Chapter 16: Looking for Answers

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*Smutt topics in this chapter. You've been warned. And if you really saw the show, you know what's coming in the end*

While Roman, Celena, and Peter all sat down, enjoying their meal, Peter's leg couldn't stop tapping as he averts his eyes several times towards his phone. Celena frowns at him and his behavior.

"Everything ok?" She asks.

Peter snaps up and looks over to her, giving her a small smile, "It's all good. Um...before the attack at Annie's friend's house, did you two find out anything?" He asks, changing the subject.

Celena freezes at a chew and looks over towards Roman, swallowing her food down, "Um, we did find out something. More than we were expecting." She sighs out.

Roman nods, sighing deeply at how heavy it was, "It turns out...Spivak is...more connected towards ourselves." He says and gets up to head towards his desk to get a tablet. He searches the same links that Nate carried on his tablet and finds the same picture of Spivak's true form. He hands it to Peter and sits in a chair next to him.

"Holy shit." Peter whispers.

"Nate said the Norwegians called it the Jörmungandr." Roman says. "The Upirs...the Omul Negru."

"This is what Nate said to us...according to history, the myths say it was a serpent dropped into the ocean by the gods. It grew so large, wrapped itself around the entire world until it was able to bite its own tail." Celena says. "Sound familiar?" She asks.

Peter looks up at her in shock, "The Ouroboros."

"In Nate's words, it was called the Apocalypse. The End of Days." Roman says.

Peter swallows a hard lump, "And this is connected" He asks, meaning their past visions and dreams.

Celena sighs and nods at Roman, "Show him."

Roman flips through more searches and finds the same picture that stops his heart. He hands the tablet back to Peter, showing him the picture that haunted their dreams for years.

Peter's eyes widen in shock, " that...that's...?" He stutters.

"The Trinity." Roman swallows hard. "He said this figure and several others were founded in Egypt, around the same time Egypt was founded. Several archeologists, including friends of Nate struggled to translate the hieroglyphics but no one believes what they say." He shakes his head.

"What do they say?" Peter asks, dying to know more about the answers about their connection.

"He said, 'A moon child born with the gift of light and power that could control motions and matter of the Earth'. Just like the moon itself. And the Moon has two followers. The Demon and the Black Wolf." Celena says, looking at both Roman and Peter. "This legend also came from Norway, the same place as the Jörmungandr. Apparently..." Celena stops and scoffs, "We're the weapon to stop the coming of the Apocalypse." She says.

Peter's eyes widen as his brows hit his hairline, "Are you shitting me?"

Celena shakes her head, "I don't know, but..." She stops and sighs, "It almost sounds believable. But...remember what the Order called Nadia." She reminds them.

"The Beast of the Apocalypse." Roman gasps, he couldn't believe her forgot about that.

"Which is why Spivak took her!" Peter says. "Jesus Christ!" He exclaims.

"And why they wanted to kill her. They were trying to stop Spivak's plan. And we blew it. Because we love that little girl." Celena sighs and rubs her face, "Shit. I can't believe this."

"What else did Nate say?" Peter asks.

Roman sighs and rubs his bottom lip, "He also spoke about the Lunii." Roman adds, watching Peter's eyes widen in shock. "It turns out...Vargulfs aren't the only ones who want the moon."

"What do you mean?" Peter asks.

"Nate says that the Lunii Luna is also called The Blood Moon Queen. Gypsies and Upirs have apparently been hunting for her for centuries for the cure she carries. She's the cure and the destruction of our kind." Roman states. "Werewolves, Vargulfs, and Upirs."

Peter exclaims in Romani, he never heard of this part of the stories.

"But, like the price of Vargulfs..." Celena swallows hard. "My life for the cure." She shudders.

Peter and Roman both shake their heads in protest, "We're not going to let anyone or anything take you away from us. Fuck the cure. Fuck it all. We don't want it if it means you're not going to be in our lives."

Roman nods, "Right. I don't care about being cured.  Not anymore. If it means giving you up, fuck it. Your life is what we want more than any fucking cure."

Peter pulls her close and holds her tight, fear seeping into his heart. He never wants to lose her and it scares him every day if something pops around the corner and steals his love away from him.

Celena sighs softly and suddenly frowns as she hears the Darkling whispering, "He's carrying a secret. He's hiding something from you." She rasps and shrieks loudly, making Celena jump as flashes of the warehouse fill her mind and she gasps in horror as the sight of familiar people were lying on their stomach, bounded with gunshot wounds on their heads.

Gasping softly as tears trail down her cheeks, she barely hear Peter and Roman's voices, "Celena? What's wrong?" Peter gasps.

"Is it the babies?" Roman asks in fear as he kneels next to her, placing a hand over her stomach with caution.

She slowly looks up at Peter, "When were you gonna tell me? They're all dead?" She gasps out.

Peter carried a look of guilt and mutters in Romani.

"Were you even gonna tell me?" She demanded.

Peter sighs deeply and looks away, "I wanted to protect you."

"By lying to me?" She scoffs, "They were our friends! Who did it?" She growls. But when Peter was quiet, the Darkling threatens to come out, "Who?!" She snarls.

Peter gulps and sighs, "I believe it was the Croatians."

Celena drags his nails over the table, feeling the wood peel from her nails, "But you're not sure...are you?"

"No. I'm going out there as soon as they find The Tongue." Peter says.

"'The Tongue'?" Roman frowns as he asks.

"He's the one who approved of the caviar that Andreas stepped on." Celena explains, then turns to face Peter, "I'm going with you." She states and sends Peter a glare when he tries to protest. He knew she was pissed, and he wasn't gonna win the argument. Not even when the Darkling is on her side.

"Ok...but after we find stay with Destiny." Peter demands.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Celena snarls.

"If it's the Croatians, they'll go for everyone we love. That includes you and Destiny." He states. "But I know you can protect her." He eyes her, not speaking to Celena, he was speaking to the Darkling. "Right, Darkling?" He asks.

Snarling, the Darkling's essence comes forth, still attached to Celena's face, but her true form hovers with smoked, tentacle-like attachments that latched around her jawline and hairline.

"Very well. You've made your point. But...once we discover who attacked your people, our friends...I want to feast on their force and make them suffer for their hideous crimes." The Darkling rasps coldly and morphs back into Celena's body.

Celena sighs, not happy, but at least she'll go on the hunt for The Tongue.

Then Peter's phone rings.


Walking out of the local market, The Tongue carried a bag full of groceries, happily heading home. But Peter and Celena were waiting for him in the alley. Once he was close enough, Peter rushes and grabs him by his coat collar, making him spill his groceries all over the street as he yanks him into the alley and shoves him against the brick wall. Making him grunt on impact.

With a crazy look in his eyes, Peter glares down at The Tongue as he holds on to him. Celena stands close to Peter and watches.

"My people are dead, and you're out walking around buying groceries. I want to know why." Peter demanded.

The Tongue simply gives Peter an unaffected look, as if this wasn't the first time he's been threatened.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The Tongue scoffs.

Holding up his thumb, Peter brings his sharp fingernail close to The Tongue's eye, "I swear to God, if you lie, I'll take your eye." He threatens.

Celena moves close, giving him a cold look, "And I'll take the rest." She holds a hand out and slowly brings it to a grip and at the same time, The Tongue feels pressure around his nether region. His eyes widen as the pressure continues to build into a very tight and painful bound. "How much did they pay you to rat them out?" When he didn't answer, she tightens her grip, making him groan in pain. "Answer the question or the only way you'll be able to have kids is in a petri dish."

With a grunt of pain, "The Croats are moving the product to their retailers on the street. If they found out it had been stepped on, they'd have trashed the load. And I'd be hanging from a bridge by a hook through my tongue." He states.

Peter could smell the truth off of him and he slowly lets him go, "Let him go." He scoffs at Celena.

Celena sighs and releases her grip. The Tongue groans as he grips himself, trying to releave the pain that was finally fading.

"I want to know who's responsible." Peter demands.

The Tongue scoffs, "You tell me your people have been killed. Do you think I'm consulted about such things? All I know is fish eggs."

Celena waves her arm and uses the light inside her to make him fly backwards against the brick wall and kept pushing till he felt like he was being crushed. Gasping in fright and pain, The Tongue watches Peter move close.

"You're going to make some calls. And you're going to put me in a room with who's in charge. I want a meeting." Peter demands.

"But I'm nobody. I have no authority." The Tongue tries to explain as he grunts out.

"Do it." Peter states and begins to feel the wolf fighting for control. He gets into his face and growls angrily as his eyes shine bright yellow at him.

The Tongue's eyes widen in fright and he looks over towards Celena. Celena's body begins to warp as the Darkling was begging to be loose.

Growling, the Darkling's essence seeps out of Celena's body, shrieking eerily towards the Tongue.

"Let me out!" She rasps and cackles wickedly at The Tongue's fear as she warps back into Celena's body.

Celena moves closer, keeping him pressed against the wall, "Do we have your complete attention?"

Whimpering, The Tongue nods frantically.

Celena sniffs and looks down, seeing the stain on his pants and jacket. She scoffs and looks up at him, "Be a good boy and go fetch your masters. We'll be waiting." She states and lets him go, making him fall to ground.

The Tongue scrambles to get away, whimpering and shouting in terror as he rushes towards his car.

Peter sighs heavily, "God, you're fucking hot when you're angry."

Celena sighs, "You wanna see anger?" She smirks and grips his collar, making him grunt in surprise as she yanks him.


Before Peter knew it, he was shoved against the seat of his truck, stripped naked by Celena's powers and she was riding him roughly.  Peter grunts and growls as he holds on to her while she rode his dick like it was a pogo stick.  The whole truck rocks up and down in the empty alley, rattling and creaking while their muffled screaming was made behind the fogged windows.  Peter snarls in lust as his eyes glow, feeling the wolf join in their rough love-making.  The Darkling growls wickedly as she yanks his hands off her and holds them down.  Peter grunts as he lifts his hips rapidly to meet her movements.

"Fuck, Cell!  Oh!  Yeah!  Fucking ride it harder!" Peter snarls and throws his head back as she does.  "FUCK!"

Celena moans and cries out as she rides the fuck out him.  He grunts as he feels her hand wrap around his throat, gripping firmly, but not choking him.  She begins to rapidly move her hips, making him yell louder. 


Celena screams and slaps her hand over the steamed up glass, dragging her nails as she continues to ride Peter roughly, feeling herself tighten and begin to gush around him.

"OH, FUCK!" She shrieks.

"I'M CUMING, BABY! I'M CUMING!  OH, FUUUUUUCK!!! YEAH!!!! OHHHHHH!" Peter shouts and shoves as far as he could to explode inside her.  He keeps shoving as his body jerks in aftershocks and his hardness twitches over and over while she squeezes him dry. He grunts and collapsed against the seat, breathing heavily as their bodies were coated in sweat and cum.  "Fuck.  Oh, fuck, baby. " Peter moans out as his head falls back against the headrest.  He looks up at her with hooded eyes and sighs as he reaches up and cups her face gently. "God, you're so beautiful when you cum." He murmurs. 

Panting softly, Celena drags her nails over his sweaty chest, making him shiver, "You think I'm done with you?" She asks breathlessly.

Peter smirks, "I was hoping you weren't."

Celena cries out when she finds herself thrown out of Peter's lap and her face was pressed against the cold glass, she cries out as she feels Peter shove insider her from behind and begins to pound her swollen, soaked womanhood.  Peter grips her hair as he continues to shove inside her, thrusting as deep as he could go in that tight little space they were in.  Celena's screams were muffled against the glass and her nails clawed at the seats, she wanted more.  Suddenly, she yelps when her hands were yanked and forced behind her back.  Peter holds her wrists with one hand and picks up the pace.  Celena cries out as her eyes roll back in pleasure.  He was so rough and dominant with her, it was driving her crazy and causing her to gush around him. 

"Fucking take it all.  You're such a naughty little slut. Ugh! Take it all." He snarls and shoves harder against her. 

"Oh, god.  Oh, yes!  Ooh! Fuck me harder!  Oh!  Ohhh!" Celena shrieks. 

Peter lets go of her hair and surprises her by delivering a hard slap across her ass, making her moan. 

"Oh!  Harder! More!" Celena cries out. Slap! Slap! "Oh!  Don't stop!" Slap!  Slap! SLAP! SLAP! "Ohhhh! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" She screams.

Peter shouts and grips her hair again, pounding rapidly, both of them begin to scream in pleasable agony as the climax rips through them, making their bodies shudder violently and jerk as Peter remained deep inside her.  Celena cries out as she falls against the cushions, whimpering as she finally feels spent.  She felt so sore and her womanhood was incredibly swollen.  It hurt to even feel cold air against it. 

Peter winces as he pulls out slowly and falls against the door and steering wheel, he pants heavily as he holds on to the wheel for support, trying to avoid touching the horn. 

"Shit.  That was amazing!" Peter exclaims and runs his fingers through his hair, smoothing it back with a sigh.  He looks down at Celena as she lies curled against the passenger's seat.

Celena grunts and groans, "I'm done.  I'm officially done." She says breathlessly.  "I've finally reached my limit. No more." She whimpers as a strong aftershock hits her hard, making her whole body tremble.

Peter grins and slides a hand over her back, "Oh, really, not even for one more round?"

Celena scoffs and turns towards him, "Baby... I'm not in the mood." She sighs heavily and runs her fingers through her hair as she groans and sits up, winching in pain as she sits on the cold leather, "Destiny's friends are throwing her a surprised bachelorette party. I'll go join and keep an eye on them." She whimpers as she slides her clothes back on. 

Peter nods, "Ok." He pulls her close against him, kissing her deeply. He sighs as the kiss breaks and rests his head against hers. "Poor baby, I'll give you a good massage when we get home. Didn't mean to be so rough."

Celena sighs and laughs, "I'm partly to fault.  Well, the Darkling..." She grunts as her face twitches, "But your enjoyed it." The Darkling purrs.  "But that still hurt my taint." Celena scoffs and laughs with Peter as they get dressed. 

Peter gets in the driver's seat and looks at Celena with love in his eyes,"Be safe." He says and presses his hand over her stomach, "All of you."

"I will. And you better be safe, too." Celena states.

"I'll be watching in the shadows." The Darkling rasps from the reflections in the window.

Peter sighs, relieved Celena and Destiny have protection.

"I'll call you." Peter says and kisses her head before driving her towards Destiny's.


Feeling like he was going insane, Pryce sits where he was trapped, still in the contamination unit, locked away from taking his meds. He couldn't believe that Blinsky was trying to rehab him. He didn't understand what it takes to be a genius. He must keep going! Pryce curls up into a fetal position, hoping and praying that someone will come down to the lab and help him. He could feel the meds withdrawing from his body...and he didn't like it one bit!

Suddenly, Blinsky's panicked voice is heard and footsteps approaches the contamination unit.

"Ms. Godfrey, it would be best for all concerned if you would just take a minute and listen to what I have to say." Blinsky tries to stop Olivia from what he was trying to accomplish, to help Pryce and get him to finally rest before he would hurt himself...or worse.

"Would you mind telling me what, exactly, is going on here?" Olivia demanded, not in the mood for games.

"Dr. Pryce is in containment." Blinsky explains.

"Well, I can see that, Blinsky. I'd like to know why." Olivia states sarcastically.

"Well, that is a matter of some conjecture..." Blinsky stutters as they watch a pathetic and tired looking Pryce slowly turn to look at them and Pryce eyes Olivia with hope as he jumps to his feet.

"Olivia!" Pryce shouts against the glass, practically clawing and begging to get out.   "Get that little maggot to open this door!" He shouts.

Olivia eyes Pryce as she walks towards the door, seeing how bad his condition was, "How long does he need to stay in there like that?" She asks.

"Well, that's another 'known' unknown." Blinsky stutters.

"I fucking hate boxes!" Pryce shouts at the ceiling, growing irritated and the pain of withdrawing was starting to get to him.

"Speaking of boxes, what's up with those rats?" She asks.

Pryce frowns and looks around him, thinking maybe rats escaped from their cages and got inside with him as well, "What rats?"

"The ones on your computer devouring each other." Olivia demands, wanting answers.

"You hacked into my computer?" Pryce looks up at her in surprise. Wondering why she was spying on him.

"I want you to explain why you're watching cannibal rat porn, and what it has to do with me?" She demands.

"How did you..." He asks, but she cuts him off.

"It doesn't matter! Explain!" She says strongly.

"I work with lab rats all the time. That's what they're for." He says, avoiding the truth and she could see right through him.

"You didn't answer the question." She says.

Rubbing his nose, Pryce grows impatient, "This might come as a shock, but not everything in this lab or elsewhere on the planet is about you, Olivia!" He shouts at her.

Rolling her eyes, she pushes her hair away, since he wasn't going to answer truthfully, she needed to know another thing, "Are you hiding Shelley in the White Tower somewhere? Because if you are..." She grits out.

Gripping his hair in complete shock and anger, "You lost Shelley?!" Pryce screams at her.

"I didn't lose Shelley!" Olivia shouts.

"*** damn it!" Pryce yanks his hair in disbelief, completely pissed off with Olivia, his nerves were officially shot.

"Do you know..." Pryce cuts her off with an accusative finger.

"I knew it!" "What did you do with her? I'm getting sick and tired..." "The second you got your hands on her..." Both of them begin to shout at each other, but Olivia raises her voice, seeing that this wasn't getting anywhere.

"Shut up!I'm telling you, shut up!" She shouts out, and Pryce finally quietens down. Both of them panting from the constant screaming. "Give it to me straight. Is my cancer back?" She asks. Afraid of the answer. It had to be the logical explanation for what was happening to her. Her appetite was degrading, her skin was changing, it had to be the cancer.

Pryce suddenly burst into laughter, making Olivia frown at him and Blinsky. What was wrong with him?

"Maybe. And maybe not. You open this door and you let me take my meds and then I will tell you everything I know." He demands, desperate for his meds, he'll do anything to get out of here and take his pills again.

Olivia had no choice, if she wanted answers, she needed Pryce. She turns towards Blinsky, "Open the door, get him his meds."

Blinsky shakes his head, he couldn't let Pryce out until he was well enough, "I can't. There's no manual override, as Doctor Pryce well knows." He lies.

Olivia rolls her eyes and turns towards Pryce, "He says you can't open it."

"Don't listen to him. He's lying!" Pryce glares at Blinsky.

Blinsky sighs and gestures Olivia to move away so he could talk to her in private. But Pryce protests, "No." He calls out and grips the door, dying to get out.

"I suppose there's no delicate way to say this. Dr. Pryce is going through the classic stages of drug withdrawal." Blinsky explains.

Olivia looks at him in shock, seeing how bad Pryce was, she could tell he was in bad shape, but she assumed he was just being dramatic as always, "I had no idea how bad his addiction had become."

"People rarely do. We should consider this unexpected development a gift, a kind of cosmic intervention, if you soon the drug will have released its insidious hold and recovery can begin."

Olivia eyes Blinsky, "Did you trap him in there on purpose?"

Chuckling nervously, Blinsky tries to hide his guilt, "What? How...How can you even suggest such a thing?" He scoffs and avoids eye contact.

"You did. You stuck him in there to get clean." She accuses.

"I did no such thing." Blinsky continues to deny it.

"A masterstroke. Deeply compassionate. I've been very worried about him. The self-abuse. It takes a truly extraordinary man to shoulder a burden like restoring that once brilliant mind to sanity, no matter the consequences to your own career or reputation. Dr. Pryce can't do this alone. He's going to need all the help he can get. So I guess it'll be up to us to love him through this." Olivia says with a soft, fake look.

Blinsky sighs and nods, "Yes, it will indeed. Now he should be through the worst of it in... another 24 hours." He assumes, the longer the better chance Pryce will have with recovering.

"So to be clear, there's no contamination?" Olivia asks.

Blinsky scoffs, "Only the poison he's got himself hooked on."

"Open the door. Now." Olivia demands wit a cold glare.

"But you just said..." Blinsky frowns at her in confusion.

"Do what I say and this little ruse stays between us. Otherwise, you can kiss your career goodbye." She threatens.

Suddenly, her phone rings and she moves away to answer it, "Hello?"

It was Ochoa, "Olivia, you're gonna want to get down here. Shelley's at your apartment." He informs. 

Olivia frowns, "My apartment?"

"She's with some dude and her boyfriend.  The giant you told me about." Ochoa states as he watches Shelly and Victor carry furniture out of the apartment as Aitor helps and keeps an eye out for any trouble. 

"What dude?" She asks, wondering with deep confusion who could the stranger be. Why was Shelly with a strange man?

"I have no idea. They don't look like they're sticking around, so you're gonna want to put a little fire under it."

Olivia frowns and cuts the call, she turns back and looks at Blinsky, "Look, I have an errand to run. You keep him in there until I get back. Or I'll have your ass on a spit. Are we clear?" She holds up a warning finger.

"Yes, I think so."

"No! Are we clear?" She snaps, causing him to jump at her tone.

"Yes." Blinsky nods, afraid of making her angry.

Olivia turns and leaves to deal with the problem with Shelly and hoping to get her back home to continue to keep her contained and controlled. 

Pryce slides against the wall, curling up into a fetal position once again as he begins to lose hope. 


Peter drives through town after leaving Celena with Destiny. So far, it's been a few hours since they let The Tongue go to find answers for them. But no word yet. He kept his phone near him in case anyone alerts him. His worry for his love grew at every second. With the Croatians on their ass, his people murdered...he knew they would come for his family next. This was just a warning. He couldn't let anything happen to Celena.

Suddenly, a truck stops in front of him, forcing him to screech to a halt. The Croats! He gasps in shock, "Fuck." He turns and looks over his shoulder, seeing another truck block him from behind. He looks back at the truck in front of him as men begin to come out. One of them had a gun pointed at him. Peter gasps and holds his hands up. He watches another man walk towards his side of the car and takes a crowbar, smashing the window.  Peter takes cover from the flying glass and looks up at the man glaring down at him.  He jumps when the man tosses a tablet in his lap.  He frowns in confusion.  Why give him a tablet? He didn't understand what was happening.  He pants heavily, waiting for something to happen, but the man looks at him as he points at the tablet. 

"This is where it starts. And this is where it ends."

Peter's frown deepens, "What does that mean?"

The man doesn't say anything else, but turns and leaves with the men.   Peter gasps softly, relieved that he was let go.  But what about the tablet?  He picks it up and turns it on.  A video was waiting for him to watch.  When he played it...he couldn't believe what he was watching.  He felt such anger...betrayal.  Now he understands. 


Celena rests against the couch, watching the TV upside down.  Destiny sat next to her as they flipped through the channels.   Destiny stops at a program about a woman getting married. 

"Oh, my God." Destiny scoffs. 

"In just four short weeks, and a little more than 7,000 of her budget, Julius made Brianna's wedding washout...into a wedding wonderland."

"Hmm." Celena sighs.  " What kind of dress do you have in mind for the wedding?"

"Definitely not that." Destiny scoffs and eats her ice cream, sucking on the spoon with a loud pop, "What kind of dress do you want to wear when you get married?" She smirks. 

Celena laughs as she thinks, "I don't know.  Something that shows off my shoulders and makes my tits look amazing." She says as she smushes her boobs together.  She grunts as she turns to sit up right.  "But still don't know if there will be a wedding for me.  I mean...I definitely don't want to walk down the aisle with my stomach leading the way."

Destiny snorts, "Are you kidding?  There's definitely going to be a wedding for you.  Come high or come fucking water.  If you're still worried about the whole one man rule of weddings, remember...Rumanceks never hold a normal wedding." She sighs and rests her elbow against the chair headrest, "To be honest, I'm hoping it'll be Peter who asks you first."

Celena chuckles softly, thinking about her loves. Who would ask her? She sighs, thinking they haven't even talked about this. Too much was going on right now to even consider a wedding. The three of them still processed the situation of being parents. Being the weapon to stop the coming of the apocalypse.

Destiny changes the channel, tired of hearing about another woman's dream wedding when she can barely afford her own.

"Everything about it was just totally magical. Julius is just so caring and..."

"Bye." Destiny scoffs.

An episode of Nature Gone Wild comes on, and that seemed to please Destiny. Beats watching wedding shows. She happily eats the rest of her ice cream as she watches Gazelles get mauled.

Suddenly, the Darkling snarls from the mirrors, "Someone is coming." She hisses.

Destiny and Celena both perk up in alert and gasp as there was a knock on the door. Celena shoots up to her feet and slowly walks towards the door.

"Who is it?" Destiny calls out, but there was no answer.

Celena looks over towards Destiny with worry and points at the fire escape, "If things go wrong, run." She whispers.

Destiny nods and gets ready as Celena draws closer and closer towards the door. She slowly reaches for the knob, gripping it tight in her hand. The Darkling snarls as it was ready to attack. Celena snatches the door open and yelps in shock as Destiny gasps and jumps.


It was Destiny's friends and bridesmaids. Surprising her with a wedding shower. Celena completely forgot about the party! Destiny sighs in relief and laughs as she rushes to greet them.


One woman holds a large cake while the others carried party supplies. Celena places a hand over her chest, relieved that it wasn't anything threatening. She smiles as she sees familiar faces. But, deep down, she grew worried for Peter. Knowing he was out there...hunting for answers.

"Hey." She hugs one woman, feeling air kisses. She still wasn't use to that.

"All right." Destiny chuckles as she closes the door behind her once everyone was inside. She sighs and walks up to Celena, "Thank god." She says softly and pats her shoulder.

"I know." Celena sighs and laughs as she wraps an arm around her, "Let's party, Bridezilla!" She cheers with the ladies as they set everything up.


Still in shock with what he just saw on that video, as badly as he didn't want to, he headed back to the warehouse. The bodies were taken and the blood was cleaned up. Andreas stood with the pack by a fire he made in one of the barrels. He looks up as he loads up a gun, seeing Peter make his way down the stairs.

"What are the streets telling you, cousin?" He asks as he cocks his gun.

Peter was silent, he couldn't let him know what they Croats have showed him.

"It was the Croats." He says as he looks away.

Andreas scoffs at the obvious, "Well, while you were out there confirming the obvious, me and the pack came up with a plan." He says and moves away.

The wolf with the gray streak speaks up, "They're all going to be at their shithole social club tonight. We're going to chain the doors shut from the outside and torch the place."

Andreas grins as he stands in front of Peter, holding up his gun, "With everyone inside. Cremate them all."

"Yeah." The pack agrees.

Fumbling with his keys, Peter thinks, he couldn't let them slaughter innocent lives, especially when one of their members was a traitor. The video he saw made him see a side of his member he never imagined. The Croats and the traitor were at fault and he couldn't risk his loves when there was bad blood and a war was on the edge to begin because of the traitor.

"Everyone, huh? Women too?" Peter scoffs.

"Let every corpse be a lesson. Shock and awe, brother." Andreas snarls, "Shock and motherfucking awe!" He shouts as he looks over towards the pack, seeing a few grin, ready to start a war.

A plan clicks in Peter's head,"Okay. We hit back. But we hit back smart. Surgically. We're gonna take one head: Milan's." He states.

Andreas shakes his head, "We have to take the same number of lives they took from us."

"No." Peter disagrees.

"That's the law. It's gotta be that way." Andreas argues.

"No!" Peter shouts, "Just Milan's." He softens his voice, but gives Andreas a cold look, showing that he was ready to end it all, "When we wave that prick's head around, he becomes the symbol for the bloodbath that he caused. That way, they got no more skin left in the game. Everyone goes home and moves on with their lives. Yes?" He looks around, seeing if anyone else dared to argue. But Peter was relieved that they all agreed. He looks towards Andreas, seeing his doubt but he nods anyway. Just as long as blood is spilt, he will be happy.

Shout out to @SaLeah18 for helping me find a website that's streaming Hemlock Grove. Thank you! Hopefully, I can finish this book before they remove the seasons again. Lord, I'm tired of constantly being on the hunt for this show. Someone tell those people to release all seasons on Blu-Ray for goodness sake. For our sake! I'll try and keep up with the updates. Lots of Love ~Song~

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