57 - The Stationary Cupboard

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Here they were, back in the graveyard.

Draco watched as his son knelt by Astoria's grave, placing red carnations against the headstone.

His heart ached for Scorpius. He missed his mother so much that it hurt Draco to see. He knew and understood the pain of what it was like to suffer such a loss.

And then there was his other son who recklessly calls his own mother a whore. His blood boiled just thinking about that kid. How could he have fathered such two different boys? Scorpius and Albus were like chalk and cheese.

Would things have been different if he'd been around to help Etta raise him? Guilt clawed at him when he recalled what she had said about being lonely. He had stuffed up so many people's lives and he absolutely hated himself for it.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. Draco chose to ignore it, feeling it disrespectful to answer it at such a time. But then it went again and again, and Draco could almost feel the urgency of its tone.

Sliding it out of his pocket, his heart went at seeing Etta's name flash across the screen. She would not be ringing if it were not urgent.

Scorpius looked up enquiringly. "Is everything okay, Dad?"

"It's Etta," Draco said apologetically, "I think something might be wrong."

"Answer it, Dad. I don't mind."

Draco gave his son a swift grateful smile as he pressed the accept button and placed the phone against his ear. "Etta?"

But instead of the sweet, melodic tones that he had been expecting, his ear was assaulted with loud, angry, upset bellows, causing Draco to flinch.


"Albus, calm down," Draco said at once, trying to placate his angry son. "I promise you; I haven't seen your mother since yesterday-"


"That's not true, Al," Draco said, trying to keep his voice steady and calm. "Your mother loves you very much. You come first with her; you always do. And I can assure you she is not here, it's just me and Scorp."

Silence. At first Draco thought he'd hung up, but then he could hear laboured breathing on the other end. "Al?"

"She- she said she wouldn't be long... but it's been two hours and she's left her phone..."

As Albus tailed off, Draco was alarmed to detect a note of genuine panic in his voice. And more than that, he was shocked to discover he suddenly had an overwhelming feeling of compassion for this boy who was clearly reaching out for help.

"Albus," Draco said sternly, "where are you, exactly?"

"In Mum's o-office," he said, his voice now breathless and strained. "She had all this ammo and stuff. She said she was just going out to get stationary."

A cold fear began to trickle down Draco's spine. He glanced over at Scorpius who had since straightened up, his face frowning in concern. "Okay, just stay put, I'll be there as soon as I can."

He hung up without waiting for a reply, looking apologetically at Scorpius.

"It's Albus," he explained unnecessarily, "he's worried about Etta."

"It's okay," Scorpius said quickly, "we should go. If Albus needs us..."

Draco had never been more grateful for Scorpius's kind, understanding nature. Holding out his arm, his son stepped forward and linked it in his.

There was no time to take the car, not when his other son needed them.


I closed my eyes, feeling weakened by the presence of the Dementors, my Patronus alone not being quite enough. But I felt as though I had little choice. The world was once again in my hands.

The door slowly creaked open and I took a deep breath.

Theodore Nott's head whipped up, his menacing black eyes glaring piercingly, causing a cold shiver to ripple down my spine.


The second I stepped inside, leaving my Patronus in the corridor, I heard the distant screaming of my mother inside the depths of my mind.

Focus, I told myself. Don't fail now.

"Not looking so hot right now," Theo sneered. "Just a shame you're not on your broom. You gave us quite the show back then-"

"SHUT UP!" I hissed, trying to push the hideous depression out of my mind as unwanted memories flashed before my eyes. So many deaths, so much loss.

But it was no use, the cell room was spinning and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was Draco's furious face as he skidded into the room.


"Jesus fuck!" Draco muttered as he half carried, half dragged Etta's unconscious body from the room, back into the glowing light of their Patronuses.

The cell door slammed shut, and as he knelt in the corridor, Draco flicked his wand, reviving her.

"Are you completely fucking insane?!" he hollered as she drowsily came to. "What were you thinking coming here alone?!"

She looked up, blinking. Draco watched as her eyes focused on him, flooding with confusion. "Draco... what-?"

"Albus rang me! He was worried sick about you!"

Etta sat up, rubbing her head. "Al? But how did you know I was here?"

"It doesn't take a genius to work out what you're doing, Potter! I knew this Time-Turner business was going to set off your fucking hero complex again. You have a son!"

"I'm Head Auror, Draco! It's my job!" she cried dramatically. "I have to do this! It's important! It can't wait!"

"What can't wait? What the hell is going on, Potter?!"

"Blaise, I need to find him. He was the second cloaked figure at Nott's house - I'm sure of it. And if there's another Time-Turner then I need to find it before shit happens!"

A coldness swept low through Draco's stomach. Blaise. His old friend. The man whom he was going to stand back from to let Etta and even his son go to.

"You've got his number! Why didn't you just call him?"

"Because I can't give him a chance to escape!" She sighed derisively, "You see, this is why I'm head Auror and you are not!"

"Then let me help you! Christ, Potter, stop putting your life in danger just to act the fucking hero! How many times do I need to tell you that I'm on your side? How many times do I need to tell you that I'm here for you, no matter what?!"

"I didn't want you to have to choose between me and Scorpius. It's the anniversary of his mother's death today and he needs you!"

Draco closed his eyes, exhaling a long slow breath.

"Potter," he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying his hardest to be patient. "I know you would never deliberately make me choose, but you must know that you can turn to me at any time. And besides, if our future depends on it, then I'm doing this for Scorpius, too. And Albus. For our family."

His words, finally, seemed to switch something in her. She stepped towards him, slipping her hands in his, and he immediately pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her, fervidly kissing the top of her head.

"Let me do this with you, Potter," he murmured fiercely in her ear. "Let me be by your side. Finally."

Slowly, her green eyes piercing up at him, she nodded.


We both made our way back into Theodore Nott's cell, Draco's hand clasped tightly in mine as I tried to control the screaming of my mother inside my mind.

"Draco! My friend! Nice to see you again! I see Potter's finally sunk her claws into you, then."

Having only been there a day, Nott's spirit was not quite yet broken.

"I think our days of friendship are well and truly over, Nott," Draco spat, his lip curling into a sneer.

"Oh come, don't be like that, we used to make a good team, you and I!"

"This is not a social call!" I bristled, trying to ignore the coldness squeezing my lungs. "I'm here as Head Auror on business. We might- we might be able to cut you some sort of deal."

Nott looked me over slowly, curiosity creasing his features. "Go on then, Potter. What do you want?"

"Is there another? Is there another Time-Turner?" I asked, trying my luck.

"Like I'd tell you, Potter."

"Where's Zabini?"

"Blaise? Why are you trying to find him?" Nott cocked an eyebrow, but I saw the flicker of something in his eyes.

"I know it was him you were working with! He gave himself away when he decided to save my life!"

"So why hasn't the Ministry hauled him in here yet? Why is it just you and your newly acquired tamed bad boy looking for him?"

Draco hissed next to me but said nothing.

"Because Blaise saved my life. I want to at least hear him out before he gets thrown into this place!"

"And yet here I am, already facing a life sentence! How is that fair?!"

"I can help get it lowered for you. I just need you to help me find him. Help me find Blaise."

Nott looked at Draco, who in turn gave him a swift curt nod.

And then he told us. He told us where Blaise was hiding out.

The Palace of fucking Parkinson.


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