22| 709

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"A knife? Are you flirting with me?"

| Adonis |

She tasted unbelievable
She is unbelievable
And very close to cumming as she moaned my name over and over
It was like a fucking symphony

I stopped, standing above her as she looked up at me confused
I undid my belt, undressing as she watched me
Before she sat up, sliding down to the ground and wrapping her hand around me
I groaned, my hand disappearing into her hair as she looked up at me

Innocent green eyes... pure eyes stared up at me as she slowly ran her hand back and forth, stroking me
Fuck. She felt so good
Maybe it was the tension. Maybe it was the hatred
The truce
The... whatever we had that was growing

But she felt unlike anyone else I had ever met
And when she abruptly took me in her mouth, I nearly lost all of my self control
Her mouth was warm, she was fucking unbelievable as she sucked me
"Valencia" I gritted out, watching her pretty fucking lips stain my cock red with lipstick.

She moaned around me in response
And I nearly came then and there
"Valencia" I said again, gripping her hair hard, she took me as far as she could get
Which was fucking deep

She wasn't real. She couldn't be
How could anyone fucking survive against her?
She was smart and seducing and I wasn't surprised everyone she had met had fell at her feet

I'd taken her on one date and she had me on my knees tasting her
Pleasing her

| Valencia |

He pulled me back, lying me on the bed as he caged me underneath him
I had never let myself be dominated by men
I like having control

I like watching them fall apart underneath me
But Adonis controlling me
Pinning me underneath his big arms as he rubbed against me... I... liked it

I liked him telling me what to do.
He slowly pushed himself inside of me and I thought the unthinkable
That I had lost
I had truly lost
Because I would never be able to kill him

He groaned, his head falling into my neck as he kissed my throat, leaving marks
Fuck, he felt so good
So hard as he fucked me roughly

I grabbed his face, forcing his eyes to mine
And he read my thoughts
Read my incoming taunts as I slapped him across the face
As I dared him to hurt me
Making him grab my throat, choking me as he pounded into my relentlessly
I moaned, my eyes rolling shut

I was so close
So fucking close and he felt so good
The air leaving me built up a pressure
And his groans, his pace, him
He got me so close
So close I could-

He stopped, he let go of my throat and turned me over
"What are you-"

| Adonis |

I pinned her arms to her back, pulling her ass up and fucking her again, relentlessly
I revelled in it
In her moans, her gasps, they way her eyes screwed shut in pleasure
In the way her ass felt under my palm
She was a moaning mess because of me

And I wasn't much better
I was trying my hardest not to cum yet
She felt too fucking good
"Please... ah... Adonis" she gasped
"What?" I asked
She said nothing. She couldn't as she moaned over and over

"What Valencia?" I said again, wrapping her hand around my free hand and pulling it tightly 
"Please..." she let out again, her body tensing, her pussy clenching around me unbelievably tight as she came
Eyes screwed shut, unable to move as she shook
Moaning like a fucking angel and sending me over the edge as I came too

I stopped, slowly letting her arms go as she turned her body slightly, looking up at me, exhausted as I left my hand dancing in her hair softly. Gently
We both knew

We knew it was bad idea to do this
We knew it was a bad thing I came inside of her
She knew she'd still leave
I knew I was lying to her over and over

And yet.

She pulled me down to her, kissing me softly and I kissed her back
I craved her touch and I tasted her lips
If this was the only opportunity I got, I was going to make the most of it

Before she left us. Left me
Before she finds out we all lied to her
Before she hates me again.

| Valencia |

I know I should leave
I know I should get dressed... I know I should have told him to leave
But watching him sleep beside me
His arm draped across my stomach.

The snake inked on his hand snaking across my skin.

I felt... unsure about everything in my life
About my work. Myself.
About who I was.

I was alone. I was a killer
And yet he lay beside me, holding me
Sleeping beside me. Trusting me
And for some reason, I trust him.

And I allowed my eyes to close
I allowed myself to remain beside him
To sleep with him.
It felt so... vulnerable to me. Such a small and yet such a terrifying thing.

| Adonis |

When I woke up, it was like we were a normal couple
Two people waking up beside each other because they liked each other
And against my better judgement
Against everything telling me I can't. I do like her

And I think she likes me. We were both just too fucked up to know how to navigate that.

I looked at my phone. To a bunch of missed calls and texts from Enzo

Need you here
Where are you?
Did you get the money at least?
You better be here in the morning.

I sighed, I knew I had to go
She knew I had to
But it didn't make me want to.
I wanted to stay here. I wanted to wake up with her and talk to her

I got up, pulling my clothes on.

| Valencia |

When my door slammed shut, waking me up, I was confused
Adonis wasn't here. Did he just leave?
I looked beside me, where a note sat

Had to go. I'll call you as soon as I can
I made coffee, left it on the counter

I smiled
At least he left an explanation
I was surprised he hadn't snuck out in the night
He... he stayed.

I trailed out to the kitchen, pouring myself a cup of coffee
Before a throat cleared, earning my attention
"It's been a while since we spoke 709"

I lowered my cup, fuck.
It wasn't Adonis leaving.

"Ciro" I said

| Adonis |

"Where have you been? I've been calling you" Enzo snapped
"Out" I said
"Out? You work for me Adonis, or do you forget that?" He asked
"How can I? When you constantly remind us all of it?" I snapped back

"Whoa, what's the matter?" Athena asked
"Adonis is failing to remember his duties" Enzo said
"Like honesty you mean?" I asked
He glared at me
"Honesty?" Athena asked
"Why don't we get the car Adonis?" Seth suggested

"Yeah. Why don't you?" Enzo said, daring me to say something
I followed Seth
I was getting sick of the lying
Sick of Enzo's attitude and his fucking bent morals

"What's going on with you?" Seth asked as we made our way out to the garage
"He's lying to Athena, to Valencia and he dragged all of us into it" I said angrily
And now he was ordering everyone around

Knowing we wouldn't say anything
Knowing we wouldn't hurt Athena
"Are you feeling guilty for Athena or Valencia?" He asked
"Both" I said simply
"Really? Because you're still in yesterdays clothes, so I'm guessing it wasn't Athena's bed you crawled out of this morning" he pointed out

"Can't I care about lying to her because we're decent people?" I asked
I didn't just care because we... had something happening
I cared because they deserved to know

"That's not a denial, so you did fuck her?" He asked
"Seth" I warned
"And you've made it out relatively unscathed" he said, looking me over
"Leave it Seth" I warned again, finding the car
"Apart from the hickeys of course" he commented

"What?" I asked
He grinned
"I'm also guessing Enzo noticed them, maybe that's why he's so pissed off" he laughed, getting in

| Valencia |

"You've been causing me a lot of grief" Ciro said
"Clearly. You never come out for warnings" I said
"Yes well... you haven't left me much choice have you? As you shot our go between and refuse to kill your targets" he said

"Maybe I was just desperate to see you" I said sarcastically
He was like Roan. Old... past his time
"Maybe. But this isn't a warning is it... Valencia?" He asked
"Ooh, it is serious. We're name calling now" I said

"It's serious when you're killing many of our agents" he said
"You're the one sending them after me" I said
"Because you do not go rogue. None of you go rogue. You are agents. You always will be" he said

"Ah, the old chestnut you drilled into us as children eh? The only out is death" I recited
"Yes" he nodded once
"So choose" he said

I chuckled
"I'm not choosing either" I said
"I've made my own options" I said
"No. Your only option is to come back" he said

"Come back?" I laughed
As if he'd even let me if I wanted to
I had disrespected them.
I had embarrassed them. Death was their only option for me.

"One chance. To come back. To complete your assignment" he said
"My as- Enzo?" I said, surprised
He was unbelievable
He wanted me to come back and still kill Enzo?

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