23| Liars

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"Being raised by cold eyes taught me not to cry"

| Valencia |

"Yes" he said, seemingly bored of me
"Why?" I asked
"Their trust in you may not be a bad thing. They think you're one of them" he said
I wouldn't go that far.

"The bodyguard. He trusts you. He'll get you in. Kill Enzo. And we'll make sure you get out" he said
"Adonis doesn't trust me" I lied
"Do I look stupid to you Valencia?" He asked

I tried to keep my emotions down
"Do I? Answer me" he said calmly
"No" I said
"What was that?" He asked
"No" I said louder
"No" he confirmed

"I know you Valencia. I've known you since you were a child. I've watched your progress. Watched as Roan mentored you. Until I took over, you remember?" He asked
"Yes" I gritted out

I remembered his fucking training sessions
Pushing us all to the brink of death.

"So don't take me for a fool" he advised
"We saw him leaving this morning. Saw the little note on your pillow, your little smile. The marks all over your body. You care about him" he said
"No" I said

"So now he shall become collateral damage if you do not-"
"He's nothing to me" I lied as he kept talking
"Complete your task. If Enzo does not die... Adonis will" he said

"Adonis has nothing to do with this" I said
"No. So do your fucking job and kill Enzo" he said
"Then we can get back to normal, forget all about this little... blip" he said

"Forget?" I echoed, he nodded
He wouldn't forget
If I went back, I'd be beaten.
Beaten until I couldn't breathe, until I passed out
Until I ended up in the medical wing

I knew I would.

"If I kill him... will you at least tell me who wants him dead?" I asked.
Maybe I could get the answer out of him
After that... I wasn't sure
Because I wasn't going to kill Enzo

"No" he said
"Why not? I'm asking for one thing. It makes no difference who knows if he's dead does it? The fall out isn't our problem" I argued
"You are in no position to ask me of anything. Not after what you've done" he said

"Ciro" I said
"Plus we have our reputation to think about. No one will come to us if they think we'll tell everyone it was them would they?" He went on

"This is different" I tried
"Because this is personal. That's where you fucked up" he said
"It's not personal" I said
"So you wouldn't care if I killed the boy?" He asked

I tried not to lash out
"Enzo is the only one that needs to be hurt" I tried weakly
"Oh no. Not the only one" he said, holding my eyes

"Just tell me. Tell me and I'll agree. I'll come back, I'll kill Enzo" I lied
"It's a shame you had so much influence from me and Roan. You're too good sometimes, I almost can't tell when you're lying anymore" he said

"I'm not" I assured
"It's piece of mind. I just need to know" I said

He slowly stood up, looking in his mug of coffee casually
His untouched coffee
Before he threw it at my chest
"Shit" I hissed in pain

"You kill that fucking cunt. And you report back to me" he said calmly as I tried to wipe it off
My skin was burning
He grabbed my neck with his gloved hand
It didn't hurt. But he was trying to hurt me

"You want to know. Do you?" He goaded
"Yes" I said, void of air
"Alora Dozier" he hissed in my ear, throwing me to the floor
I coughed, my chest on fire as I tried to pick myself up

"Now if you go running to that bodyguard. Or any of them for that matter, and you tell them... the chance will be taken away. And I won't be so forgiving" he warned
"You hear me Valencia?" He asked expectantly
I nodded, trying to catch my breath

"I asked you a question" he said
"Yes" I said loudly
Fucking prick.

"Good. I look forward to welcoming you back 709" he said, heading for the door

Before I was left in silence
And the name ran in circles round my head
Alora. Fucking Alora?
She caused all this shit?
She wants Enzo dead... why?

I pulled myself up, rushing into the bathroom and soaking a towel for my chest
Before I grabbed my phone, trying to call Adonis
No answer
Again and again and again

| Adonis |

"How much longer will this be?" Seth whispered
"However long it takes" I said
Which hopefully wasn't too much longer
I needed to speak to Valencia
About last night.

And guarding Enzo and Kian talking shit to Francis Deroma wasn't time well spent

| Valencia |

I pulled up at the house
Enzo wasn't answering
Neither was Adonis.

I walked past men who all eyed me with disgust
So I killed some of their friends, it was in the past
Couldn't they let it go?

| Valencia's Outfit |

"Enzo!" I shouted, stood in the foyer
"Enzo!" I shouted again
"Miss, please keep your voice down. Mrs Vitali is sleeping" a maid said worriedly

"Then find me Enzo" I said
"Mr Vitali is currently out" she said
"Where?" I asked
"I couldn't possibl-"

"Where?" I said, pointing my gun at her
"I... uh..." she spluttered
"Put it down Valencia" Alora said, appearing behind her

"What's going on? Why are you shouting?" She asked worriedly
I scoffed, looking at her
And she knew
It all fell into her eyes as she looked back
As she realised. I know

"Maria, me and Valencia are going to talk in Enzo's office, don't let anyone disturb us" she said, the maid nodded, wandering away
"Shall we?" She asked

"I can see you're upset about som-"
"Why?" I asked
"Why what?" She asked confused, sitting in his fucking chair
"Why do you want Enzo dead?" I said
I wasn't going to play any pretence
Whether I went back to the organisation or not. I was a dead woman

So I'd rather tell them all and... help
Before I had to run for my life
Her face dropped, she dropped the act and she sat down
"He's the reason my husband is dead" she said

"How?" I asked
I'd heard pieces here and there
He died in a shootout. He saved Enzo
"Because he saved Enzo" I said
"Yes" she gritted out
"So he did his job? And died... and now you're paying twenty two million pounds to get Enzo killed?" I asked

"That's a little silly isn't it?" I scoffed

"Leon never would have died if Enzo didn't push him constantly. He pushes all of us. And now we're all lying to each other. Adonis is getting wrapped up with you. Athena..." she stopped herself
"Enzo is a plague to this house, to this family" she said

"He's the leader" I pointed out
"What were you going to do when he died? Who was going to take over?" I asked
"Athena, she's always been capable. She's always been just fine without him" she said

I sighed, dragging my hands over my face as I thought
"This is all a little excessive though, why not kill him yourself?" I asked
"Because it can't be traced back to me" she explained

"That's why I went to your company. Because you're all anonymous. At least you're supposed to be" she grumbled
"You fucking ruined everything, getting involved with Adonis. Doing a deal with Enzo" she said

"I wanted out" I said simply
"And I want him dead! And I have paid for it! So why isn't he?" She asked
"They said they'd dispatch someone else, why haven't they?" She demanded to know

"They're having a few... difficulties at the moment" I offered
Meaning... they sent their men after me constantly
And now they were experiencing a classic supply and demand problem.

She took a breath, looking rather... stressed
Which wasn't surprising
"So... why confess? You know I'm just going to tell them" I said
"I don't think you will" she said

"Why's that?" I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms
What did she have up her sleeve that made her so confident?

"Because like I said. Everyone's been lying. I don't think you'd be so friendly to Enzo if you knew what he did" she said
"Enlighten me Alora" I said bored
She paused, before rummaging through Enzo's drawer

"I heard you and Adonis were busy last night" she said
"What?" I asked, feigning ignorance
"Seth said you two were... very close. That he turned up in yesterdays clothes" she said

So he came straight here? He left for work
Somehow that eased my mind slightly
He didn't just leave because he didn't want to be there.

"What about it?" I asked
"Are you aware he's been lying to you?" She asked
"About what?" I asked, playing into her game
Adonis hadn't lied to me.

What would he have to lie about?

Papers appeared, settling in front of me
"Read them" she said
I sighed, opening them.

Florence Dimitrov
Father- unknown
Mother- Athena Dimitrov

"And?..." I asked, confused
"Athena had a child. Many many years ago" she said
"So. Enzo found your family. This family" she said

"What?" I asked, she wasn't making any sense
"Florence Dimitrov was Athena's baby. Her parents took her away and put her up for adoption" she explained as I read over the documents, seeing names and dates
"She was then adopted by-"

"Roan" I mumbled, reading his name

"Yes... Athena is your mother. And everyone's been lying to you" she said, cocking her head
"Including Adonis" she said

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