31| I'm weak

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I'm weak

"He stared at you everytime you look away"

| Reminder of Valencia's Outfit |

| Adonis |

"Didn't mean to? You hit him?" I asked calmly
Her worried gaze became teary
"I didn't mean to. He... he wouldn't listen, he was saying horrible things, he-"
"Why? Why would you do that?" I stressed, grabbing her arms

"Because he was going to tell Enzo everything, he... he told me he wouldn't cover for me" she cried
"Cover for what?" I asked
"For what I've done" she cried harder

I waited and waited. But all she did was sob
"Alora" I pushed
"I put the hit on Enzo! It was me!" She confessed

She wants him dead?
For what?
And she killed Seth... to keep him quiet
"I was panicked, I... I didn't know what I was doing until he was on the floor. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" she cried

"You killed him. Why... why would you put a hit on Enzo?" I asked
"I want him gone Adonis, all of this... all of this mess, it's all because of him" she cried
"He creates chaos wherever he goes. Athena isn't happy, I know she isn't. And Leon, Leon died because of him" she said

"This is all about Leon?" I asked
"I just... we'll be better off without him" she said
I couldn't wrap my head around any of this
"So you blamed Valencia for Seth..." I mumbled

"I had to Adonis. Please see that I had to" she begged, grabbing onto my arms
"You're insane" I said, pushing her grip off me
"He needs to die Adonis. Or it was all for nothing" she cried

"He'll kill you for this" I said
"Not if I can get him first" she said, wet cheeks and red eyes greeting me as she looked up, pulling her gun out
"Alora" I said warily
"He needs to die Adonis. You need to help me" she said, holding it up

"Alora. Put it down" I said
She shook her head
"Help me. Or you're against me" she cried, her body wracking with sobs


I looked to my left. As Alora's body hit the floor, a bullet in her head
And Valencia stood there, gun in hand.

"Figured it out then?" She mused, looking over Alora
"You knew" I said
"Yeah, found out before she dropped the mother bomb" she said, crossing her arms
"She told you?" I asked

"Yeah, clearly she thought it'd drive me away from you all. She was right" she said
"I'm sorry we lied" I said
"I know. You've said it enough" she said, looking down

It was awkward
Far too awkward
We'd slept together
Then she stabbed me.
We hadn't exactly seen each other since.

"Why are you here?" I asked
"Well I came to bring dear old mummy home" she said
Athena's here?
"And to kill dear old step daddy" she half smiled
Her heart wasn't in it.

She didn't want this. Any of it
She was hurting
"And this?" I asked. Shooting Alora, helping me.

"I'm weak Adonis" she said
"Didn't think I'd see the day. But... here we are" she said

"My boss, he killed Roan. Another thing you lied about by the way" she said
"Roan's... dead"
"Yeah" she chuckled sadly
"So I killed him. My boss" she said

"And now Athena isn't any use to me. Can't exactly kill her now" she said
"Why?" I asked, stepping closer
"She's a... sneaky one. She creeps into your conscience, I'm not surprised Enzo did all this to protect her" she explained

They had... bonded?
"And you..." she sighed
"Well you're just the icing on the fucking cake aren't you? Can't kill you, no matter how much I try. I thought you were fun, I thought you were easy. But you played me Adonis, played me for a fool" she said

"I never meant to lie-,"
"Not the lies. For making me feel for you. For making me care about you. How can I kill you when you're all I think about?" She asked
She seemed so genuinely confused by her own feelings

She had never felt them before. She didn't know how to handle them.
She didn't know how to trust me
And I guess I haven't helped that.

"That night... when we... was it real?" I asked
"Real?" She laughed
"You're the one asking me if I was real? I opened up to you. I let you in. I told you things" she argued

"Valencia" I said
I just needed to hear her say it
"Yes. It was real. Everything was real until you... fucked it up" she mumbled
"Valencia I-"


"Fuck... you cunt" Valencia groaned, dropping to the floor in agony
"Finally showed your face again hm?" Enzo shouted, lowering his gun as he walked in with Kian
"What the fuck are you doing?" I shouted, nearing him
He pointed it my way, stopping me before I could take it

"Really? Me?" I asked
"Step back Adonis" he warned
"God you're such a prick" Valencia groaned, holding her chest
"And you're finished. Where's my fucking wife?" He demanded

"Enzo" Kian spoke, nodding to Alora's body on the floor
He looked at me violently
"Let me explain" I said
"You take my wife, kill two of my fucking family and corrupt him" Enzo shouted at Valencia

She sat in the doorway, bleeding rapidly
I stepped towards her, only for Kian to hold me back
"Don't" he advised

"No last words? Like where my wife is?" He asked her
She laughed, with great difficulty
"Kill me. And you'll never find her, she'll starve to death before you could ever figure it out" she goaded

"Tell me!" He shouted angrily
"Enzo! She didn't kill Seth. Alora did, she just tried to kill me too" I told him
"Liar" he said
"I'm not lying. Alora is the one who ordered your hit, she paid for it, she told Valencia everything. She's the one that put Athena in the firing line" I explained

"I believe him Enzo" Kian said, giving me a reassuring glance
"We only have her word for that" Enzo said, his eyes never wavering from Valencia

"You want to ask my boss? Go to the morgue" she said bitterly
"Enzo" I said, trying to get his attention

"Enzo!" I said again, he finally looked at me
"It wasn't her. She killed Alora, that's it" I said
"She brought Athena back. She saved my life. She isn't the enemy" I said

"Not until you ruined my life" Valencia spoke up, pointing her gun at Enzo
For fuck sake
"Valencia" I said
"You should have played fair" she said to Enzo

"You don't deserve any of this. The money. The house, someone like Athena. You don't deserve their loyalty" she said, gesturing to me and Kian
"Alora had the right idea wanting you dead" she said, cocking her gun
I stepped in front of Enzo.

"Adonis move" she said
"I thought we came to an understanding" I said
"We did. I see the sorry in your eyes, in your words. But him? He isn't sorry. He'll fuck everyone over for that precious family of his. He even pointed his gun at you" she argued

I said nothing
"And you still defend him" she scoffed
I stood strong

She sighed, lowering her arm.

"You might as well kill me then Vitali. I'm fucked now anyway" she said, coughing
"You're not" I said
"I am. Even if I live, I have you now... I can't live life with a weakness Adonis. Every ti- someone wants to get to me... they'll take you" she chuckled, before she coughed up blood

"Valencia" I said, nearing her, but she collapsed before I reached her
I pulled her into my arms, pressing down on her chest to try and contain the blood
"Help me" I said, lying her flat
"Help you? Now's the time to act Adonis. Kill her, put this whole thing to an end" Enzo argued, walking closer

"Stay away" I said, grabbing her gun from the floor and pointing it his way
He looked at me, surprised
"If you kill her. I will kill you" I said seriously

"I mean it. Hurt her... and I will fucking kill you Enzo" I said. I've had enough
Enough of all this 'loyalty'

"Don't do this Adonis" he said
"Now it's all about family?" I seethed
"She's better off dead, she said it herself" he argued
"Enzo. Back off" Kian warned

"No. You're seriously going to save her?" He asked
"Yes" I said, picking her up
"Because I care about her!" I shouted back
"More than you clearly ever cared about us" I finished, walking out

"Adonis" Kian called after me
I ignored them, I carried her out and put her in my car
She needed help. Fast.

I was not going to watch her die
Not now. Not ever

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