13| Dimitrov

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"Why am I so afraid to lose you when you are not even mine?"

| Valencia |

I didn't know how else to sort Veronica other than to ignore her
Ignore her calls and her petty attempts of bringing me in

I was done with that fucking place
Done with it all
With Enzo's money I can lie low, get away from them
I knew how they ran, how they worked
I knew how to avoid them

Hence why I now avoided every safe house I ever had
However, going into Roan's house was a rather... stupid move
I knew that. But I needed to see him. I needed to know what he knew

And I found him. On the sofa, watching crime shows
"They never get these accurate" he said, as I stood in the doorway, he hadn't even seen me and he knew I was here
I sighed, dropping my keys on the table
"They've never seen an actual murder" I said, sitting beside him

"Takes all the suspense out of it" he said, pausing the show, before he looked at me
"You look well, considering" he said
"Considering" I echoed
"Yes, evading the management" he said

So he did know
"How long have I got?" I asked
He shrugged
"Depends, they'll send agent after agent until it gets boring. You're an elite agent, it'll take a lot more than a few bodies to bring you in" he said

"Will you? Bring me in?" I asked
"...no" he decided
"No?" I questioned
"I trained you Valencia. Raised you" he said
I scoffed

"None of you raised anyone" I mumbled
"No. But I made you who you are. I'm not killing that. It would be a waste" he said

"So you won't turn me in either" I said
"No... if they find out you were here..." he shrugged
"I've lived" he concluded
"You'll die for me? How sweet" I said, looking up at the ceiling
"Not for you. For me. I won't die a snitch" he said

I chuckled
"How loyal" I said
"Why are you leaving?" He asked
I thought about it
"I want to live Roan" I said

"No one fucking lives. Not people like us" he laughed back
"Maybe I don't want to be like me anymore" I mumbled
"You're having a crisis" he pointed out
"Isn't it normally an epiphany?" I asked, looking at him.

"No. Definitely a breakdown" he said, making me groan in frustration
He didn't get it. I wanted to experience things
Things I'd never had
Living under the control of cunts like Veronica
Cunts like Ciro. That bastard was a step above her
The big guy
The one that would definitely try to drag me back after he learns how Veronica's fucked up.

"Can you help me with something?" I asked
"What?" He asked
"Do you know anything about my life? Before you got me" I asked
"You were a baby when we got you" he said

"I know, so who was I? Why was I in a care home?" I asked
"Because your parents didn't want you" he said in an obvious tone
I rolled my eyes
"Just... you have a name? Anything at all I can use?" I asked

"So you're running away from us to pursue a family?" He asked
"No I just... I want to know where I came from. Who I am" I said

"It never makes you feel better. Seeing what you could have been" he said
"You have a kid Roan" I pointed out

He sighed
"Dimitrov" he said
"Dimitrov. That was your surname" he said
"Was my name my birth name?" I asked

"No. I named you. I don't remember what your other name was" he said
"You cared that much eh?" I said sarcastically
"You were just another kid to me" he shrugged
"You're all heart" I said

| Enzo |

I needed something to give her
Or else she's doing all the chasing and all the work for nothing
I need something to give her

"I searched up this Trovewood care home. No one by the name of Valencia was there when she says she would have been" Victor informed me
I sighed
"Right, so who was? Can't we look into different kids? She might have had a different name" I said

"I already thought of that, but they have nearly thirty kids there in her time gap" he said

My phone began to ring
"Hang on... hello?" I asked
"Dimitrov. That was my surname, search that" Valencia said down the phone

That... that's...
"Hello to you too" I said, looking back at the screen, typing in Dimitrov for Victor

"Just search it. I'm on my way to see a contact. I think they'll be able to tell me something" she said
"Alright, have you rethought about taking Adonis? Or one of my men, Seth, Kian?" I asked
"Why do you want me to take them so badly?" She asked

"I just worry for your ability now you are under threat from them. Plus Adonis is beneficial to have backing you" I explained
And anything she heard, could be confirmed by him
I still didn't trust her completely
She could tell us anything.

"If I take him, what do I get out of it?" She asked
"I thought you revelled in his company?" I asked back
"I revel in his pain" she corrected
She sounded... angry?

"Did the date not end well?" I asked
"Did Adonis not fill you in on it?" She asked back
"No" I said
She chuckled
"Throw in an extra five grand, that I get now, and I'll take him" she said

I thought about it
I wanted a confirmation on the information she knows
I didn't want to blindly trust her
Especially if she tells me it's someone I know that wants me dead.

"Fine" I said
Five grand was little to us. And she clearly needed it if she was running from her employers
"Boss" Victor said
I held my hand up
"Text me a time and location and I'll send him" I said

"Sure" she grumbled reluctantly, hanging up
"Enzo" Victor said
"What?" I said, facing the screen again
"I have a Florence Dimitrov" he said


| Adonis |

"You've been in a mood all day, what's the matter?" Seth asked
"Nothing" I dismissed
"You went on a date with the woman who's tried to kill you multiple times. Then you came back all brooding and shitty and she turned up battered. What happened?" He asked

"Seth. I'm warning you. Leave it" I said seriously
"Adonis. Enzo wants a word" one of the men interrupted us

"We'll continue this later" Seth said knowingly
"If we continue it, you'll end up with a black eye" I said, leaving him

When I got to Enzo's office, he looked scattered
As did all the papers over his desk
"Everything alright?" I asked cautiously, shutting the door
"Sit down" he said frantically
"Okay?" I said, doing so

"I found her family" he muttered
"You did?" I asked
She'll be so happy.
"That's great" I said

He shook his head
"No. It's anything but fucking great" he said, defeated as he threw a file across the desk to me

I looked at it
Trovewood care home
Florence Dimitrov
"Okay? Florence. So what's the issue?" I asked confused
She had a different name, so what?

"Florence... Athena's Florence" he said
I looked back down at the folder
Trovewood care home. Italy.
"It's not..."
"She's not..."

I couldn't even say it
She couldn't be...
"We checked, we... we fucking went as far as we could and she's... she's Athena's daughter" he said
"The records show her parents signed the papers. That Athena Dimitrov was the mother of the baby" he said, sitting down defeated.

I stared at it for ages
Athena's daughter?
She's been looking for her for years
And she was the girl trying to kill her husband
The girl that stabbed me, that kissed me
The girl that ruined our lives and yet... simultaneously excited mine.

"Does she know?" I asked
He shook his head
"Why not?" I asked
"Enzo" I pushed
"She's a danger to us. All of us. She's removing herself from a highly dangerous organisation. I don't want Athena reaping the effects of that" he said

"It's her daughter Enzo. She has a right to know, Valencia needs to know-"
"No" he snapped
"No? Enzo, she's dealing with you so that you find her family, what are you going to tell her?" I asked

"I'll think of something" he said
"And Athena? You're just going to lie to her?" I asked
"I'm going to protect her. Whilst she is at risk of danger, I'm going to do what I need to do" he said

I stood up
"You can't lie about this, this is huge, they need to know" I said
"Adonis, you work for me, you'll say nothing" he said
"Nothing? How can you expect me to say nothing?" I asked

Athena had been like a mother to me in my childhood
Hearing Valencia talking about being alone, about wanting a mother
She had that now
He found that for her, and he expected us to lie?

"You say nothing. I don't want Athena to get hurt" he said sternly
More stern than I had ever heard Enzo be before

"I'm not lying for you" I said
"You're not fucking telling her either. Both of them stay in the dark" he ordered

I stormed out
She'd been in the dark all her life
She deserved to know
She deserved the mother she craved
Athena deserved the daughter she'd searched for
The daughter she never knew

The one her parents took away and never said another word about.
They deserved each other

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