Chapter 15: Drawing First Blood

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As days went by, Olivia's patience continued to grow short.  She needed to talk to Pryce about her results and what she saw on that tablet.  Not to mention, she needed to find out if Shelley went to Pryce since she loves spending time with him more than her.  Anyone and anything would please Shelley than her own mother, which severely pissed her off.  But she needed Shelley.  With her by her side, her inheritance could help her.  

Grabbing her phone, she immediately calls Pryce, but to her disappointment, she hears another voice on the line that was more annoying than Pryce's voice. 

"Dr. Pryce's line. Dr. Blinsky speaking." His assistant answers the call.

"Where is he?" She says, her voice lit with impatience and irritation.

Stuttering in surprise to her voice, Blinsky calms himself and answers as carefully as he could, "I'm sorry, Ms. Godfrey. Dr. Pryce is indisposed at the moment."

Growling lowly, "Fuck that. Tell him to wipe his ass. I'll be there in 15 minutes." She sneers and cuts the call.  

As she was heading towards the door, she grabs her keys and looks in the mirror to give herself a quick check.  She gasps in horror at the sight of herself.  Right above her eyebrow, black veins begin to grow through her skin.  

"Oh, my God." She whispers in shock.  

She rushes to her vanity mirror and sits down.  Grabbing her foundation cream, she brushes over the vein-y skin, but it was still visible to the naked eye.  She sighs softly, trying to calm herself and puts on some lipstick, but all she could see was those black veins.  Furiously, she rubs the lipstick off and throws the tissue away violently.  She all she could do was tremble in fear at the sight of herself.  What was happening to her?


Another morning in Rooster Poot, Viktor and Shelley walk hand in hand once again through the mill, listening to the faint sound of jazz music playing in the distance.  

"Can't believe how many people are here." Viktor says as they walk by several people.  

Shelley sighs, "I can.  Hemlock Grove has always been such a hard town, especially to those who can't reach certain classes.  Like Mother's.  She always thought if you weren't a Godfrey, you weren't worth more than a bug under her boot." She scoffs softly and picks at her nails, "Like me." 

Viktor scoffs and squeezes her hand, "Hey, you're worth more than you realize." 

"To you, maybe.  But to others..." Shelley scoffs. 

"People will see one day the beauty you carry.  People like your mother only care about what's outside and what's in the bank and pockets.  But if I can see the beauty inside and outside of you," He stops and brushes her hair away from her face, pushing it over her ears to see her better.  "Then there's more out there who can see what I can see." He smiles at her.  

Shelley gives him a soft, blushing smile, wrapping herself around his arm as they continue to walk on.  They spy Aitor and several others setting up what looks like a stage as he gathers some wires.  One man was carrying a lamp. 

"Morning." "Good morning, Aitor." Shelley and Viktor say, greeting him.  


Viktor yawns softly and looks around with Shelley, "People get up kinda early around here, don't they?" He says. 

"Yeah, there's not much to do after sundown. Gets pretty cold. And dark." Aitor says, then spies something in Shelley's hand, " What you got there?" He asks and she holds it up proudly.  It was a book of Emily Dickinson's work, "Emily Dickinson, huh?"

Shelley smiles and looks at it, "I love her stuff. There was a long time...maybe my whole life, really, when it felt like she was my only friend...till I met Viktor and his friends. Probably sounds silly." She scoffs softly. 

Viktor and Aitor shake their heads, "Nothing you say ever sounds silly." Viktor tsks.  

"The big man is right.  It's not at all silly." Aitor states and begins to remember one of Emily Dickinson's work, "'Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all'." He grins and continues to tend to the wires with everyone. 

Shelley smiles at that quote, it was one of her favorites.  Viktor holds her close to him and watches Aitor.

"So... What are you doing?" He asks. 

With a mischievous grin, Aitor taps his nose, "Wait and see."

Viktor laughs with Shelley and frowns when he sees a few men having trouble moving part of a car.  the doors were stripped away and all that was left was the car seats and frame.  It looked like they were moving it to give people a place to sit.  

"Hold on." He says softly to Shelley and moves towards the men.  "Hey." He speaks up, causing all the men to look up at him nervously.   "Need a hand?" He asks.

The men look at each other in surprise and one nods, "Sure.  You get that end." One man says.  

Viktor moves and takes a place next to a guy who eyes him nervously, but they all brace themselves.  

"On 3.  1, 2, 3.  Lift!" 

All men and Viktor grunt with effort and Viktor uses all the strength he had to lift the car with the men.  Helping them carry it towards where they wanted it.  Viktor calls for the stone of light inside and uses his powers to help the men carry it with better ease.  Carefully and slowly, Viktor helps them settle it down on support blocks.  

With loud grunts and pants, they sigh in relief as they made it.  

"Thanks." One man walks up to Viktor and holds his hand out.  

Viktor looks up in surprise and shakes his hand.  Several other of the men thank him as well, shaking his hand and patting his arm.  

Viktor spies a little boy watching him in curiosity and awe, "That was so cool!  You're like superman." He says and takes off towards his family, leaving Viktor smiling at what he said.  He chuckles and looks over towards Shelley as she sees a woman having trouble opening a small tank.  

The woman grunts with effort, but no such luck.  

Shelley walks up next to her, "Mind if I try?" She asks. 

The woman looks up at Shelley with wide eyes, staring at her face, "Do your thing." She mutters and holds the tank out. 

Placing her book down, Shelley takes the tank and grips it tight.  With her strength, she manages to get the tank open.  

The woman gives her a smile and takes the tank when Shelley hands it back to her. 

"Thanks." She says, sharing a smile with Shelley. 

Shelley sighs and moves to sit down to read, but Viktor notices an elderly man who carried a disgusted look that was directed at Shelley.  He continues to stare at her and study her as he draws closer.  

Shelley looks up and sees the man, "Yes?"

"What kind of fucked up shit did you do in your last life to get punished with a mug like that?" The old man laughs and scoffs in disgust as Shelley looks down in shame.  "Shit, and I thought I'd seen ugly in my day. Saw a lady once who had her whole face cut off by a lawn mower, looked better than you." The man snorts, then his face twist in anger, "I don't give two shits what that judge said. Admit it. You got away with murder. Didn't you? Huh?" 

Viktor was about to stomp towards them, but Aitor stops him and waits to see what Shelley was going to do.

"Sometimes, big guy, you gotta let a woman take care of herself." Aitor says as they watch. 

Shelley sighs deeply and gets to her feet, meeting the man's height as she gives him a cold look, "Yup. And you know why? Because I enjoy killing. Dogs, cats, people." She says, watching the man chuckle in triumph, but his smile fades as she keeps going, "Kill, kill, kill. It's a calling, really. So, you better keep that in mind when you go to sleep tonight. Cause this doesn't close." She points at her large eye and glares at him.  "I'll be watching you." She warns. 

The man says nothing and moves on.  

Shelley felt like a huge weight was lifted off of her.  After years of hearing the same bullshit from her mother and other people, she finally stood up for herself...and she loved it!  She looks over towards Viktor and Aitor, seeing their proud looks and Aitor gives her a thumbs up. 

Aitor moves and continues to help with the others set up what they need.  With a long wire of cable jumpers, Aitor takes them once they were hooked up to the city's power and connects to the batteries.  Electricity hums and sparks crackle and soon, the stage lights up with all the lamps they had.  Aitor takes his place on the stage and greets his people with a smile. 

"Welcome to the Rooster Poot Playhouse!" He cheers and the others lower a grate that covered with lamps to give the stage more light.  Everyone erupts into applause at the sight.  

Shelley and Viktor smile, hugging each other as they watch.  

"I'm so proud of you." Viktor whispers in her ear, earning a big smile from her and a blush as he kisses her cheek.  


Peter, the pack, and Andreas all stood in the warehouse, looking at their dead in shock, trying to figure things out.  Peter strongly believed it was the Croatians.  

"They figured out the caviar was stepped on. That's gotta be what this is about." He states.

Andreas shakes his head, "Impossible. I handled it. You saw." He protests. 

"Croats are fucking crazy." One pack member says. 

"I don't give a fuck what the reason was. We got to hit back. And twice as hard." Andreas snarls.  

"Take it easy. I know it's hard, but just..." Peter tries to calm him down, but Andreas furiously cuts him off. 

"Did they deserve this? Huh? You all knew these folks. Shandor, the rest of them." He says as he speaks towards the pack.  

The gray streaked member snarls, "I say we fuck 'em up. Turn the snow red with their blood. Rat shit cowards.  Call Celena and get the Darkling." He demands.  Andreas and most of the pack members made agreeing noises.

"Clenea is fucking pregnant!  I'm not risking her life nor my kids for this!" Peter growls lowly at him. 

One member speaks up, "The Croats aren't the only ones we've grifted.  For all we know, this could've been somebody else."

"It could have been the guys we jacked the stuff from. Either way, we're not going to war with anyone." Peter states. 

Andreas turns and scoffs in disbelief, "You calling the shots now, Peter?"

Peter looks up at him, struggling to keep the wolf at bay.  He was sad and pissed off, but needed to remain calm, "We gotta take care of them first." He states. 

"I say we walk the fuck away like we were never here." One member says, but the gray streaked member grabs him by the collar.

"No. We leave them here, the cops will be up our asses so fast. I say we pull the backhoe around, dig a hole. A few Gypsies fall off the face of the earth, who's gonna give a damn?" He scoffs. 

Peter gives him a furious look, "They're family! Not some fucking trash to be thrown out." He needed to think of a plan.  He yanks on Andreas' arm, "Come here." He moves away and Andreas follows him. 

"Fucking animals." Andreas snarls. 

"Andreas, you gotta calm down." Peter states and tries to keep him calm, but Andreas was pissed.  

"But these..." Andreas tries to speak, but Peter gently cuts him off and continues, coming up with the best plan he could think of. 

"Get the guys to put the bodies on a truck, appoint someone to drive it to a long-term lot somewhere, lock it up, let the bodies freeze, and that will buy us some time to figure out what to do with them." He says. 

"I already thought of that."

"Everyone else scrubs every inch of this place with bleach...Walls, floors, everywhere. And when they're done and there's not a drop of blood left to be found, they're gonna start scrubbing some more. Do you understand?" Peter states, but when Andreas moves to storm away, Peter grabs him by his arm, making her he gets it. "Do you understand?"

Andreas still carried a very pissed off look, but he sighs deeply and nods.  

"Okay. Give me your car keys." 

Andreas frowns, "Why? Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna find out who did this. Just...Just clean up this mess and don't do anything else until I get back. Okay?" Peter states. 

Andreas takes a calming breath, sighing deeply as he digs into his pockets and gives Peter the keys.  

While Peter was gone, and the boys were taking care of the bodies, Andreas moves away and decides to make a phone call.  He had to make sure his Creamsicle was ok.  

"Hey, babe."

"Hey, Creamsicle. So what's up?" 

"Did you get there okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I was just checking in like I said I would."

"Is everything okay?" Destiny frowns a little, sensing something about Adreas' tone of voice. 

"All good. I just called to say I love you and, uh, I miss you." He says.

Destiny smiles, "Me too. Did you like your big surprise?"

Andreas frowns and stutters at what she could mean...was it she?  No, it wasn't..."Uh...what?"

"Don't tell me some asshole broke into the car and stole it last night."

Andreas chuckles in relief, "The watch. Sorry, yeah. God, it''s beautiful, baby. I love it." He smiles big as he looks at the watch he found in his car.  

"Good. Okay, well... say hi to the boys for me."

"I will. Just... be careful, okay?" He says carefully, but Destiny frowns at that.  Wondering what was going on with Andreas.  He almost sound like...he was afraid.  For her.  

"What do you mean?" She asks. 

"Nothing. Just, you know, your men are out of town."

"Since when do I need you and Peter to take care of me?"  Destiny snorts. 

Andreas chuckles softly, "Since never. Just... just take care. I love you so much." He says.

Destiny smiles, "I love you too, babe." She cuts the call, but deep in her heart, Destiny had a dark feeling building up inside her.  Andreas was keeping something from her, and it scared him.  She could feel the fear seeping through the phone.  What was it that terrified him so much?  Her safety?  His own?  Both?  Who knows.


Roman grunts as he falls back against the mattress in complete exhaustion. Moaning as the final orgasm rocks his body. That had to be...Jesus, he lost count at how many times he came! He couldn't move at all.

"Fuck!" He exclaims in exhaustion.

His entire body was coated in sweat and cum, his and hers. God, the things she did to him were far beyond his imagination. He grunts and winces when she slides herself off him and collapses over his chest, panting heavily with him.

"Please tell me..." He pants out. "...that you're satisfied." He begs. He felt like he wasn't gonna be horny in a few years. He felt his content tank was full for years to come.

Panting and giggling, Celena lifts her head and rests her chin on her wrists as she lies over him, "I think I'm good for now. But if I want another round, I'll go to Peter till Mr. Big isn't so sore." She teases as she gives his limp manhood a little tap, making him grunt in tenderness. "Sorry."

Roman sighs, "I think it's gonna be quite a while before we're gonna fuck again." He scoffs.

Celena laughs, burying her face against his sweaty chest, "Hope it won't be too long of a wait. I can't get enough of you." She purrs.

Waving his arms in surrender in weak motions, "No, no teasing. It hurts to even try and get hard. I'm done. I need an ice pack." He says, not even sure if he was joking.

Celena laughs and grunts as she rolls off him, making pleased noises as the aftershocks rock her body, "I'm good for now." She sits up, "Mmmm, very good." She sighs and moves off the bed. "But could use another shower."

Roman grunts and watches her slide off the bed, "How can you even move?" He scoffs. "I feel like I'm glued to the bed."

"And I did all the work." She scoffs, giggling at her joke as she walks naked towards the bathroom to bathe.

Roman drops his head against the pillow again with a grunt, "Jesus Christ, she's gonna be the death of me." He snorts and grunts as he forces himself to get up. Using the other bathroom downstairs, he showers and redresses. He grunts in tenderness as he walks around the house. His dick was so sore, it hurt to have anything touching it. He limps, hunched over as he makes his way towards the kitchen and goes through the fridge. Grabbing a bag full of frozen fruit, he makes his way back towards the living room and carefully sits on the couch. He grunts as he places the ice, cold bag over his crotch and sighs in bliss.

After tending to his balls and dick  and checking on Celena, he calls for some takeout since he was too wiped out to cook anything and he didn't really have anything that was worth cooking for Celena and himself. So, after bribing the most expensive restaurant in Hemlock Grove to deliver, he hangs up the phone and sighs as he rests against the couch, still clutching the bag against him.

He doesn't know how he managed to find the energy to get himself a drink, but he manages to get a glass of bourbon. He limps back to the couch as Peter walks inside.

"Hey." Roman says as he sits on the couch, drink in his hand.

"Hey. How's Celena?" Peter asks as he walks towards him, frowning at the sight.

"She went back to sleep a few minutes ago." Roman grunts and winces as he sits down.

"What happened to you?" Peter frowns.

Sighing heavily and downing his drink, "The Darkling fed last night." He grunts out, trying to get comfortable.

Peter knew what he meant, "How many?" He asks.

Lying back against the cushion, keeping the bag on his crotch as he holds up four fingers, "Four."

Peter exclaims in Romani and sighs, trying to keep a straight face, "And how many times?" He clears his throat.

Roman rolls his eyes, "I lost count." He scoffs and grimaces when Peter snorts in laughter. "Just you wait. I don't think she's done." Roman states, making Peter stop.

"As much as I love having fun with our Draga mea, it's not the right time." Peter sighs out, thinking about what he found at the warehouse.

Roman frowns as he senses disturbance from Peter, "What's wrong?"

Rubbing his face, Peter sighs deeply and sniffles as he rubs his nose, "Don't tell Celena, I don't want her to worry...especially in her condition." He says as he looks over his shoulder a few times, making sure Celena didn't hear him.

Roman perks up and throws the bag of melted fruit away, "What's up?" He asks.

Peter looks up at Roman with a very disturbed look, "Someone hit the warehouse. Everyone except the pack is dead."

Roman's eyes widen in shock, "What the fuck happened?"

Peter shakes his head, "I strongly believe it was the Croatians. They hit us for what Adreas did."

"What did he do?" Roman asks, frowning at him.

Hesitantly, Peter rubs his mouth, "He stepped on the Caviar we sold to them. Cheated them out of their money. Andreas is on a hellbent mission now to find them...and strike at them."

"Jesus!" Roman exclaims and soon, his gaze hardens, "Peter, if they get to Celena...I mean she was there when you met them!" His voice grows furiously.

"I know! I know...and they're not going to get to her. We'll keep watch over her safety. And Destiny's." Peter states.

Roman rubs his face, "Fuck!" He whispers furiously. He was now back to being scared to death for Celena. "If they touch her..." He growls lowly.

Peter snarls as he feels the wolf threaten to come out, "They're fucking dead." He finishes for him.

Roman nods in agreement and sighs as the doorbell rings, "It's the food. I called for food for everyone." He mutters and gets up to walk towards the door.

Peter sighs and takes off his jacket, "Great, I'm starving. And I know she's gonna be, too." He rests his elbows on his knees and rubs his face.  "I'm waiting to hear back from a guy I know.  I've been asking around to find out who could have betrayed us.  I think they found a suspect.  As soon as I get the call, I'm gonna find out myself." 

After Roman pays for the food, Peter gets up and helps him sets up the dining room.

"Just don't get your ass shot, Celena would kill you...and then me." Roman snorts.

Peter scoffs at how true that is, "I'll try not to."  He sighs deeply as his thoughts drift off towards Celena and... his kids.  A grin forms on his face. He still couldn't believe it.

As if he senses his shock and awe, Roman gives him a crooked grin as he gets another drink, "Still in shock?" Roman asks as he sips his bourbon.

Peter chuckles, "It's still hitting me." He sighs and rubs his mouth. "I never really believed this would ever happen. Me...a dad?" He scoffs. "We never even got the chance to talk about kids in the future. I wanted to enjoy now with her."

"I know. It seems so fast. But...I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world." Roman laughs softly.

"Me either. To have kids with Celena...that's a dream come true." Peter chuckles.

Roman nods, but sighs as the memories of Letha still haunted him.

Peter looks at Roman's scared face, "Hey. Nothing's gonna happen to her or the babies."

"And I thought Celena was the mind reader in this relationship." Roman scoffs.

"Doesn't take one to know what you're thinking when it comes to babies and birth. She's stronger. I know it. Those babies are strong. They'll be ok." Peter says and sighs deeply.

"But you're scared, too. We're all scared." Roman states as he could sense Peter's feelings with Celena's.

Peter moves to the bar to get himself a drink, "I don't know what I'm scared of." Peter turns with a glass of whiskey. "I guess I'm scared of being a dad. Never had one through most of my life. He walked out on Lynda and me. I grew up being raised by Nicolai, Lynda. Vincent. Unlike my own, I won't ever abandon him...or her. Nor would I ever abandon our dragă." He sighs as he walks back towards the table.

"At least they won't have Olivia in their lives. I'll kill her before I let her near them." Roman snarls softly.

Peter growls lowly at the thought, "Fuck that." He grunts as he swallows his drink and grimaces at the glass. "Damn, that's good." He pants and looks up at the second floor. "I better go wake her up. He mutters.

"Be careful." Roman scoffs with a mocking worried look.

Peter chuckles and heads upstairs. As he makes his way towards the bedroom door, he sees his beautiful woman lying peacefully in bed, her hand resting over her stomach as she sleeps. He quietly walks inside and smiles down at her, sitting carefully at the edge of the bed.

Peter sighs softly and looks at her belly. He places a gentle hand over her stomach and strokes her skin.

"Hey, um, your other daddy probably already introduced himself. Don't worry, I'm the better one." He chuckles softly. "Just call me your Pop. Or whatever you want to call me. I'll love you even if you called me Poppy or Papa." He sighs and scoffs at himself. "I know you're probably expecting me to promise you everything, but everyone messes up sometimes. Only thing I promise is to never hurt you or your mom." He sighs and looks at Celena. "Your mom." He laughs softly. "I'll be sure to teach you to always respect and love your mom. She rules the house and has to be the number one woman in your heart." He reaches and takes her hand gently in his and sighs softly. "You know, when I first saw your mom..." He laughs and exclaims in Romani. "When I saw her, I felt like I literally got punched in the stomach and fell on my ass." He chuckles. "She was the most incredible woman I ever met. Her eyes. It was her eyes that made my heart want to leap out of my chest and do the hokey pokey right there." He sighs softly. "At first, I was hesitant. Because I kept thinking, 'Can I trust this woman?' 'Can I put the most dangerous secret I carry in her hands and trust her with it with her life?'" He grins at the memories. "She proved to me that she could. She risked her life and exposing her own secret to save me. That showed me how much she cared and how much I could trust her. Remember, trust is important." He holds up a warning finger at her belly. "When you two grow up, you'll see what I mean. I'll teach you everything about who you are. Your people. But...I'll teach you the right side. I'll teach you to use your gypsy blood for the good people. The bad people can go fuck themselves."

"Hey, no cussing." Celena scorns him, making him jump.

Peter laughs and covers her with his body, kissing her till she's laughing and trying to get away from him.

"Tickles!" She squeals and shrieks in laughter as he holds her down, laughing with her.

Panting and laughing, Celena snuggles in his arms as he stops, "Did you really mean that?"

Peter grins, "Yeah. Every word." He says softly and moves to kiss her lips. "I love you, Draga mea." He mumbles against her lips.

Celena sighs as the kiss breaks, "I love you too." She whispers.

"Come on. Dinner time." He gets up and grunts softly as he takes her into his arms and carries her bridal style out of the room. "After dinner, maybe I can have a few rounds since Roman is too tired." He grins. Honestly, he wasn't in the mood, but every time he sees his beauty, she always manages to turn him on. Maybe he needs to fuck the pain away...just have her in his arms to settle his nerves then go off to hunt for those who betrayed him.

Celena giggles as he carries her all the way down the stairs towards the kitchen.

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