In trouble

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                     Chapter one
I entered and sat when the tardy bell had rung, I was now starting my first and favorite class, science class, with  my science teacher  Mr. Yemen. The first thing he told us about was the science fair, " so class, today I wanted to remind you about the science fair, on thursday, I know some of you who will be joining, hope you come up with wonderful ideas. I'll give you time to think of what you want to do for it 10 minutes before class ends. But now, let's get started on class." Right then I was thinking of what I should do for it. Something that would beat my arch rival, Keith Johns. But what? He's the best, he won three years straight- " Jane." " Yes?" Mr. Yemen had called on me for something, and rudely interrupted my thoughts. " What's the answer for my question?" My mind went to talk blank. I didn't know what to say. " Could you ask the question again?" I asked with hope. " Mrs. Jane, if you were listening to me, you would know." Oh know, Mr. Yemen knows I like to daydream when it comes to the science fai-" Mrs. Jane, answer my question. " I hesitated, so I said whatever popped up in my mind first.  "H2O!" Right then I knew I made a fool out of my self. " H2O, is something you would say when the teacher is calling your name to see if your absent?" Keith said, I hate him. But what?! He was asking if I was tardy? I'm so deid. " Mrs. Jane, I'm afraid I'll have to call your parents since you aren't paying attention." Mr. Yemen said. This is really bad, cause if my mom found out I was in trouble, I'll be grounded. " Go to the principals office, and I'll meet you there." As I was leaving, I noticed keith, with his wide evil grin, he knew I was going to be in lots of trouble. Ugh, how i hate Keith, he always wanted the worst for me, i don't go to the principles office ever, cause I'm a good kid. But sadly, every kid haves to make a mistake every once in a while. If you heard the phrase ' no one is perfect' you know what I mean.

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