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"Hyun noona... wah..." Jungkook murmured, sipping his iced Americano with his wide eyes.

"What?" Hyun Ae said, turning around at the maknae with a towel in her arms, wiping the counter clean.

"I can't believe you caught the reporter," Jimin stated, taking another sip of his drink.

"It's not that hard. Run, and grabbed his hand. Done. Who told him to follow us around, even to Ilsan?"

"No, I mean... you spotted him easily. You really are Bangtan Noona."

"Well, how to say it... He was too obvious," she stated, shrugging her shoulders. "Hey, you guys have been here for quite a while. Don't you think you should go back to BigHit now?"

"Oh, you're right! Let's go!" Jimin said, immediately standing up and grabbing their drinks.

"Hey, take this!" Hyun Ae called out, rushing over to the food warmer at the end of the counter, and grabbed a bag of cookies. "Snacks."

"Thanks, noona!" Jungkook thanked her and happily hopped out of the café with the cookies in his hand, followed by Jimin who had their drinks.

Hyun Ae watched the boys leave the place, a smile forming on her face as the door closed behind them.

"Eonnie," suddenly she heard a soft whisper behind her.

"What?" she turned to the voice and sighed. "What, Yoon Hee ah?"

"Let me get straight to the point," Yoon Hee cleared her throat, then scooted herself closer to the café owner. "Don't you have any feelings for any of them-"

"How many times do you have to ask that?" Hyun Ae tilted her head, giving Yoon Hee a weird look.

"I know you have a crush on one of them-"

"Bias. Let me correct you on that. It's 'bias'," Hyun Ae explained, placing the towel in her hands into the small pail of water beside her below the counter.

"Still, isn't it the same as having a crush on them?"



"Stop it!" Hyun Ae whispered, trying to tone down as she playfully slapped Yoon Hee by her arm.

Suddenly the sound of the bell ringing echoed through the shop, followed by the clicks of the heels, slowly approaching Hyun Ae and Yoon Hee.

"Oh, hi. How can I help you?" Hyun Ae naturally greeted her as she faced a fine tall girl, with simple makeup on her face, looking stunning in her long beige coat and a pair of red heels.

"Bangtan Noona?" the girl called out in a very soft voice, with a small smile as she placed her hand down on top of the newly cleaned counter.

"That would be me. How can I help you?" Hyun Ae smiled back, nodding her head as she offered her help.


"Oh? Hello? Okay? Alright," Hyun Ae said into her phone, at the same time writing some notes down on her small notepad. "Oh right, they haven't got their drinks today. Maybe I should make it too? Okay, I'll be there in 45 minutes."

"You want me to help?" Yoon Hee volunteered as Hyun Ae ended the call with a BigHit staff.

"Um... I guess? Since the staff requested it."

"These are for the staff?"

"Yeah. They're shooting and they said they wanted some drinks. So they called me. At the same time, those boys haven't had their drinks today."

"But how are you going to bring all these orders?" Yoon Hee asked, picking up the small piece of paper and reading the list.

"There's a vehicle provided by BigHit to pick me up, they said," Hyun Ae said, rolling up her sleeves as she started to brew some coffee beans.


"Oh, hello. I'm Park Hyun Ae and I'm here under BigHit's request to deliver something, and this is for you," Hyun Ae said, passing a latte to the receptionist who was at the front desk of the studio where she was sent to with her drinks.

"Oh thank you!" the receptionist thanked, placing the drink on her desk as she stood up and extended her arm towards her left side. "You should head to the A3 studio hall. Walk down here, and then go to the left. The studio is on the right side."

After thanking the receptionist, Hyun Ae made her way to the studio with the drinks in both of her hands. As she arrived at the door, she let out a sigh and smiled.

"I guess this is- oh," she halted when suddenly a staff that had recognized her walked up towards her.

"Hyun Ae-ssi! Right on time!" the staff excitedly said, opening the door for Hyun Ae, and leading her to enter the studio.

The studio hall was filled with a group of production crews and BigHit staff, making it hard for her to look for the boys.

"That's a lot of drinks!" the same staff said, helping Hyun Ae to put down the drinks on a table at the snack corner of the studio.

"It's for you guys!" Hyun Ae claimed when suddenly she heard a familiar voice throughout the big hall.

"Oh? Is she here?" Jimin's voice echoed, even though he was nowhere to be seen. Hyun Ae could only giggle and decided to stay hidden in between the crowds of the production crews and staff.

"She's here, yeah!!!" Jungkook's voice echoed, followed by his jumping up and down, enough for him to see Hyun Ae standing beside one of the writers there with their drinks in her hands. Like a small kid, he then made his way quickly toward her as he noticed that she was trying to run away.

"Hyun noona~ I'm thirsty!" Jungkook whined, grabbing her arm and dragging her towards the other boys. The rest of the band was laughing and clapping their hands at the sight of Hyun Ae getting caught by their maknae.

"Sorry, I'm late! Here you go. And I brought snacks too- what are you guys filming?" she began to ask, after discovering various kinds of props scattered all over the floor.

"It's RUN BTS," Hoseok answered, sipping his iced americano after Jungkook handed it out to him.

"Wah, this is so fun!" she chuckled, passing her snacks to the boys.

Soon after, the studio began to be filled with the sound of people chatting including the boys themselves as they were having their small breaks from the shooting.

Hyun Ae smiled, as she kept getting 'thank you' and bows from each of the staff, as they had their drinks and snacks. She then glanced at the boys; only to find out that they were getting quick touch-ups from the stylists on set.

But her eyes only fell upon one person, who still had his drink in his hand as he was getting a quick hair fix. She then slowly made her way toward him, but not close enough since there were two stylists who were doing their work on him, so she only stood behind them.

"Hm? Why are you looking at me like that?" Namjoon asked her, passing his drink to one of the stylists as they finished their work.

Now the stylist had left, he then walked closer to her as he fixed his jacket and Hyun Ae could only bite her bottom lip, trying to recall back on what she had to tell him.

"Oh, um... There's something... I need to tell you-"

"Get ready, everyone! Shooting will resume in any minute!" suddenly the director's voice echoed throughout the hall, making Hyun Ae a bit surprised at the announcement.

"Hey, you'll stay here, right? We'll talk later, okay?" Namjoon said, giving her his reassuring smile as he patted her back.

"But I-" she sighed as Namjoon left her behind, towards the rest of his bandmates. She then made her way toward the staff as the shooting continued. She glanced at her wristwatch, and then approached the nearest staff, beginning to whisper. "Eonnie..."


The shooting finally ended. Everyone clapped their hands, as a sign of relief, knowing that the busy day had ended.

After thanking and giving appreciation to the crew and staff, Namjoon quickly looked around but he couldn't find the person he had been waiting for.

"Excuse me, but where is Hyun Ae?" he began to ask one of the staff there, who happened to be the last person who Hyun Ae had talked to before she left.

"She had left earlier because she had work to do. But she left this behind for you," the staff said, handing out a piece of paper to him, and left him as she resumed her work.

He took it and began to read the scribblings.

'Someone is looking for you. Come by my shop this evening. I'll tell her to come too.'

"Oooh, who is it?!" suddenly Taehyung peeked over Namjoon's shoulder from behind, his eyebrows cocked up as he stared at the paper.

"Hey!" Namjoon pulled away, trying to not reveal the paper to Taehyung or anyone, but it was no use at all when Jungkook snatched it away as he was caught off guard.

"Namjoon hyung got a secret admirer!" Jungkook announced, reading the note then made a weird face as he passed the note back to Namjoon, who then took it back swiftly.

"No, that's impossible-"

"Then why would the person use Hyun noona as the third person? Ey... it must be someone from the past."

"Oooh high school crush, maybe?" Jin suddenly spoke, appearing out of nowhere. "By the way, where is Yoongi? Oh, you're on the phone? That guy too. He had always been on the phone. Does he have a girlfriend without us knowing?" he asked, pointing his finger at Yoongi who was on the phone, leaning against the wall at the corner area of the studio hall.

"Whatever. I'm going now-" Namjoon began as he quickly zipped up his jacket and put on his cap.

"Oh? You looked excited?" Jungkook made a point, giving the leader a knowing smile.

"Shut up."


"Thank you and please come again!" Hyun Ae bid her customers as they walked towards the door. But the door stayed open as a guy had kept it open for the customers to leave the shop. "Oh, Namjoon..."

"Hey, why did you leave?" Namjoon immediately asked as he scurried his way toward her and leaned against the counter, facing her who was standing behind the counter.

"Didn't I tell the stylist to tell you that I've got many works to do?" she pointed out, tilting her head to one side, confused.

"So... what's this?" Namjoon asked, he placed the note on the counter and then slid it toward her.

"Oh! Come with me," Hyun Ae hurriedly untied her apron then walked around the counter, and grabbed his hand, dragging him towards one table at the very corner of the café, where there was a girl, sitting down with her back facing them.

Namjoon had his brows furrowed, but as the girl sensed the presence of the two people, she immediately stood up and turned around.

Namjoon went speechless and froze on the spot.

"Sorry for the long wait, Seorim-ssi," Hyun Ae apologized, bowing her head at the girl. The girl did the same to Hyun Ae, repeating 'it's okay' to the shop owner, with Namjoon still in a state of shock.

"S-Seorim? Kwon Seorim?" he managed to mutter, his eyes widening at the sight of a familiar person.

She sweetly smiled at him, tugging a part of her long bangs behind her left ear, looking shy as she bit her lip and looked down at the floor.

Hyun Ae witnessed this moment, so she took it as a signal for her to give them space. She glanced at Namjoon, he was still speechless, his eyes widened as he stood still, as if time had stopped for him.

"I'll take my leave now," Hyun Ae said, gave them a bow, then left in hesitation.

As she turned around and took a few steps, she heard the girl speak.

"Oppa... I missed you so much."


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Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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