octavia runs into a building called the "Fun House." Inside, Stolas is confronted with a surreal room of eyes, tubes, spikes, mirrors, and disembodied hands. He goes further into the room, looking around for where his daughter could have gone. An imp was about to jump him when someone shot the imp, killing him. Stolas turned around to see Millie, Moxxie, and Barb in the entryway. Millie having just shot the Imp with a pistol.)

STOLAS: Thank you. (to Barb) Barb, where's my husband?

BARBIE: Well...

MILLIE: (sweating) He's, uhhhh... busy.

MOXXIE: *deadpans* Being a fool.

(Moxxie gives his wife the "thing" and she happily snuggles it)

STOLAS: What kind of fool?

MOXXIE: The "everything is now on fire" kind.

Blitz looked away.

Helia: Mom's gonna get in trouble.

Blitz: Not funny.

(Disinterested, Stolas leaves the imps, effortlessly dodging between two swinging pendulums. He heads down a tunnel into an adjoining room. There, he sees Octavia riding in circles in apple-themed rail cars, crying.)

STOLAS: Via... (Goes over to Octavia and sits in her rail car with the twins on his lap.) I take it you are... not having fun.

OCTAVIA: (crying) I didn't even want to come here. I only agreed to go because of Helia and Spiroz.

STOLAS: Via, talk to me. What's really going on?

OCTAVIA: I don't belong in this family. You and Blitz have your perfect children. I'm just a reminder of your old marriage to Stella.

STOLAS: Via, you're my daughter. Blitz loves you and so do your siblings. You were the one who made me a father. You are a part of this family. Nothing will change that.

OCTAVIA: (sniffled) But you have the twins now. They're your real children with Blitz.

STOLAS: You need to understand... your mother and I... I just-... I felt-... She's always been... I haven't been- Ha-... We weren't in... (holds his face in his hands) I'm sorry, I- I- I don't have the words.

OCTAVIA: You and Blitz will just forget about me and Loona. And leave us behind.

STOLAS: *emphatically* What? No! (gently pulls her closer) No, no, never. (holds her head) We'd never do that. Never....

(Even the twins smiled at their big sister, trying to cheer her up. She cracked a small smile seeing her siblings cheering her up.)

STOLAS: I think it's time to leave this place. You were right. You are too old for it, anyway.

(Octavia held Helia while Stolas held Spiroz. They got out of the cars and started walking out of the Fun House. An imp grins maniacally in the space above the drop ceiling, looking down on Stolas. The imp drops down and flicks open a switchblade. Stolas immediately turns around, eyes glowing brightly. The Imp immediately turns to stone and is knocked over by a pendulum.)

Blitz: You can do that?

Stolas: Yes.

Blitz: Then why have bodyguards?!

Stolas: It's more of a last resort.

(Outside, the park has been reduced to pandemonium as dusk falls. Millie attempts to shoot at Robo Fizz, who rolls around wildly. The robot is caught by the draconic creature from before, and swallowed whole, as Moxxie rides on its back. Stolas the twins, and Octavia leave the park gates. Loona was already by the car.)

LOONA: About time.

STOLAS: How did you...? Never mind. What do you girls want to do now?

OCTAVIA: Oh, can we go to Stylish Occult? They sell weird taxidermy there.

STOLAS: (reluctantly) Hmmm, okayyyyy... But what about Helia and Spiroz?

OCTAVIA: There's a store next door that sells different stuffed toys.

LOONA: Don't let Blitz hear you say that. He'll be buying every horse plush.

Blitz: No I would not!

Loona/Barbie/Stolas/Fizzarolli/Verosika: Yes you would.

OCTAVIA: Wait. Where is Papa?

[A massive explosion rocks the park, sending the employees of I.M.P. hurtling through the air, smoking and screaming. All fourland in front of Stolas. Loona, the twins, and Octavia.]

BARBIE: Satan fucking damm it, Blitz!

MOXXIE: Way to ruin another good thing, sir!

BLITZ: Worth it! That slutty toy clown had. It. Comin'!

Fizzarolli: (deadpans) You are still gonna have to pay for that.

Blitz: Shit...

RavenDragon: Ok that wraps up another episode.

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