Episode 7: You're My, My, My, My...Lover

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RavenDragon: Now. We are gonna peel away from Blitz and Stolas just for this episode.

Blitz: Why?

RavenDragon: Ever wondered how Ozzie and Fizz met?

Blitz: Yeah. (realizes) Wait a minute!

Bee: Yes! Finally!

Barbie: Nice.

Fizzarolli: Ha! In your face, Blitz!

RavenDragon: Get ready for a romantic episode so sweet that your teeth will rot.

(The scene opened to the Lust Ring, in the palace of the one and only Asmodeus, the King and Embodiment of Lust. Waking up from the sounds of the cuckoo clock; dreading to get out of bed. Someone woke him up via airhorn when he didn't wake up from the cuckoo clock: the one and only Fizzarolli.)

ASMODEUS: (groans) Fizz... (covered his ears with a pillow.)

FIZZAROLLI: Blame the horn, big daddy. They are fucking fun! (blows his airhorn again)

Barbie: You two live together?

Fizzarolli: Yeah.

Blitz: You wake up your boy toy with that stupid air horn? I hate that thing.

Ozzie: He wakes you up with it too?

Blitz: yep. And always when I have the best dreams.

Fizzarolli: Not my fault you two are heavy sleepers. Plus the reactions are hilarious.

(Fizzarolli had red and blue movie theater glasses on his face and a list in his hands for Asmodeus. Asmodeus finally got out of bed and started putting on his robe.)

FIZZAROLLI: Huh? You just have a factory day with a few clients asking for custom items.

ASMODEUS: Not a bad day. Plus it means I have time to prepare something special for us tonight.

FIZZAROLLI: Does that mean I can cook breakfast for today?

ASMODEUS: Fizz, honey. I love you but you tend to blow up the kitchen every time.

Blitz: Now I know who does the cooking in your relationship.

Fizzarolli: Oh please, you're just as bad as me.

Blitz: No I'm not.

Loona: I can vouch for that! You burn everything or it's still raw.

Blitz: OK, Ok, I get it!

FIZZAROLLI: Aww. Does that mean no burgers?

ASMODEUS: It's too early for burgers. (laughs) How did I get so lucky?

FIZZAROLLI: (shows off his wedding ring on a necklace that he keeps hidden.) You married me, Ozzie. I say I'm the lucky one.

(The two of them kissed before heading into the kitchen.)

Bee: Well hello! Oz, you know how to pick them. That ring is gorgeous!

Millie: Let me guess, they eloped?

RavenDragon: Sort of. They did but they also had a small ceremony. Fizz keeps the ring around his neck as a necklace to keep it hidden, But he wears it when he and Oz are alone.

Blitz: Let me guess, there's an Asmodeus crystal in the ring.

Fizzarolli: I'm pretty sure that's just a diamond.

(Asmodeus went into the kitchen to cook breakfast for him and Fizzarolli. Asmodeus made bacon and eggs for him and Fizzarolli to share. Fizzarolli practically wolfed down his breakfast in seconds.)

ASMODEUS: Babe, slow down.

FIZZAROLLI: Sorry, I'm meeting with Kara at her boss's club.

ASMODEUS: Without me?


ASMODEUS: (laughed and then he gave Fizzarolli a little peck on the cheek.) I'm just teasing, Froggie. Just remember to come back tonight for my little surprise.


Bee: Aww! So cute!

(The scene changed to the Pride Ring in Pentagram City. Fizzarolli was in his limo and it pulled up to the Karaoke Club. Thankfully, the club wasn't full of demons so Fizzarolli wouldn't be mobbed by creeps or fans. He got out but was surprised to see a hellhound at the entrance.)

FIZZAROLLI: I didn't know Nessa hired a hellhound.

ODIN: Mr. Fizzarolli, Ms. Melody has been expecting you.

(Odin leads Fizzarolli inside the now-improved Karaoke Club. Kara came downstairs to the club part all full of life.)

KARA: Hey Fizz!

FIZZAROLLI: Kara? What happened to Nessa?

KARA: You are looking at the new Overlord of Music.

FIZZAROLLI: What? No way!

KARA: I wanted to surprise you and Oz. I erased Nessa and got her powers and contracts. Plus this place. Thanks, Odin.

ODIN: Any time Melody. (leaves)

KARA: I see you met Odin. He's my bouncer and bodyguard. He's a sweetheart.

FIZZAROLLI: Good to know.

KARA: So, what can I get you?


Blitz: You always were a lightweight.

Fizzarolli: Shut it Blitz!

KARA: You sure?

FIZZAROLLI: I don't suppose you have champagne. It's for Ozzie.

(Kara goes to the bar and finds the right bottle.)

KARA: Oh. Being a bit bold, aren't we?

FIZZAROLLI: It's, uh, for...

KARA: I can see the wedding ring around your neck, right?

FIZZAROLLI: So you know?

KARA: I know you and him are secret husbands. Not that subtle.


Millie: She's good.

KARA: So, from one performer to another, how did you meet Asmodeus? I've always wanted to know.

Blitz: Oh it's about time! I always wondered how you bagged that horny chicken.

Fizzarolli: Hey!

Bee: I've been wondering how you met this cutie, Ozzie.

FIZZAROLLI: How much time do you have?

KARA: Two to three hours until the dinner rush.

(Kara grabbed a bottle of white wine and poured two glasses—one for her and one for Fizzarolli. She gave one glass to Fizzarolli.)

KARA: So spill.

FIZZAROLLI: It happened a few years ago at one of Mammon's Clown Pageants....

(The scene changed to the Greed Ring years ago, Fizzarolli had just done his fifth yearly win in Mammon's Clown Pageant. Mammon had been putting a lot of pressure on Fizzarolli just to keep his spot as Mammon's 'brand baby.' He would always give Fizzarolli comments on how his acts should go, force him to do things that made him uncomfortable, and even comment on Fizz's weight. He would always tell Fizzarolli that he had to lose weight to stay skinny, and sometimes he forced Fizzarolli not to eat anything. Fizzarolli loved performing for his fans, but his acts were always something that Mammon wanted. He was under so much pressure to be this perfect model performer that he was completely unaware of Mammon's abuse towards him. After Fizzarolli's performance in the Clown Pageant, he went into his dressing room where Mammon was waiting for him.)

Bee and Ozzie looked like they were gonna rip their seats.

Vortex: You okay, babe?

Bee: Sorry. Mammon just gets under our skin.

Moxxie: That's Mammon?

Fizzarolli: Yeah. You've never been to one of his shows?

Moxxie: Not really.

MAMMON: Fizzy, my boy! Another perfect win in my pageant!

FIZZAROLLI: Yeah, I guess.

MAMMON: Well, now that this is over. I want you to meet someone. Someone who will be making those sex bots.

(Asmodeus then walked into the dressing room. Fizzarolli was at a loss for words seeing the sin of Lust in his dressing room. He had only heard stories about Asmodeus from Mammon but seeing him in person was different.)

Bee: So that's how quickly you fell for Ozzie?

Fizz and Ozzie blushed.

Blitz: You got a boner already, Fizz?

Fizz: Shut it, Blitz!

MAMMOM: Ozzie, enjoyed the show?

ASMODEUS: It was something. And this must be the famous Fizzarolli.

(Fizzarolli was just speechless seeing Asmodeus.)

MAMMON: Anyway, Ozzie. I want you to make Fizzies. You know, sexbots that look a lot like my boy, Fizzarolli. These things will make me a lot of money.

ASMODEUS: You want me... to make sex bots... of this imp?

MAMMON: Yeah. Fizzarolli loves the idea and was hoping that you could make the sexbots. Right, Fizzy?

(Asmodeus could tell that Fizzarolli was uncomfortable about the idea.)

ASMODEUS: I'm not going to make sexbots for you, Mam. Mr. Fizzarolli is uncomfortable with the idea.

Moxxie: Hold up. If you never agreed to the robots, why did Mammon make them?

RavenDragon: Fizz, this next part is gonna get a little intense. If it gets too much, let me know and you and Asmodeus can step out.

Fizzarolli: Yeah. Thanks.

(The scene changed to the next night after another performance, Fizzarolli showed up at Mammon's office. He was terrified; since Asmodeus refused to build the Fizzies, Mammon had been in a sour mood. When he walked inside, he was greeted by Mammon and his creepy, unsettling smile.)

FIZZAROLLI: Mammon, sir. You wanted to see me?

(Mammon hovered over Fizzarolli with a smirk on his face.)

MAMMON: You cost me money, Fizzy. You know what happens when I lose money...

FIZZAROLLI: Sir, wait....

(Fizzarolli couldn't get another word in just as Mammon slammed him into a wall. His right eye became a black eye. Mammon then grabbed Fizzarlloi by the tail and flung him into the wall again.)

FIZZAROLLI: Please, Mammon. Stop.

Fizzarolli looked like he was going to have a panic attack. Asmodeus saw this.

Asmodeus: Babe, you ok?

Fizzarolli: Ye-Yeah.

Asmodeus: (gently cups Fizzarolli's face.) It's ok Froggy. He's not here,

Fizzarolli: Thanks Ozzie.

Asmodeus scooped Fizzarolli up in his arms so that he would be comfortable while watching.

MAMMON: What did I say Fizzy? You ruined the deal, now you pay the price.

(Mammon roughly grabbed Fizzarolli's arm, then he roughly grabbed Fizzarolli's face.)

Blitz and Barbie growled. No one messes with their brother, not even a sin.

Blitz: That's it! I'm putting a bullet in his head!

Barbie: Let me join. I wanna get payback for that fat sellout jester!

Fizzarolli: He's my boss guys.

Blitz: I rather have you with Asmodeus than that fat ass.

FIZZAROLLI: *Panicked* I'll convince Asmodeus to make the Fizzies!

(Mammon stopped and pondered about Fizzarolli fixing the deal. Then he brought Fizzarolli closer to him.)

MAMMON: Get Asmodeus to make the Fizzies or else.

(Fizzarolli nodded then he dashed out of the office.)

Bee growled.

Bee: I am dropping a mountain of Beelzebub Juice on that prick!

(The scene then switched to The Lust Ring in Asmodeus's office. He was doing paperwork when his secretary came in.)

SECRETARY: Sir, Mr. Fizzarolli demands to see you.

ASMODEUS: (Groans) I've told Mam I'm not interested in designing sexbots. That imp-model seems to be unwilling.... Why he...?

SECRETARY: Sir, he insists.

ASMODEUS: (Sighs) Let him in.

(Fizzarolli walked inside Asmodeus's office, still shaking from Mammon's attack on him.)

FIZZAROLLI: Hi, Asmodeus, sire. Sorry for bothering you, but I want to make "Fizzies" for my boss. Can you help me?

(Asmodeus looked up and gasped when he saw Fizzarolli with a black eye. Asmodeus stood up and cupped Fizzarolli's face.)

Bee: Aww. I'm tasting your sugary sweet energy from here.

Barbie: You aren't the only one.

Verosika: Same here.

ASMODEUS: Mammon, did this to you didn't he? (Raging demonic voice.) For those fucking sexbots. (Normal tone.) I know you don't want to do this. He's forcing you. Am I right? Mr. Fizzarolli?

(Fizzarolli thought back to what Mammon had done to him. His threat rang in his ears. He just couldn't risk it.)

FIZZAROLLI: No... Sire. I'm so silly that I fell over from the stairs. It's funny, right? It's all my fault, to slow down the progress of the Fizzies. I want to make Fizzies... I need to make Fizzie... I have to....

(His vision began to cloud over then Fizzarolli blacked out. He would have landed face-first on the floor if Asmodeus hadn't caught him. Asmodeus's expression changed to worry; he knew that Mammon would do anything to get what he wanted, even if it meant hurting others. He just couldn't let Fizzarolli be abused by Mammon anymore.)

Octavia felt bad for Fizz.

Stolas: I'm so sorry you went through something like this.

Fizzarolli: I'm ok. I have Ozzie.

Millie: Your knight in shining armor.

Fizzarolli blushes as Asmodeus kisses Fizzarolli on the cheek.

(He placed Fizzarolli on the sofa and covered him up with a blanket. Next, he called Mammon.)

MAMMON: (On the phone.) Yello. Ozzie? If it's another call to reject my idea...?

ASMODEUS: I'll do it.

MAMMON: (On the phone.) Oh yes! U the best Ozzie! Now about the price...

ASMODEUS: (Demonic voice.) I don't want your fucking money! I want him! (Normal tone.) He'll stay here from now on.

MAMMON: Who? Fizzarolli? That trash doesn't know how to juggle.

Blitz: Why that piece off...!
Stolas: Blitz, easy.

MAMMON: What's his value for? Whatever. As long as...

(Asmodeus ended the call. He looked back at Fizzarolli. He strokes Fizzarolli's cheek, looking over the bruises on his face.)

ASMODEUS: Fizzarolli... Your beauty and talent shouldn't be treated that way. You'll be safe here.

(The flashback ended and the scene went back to Kara and Fizzarolli.)

FIZZAROLLI: And I have lived with Ozzie ever since.

Barbie: You got a Prince Charming there, Fizz.

Fizzarolli: Hey!

KARA: That's so romantic. You got yourself a Prince Charming.

Barbie: See even Kara agrees.


KARA: Hey. If Mammon gives you a hard time, let me know and I'll squish that fat bug.

FIZZAROLLI: Thanks. (He grabs the champagne) And thanks for the champagne.

KARA: Tell Ozzie I said hello.

Stolas/Barbie/Verosika/ Millie/Moxxie/Bee: Awwwww!

(Fizzarolli jumped in the limo. The limo took him back to Lust. When he got back to the palace, he led up towards the penthouse. He walked inside but that was when he felt someone pick him up.)

FIZZAROLLI: Oz, you missed me?

ASMODEUS: Always darling.

(Asmodeus nuzzled Fizzarolii as he carried him towards the kitchen. On the table were homemade burgers with fries. There were rose petals scattered around the table and candles lit.)

Millie: Wow! You really went all out.

Asmodeus: Nothing but the best for my Fizzie-Frog.

Fizzarolli: Ozzie....

The two lovebirds kissed.

ASMODEUS: Happy anniversary, Fizzy Frog.

(Fizzarolli had happy tears streaming down his face, completely speechless at Asmodeus's surprise. Fizzarolli poured the champagne into the glasses to complete the mood.)

FIZZAROLLI: Happy anniversary, Ozzie.

RavenDragon: And that's the end of the episode. Now I originally had a song in this episode but since I couldn't add it in. I figured I would have my dear friend Kara sing for you all and have a nice romantic slow dance.

Kara came into the theater and started playing the guitar. Ozzie and Fizz smiled at each other then they got down from the seating area and started dancing together.


There I was again tonight

Forcing laughter, faking smiles

Same old tired, lonely place

Walls of insincerity

Shifting eyes and vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

Bee dragged Vortex into dancing, same with MIllie and Moxxie.

Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"

Across the room, your silhouette

Starts to make its way to me

The playful conversation starts

Counter all your quick remarks

Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you

All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

The music picked up as Asmodeus and Fizzarolli wowed everyone with their moves.

This night is sparklin', don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home

I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

Verosika: Hey Barb? Wanna dance?

Barbie: Sure.

Verosika and Barbie danced together.

The lingering question kept me up

2AM, who do you love?

I wonder 'til I'm wide awake

And now, I'm pacing back and forth

Wishing you were at my door

I'd open up and you would say

"Hey, it was enchanting to meet you"

All I know is I was enchanted to meet you

This night is sparklin', don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home

I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew

This night is flawless, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone

I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

Blitz and Stolas looked at each other. Stolas gave off a flirty smile.

Blitz: Stolas....

Stolas: Too late darling.

Stolas dragged Blitz onto the dance floor.

This is me praying that

This was the very first page

Not where the storyline ends

My thoughts will echo your name

Until I see you again

These are the words I held back

As I was leaving too soon

I was enchanted to meet you

Please, don't be in love with someone else

Please, don't have somebody waiting on you

Please, don't be in love with someone else (Ooh)

Please, don't have somebody waiting on you (Ooh, oh)

Asmodeus spun Fizzarolli around. Fizzarolli laughed and smiled.

This night is sparklin', don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home

I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew

This night is flawless (Please, don't be in love with someone else)

Don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck (Please, don't have somebody waiting on you)

Dancing around all alone

I'll spend forever (Please, don't be in love with someone else)

Wonderin' if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

Asmodeus: (sings to Fizzarolli) I was enchanted to meet you.

Fizzarolli: (blushes) Oh, Ozzie.

The two shared a romantic kiss.

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