32| Why wouldn't I?

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Why wouldn't I?

"Whenever I'm around her, I feel alive. For a short while, I can forget about my demons"

| Athena |

I've been waiting and waiting, breathing was getting more and more difficult once I'd fell onto my side
I heard gun shots not too long ago.
The fear and worry was making me hyperventilate in here

"Athena!" I heard Enzo shout
"Athena" Kian shouted

I tried to move, shouting out but it was all muffled
"Athena!" Enzo shouted again

I banged my tied legs against the van door
Before the door finally opened
"Boss! Over here" a guard shouted, before he climbed in, beginning to untie me
"Athena" Enzo said, relieved, pulling me into his arms

My feet were still tied, tape wrapped tightly around my head
"Kian. Kian! Give me your knife" he demanded frantically

And when he cut the tape, air never felt so good
"Thank god" Enzo said, holding me tightly
I looked at Kian over his shoulder
They found me, the thought made me close my eyes in relief

"Enzo, what's going on? Where's Valencia? You know Alora is the o-"
"Ssh, it's alright, we know, I know everything" he said, holding my face in his hands
"I'm just glad you're home" he smiled

"So now you believe it?" Kian asked
"Believe what?" I asked
"About Alora" he said
I looked to Enzo for answers
"I'm sorry love, she's dead. Seth too" he said

I nodded slowly
"And Valencia? Adonis? Where are they?" I asked, looking behind them
"Gone" Enzo said vaguely
"Gone?" I asked
"Enzo shot her" Kian said, earning a glare from Enzo

"What?" I asked, pulling away from him, as the guard finally cut my legs loose
"I had to baby, you know she's a fucki-"
"She's my daughter" I argued
"I know-"

"She's my daughter Enzo, how could you?" I demanded, pushing past him
I tried to get out of the van, my legs giving out on me as Kian steadied me

"I can't believe you! Lying to me was bad enough but you shot her? Is she okay?" I asked Kian
He shrugged
"Adonis took her to get help" he said

I looked to Enzo, who sat defeated in the van
"If she dies, I... I will never forgive you" I said, tears pricking at my eyes

"I'm sorry" he tried
"I can't believe you Enzo. Honestly... I'm your wife! You're supposed to tell me these things, not lie to me, not make everyone else lie to me!" I shouted
"I wanted to protect you! She was dangerous, she has an entire organisation after her, she shouldn't bring that to our door!" He said

"She's my daughter! Mine. It's my decision. You should have given me that much!" I said angrily
He always did this
He always made decisions thinking of what was 'best'

"I'm sorry, but look what happened when she did find out. She took you" he said
"And I got more insight to her from that than when you sent her away making me think she was a stranger" I argued

He sighed, grasping my face in his hands
"Are you alright? Physically, she didn't hurt you?" He asked
I softened slightly
I know he was always worried about us.

But I have my own mind. My own decisions
He took that away from me. Yet again
"She didn't hurt me. Ever" I said

"She looked after me actually, put me in a nice room, gave me food, drinks. She talked to me" I remembered
Apart from the radiator.

"About what?" He asked
"It was hard Enzo. She didn't trust me, and she hates you. Anything I got out of her was quickly covered with blankets of anger. Because of you" I said, anger rising in me once more

"I said I'm sorry" he tried
"Sorry doesn't fix this. You can't fix this" I said, turning away
"Where are you going?" He asked
"To see the kids" I said coldly

"It's alright baby, just get some sleep, I'll be here in the morning. I promise" I smiled, kissing the top of her head
Maliah nodded, settling down.
"Athena?" Kian called quietly from the door, gesturing to his phone

I got up. Leaving her room and taking the phone from Kian
"Athena" Adonis said
"Adonis, tell me you're both okay?" I begged
"She's just come out of surgery, I thought you'd want to know" he said

I closed my eyes, smiling
"Yes. Thank you Adonis" I said
"They said she'll be fine, she'll be out of action for a while though" he said
"Okay, update me alright?" I asked

"Of course" he promised, hanging up.
"Thank god" I sighed
"You really care about her" Kian said
"Of course I do. She's my daughter" I said

He nodded
"And Enzo?" He asked
"Enzo..." I sighed
"I don't know any more Kian. I don't know how much longer I can keep forgiving him" I said honestly

| Valencia |

I opened my eyes
To a white ceiling
I panicked, sitting up and failing painfully, I was... in a hospital bed?
"Hey, hey, don't do that" Adonis said, grabbing my arms to steady me, lying me back down
I looked around.

I was in an actual hospital
It looked... strange
I had never been to one before
"Why am I here?" I asked
"You had surgery. Don't you remember?" He asked
I shook my head

"Well, they said you'll be fine. With a lot of rest. And medication. So you can't run around killing anyone for a while" he explained amused
"Why did you help me?" I asked seriously, dropping his smile

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked
"Why did you?" I pushed
I didn't deserve it
"I told you Valencia. I care about you" he said

"Why?" I asked
"Because I... I don't know. You make me feel alive Valencia. You make me feel like I mean something" he said
"You do" I said simply
"To me"

He smiled slightly
"You threatened me when we first met, now you're sitting in a hospital bed opening up to me?" He teased
"Don't get too cocky Adonis" I warned

"Why not? I like you flattering me" he said
"Don't get used to it, I'll be gone soon" I teased back
"Gone?" He asked

"I can't stay here Adonis" I chuckled, immediately regretting it
My chest hurt so badly
"I killed Ciro. I'm going to have a lot of people coming after me now" I said
I'm surprised they didn't sneak someone in here and kill me off.

Or Enzo

"So, where are we going?" He asked
"I'm not sure.. maybe Russ- we?" I asked
"Yes, we" he confirmed

I looked at him confused, only making him laugh
"I've burnt too many bridges for you now. You're stuck with me" he said
"You can never burn them Adonis, they're your family" I pointed out
They'll always take him back

"I want to come with you" he assured
"Adonis, Enzo's right about one thing, I'm a danger to everyone" I said
"Not to me" he shrugged
"Adonis" I groaned

"You're stuck with me so accept it" he said
"Stop being so stubborn" he said
"I thought you liked me stubborn" I joked
"No you annoy me when you're stubborn, you annoy me when you're teasing and you annoy the fuck out of me when you're angry" he said

"Then why run off with me?" I asked
If he felt that way?
"Because despite everything, and all the scars you've gave me in the last... four months. I fell for you anyway" he said, earning my eyes

Blue stared back, with conviction
With determination
An unwavering declaration
"And I know you fell for me too" he said

"Know that for a fact?" I challenged
"Yeah, or you would have killed me, you would have blocked my phone calls, you would have stopped seeing me. But you didn't, because deep down you still want me" he said
He was right. Every single word was true

And as I looked into his eyes I saw it, the truth
The unwavering truth.

"Fine" I relented
"Fine?" He echoed
"Fine you can come with me" I said

"Okay, good" he nodded to himself
"Let's go then" I said, straining to get up
"No, lay down, we'll leave when you're better" he said, forcing me back down
I stared up at him
"It's hot when you're telling me what to do" I said

"Then obey" he said
I nodded once, lying still
But he didn't move
He wanted the same as I did.
So I leant up, kissing him slowly
And he kissed me back, gently taking my face in his hand, angling my head to his advantage

Taking my obedience and my acceptance and swallowing it all
"I think I like it this way round. You chasing me" I teased inches away from him
"Don't get used to it" he warned
I smiled.

"You prefer being told what to do? Chased by me?" I said
"No" he denied

"Don't lie Adonis" I warned

"Don't push me Valencia" he replied, kissing me again.

That is the end of the story for now. A sequel is impending but I hope you enjoyed so far!
I would love to know what you thought!!

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