30| Kill each other

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Kill each other

"They're both stubborn and it's complicated"

| Reminder of outfit |

| Valencia |

I trailed along the stone path. Pushing the grand door open
It was cold. It was empty
Churches never filled me with... hope
Or enlightenment
They only filled me with empty disdain

What higher power would deal me the hand I got?

There was only one higher power in my life
And he sat at the front of the church
Like a god himself
Asserting his authority in every room
On every agent
Every child

He was what we feared as children
Him and countless others
But he was my fear
My higher management
My god

But I never prayed to him
Never worshipped him
I feared him and I did his bidding like a good little Angel.
And he called us as such

That we were ridding the world of evil
We thought we were good. That we were necessary
That there was purpose in all of this

Until we grew up
And reality crashing down
And we realised... we weren't good
We were bad ridding worse
We realised that most people deserved to die. But it was only valuable to us if there was money involved

"You got my message" Ciro said
I shut the door
"Yes" I said
"You always were emotional. You tried not to be but... Roan was that anomaly, you attached yourself to him like a daughter. Pathetic" he said, refusing to turn and look at me as he sat on the bench

"Many of us got attached" I said
"Doesn't mean any of it was healthy" I said
Roan made me who I am. He made me cold and murderous. He made a sight so ghastly to normal people... normal to me.

"And now you've attached yourself to a... a guard. A man" he commented
"No" I denied
"Yes. You have attached yourself to a family. A family that is not yours" he said
"Athena i-"

"Giving birth to you does not make her your mother" he interjected, standing to finally face me
He stood at the end of the aisle
"We made you. We built you. You are better than them Valencia. Because we made you better" he said

"And you expect gratitude for it" I observed
"One day. You will be grateful" he said
"I doubt it" I said, walking towards him
"Don't be stupid" he warned in a bored tone
I said nothing, swinging for him, only for him to grab my arm and flip me, crashing me down to the hard stone floor

"I told you" he said
I kicked out, but he got me again, twisting my leg painfully
"Fuck" I groaned, turning my body to accommodate the pain, throwing my other leg round and kicking him in the face
He stumbled back, and I threw a knife at him, hitting him in the stomach

He pulled it out
"This is a waste of time" he said, throwing it back at me, but I dodged it, rolling up as I grabbed a tall candle stick and swung for him
He ducked, grabbing a candle and throwing it my way
I turned away but wax burned into my shoulder

And as I turned back, he grabbed the stick from me, both of us struggling for control
"I trained you" he pointed out
"Yeah" I said, head butting him, causing him to let go
"You did" I said, hitting him in the head.

Before I hit him in the leg. Then throwing it down onto his foot
"So I know all your tired moves" I goaded, throwing the stick to the side as I hit him to the ground, quickly pulling my gun out and shooting him in the leg

"Shit" he hissed, grabbing his leg
I had to act quick when it came to Ciro
He was a man who knew many techniques
And when he was pushed, he was quick to pull a gun out and take the cowards victory

That's what we were always taught
Guns are a cowards way.
Torturous kills are professional kills.
I searched him, pulling his two guns out and throwing them to the side

"You ungrateful littl-"
"Oh come on" I taunted, stepping on his foot, earning a scream of pain
"I'm grateful to you" I joked, stepping off
"I'm grateful for everything you gave me" I drawled out, slowly making my way up the steps to grab another candle

"Grateful for all you've taught me" I said, standing over him as I slowly tipped it, watching as the wax seared onto his face, making him groan in pain as he tried to get away
"I'm grateful for all you punished me for" I went on, following him as he slowly crawled down the aisle

Before I leant down, grabbing his hair and pulling him up against my legs
On his knees, weak and desperate
I pushed my knife to his throat, whispering in his ear as I looked up at the stained glass windows

"I'm grateful for everything Ciro"
I slit his throat, deeply
Gurgles the only sound as his body slumped to the stone below, blood running out like a river.

"You're back" Athena said thankfully
"Here" I said, throwing her some food before turning away
"You're leaving again?" She asked
"Yeah, everything has to come to an end at some point" I called, grabbing some rope before returning to her

She looked down. At the specks of blood on my clothes
"What did you do?" She asked
"Don't worry, I have a lot of people to kill, it's not all about your precious husband" I rolled my eyes

"So he's okay? They're all okay?" She asked
I shrugged
"Doubt it, I think Adonis is close to figuring out that Alora ordered that hit. Hopefully they'll all kill each other before I get there" I chuckled

"What? You're going over there?" She asked
I said nothing
"Let me come with you. Please. Please, we can talk it through, all of us" she begged

"Oh I plan to take you with me, don't worry" I chuckled
She looked at me uneasy

| Adonis |

"Alora" I said, catching her as the two maids she was talking to left the room
"Hey, how are you? I heard about your argument with Enzo" she said
"I'm fine, I just... what happened? When Seth died I mean?" I asked

"What do you mean? I told everyone what happened?" She said
"Yeah, you said Valencia killed him, but I... I just don't see her hitting him over the head with something" I said, trying to keep my voice calm, to sound... casual

"What do you want me to say Adonis? That's what happened" she said
"See, I don't think it is. I think there's something you're not telling me. That day Valencia found everything out, she left me a voicemail, she told me she had something to say about you" I said

"Me? Why would she know anything about me?" she asked confused
"Alora. I know when you're lying" I said
"You think you do. But I don't know what else to say Adonis. Valencia killed Seth. She hurt me, she took Athena. She shot Enzo for god sake. Stabbed you!" She said, getting defensive

"Yeah. She's violent, she's out of control, she's running on anger" I said
"Exactly" she said
"But that's where Seth doesn't fit it. Hit over the head? From the back? That's not a fight. That's not tactic. That's desperation. That's stopping someone" I said

"So maybe she stopped him" she said
"No maybe about it Alora, you were there, you said she killed him so how did it happen? Why did she hit him?" I asked
"Because what? Because she'd already stabbed me, she was a mess, she was crying. I watched her walk into the garden, not into the house, so tell me, why did she kill him?" I pushed

"Adonis, are you accusing me of something?" She asked
"I don't know Alora, is there something to accuse you of?" I asked instead, backing her up as she took steps away from me
"You're scaring me Adonis" she chuckled nervously

"And you're worrying me. What happened Alora? Because I think you're lying" I said
Her eyes frantically searched mine. For me to relent
She wanted me to back down.
It was pure desperation looking back at me

"I... I didn't mean to" she said

| Valencia |

"Stay here. Don't make any noise" I said, looking back at Athena
"But in fairness, I doubt that'll be difficult for you" I smiled
She was tied up, tape over her mouth, wrapped around her head

Hands and feet tied twice
There was no room for errors
And teasing her over Enzo was going to be his downfall.

I knew though, I knew as I looked at her, I wouldn't be able to kill her
I wouldn't get that extra satisfaction of murdering her in front of Enzo, breaking his heart before his death

Because liking it or not. She is technically my mother

"I won't be long" I said cheerily, getting out of the van
"You can't park the-"
I snapped the guards neck, opening the side door to the kitchens.

Time for the end Mr Vitali

| Valencia's Outfit |

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