3| Intrigue

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"We chose each other and that terrifies me"

| Valencia |

"If I have to" he said coldly, squaring himself up for a fight
Why did he have to be so... rough?
It was exciting
An excitement I couldn't afford
I had to kill Enzo

And move onto the next job
But Adonis was too... interesting
"Then come here... lover boy" I teased

He didn't move, nor did he look impressed
"Fine, guess I'll take the lead" I said, walking towards him
I pulled the knife from my boot, throwing it at him
But he dodged it, grabbing a vase from the table beside him, throwing it at my head
It smashed against my face
"Fuck" I let out

I wiped my forehead, blood seeping down my face
"Now is that any way to treat a lady?" I asked, punching him in the face
"I don't know what you are" he said, grabbing my neck
"But you need to tell us who wants Enzo dead" he said

He lifted me off the ground, and air escaped my throat
I knew he was fun.

I grabbed his arm, using my strength to pull my legs up, wrapping them around his neck and tackling him to the floor
I grabbed my other knife, ramming it into his shoulder again as I sat on his chest
Making him groan beneath me
His face looked good between my legs

God... if he wasn't in my way... him groaning beneath me would be ideal
"I'm sorry, did that hurt?" I asked, he grabbed his shoulder, now once again pooling blood
"Want me to kiss it better?" I asked, leaning down to him

Before I pulled it out harshly

"What is wrong with you?" He groaned in pain
"I think the real question is... what are you going to do about it?" I asked, standing up
"I mean come on Adonis, you're not really living up to what I've read about you" I taunted, stood over him

"A soldier for the cartel by twelve, out on the streets by fourteen, before you ran into Enz-"
I was cut off as he grabbed my ankle, pulling me to the floor
Straddling me, pinning my arms and grabbing my face hard, my knife falling from my grasp

Almost turned me on if he wasn't scowling at me
"Tell me who you fucking are-"
"You're that interested in me huh? Well take me out to dinner and I just might give you my num-"
"Stop playing games" he snapped, making me laugh

"I'm not playing anything" I said
"Then tell me who you are" he seethed
I looked at him
"What? No torture? I think it'll take more than politely asking don't yo-"

He back handed me across the face
I took a breath, before laughing
"That all you got?" I asked, looking up at him
His jaw tensed, his muscle flexing in his arm as he slapped me again.

"Come on Adonis, give me something, anything to prove you're not a weak spinele-"
He punched me, hard into the nose
I cried out in pain, sucking a breath in to deal with the pain
Fuck. That hurt

He definitely had strength

"Enough?" He asked back
I looked up at him, feeling the blood slowly run down my cheek

"Valencia" I said
There was no harm in telling him my name
It's not like he'd find anything about me
I just wanted to see how far he'd go. How hard he could be pushed.

"Valencia" he repeated, standing up and dragging me with him
"Sounds nice on your tongue don't you think?" I laughed
"Shut up" he said, dragging me towards the door

"So sexy when you tell me what to do" I teased
"Do you ever shut up?" He asked instead
I twisted his hand away from my neck, his wrist turning painfully
He cried out, letting go of me

"I can't stay, as much I am dying to" I said, heading for the other door, swiftly picking up my knife
He grabbed my arm
So I pulled my gun out, pointing it at his head
"There's only so much fun a girl can take" I said, taking the opportunity to wipe my nose with my hand

"Then shoot me" he said
"You know I don't want to do that" I said, focusing back on him
"Why? You want to kill Enzo, so why do you keep walking away?" He asked

"Maybe I like seeing you" I said, cocking my head
"Tell me the real reason" he said
"I have. You intrigue me Adonis" I said
"Why?" He asked

Why indeed?
"Look I'll see you around yeah? I have other things to do" I said, nearing the door
"Don't send them after me on my way out because I will kill them" I said

"You won't make it out of the grounds" he said determined
"Made my way in didn't I?" I argued, looking him over
Covered in blood, shirtless

"Maybe next time you could lose the shorts too" I smiled, shutting the door

| Adonis |

"If anybody gets eyes on her, bring her back here. Shoot if you have to" I ordered through the radio
"You didn't call" a guard said on my way out
"No, wake Enzo up. Tell him to come to his office" I ordered him

I made my way to my room, bandaging my shoulder once again
It fucking hurt, badly
I took some painkillers before pulling a shirt on and thinking about her all the way to the office

She's let me live twice now.
And she doesn't even seem bothered about killing Enzo
She just... teases and hurts me and leaves?

"This is a result" Enzo argued
"In what way?" Athena argued back, stitching my shoulder up for me
"Well, if Adonis managed to hurt her, her blood will be on the floor no?" He asked
"Enzo, she's killed sixteen guards on her way out" Athena shouted

"Adonis" he said simply, ignoring her
"Yeah" I sighed. She bled pretty badly
"So surely that's something to go off Alora?" He asked

"I can run her through the database but... one name. Bit of blood, if she is a kill for hire, I doubt we'll get any hits on her" she explained
No, she was too clever for that
She was too clever to get caught

Fuck, she'd broke in and out of the Vitali mansion, undetected
Well... for the most part
"She stabbed you again" Athena pointed out worriedly, looking at my shoulder as she finished
"I'm fine" I dismissed
"You're not fine. She's hurting you and yet walking away each time" Kian thought aloud

"It's strange" Enzo agreed
"It's deranged" Seth corrected
"She's... complicated. I don't understand what her motive is" I said
"She didn't even try and get past me, she just wanted a fight" I explained

"Maybe she likes you" Seth smiled
"Don't be an idiot" I sighed, standing up
"I'm going to bed" I said tired
"I think we all need to go back to bed" Enzo finalised

"Mum, dad, are you coming back?" Maliah asked, peeking around the door
"We're coming now sweetheart? Aren't we?" Athena said, nudging Enzo

He nodded as I turned around so Maliah wouldn't see my shoulder
"Get that blood going yeah? Adonis, Seth, fix the security routes, if she got in, then there's cracks" he said, before heading for the door
He picked Maliah up, guiding Athena out.

"So much for catching up on my sleep" Alora said
"Do you need any help? I know it's a hard mon-"
"I'm fine" she cut Seth off with a reassuring smile, leaving the office

| Valencia |

I looked in the mirror
My next few targets won't be covert operations to day the least
The bruising on my nose and neck was flourishing like a fucking flower

I wiped the blood away, wrapping my brushing knuckles too
I had never been... excited on a mission before
But Adonis? He was just the right amount of fun for a job
And if he got too annoying, all I had to do was kill him and chalk it up to collateral damage to the bosses.

"Valencia? Is that you?" Roan called out
"Yeah, you made it up the stairs then? Legs didn't give out and send you plummeting" I called back, making my way out into the kitchen
"Ha fucking ha" he grumbled, putting his shopping down

"Put that away doll" he said
"Not your maid, you old bastard" I said
"No, but you are my daughter" he said
"Am I fuck?" I said back

"You're as good as, unpack it, if I do it, I'll over work myself" he argued
"I'll work you down that staircase if you don't shut up" I said

He sat down with an exhausted sigh
"So to what do I owe such a pleasure? I'm guessing by that big fucking mark on your neck and your bloody face, you're in trouble?" He asked disinterested
"No actually, just thought I'd check in" I said

Roan was a sour old cunt
But he looked after me when I needed it. Back when I was a kid and the organisation nearly worked me to death, he stuck up for me
Helped me. And now he was old and retired and basically fucked... he needed the favour returning

But... I also needed his gun, he just didn't need to know that yet
When you're a retired handler, you have access to way more weapons than us agents.

"You never check in on me unless you want something" he said
"Todays a new day then" I sighed

| Adonis |

"I'm guessing you've found nothing?" I grumbled, sitting down beside Alora, staring at all the screens
"Not nothing, I can track her movements only so far on the cameras. Before she disappears, the blood should come back today but name wise... nothing" she said defeated.

"Why did she tell you her name?" She asked curiously
I had no idea myself
"I hit her" I offered simply

She thought for a moment
"She's clearly trained. Highly trained. So why does she keep giving you the upper hand?" She asked
"I think she enjoys taking it away" I answered honestly

She liked to make me think I had the power
Before reversing it and goading me for a reaction.

She was something.
She was dangerous.

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