Forgiveness, Part 1

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Requester: Bearlywrote; Prompt: Yuuki ascends with Gludra after seeing Keisuke's determination. The rest are happy to see this, though Shuka is heartbroken that he refused to be with her. After hearing that it was because she had killed his friends, she felt even sadder. Thankfully her friends comfort her and they finally hold a funeral for all of them; Borrowed Characters: Gludra, Yuuki, Bullseye, Hebininii, Horse Rider (all belong to Bearlywrote)

Yuuki knew when he wasn't needed anymore. 

To be honest, he didn't feel anything bad. 

He only felt sad that he would be leaving Keisuke all alone. 

But at the same time, he knew that he had to. 

With that, he went into telepathic mode. 

It's time for me to leave, Keisuke. 

"H-Huh? Why Yuuki?" Keisuke asked his incarnation, confused over this sudden declaration out of nowhere. "I thought you liked it with us." 

I do, Keisuke. But I am no longer needed, seeing that you are braver and more determined. I believe that you would make a wise leader. 

"But I'm 11... Why are you trusting me with this?" 

At that, Yuuki chuckled a bit. Keisuke, in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the Pevensies were only teens and kids. 13, 12, 10, 8 respectively. I trust that you can be the same. 

Keisuke's eyes widened, before they softened, "Alright then. Goodbye, Yuuki." 

Goodbye, Keisuke... 

A golden light erupted from Keisuke all of a sudden, making everyone shield their eyes to prevent them from going blind. 

The air shimmered with light as a soul separated itself from Keisuke, revealing himself to be Yuuki, who held out his hand to Gluesome, a smile on his face, "Come on, Gludra, it's time for us to leave." 

Gluesome's eyes widened, but then a light red aura erupted for him as well, revealing Gludra in all his glory. 

"I'm ready, Yuuki," Gludra smiled back at his boyfriend, taking the prince's hand before they slowly began to ascend. 

Keisuke's now-brown eyes looked up, watching the duo depart with a sad smile, while Cuddly, Gluesome, and the rest just watched. 

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