4| Blonde

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"It is love that makes us hate love"

| Adonis |

"Everything ready for tonight?" Enzo asked
"Nearly, still waiting on the caterers" Athena complained, overseeing the staff putting decorations up
The hall looked... extravagant
Too extravagant

But it was their son's birthday after all
And I thought it was a good idea to have it here.
If she could get into the house then having a party anywhere else would be even more vulnerable
At least if everyone was coming here then Enzo had around fifty gangs and mafia groups to defend him.

"Will you be alright tonight kid?" Enzo asked
"I'll be fine" I grumbled
I had barely slept the past week
Nine days since we've seen her
Nine days since she stabbed me and left us alone... again.

Maybe I was becoming paranoid

"I'll go check everything's set up" I said
Nine days and we had nothing
Nothing from her name
Nothing from her blood
She wasn't registered into any kind of database
She was a ghost.

And if Alora couldn't find anything about her then... we were fucked.
"Seth? You all set up?" I asked, finding him with his arm around Alora
Fuck. I knew they weren't coping

"Are you two okay?" I asked
"Yeah, yeah it's just hard sometimes, when it comes around again" Alora said sadly, sniffling
I knew how difficult it was for them
Four years since Leon has been gone. And not one of the anniversaries for his death went unnoticed

He was Enzo's best friend, Alora's husband
Seth's brother
They all lost a piece of them when he died in that shootout.

"Seth? Dad wants you" Kallius chimed, leaning in the doorway
"Happy birthday kid" Seth said, standing up, nudging Kallius on the way out

"He also said you had to get ready" he went on
Fifteen years old and he walks around like he's in charge already
"Now?" I asked, it was only three.

"He wants you all ready by four so you can finish setting up by five" he drawled out boredly
"Fine" I said
"It is my birthday, you could put some effort in" he joked
"Yeah yeah" I dismissed

"You don't have to come tonight you know? Take a night off" I suggested to Alora

"No, no it's family. Family come first Adonis. Besides, if your little girlfriend turns up, we all need to be alert don't we?" She chuckled, wiping her eyes
"She's not my girlfriend" I said annoyed

"She's not dead either. Which must count for something" she said
"Yeah, that I couldn't kill her" I said simply
The first time in my life I hadn't been able to overpower someone

She had technique, skill. Everything she did led me to believe she was some sort of professional killer
Yet the way she acted didn't
She was a tease

But I'd killed professional hitmen in the past. I don't know why she was so difficult

And I was confused by her
Nine days and nothing? It was unusual.

| Valencia |

I hate cleaning.
It was the only downside to the job
No matter what I do, I just can't seem to get blood out of my clothes
I scrubbed my knife as hard as I could, blood had seeped into the grooves and was adamant on staying

I sighed, abandoning the sink and looking at the mess before me
Two dead. Blood spattered over the walls, over the floor, dancing across the ceiling

As two doctors lie dead in their chairs
What a shame.
A crying shame to lose two unprofessional and unethical cunts in the medical world.

"Hello?" I answered, holding my phone between my shoulder and neck as I packed my things away
"Redfront cafe, fifteen minutes" Veronica said, before hanging up


I pulled my coat tighter, trying to hide the blood that coated my shirt as I sat before Veronica
God this woman ages quickly
"Update me, fast" she said calmly, sitting back with a coffee
I guess I don't get a drink.

"Gordon and Harden are dead, about ten minutes ago" I informed her
"Method" she reeled off
"Gunshot wounds to the foreheads, double suicide" I said sadly

"Fortone?" She asked
"Tomorrow, he'll have a tragic accident and fall down the stairs" I explained
She nodded

"And Vitali?" She asked
"Working on it" I said
"Meaning? If you are incapable of following through, I will put Arwan back onto it"
"I'm perfectly capable, you know that, if I can't kill him, Arwan definitely can't" I argued

"Then why haven't you?" She asked
"His security is tight, strong" I lied
"It's proving difficult to slip through the cracks, but I will. I already have a way in" I assured her
"You better. Our client is paying a lot of money for a fast execution. So speed it along" she said sternly.

"Leave" she then said
I got up, biting my tongue

Kill Vitali.
The words spinning round in my mind every time I read his folder
Who would want him dead?
He donates. He has strong allies
Hell, he adopted two kids.

There wasn't a more charitable mafia man going.

So who wanted him gone?

My phone began to ring. And I sighed, readying myself to put on my sweet voice
"Hello?" I answered

| Adonis |

"Try and have fun tonight" Enzo suggested as we stood at the bar
"Fun?" I echoed
"Yeah, it's a party, Kallius has been looking forward to it all week, Maliah too, like peas in a pod those two" he laughed
I looked over at Athena sat with Maliah
Little thing was only seven, yet she followed Kallius around like he was the sun.

"You're aware someone's trying to kill you Enzo, fun isn't exactly on my criteria" I said
"When is someone not trying to kill me, it doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy life" he chuckled

"Have a drink at least, talk to people" he urged, wandering away from me
"You're right, it isn't the time to be having 'fun', not when she's already proven to be a dangerous threat" Kian said from beside me

For a second on command, he did a lot more fretting and planning than Enzo seemed to
In the eight years I had been running with these guys, I learnt one very important thing about Kian
He didn't like opposition, and he didn't like Enzo's care free attitude

Not when it put people in danger.

"Don't worry. I'm alert. So are all the guards and all the staff. She won't go unnoticed" I said
"Good" Kian nodded, walking away.

If she did turn up, tonight would be the night, she seemed to like events
And she seemed to enjoy how she ruined them
How she irritated me.
Goaded me.

The fucking little-

I just needed to stay calm. No one here would get in without an invitation
And security was like a fucking wall around the building
There's no way she could sneak in.
Absolutely no way.

| Valencia |

Sneaking in was easy.

When you hid in plain sight. As my 'date' sorted out his car with the valet, I looked up at the vast building
At their little event they were holding for Vitali's kid
The boy. Fifteen. What an age to lose your father.

"Ready?" Rico asked
I nodded, plastering on a smile as I linked my arm with his
Rico Francelli, a Spanish drug running moron who never showed up without a date on his arm
And after bumping into him months ago and getting his number for a situation just like this, he suddenly became useful.

He thought I was some dumb blonde bartender from the club he drinks in.
So here I was. Playing the part as I swayed up the steps on his arm
No one giving me a second glance
It was funny to hide right in front of their eyes

| Valencia's Outfit |

What I was anticipating however was the look in Adonis' eyes
I wonder if he'll be surprised
If I'll impress him with my appearance tonight

But as I was led into the grand hall, Rico already calling out to people he knew, I saw him
I saw Adonis stood alert with a few men.
And I saw how he... didn't recognise me
How he didn't see me.

How his eyes raked over the crowd and didn't land on me once

And I felt disappointment settle in my stomach.
I thought he was clever
I thought he was a challenge. That he would cause me trouble right away but... nothing
It was so easy

A blonde wig and a date and he couldn't pick me out of a crowd. I'm almost hurt

So simple to be able to kill Enzo
To shoot him and run, poison him and slip away, stab him and act concerned
So many possibilities that were all too... boring

Because Adonis was fun. That was something I forget.
He wasn't a barrier, he was simply entertainment
Well... be ready Adonis

Because tonight I am craving entertainment
Sure killing Enzo on his son's birthday was tempting
So fucking tempting
But playing with Adonis? Riling him and pushing him. Oh it was far too good to pass up

"I'm going to powder my nose" I said sweetly
"Sure" Rico said disinterested, conversing with a group of people
I slowly made my way across the hall.

Eyeing the mountain of a man as he sighed at the bar, ordering a drink and looking... bored
I knew how he felt
I knew how thrilling it was to finally... fight someone
To meet someone who had half a chance at taking me down.

I stopped beside him.
"Won't you dance with me?" I asked in a higher, friendly voice
"Sorry, no, I'm working" he said simply, barely sparing me a glance
"Not into blondes?" I asked in my regular voice

He looked at me, somewhat surprised as I smiled back.
He looked behind him, then to me
Like he couldn't believe I would just be stood here, in the open

"More of a brunette man huh?" I asked, leaning in to him.

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