Chapter 14: Warehouse Surprise

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After a night of reassurance from Andreas...several times...Destiny and Andreas begin to slowly wake up as the morning light began to blare through the blinds.  Andreas groans softly as he rises to wake up.  He grunts as he sits on the edge and gets up.  Completely naked from last night's play with his creamsicle. 

Destiny moans softly as she snuggles against her pillow, "Mm. Have a good time. But not too good." She mutters sleepily. 

Andreas grins as he looks at her while dressing, "I don't even wanna go. The guys insisted. It's just gonna be a lot of drinking, poker, guys lighting their farts on fire..." He jokes, but this was Destiny.  

Destiny snorts, "And that chick at the Saddle strap in Finleyville who can shoot ping-pong balls out of her cooch. Strippers are fine, but no hookers. I don't want you bringing bugs back into our bed." She states. 

As Andreas was fully dressed, he snorts as he moves to lean down and kiss her, "Everything I right here." He smirks and kisses her lips. 

Destiny moans softly against the kiss and smiles, snuggling back into her comfort, "Hey, make sure that Peter has a good time.  He needs it." She chuckles softly. 

Andreas grins big and laughs, "Done. I love you." He says as he bids her goodbye. 

"I love you too. Bring a toothbrush." Destiny says before he leaves. 

Andreas smiles big as he leaves Destiny and heads for his car.  As he gets inside, he frowns at a watch hanging from his rear-view mirror with a tiny rolled up piece of paper.  He unties it and rolls it to see a message. 

I love you.  -D

Andreas smiles big and kisses the letter, looking back at the loft with a huge smile and drives off to do errands before meeting his men for the party. 


After another night of little sleep, Pryce was too hyped to sleep.  He pushes himself day and night to figure out about Spivak's existence and where he could be hiding the baby.  It was dire to bring back the baby and make more discoveries about Spivak.  What is he?  What powers he carried?  How was he infecting the Upir population?  He must know.  

He brushes down the stairs and gets to work right away, taking a piece of the creature's DNA and transfers it to a glass isolation room to keep contamination out.  

Downing more of his pills, Pryce begins to make a note of his work. 

Speaking rapidly, "With Spivak's genome sequencing now complete, comma, markers for a cartilaginous skeletal structure and several cold-water indices can be isolated and identified. Dr. Arnold Spivak, end quote. Full stop. Histological preparation and observation via standard microscopy reveals evenly distributed structures resembling...subcutaneous mucous glands, comma, which further suggest amphibious rather than reptilian genesis. Full stop. Far more troubling is the evident phenotypic morpho-fluidity, which allows the organism to assume the simulacra of human form and consciousness while maintain..." His words are cut off as the alarm begins to blare around him and the isolation door shuts on him.  Locking him inside. 

"A biological contaminant has been detected. Quarantine procedures have been initiated."  

Frowning, Pryce rushes towards the door and struggles to get out, but he was locked tight.  He bangs on the glass, calling out for his assistant once he sees him. 

"Blinsky! Open the door!"

Standing there, Blinsky shrugs, "I can't. Contamination protocols have been triggered. There's no manual override." 

Pryce couldn't believe this was happening!  He growls in frustration, "But I didn't do anything!" He shouts. 

"This must be some malfunction! Please. Try to relax. The air sensor systems are running their diagnostics. If there's been an error, the system will autocorrect and the quarantine will be lifted." Blinsky explains

He didn't have time for this!

"When?" Pryce scoffs. 

"Hard to say with any degree of certainty, given the variables..."

Pryce, suddenly, panics and pats his pockets, digging into them as he realizes he didn't have his pills!  He needs his pills!

"Blinsky...bring me my meds immediately." Pryce demands. 

Pretending he didn't hear him well enough, Blinsky places his hand around his ear, cupping it to hear him better, "What?"

"Bring me my meds!" Pryce screams

"Of course, I'd be happy to, but unfortunately, the containment module is not equipped with a pass-through apparatus." Blinsky says sarcastically.

Pryce drops his head against the glass in frustration.  He could feel his body aching for those pills.  He needs them to keep going.  To keep himself calm.  Blinsky didn't much he loathed boxes.  What his childhood horrors carried when he came to boxes. 


Soon, Roman, Annie, and Celena were driving back home. Roman and Celena were fully dressed but their skin and hair was still coated from the blood. They dropped Annie off at the hotel while Roman drove Celena and himself back to his house. Roman was too far gone to realize how disturbed Annie was with witnessing his feeding. He didn't care. All he could think about was Celena's health.  And what she told him.

Roman was quiet the whole ride. Celena's heart was breaking because of his silence. He showed no emotion at all. No happiness. No anger. No fear. He just didn't know how to deal with it.

He finally pulls the car up to his place and parks it in front of the garage. He sighs softly as he sits there in the car. Hesitantly, he reaches and takes Celena's hand into his. Celena looks at his hand as tears were forming in her eyes. She looks at him as he intertwines her fingers with his own. He sighs and reaches to cup her neck and pulls her towards him to kiss her head. Celena sniffles softly as she trembles with fear. His heart broke when she lets out a tiny whimper.

"Hey. Shh." He whispers as he tries to sooth her. He cups her face in his hands and makes her look at him, "It's going to be ok. I'm not leaving you."

Celena sobs happily in relief and falls into his arms. Roman holds on to her as she cries. He slowly lets to her go to get out of the car.

He pants anxiously as his heart felt like it was going to bust from his chest. He was feeling so many emotions. He was happy, angry, excited, terrified. He needed to call Peter.

Roman helps Celena walk into the house and guides her to walk up the stairs. Together, they shared the shower. Washing each other with gentleness and tender love. Roman washes Celena's hair for her as she washes his body. Roman holds her gently against his body and buries his face in her neck. He sighs softly, thinking what needs to be done. As much as it was so hot to have her naked in his arms in the shower, but sex wasn't on their mind for the first time. Celena deserves to be loved and cared for tonight. No rough lovemaking or fucking. Just tender love care. After the bath, Roman dries himself and helps her dry as well. Wrapping her towel around her body, Celena turns to brush her teeth and rinse her mouth. After vomiting so much at the blood bank, her mouth tasted horrible, and her breath reeked. Sighing deeply, feeling the fresh mint breathe into her lungs, she turns and faces Roman. He reaches and cups her face in his hands. Stroking her skin and jaw line. He looks at her with worried eyes and just holds her close. Pressing a soft, loving kiss against her lips. He was going through so many emotions still with this situation.

(Celena's change of clothes with black leg warmers ^^^)

Soon, they were sitting in the living room, freshly dressed.  Roman lifts her foot on to his lap, sending an apologetic look as she winces.  He managed to grab an ace bandage and wrap it around her ankle and foot.  

"Swelling is finally going down.  But it's still bruised." He sighs softly.   "How bad is the pain?" He asks. 

Celena sighs, trembling still, "Not as bad as last night." She says softly.

Roman could see and even smell the fear all over her.  He didn't want her to be afraid of him.  Not because of this.  She shouldn't be afraid.  Not even of him.  

"Hey.  Come here." He whispers and gently pulls her to scoot on to his lap.  He holds her close against him as she snuggles against his chest.  He rubs her back gently in comfort.  "I'm not leaving you.  Ever.  Believe me, baby."

Celena was silent, she did believe him...but what about Peter?

As if he read her mind, he picks up the phone and dials Peter's number.

"Hello?" Peter answers  a groggy voice.

"Peter, we need to talk." Roman says and holds on to Celena when he feels her fear peak again.

"What's wrong? Is it Celena?" Peter asks with a hint of alert.

"Well, you need to get here. We can't tell you over the phone."

"Ok. I'm on my way."

Roman cuts the call and sighs as he places the phone down. He rubs his tired eyes and sighs deeply.  His head falling back against the cushions, and he feels her head pressing against his neck. 

"How do you feel about it?" She whispers.

Roman looks down at her and pulls her close.

"Baby..." He lets out a breathless laugh and couldn't stop laughing as he falls forward and buries his face against her belly as he pushes her to lie down on the couch. "I don't know what to say." He presses his cheek against her skin as he shirt rides up. "I'm over the moon. But...what if...?"

Flashes of Letha in the hospital fills his thoughts and Celena could hear the whispering of his mind.

"Don't think that. I know it'll be different." She says softly as she runs her fingers through his hair.

Roman couldn't help but scoff and lifts his head to look at her, "How do you know?"

"I'm a Upir now. Letha wasn't. I'm strong enough to handle the birth." She says.

Roman sighs, she had a good point. But still, fear filled his heart.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you. Or the baby." He places his hand over her stomach as they move to sit up. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." She whispers and places her hand over his.

He frowns, "How long have you known?" He asks, wondering how long she kept this from him and Peter.

She was hesitant but she sighs softly, "A few weeks." Her voice trembles.

Roman looks at her in disbelief, "Were you ever planning to tell us?" He scoffs.

"I wanted to wait till after we found Nadia. Both of you were so stressed and busy with everything, I just didn't want to drop this on you both during such a hard time." Her voice cracks.

"Celena, baby, you could have told us right when you found out. Fuck what we're dealing with. Your life is what matters to us." Roman says.

"I'm sorry." She cries softly. "Fucking hormones!" She covers her face as she tries to calm herself, but it was useless.

Roman pulls her back into his arms and rocks her, rubbing her back as he sooths her.

"Shh, shh, I'm not angry, baby. I'm just in shock. I'm so happy. I am." He sighs and chuckles. "I'm a dad. You're a mom."

Celena sobs happily, "So is Peter. You're both daddies." She giggles as she rubs her face, trying to wipe the tears away. She looks up at him and sees his big smile.

Roman laughs and hugs her tightly. He gets up and picks her up as he spins her around.

"I'm a Daddy!" He shouts happily.

Celena giggles, "Roman, I'm gonna throw up again!" She says as her stomach begins to grumble.

Roman simply laughs as he continues to hold her but stops spinning her. He sets her down gently on her feet, still holding her in his arms with grin.

Peter, finally, arrives and hears shouting and laughing in the living room. He frowns when he sees Roman holding Celena in his arms with a big smile and Celena's were red from crying, but she was laughing.

"What's going on?"

Roman and Celena both turn to see him. Roman's smile never left his face, but Celena's dropped in fear. Roman places her down gently and holds her close.

"Peter." Roman says happily and moves away from Celena to hug him tight.

Peter grunts at the impact, frowning and looks at Roman weirdly, "What did you do, drink hippie blood?"

Roman simply laughs it off, "We got big news. Well, Celena has big news." He says as he turns to face Celena. "Tell him. It's ok, baby."

Celena sighs shakily as Peter waits for Celena to say something.

"I wanted to tell you both at the same time. But I guess it's time." She says.

Frowning deeply in confusion, "Tell us what?" Peter asks.

Licking her lips, she moves closer and takes his hand and brings it to her stomach.

"I'm pregnant." Her voice shakes with trembling lips.

Peter's eyes widen in shock as he looks at her stomach. His hand unconsciously gently caresses her soft flesh.

"We're dads." Roman says with a big grin.

Peter walks closer to her and laughs softly. He could feel something. Not movement. growing inside her. Why didn't he notice this?


Peter looks at her, seeing the fear in her eyes. His heart breaks when she whimpers softly.

"Shee-it!" He picks her up and holds her tight in his arms.

"Shee-it!" Roman exclaims with him.

Peter smiles big and laughs. He holds her spins her around, then carefully sets her down and gets on his knees. Pressing kisses all over her stomach.

Celena covers her mouth as she sobs happily in relief.

"I'm a daddy!" Peter exclaims as he gets to his feet and rushes to hug Roman.

"We're daddies!" Roman laughs as he hugs him back, patting his back.

"Holy shit!" Peter exclaims in shock and whoops as he pumps a fist into the air, thanking his ancestors for blessing him with this gift as he kisses the heavens in Romani. He lets go of Roman and runs trembling fingers through his hair.

"How far along are you?" Peter asks with a huge grin and takes her back into his arms.

"About 3 weeks. I found out around when Pryce did that blood test last week. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was just..." Peter shushes her by cupping her face in his hands and pressing kisses over her lips, her cheeks, her eyes. Everywhere as he smiles big enough to crack his face.

"Baby, it doesn't matter. You're pregnant. Don't ever be scared to tell us anything. We love you more than anything in this world." Peter says at every kiss.

"Have you been going to a pediatrician?" Roman asks.

Peter lets her go and they both look at her for an answer, "Pryce is the only one I trust. He won't tell Olivia and he hasn't." Celena states.

Roman gives her an irritated look but Celena sooths him, "He's a great doctor, Rome."

"I don't blame him, Cell. Pryce hasn't exactly been on our good terms lately." Peter says.

"At least we know he's not a 6-foot reptilian monster." Celena points out.

Both men were quiet, thinking how true that was, but still they remained cautious. Pryce hasn't exactly proven himself worthy towards them...yet.

"Has he determined the sex yet?" Roman asks.

Celena shakes her head, "No, not yet. It's too early. I wanted to wait till we found Nadia first then tell you both then find out together. But...he did find something. You got Destiny to thank for calling it first." She chuckles as she looks at Peter.

"Wait, Destiny knew before us?" Peter frowns, almost offended that his own family knew before he did.

"I forced her to keep it a secret. I went to see her for advice."

"So that's why you have that mark on your ankle!" He exclaims then begins muttering curses in Romani.

"What did Pryce find?" Roman asks.

Celena sighs happily, "It's twins." She smiles big and laughs. "He ran some test and discovered something. The babies have different fathers. One is 100% yours." She looks at Roman. "And one is yours." She turns to Peter. "I guess it's because of the connection. My womb shares you both."

"Oh, my god." Roman laughs happily and moves to kiss Celena's lip. "I love you." He cups her face in his hands as he covers her face with kisses. His heart was bursting with happiness and excitement yet fear still remained in the dark part of his heart.

Peter covers his mouth and touches her belly again, "Holy shit. I can't believe it." He smiles big and moves to kiss her as Roman pulls away. "I love you, too."

Celena giggles and smiles big, "We need to make sure Olivia never knows." She looks at them with worry.

"Hell, no. That bitch isn't coming near you." Peter states strongly.

"We'll keep you under protection day and night. No excuses." Roman states as Celena scoffs.

She sighs and rolls her eyes, "Fine. But don't cover me in bubble wrap."

Peter and Roman both look at each other, giving that some thought.

"Don't even think about it!" Celena warns.

Roman chuckles and Peter wraps an arm around her waist, "Baby, we just don't want anything to happen to you. Or them." He places a hand over her stomach. "We need to be careful."

"Especially with this sickness that's going around for Upirs. After what happened last night..." Roman stops and looks at her with a hard glare as he thinks about what happened at the Doctor's house, "Never again. You almost got killed. You knew and still risked your life and the babies'. I'll chain you to bed if I have to, just to keep you safe. All three of you." He says strongly. And thinks about the infected Upir that attacked her and tried to go for her stomach. "It knew you were pregnant."

"Wait, slow down. You guys were attacked?" Peter asks in confusion.

"When we went to see Annie's doctor friend who possibly knew about the creature we ran into at the morgue. More of them attacked his house. Everyone, except us and Annie, was killed or infected. We barely got away." Celena says.

"And one grabbed Celena. Unlike the one that tried to go for my chest that night in my kitchen, it went to her stomach." Roman says as he points at Celena's belly.  Then, suddenly, he remembers the creatures from the morgue.  "The same thing happened at the morgue.  The creatures kept going for her stomach." 

Celena sighs and looks away in guilt as Peter looks at him in horror and rubs his mouth, "It was after the babies." He says. 

"It feeds on Upirs. One of the babies is a Upir. Mine." Roman swallows roughly.

"We won't let them get to them." Celena says strongly and sighs as she rubs her eyes, "I'm going to nap. I can barely keep my eyes open."

Roman kisses her forehead, "Get some sleep. I'll wake you up in a few hours."

Peter moves and kisses her head and kneels again to kiss her belly, "I need to get back to the warehouse.  Andreas is having his bachelor party tonight.  I'm supposed to meet him there." He sighs heavily.  

Celena laughs softly and walks up the stairs to Roman's room.  She frowns when she notices that her ankle was feeling a little bit better.  She looks down and sees it was still wrapped and bruised. She sighs as she reaches the bedroom and moves to lie down on the huge bed. She wraps her arms around her belly and smiles gently.

"I love you both. So much. I won't ever let anything happen to you." She whispers softly and slowly closes her eyes.

After an hour passed, Roman walks up the stairs to check on Celena and opens the door to find her sleeping on her side with a hand over her stomach. He smiles gently at the sight and moves to walk in. Peter had to leave for a few minutes, but he promises he will be back.

Roman moves to lie on the bed but scoots to be face to face with her belly. He places a hand over hers and buries his nose against her shirt.

"Hi." He whispers to his children. "I'm your daddy." He chuckles softly, it was hitting him still that he was now a father. "Don't know if you two can hear me, but I just want to say that I love you both. No matter what. I promise your childhood will be so much better than mine was. I'll be the best daddy in the world to both of you. I'll never leave you. I'll teach you to be a better person than I am." He sighs heavily. "You know, when I met your mom..." He continues to whisper and looks up at her sleeping face. "When I first saw her, I thought she was the most beautiful girl I ever seen before. I never really cared about other women. But your mom...she's different than all the ones I ever met." He looks back down at her stomach and gently caresses her skin. "She was the first girl to give my heart a reason to beat. To breathe. She's my reason for living in this world."

Celena slowly opens her eyes as she listens to his words. Tears form in her eyes as her heart grows warm.

"Believe me, I tried to get your mom to like me. But she" He chuckles softly. "But I grew on her in time. And I'm forever thankful for her to give me a chance to prove myself to her. And she..." He sighs softly. "...she helped me through my hardships and guided me with her moonlight. To show me a better path in life. And I love her for that. Always and forever." He sniffles softly.

Roman jumps when he feels a hand brush his hair. He looks up and sees Celena was up and awake with tears in her eyes. Roman gives her a smile and moves to kiss her softly.

"I love you," He whispers against her lips.

"I love you." She says softly as the kiss breaks but begins again.  She pulls on him to join her on the bed.  

"No, Baby.  You should rest." He gently protests, but he moans softly when she begins to trail her lips down his neck and begin to nibble on his skin.  He could feel himself forming a tent for her. 

"I want you.  Now." She pants and begins to straddle him and starts to unzip his pants.  

"Oh, fuck me." Roman groans out and lets his head fall back. 

Giggling, Celena grins mischievously and leans down, "That's the plan." She kisses him deeply.

(Short Smutt)

Roman grunts against her lips and feels her freeing him from his pants.  He reaches and holds on to her hips and reaches under her skirt to shove her panties to the side.  He gasps at the warm feel of her as she slides herself down on him.  

Celena moans against his lips and takes every inch of him deep inside. 

"You really don't play fair." He whispers and moans as she begins to move.  "Oh, fuck." She was soaking wet still.  He grunts as he lifts his hips to meet her.

"All is fair..." She grunts as she rides him good, making him moan louder. " fucking." She smirks and lifts to ride him better, taking him deeper.  

Roman grunts and lifts his hips to move faster with her, "Oh, yeah.  Oh, fucking ride it, baby!" He grits his teeth and throws his head back with a loud moan.  

Celena moans and rides him faster, arching her body over him as she grips on to his shirt, "Ohhh!" She cries out.  

Roman moans and lifts his head to yank her skirt away to watch himself disappear deep inside her, watching his hardness become slick from her cream.  His moans pick up at the sight and throws his head back.  She continues to ride him over and over.  Till finally he begins to shudder in pleasure as the ending quickly rushes towards them.

"Fuck!  I'm gonna come!  I'm gonna come!" He shouts and shoves up as he stiffens and feels himself shoot deep inside her.  He grunts and lets out a harsh breath.  He shouts once more as he feels her tighten around him, gushing him with her cream.  "Ohhhh, fuck!" He moans as she pulses around him.  

Both were panting heavily and Roman was spent, but Celena looks down at him with a sly grin, still keeping him buried deep inside her as she stays straddled on top of him.   

Breathing heavily, Roman frowns, "What are you up to, Cell?" He pants out.  

"You actually think we're done?" She smirks. 

Roman's eyes widen in realization and grunts when his clothes are ripped off his body and his arms were bound to the bed by his ripped-up shirt, then his feet.  Tying him spread eagle over the bed.  

He yanks on the bounds, grunting to get free, "Cell?  Cell, what are you doing?" He asks as she gets off him, watching his cream and hers drip from between her legs.  It was hot and made him twitch at the sight.  

Celena gets off the bed to strip, "Baby...after the feeding I had all night long... this is gonna take a very, very long time to satisfy me.  I hope you're up for it." She says in a sexy voice as she climbs back on the bed and begins to lick him clean.  "Mmmm." 

Roman shudders and groans in pleasure.  He falls back against the pillows, "Fuck, where's Peter when we need him?" He groans pathetically as he could only lie there and let Celena use his body.  He was gonna be sore after this. 


When Andreas pulls up to the warehouse, Peter was already waiting. When he gets out of his car, he notices the excited aura that burst through Peter's pores. Nothing but pure happiness as Peter carries a grin.

Andreas eyes him mischievously, "What's that smile, Pete?"

Peter just laughs it off, "Just heard the best news. The kind of news that makes your heart and body feel like you could shit gold."

Andreas begins to laugh and exclaims in excitement, "Celly told you!" He laughs heartily and hugs him tight, patting his back in congratulations.

Peter laughs and welcomes the hug, "I had a feeling you knew since Des knows, too."

Andreas pulls away, chuckling, "My creamsicle keeps no secrets from me."

Peter couldn't help but snort, "Yet you keep secrets from her."

Andreas sighs, "To keep her safe, brother.  That's what we both want." He pats his shoulder. "Congrats on the little ankle biters.  The boys and I got a pool going.  Half of us thinks its girls and the other half thinks its boys." 

"You're actually betting on my kids?" Peter scoffs at him.  

"Hey, when it comes to the Rumas, you never know what you're gonna get.  Personally, I'm rooting for boys.  Your Ruma genes carry the biggest gonads." Andreas chuckles heartily.

Peter snorts, "I just care about them being healthy.  And safe." He sighs out. 

Andreas pats his shoulder again, "They will.  It's Celly we're talking about here.  She's a strong young woman with the heart of a lion." He sighs.  "The family and the lord Godfrey by her side...she and the little copii adorabil shall be safeCelebrate today...worry tomorrow. Eh?" He grins and moves to open the doors.  

Peter sighs, still worry for Celena and his children, but even more for Andreas' mode of work and plans.  

"By the way, I talked to the guys about boosting the drugs and shit, and I gotta say, they just don't think it's a problem." Andreas adds as they walk inside. 

Peter rolls his eyes, "What happened to the fucking ice cream trucks?"

"Yeah, I'm still doing that too." Andreas says, but Peter begins to pace forward, his anger reeked from his pores.  Andreas scoffs as he stops, "Come on, man, how about a little rhythm here? Everything I do is for Destiny. You know that."

Peter turns back to face Andreas with a scoff of disbelief, "Oh, and this is how you plan to take care of her? By getting your ass shot off? Be sure to get her knocked up so your kids never know their father." He says sarcastically. "That's what's gonna happen when your shit plan goes sideways." He warns. 

Andreas sighs heavily, "Okay, look, maybe you're right. Maybe the whole heist thing needs rethinking." 

"You think maybe the heist thing needs rethinking?" Peter asks in incredulousness.

"That's what I said." Andreas shrugs. 

Peter scoffs and turns away, he was getting sick of this. 

Andreas throws his arms up, getting frustrated with Peter's attitude, "What the fuck do you want from me?"

Peter turns towards him with a pissed look, "I want you to show me that you can be trusted." He states and turns away to find the guys to make them see from his point of view, hoping to get someone on his side.  

As they both keep walking deeper into the warehouse, they could hear hip-hop music playing in on the radio.  But they couldn't hear anything else besides the music.

"Where is everybody?" Peter frowns. 

"Hello? Anybody here?" Andreas calls out.  

But when the walk past a small room, they freeze when they see the body of one of their men.  He was shot in the head as blood pools around him. 

"Shit." Peter rushes towards to check him, but he couldn't feel a pulse and the body was cold.  He's been dead for a while.  "Fuck."

Andreas gets his gun and both of them carefully walk through the warehouse.  Andreas finds the radio and shuts it off.  Searching for his men and friends.  His family.  When he reaches the stairs, his skids to a halt at the sight, gasping softly.  

Andreas turns and looks at Peter with a look of despair and shock.  Peter slowly walks towards him and sees what his sees.  In a straight line, there lies their men.  Their hands bound behind them as they all laid on their stomachs.  It was an execution.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Andreas gasps as he rushes towards one of the men.  He turns the body and Peter could see it was their dear friend who helped them with the caviar before, offering them over a million dollars and not to mention, helping Peter keep in contact with his mother. 

Both of them jump as they hear footsteps from above.  Andreas cocks his gun, ready for a fight.  But they hear familiar voices call out. 

"Andreas, Peter, where are you?"  

It was the wolf pack.  They watch the pack walk towards the rails and one by one, they freeze at the sight.  Looking down in shock and horror.  What the fuck happened?!

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