Balance Problems Part 4

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"WHERE IS HE?!?!" Shuka shook Tenade like a ragdoll as the old Peace members and LEs gathered in the park.

"S-Stop asking me!!!!!!!" The 23-year-old was getting dizzy. 

Tadeoniu gently separated them, "We already know he's in the EW, so don't waste time on shaking poor Tena-chan." 

"... Fine..." Shuka let go of her. "Sorry... I'm just worried." 

"Don't worry, it's a natural thing to feel," Tenade smiled. Shuka felt a bit relieved seeing this, so she smiled back. 

"Anyway, the EW is going to be much more terrifying than normal, since in that world, everything that might seem bad is okay, and you guys are evil, as I've told Nade and Shuka before," Ryaku crossed his legs as he sat on a bench. "Your backgrounds are also twisted to the point of no return." 

"Exaggerating much, Ryaku?" Bao En frowned. 

"Nope," Ryaku shook his head. "Touma was his parents' lab rat. Natsume and Keisuke were separated and abused by their foster families after Keita-san got sent to prison and Fumika left them. Akinori was the supposed only survivor of a family massacre done by Reaper, and Tenade searched for 6 years for her. Lizzy's parents were sent into a coma. Akino-san blamed Aruke-san for what happened to him. Rau-san's father died in the serial kidnapping case. Choiseung-san and Chenhua-san were kidnapped and beaten up by a bunch of bad guys." 

Everyone's eyes widened. 

"I... I what?" Reaper stared at Ryaku as if she had seen a ghost. 

"Dad died?!" Rau shook a bit.

"I blamed dad?..." Akino shivered. 

"T-Touma was a what?!" Mafuyu looked on the verge of bursting into tears. 

Chenhua hugged Choiseung wordlessly as the poor guy sobbed on his shirt. 

"B-But this can't be just because the world was cruel! T-There has to be another reason!" Ayame shouted. 

At that, a small smile bloomed on Ryaku's face, "You're right, Ayame-san." 

Everyone stopped their horror fest and stared at him once more.

"P-Pardon me?" Choiseung looked perplexed. "There's another reason?" 

"Well, it's more of someone," Ryaku confessed. "I did some background checks, and I found something that may be able to help us save Keisuke-kun." 

"You did?!" Everyone yelped out. 

Ryaku nodded, "I found that EW Enma had caused all that. He betrayed Keita-san by framing him for a murder he did, had the worst Youkai inspirit Touma's parents, told Reaper to kill the entire Arihoshi family for her plan, the bad guys how to send Lizzy's parents into a coma, and where to ambush Choiseung-san and Chenhua-san, made Aruke-san seem horrible in Akino-san's eyes, and killed Rau-san's father." 

Shuka was speechless, "T-That's horrible..." 

Kuriwa gripped her fists, "We gotta stop him, save Keisuke and purify the EWs." 

"Agreed," the others echoed. 

Masaki growled, "They think they can kidnap my best friend? Over my dead body." 

"Correction, they dare kidnap our protector," Azusa already had her watering can out. "I'm ready to destroy them." 

"We all are," Kai added. 

Ryaku's eyes grew serious, "All right, let's go." 

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