12| I care

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I care

"Stop looking at me like you want me because we both know you don't"

| Valencia |

He kissed me. Softly. Warmly
Like a guy who was interested in me
One who cared about my feelings
One who cared about... me
I kissed him back, my hands finding the back of his neck as it turned deeper

As I found myself comforted by him after spilling my childhood memories
My pathetic sad memories
His hands found my waist, before one slid down my thigh and I was picked up

My legs wrapping around him, his body pressing mine into the wall as we kissed harder
As I gripped his hair and he gripped my thighs

We tasted each other and felt the other and I realised that what I had craved, what I had goaded from him for weeks ended up being so much better than I imagined

He made me feel... wanted as he kissed me roughly
Sexually or emotionally I wasn't sure
But I... I liked it

"You're not funny. Give it back"
We broke apart, our heads turning towards the street beside us
Where two kids ran past shouting at each other over a phone
I chuckled, smiling up at Adonis, only to see the opposite expression on his face

"Adonis?" I questioned
He slowly put me down, refusing to look me in the eye
"Adonis? What..."
"We should go home" he said

"What? We... I thought..." I didn't know what to say
He was kissing me a moment ago. He kissed me
"We shouldn't have... just forget it. I'll drive you home" he said, stepping back
I looked him over, confused

"You kissed me" I said
"You kissed me. I thought you wanted me. You... you kissed me" I said again
"And it was a mistake. We... you're not... we can't trust you" he decided

We. The precious fucking unit he keeps

"What?" I asked
After what I just told him?
"Come on, I'll drive you home" he said again.
"No" I said
"No it's fine. Go" I said

"I took you out, I'll take you home" he said
"No. I told you, just go. How do you know you can even trust me to be in a car with you?" I said bitterly, walking the other direction
"Valencia" he called after me
"For fuck sake. Valencia, come back" he shouted

I ignored him, walking away.

I didn't need him. I didn't need his indecisive actions

"Agent 709" someone spoke up as I cut down another alleyway
I turned around
Looking the man up and down, before I laughed
"I don't know who sent you. But they clearly don't value me as an agent" I laughed

Veronica or Ciro must have sent him
Most likely Veronica as I wasn't answering her calls
But him? This guy would be fucking easy to kill
"You are required to report back" he said, making me laugh harder

"Fuck off, you're a baby in this business, and I'm really not in the mood tonight" I said, turning away from him
"You are required to repo-"
I turned back, fed up, shooting him in the head

His body dropped to the ground
"I told you. Not in the fucking mood" I muttered, ready to leave again
But as I turned around, a fist knocked me back, my lip split as I hit the ground

"Fuck" I cursed, looking up
"Veronica requires you to report back. Whether it's willingly or not" another man said, stood above me
I kicked my leg out, knocking him down
Before another man and a woman appeared from the darkness of the alley

I chuckled
Of course she sent bodies. No one was able to take me out so she sent numbers
Numbers created strength
But Veronica still underestimated my abilities

Even with a stab wound in my chest, I could take these wannabe agents.

I sighed, getting up with a groan, flicking my switchblade out
"Come on then" I dared.

| Adonis |

I dropped my keys with a sigh. I don't know what I was even doing anymore
Kissing her
Telling her things about my childhood
Listening to her stories
We weren't... we were nothing

She was nothing to me
My phone began to ring
I ignored it, heading upstairs to bed
This was a fucking disaster

Why did I fuck everything up?
Where did she go?
Would she be okay?
Who was I kidding? She's a fucking trained killer, of course she'd be okay

But it didn't calm the thoughts and the worries running around in my mind as I lie in bed.

| Enzo |

"Anything yet?" I asked, musing over Victor's screens.
"Nothing substantial, I have a brief history of hers. But she only gave you so much information, I need her blood, a name. A lead" Victor said
I nodded
"Ill talk to her" I said.

And hopefully when I do, she'll have some information for me.

| Adonis |

I woke up in the morning to eleven missed calls from Enzo and Athena
And voicemails telling me to get round the house
And when I eventually got there, I felt even worse
"How was it?"

"What did she say?"
The questions only made me feel worse about myself
"It was fine. Nothing happened and we went our separate ways. Stop asking questions" I said
"She'll be here soon" Enzo said

"What?" I asked
"I asked her to come" he shrugged
"How... how did you even get hold of her?" I asked
"She gave me her number" he said

"Come on now Adonis, you're not jealous are you?" Athena laughed
"No" I said, bored of their jokes
"Sir, Miss Valencia has arrived" one of the men said
"Show her in" he said

We waited. My leg began to jitter
Seeing her after last night was somehow nerve wrecking
How did she make me feel so... weak?

She strolled in, battered and bruised and not dressed up like she normally was.

| Valencia's Outfit |

"Valencia" I said simply
"What happened to you?" Enzo asked

"Adonis wasn't that hard on you was he?" Seth laughed

"Work" she dismissed, sitting herself down in the chair next to Seth, quickly shutting him up
I looked her over, in disbelief
Less than twelve hours ago I saw her. What had happened?

She wasn't teasing and smiling like she normally did

"Right, well, Victor has been digging. But I'm afraid we're going to need some sort of information about you. Anything, a name, a place, your blood" Enzo explained
"My blood won't get you anywhere" she said

Her lip was split, her eye was black
Her neck was bruised and her knuckles were split

"Okay, then what will get us somewhere?" He asked
She thought for a moment
"Trovewood care home" she said
"That's where the organisation got me" she said

"That's what you're a member of? An organisation... of assassins?" Enzo enquired
"Of everything. Killers, doctors, politicians" she reeled off
"They take everyone and anyone and they use them. I'm just another puppet to kill at their will" she grumbled, seemingly... defeated?

Bruises disappearing under her clothes
Her otherwise smooth skin was blue, green, purple.

"Did you find anything?" Enzo asked her, steering the conversation
"No, I uh... I might be made. I was jumped by a bunch of wannabe big timers, warned for my recent behaviour. They know I've met with you, they just don't know what for" she explained

"Fuck" he cursed
"I'll try my best to stay on their side but... I can't guarantee shit. They'll probably order me dead by the end of the day" she said
"Then we need to work fast" Enzo said

"I'll talk to some people, see what I can do" she said
"If there's anything we can do, you can take Adonis, Seth? Someone for backup?" Enzo suggested
"I work better alone" she brushed off

But I guess I deserved it.
"Alright, in the meantime, will you stay for breakfast?" He asked
"Enzo" Alora said cautiously
"We need to start building bridges, trusting one another" Enzo insisted

"No, it's fine, I have things to do" she said, giving me a sparing glance. More like a glare
"Fine, then I'll leave Adonis to walk to you out" he smiled, standing up, prompting everyone else to.

"Enzo" I tried, but they ignored me, leaving the room
She stood too, musing over the table at the side of the room, waiting for me to say something
"About yester-"
"What about it?" She interrupted me, not facing me

"How did you get those?" I asked, standing too
How could our... kiss lead to her bruised and bleeding?

| Valencia |

"How did you get those?" He asked
I took a breath. Why did he even care?
He's the one that pulled away. Told me he didn't want me
That it was a mistake.

"Now you suddenly care? After we parted ways in a dark alley, late at night... all alone" I said in a goading tone, facing him
His jaw tightened

"Stop making light of everything" he said annoyed, nearing me
"Oh I'm sorry, you want me to jump into your arms and cry my eyes out? Beg you to comfort me?" I laughed

"I told you. Stop it" he said again
"You stop it" I said back.
"Stop what?" He asked, stopping in front of me
"Acting like you care" I said

He said nothing
So I tried to move past him, but he gripped my hip, stopping me
"I care" he said, his voice void of any emotion

I moved away anyway
"Maybe you are better than I thought. I actually almost believed you then" I laughed, leaving the room
But the laughter died, died with my smile at his words

I care

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