A Tale of 2 Analysts (One Year Anniversary Character Study)

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"Hello? Ayame?" 

"Oh, Touma-kun! What's wrong? Why are you calling at night?"

"Nothing, really.... I just wanted to ask you something..."

"Go ahead then!"

"Well... Jorogumo once mentioned to me that you were given the chance to either end her or purify her...."

"Oh, that! Yeah I was! Why do you ask?"

"I was wondering, why did you choose to save her?"

"Hm... Honestly, I'm not so sure... But maybe it's because I saw a part of her in me." 


"I've always been a lonely kid inside due to how much admiration my fans had for me, which Jorogumo helped me out with. I knew that there was still goodness in her, because she had been so sincere... I knew that without a single doubt." 

"Like how Natsume had known about me, huh?..." 

"I suppose so. But anyway, is that all?"

"W-Well.... I DO want to ask you something..." 

"Go ahead, Touma-kun." 

"I just wanted to know what you think of Jorogumo and Akino-san." 

"Oh, her and Kino-nii? Why didn't you say so in the first place?" 

"I-I was kinda nervous..." 

"You didn't have to! But anyway, I'll start with Jorogumo, if it's okay." 

"I don't mind." 

"Great! So, to me, Jorogumo used to be a horrible jerk, sure, but it was only because of how she was treated in the past after that one case with the Nature magic. How she died changed her into who you guys defeated. But thankfully, Kino-nii, Rau-nii, Choi-nii, and Chen-nii and I purified her. After that, she became much more kinder. She became a gentle analyst who helped us in our cases and in that fight against Mister Movien." 

"Ah... I see..." 

"As for Kino-nii... I have to be honest, he seems rough on the outside, but inside, he's an innocent little puffball who must be protected at all cost. A great analyst as well, he's also the chivalrous type who believed in second chances and redemptions. I'm glad that I got to meet him, Rau-nii, Choi-nii, and Chen-nii." 

"Wow... That's kind of cool!" 

"I know right?" 

"But how did you grow so close to them?" 

"I'm not sure about that either. I just knew that they were the ones after a silent conversation with them." 

"You could do that?" 

"Yeah. The first one was during that fight against Jorogumo, when they helped me out of my dark moment. In that moment, I felt something with them. That's how I knew." 

"That makes sense, I suppose. But anyway, it's getting late. Night, Ayame." 

"Night, Touma-kun!" 

I opted to do a character study of Jorogumo and Akino since kwhel22 had voted for them, and I didn't get any more aha. 

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