Balance Problems Part 5

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"They're here."

EW Touma looked at EW Tenade, who was observing their prisoner, "You sure about that?" 

EW Tenade nodded, "I sensed the portal opening up." 

"I see. Can you tell where they will appear-" he was cut off by the sound of metal hitting metal. "Never mind, we found them." 

"Should we go attack?" 

"No, I trust the others to deal with them." 

"All right then. Should we go to Plan B if they lose?" 



There are days when your luck is at its peak. 

And there are days when your luck is at its lowest. 

Lizzy wished that today would be the former. 

However, today ended up being the latter. 


Because they stupidly walked out the portal and straight into their counterparts. 

The first one to realise was, of course, Natsume, who gasped upon seeing EW Keisuke, "Keisuke!" 

Immediately, 7 heads swivelled over to them. 

Tenade's eyes widened as she recognised them, "You were the people in the video call!" 

EW Akinori chuckled, "Nice job, RW Neesan." 

"Looks like you really came," EW Keisuke cheered with a dark smirk. 

"Eh?~ So THESE are our counterparts?~" EW Natsume looked at Natshuka. "You don't look that impressive, though~" 

Shuka growled, "Enough small talk, you. Tell me where Keisuke is and I won't bash your little head in." 

EW Natsume put on a cute face, "But I didn't do anything wrong! Mou!" 

"You kidnapped Keisuke!" Masaki shouted. His eyes had that face that clearly said, 'You're a goner if you don't answer our question.' as he stared the group down. 

"Eh?~ Why are you so angry though?~" EW Akino sing-sang. 

"He's my best friend! Of course I'm angry!" the 15-year-old looked ready to strangle him.

"But don't you think this is a bit too much?" EW Rau smirked as he walked over to Masaki and grabbed his chin forcefully, making him look at the Hawaiian. 

"Is not!" Masaki kicked EW Rau away, causing him to get sent to the ground. 

"RAU/-NII!" the EWs shouted. 

"You are going to regret this," EW Keisuke looked angry now. 

"You're annoying me. Let's see how strong you are," EW Natsume snarled, the cute tone no longer there.

"How dare you," EW Akinori hissed. 

"You touched Rau... Unforgivable... Unforgivable..." EW Akino's eyes glowed purple in rage. 

"Die, you lot. Die die die," EW Chenhua whispered. 

"You are going to regret it," EW Lizzy took out her gun and aimed it at all of them. 

"Sorry, but that's not happening," Ryaku shot back. "We are not losing to you." 

"Ah," Tenade nodded as she summoned her bone weapon. "Suke is counting on us, and we are not letting him down." 

The rest agreed while taking out their own weapons. 

"Don't worry. You're going to regret everything once we're through with you," EW Akinori jeered. 

"We'll see about that," Touma shot back. 

With that, the two sides charged. 

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