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"Urgh... Yoon Hee ah... I'm tired..." Hyun Ae mumbled, sitting down at one table, resting her head on top of the table, along with her arms extended out across the round wood.

Suddenly Yoon Hee placed down a file in front of tired Hyun Ae, getting her attention as she shot up from her seat. She picked up the file and flipped the cover open, only to find a few resumes in it.

"I'm calling them in today. Interview them, and get at least four new staff. Two for the kitchen, one here making drinks with me, one more should be taking orders," Yoon Hee explained, giving Hyun Ae a smile.

"Wow. You already prepared all of this. Oh, I should pass the shop to you-"

"No thanks. I'd rather stick to my position now," Yoon Hee chuckled, patting Hyun Ae's shoulder. "As I said, I'm calling them in today, so after your lunch, get ready to interview some people."

"Aye aye!" Hyun Ae playfully said, putting her hand up against her head, like a salute to Yoon Hee. She could only shake her head and began to walk back towards the counter, going behind it when suddenly the doorbell chimed, indicating a customer had walked in.

"Oh, Yoongi-ssi..." Hyun Ae whispered, her hands still flipping the resumes even though her eyes met Yoongi's.

"Huh... how many times do I have to repeat myself? Don't call me that. Just call me 'Yoongi oppa'," he sighed, scratching his temple with his finger.

"Haha... okay, Yoongi oppa," Hyun Ae mumbled, nodding her head. "Oh. What brings you here-"

The sudden appearance of a white lunch bag being held in front of her cut her words. "Take this. I made it for you," Yoongi said, still holding the bag towards her. "I heard from Yoon Hee that you never had your lunch on time."

Hearing that, Hyun Ae sharply turned around and stared at Yoon Hee with widened eyes.

"I had to tell someone!" Yoon Hee said, not too loud and not too soft, just enough for the three of them to hear.

Letting out a weak laugh, Hyun Ae turned back at Yoongi and spoke, "but there's nothing to worry about!" Then he opened the bag, revealing that there were two lunchboxes in it. "Why are there two..."

"My lunch," he answered, placing the bag on the nearest table with two seats. "We're having it together, here at your place."

Hyun Ae couldn't even say or do anything when suddenly Yoon Hee snatched the resumes Hyun Ae had in her hands earlier, and then led her to one of the seats, forcing her to sit.

"Remember, you need to eat before interviewing the new staff. Thank you, Yoongi-ssi," Yoon Hee said, bowing her head at him before disappearing into the kitchen.

Smirking, Yoongi then took the seat across from Hyun Ae, and began to place the bag on the table before taking out the two lunchboxes and placing it down in front of them.

"Interviews? You're getting new staff?" Yoongi asked as he passed her a pair of chopsticks.

"Yep. We need more staff since the shop is getting more and more customers," Hyun Ae clarified, her eyes staring at Yoongi's hands, opening the lunchboxes, revealing a very delicious-looking lunch, the box was filled with nutritious foods.

"Did you make this?" Her eyes shot up at him, gleaming with her wide smile. Yoongi smiled back, nodding his head.

"Yep. Eat it now," he said, picking up his own chopsticks and they began to eat.

"These are amazing," she complimented, picking up another piece of rolled egg and putting it into her mouth.

"Can I ask you something?" Yoongi suddenly spoke, his eyes stuck on her left arm as he pointed his lips at it. "What's that?"

Hyun Ae looked down at her arm; her long sleeve was rolled up a bit, revealing a part of her scar. "Oh. Just... old scar. I was once involved in an accident," she confessed, rolling her sleeve back down, covering her arm fully, and the scar. "Nothing serious. Just this small cut-"

"That's a long scar."

"Really... it's nothing," she muttered, almost inaudible as she stared down at her food for a while. Yoongi was staring at her quietly as he continued to chew his food when she suddenly smiled. "It holds a memory of... someone..."


Hyun Ae lifted her head up and looked at Yoongi. They stared at each other for a moment in silence. Then her soft chuckle broke the silence.

"He saved me from the accident."


"Seriously, Yoon Hee?" Hyun Ae sighed, rubbing her temple with her fingers as she approached her friend behind the counter. "You wanted four staff, but only three came. Where's the other one?"

"Just wait a bit. Interview the ones that had come. Have you checked on their resumes?"

"Er..." she weakly laughed, scratching the back of her head when Yoon Hee shot her an annoyed look. "Don't worry, I got this!" she said, giving Yoon Hee a thumbs up before she turned around and began to walk back to the table where the interviewees were sitting.

"Hello, everyone. Oh, just sit down," Hyun Ae said as they began to stand up when she approached them. All three of them sat down in a line, with straight bodies to give the best first impressions to her.

Hyun Ae scanned each of them, nodding her head, and began to read the profile of each of the applicants. She then looked back at them, then at the papers.

"Ah..." she chuckled, then stacked the papers on top of each other, placing them on her left side of the table. "So... who's good in the kitchen, who's good in making drinks, and who's good in taking orders?"

As each of them had specified their professional fields, Hyun Ae nodded her head, then clasped her hands together. "You guys in. If you have time today, Yoon Hee can do the orientation now."

"Eh?! THAT EASY?! OI!" Yoon Hee suddenly said from behind. Hyun Ae, obviously shocked by the sudden voice behind her, turned around and gave that friend a weird look. "NO ONE INTERVIEWED PEOPLE LIKE THAT!"

"Hey, I was your senior! Which means, I knew them too!" Hyun Ae pointed out, gesturing her hands at the applicants. "They're your friends! You should've told me that they're the ones who wanted to work here! Plus, I've read their resumes last night, it was below the counter when I was about to close the shop."

Hyun Ae then went through the papers again, then said, "but I haven't read the fourth person's resume. Which friend of yours is that person?"

"You'll know soon. But really? You're taking my friends in?"

"If it works in drama, it works in my café too," Hyun Ae smiled, turning at her three new staff. "Welcome to La Dolce."

"But, eonnie ah! If I'm doing the orientation, who'll manage the shop?"

"Uh, me?"

"You alone won't make it till the end of the day."

Hyun Ae chuckled, then cleared her throat as she looked at Yoon Hee. "Did I say that I'll be alone?"


"I'll give you food, don't worry! Just help me for a few hours before 6 pm!" Hyun Ae offered, her hands clasping together, also trying to not look as if she was begging the two boys.

"Foods, and a sleepover at your place, noona! The whole Bangtan!" Jungkook requested, his smirk creeping up his face.

"You guys are working tomorrow, right?"

"No, we're on our off for two days," Jimin answered, cupping the side of his face with his hand as he leaned against the counter.

"Again? Okay, fine," Hyun Ae agreed, passing the aprons to the boys. Both Jungkook and Jimin took the aprons and put them on.

"Hot guys on work!" Jimin smirked, rolling up his sleeves as they began to work.

"Thank god they're here," she whispered to herself, as she watched both boys begin to clean some of the tables. She then entered the kitchen and began to start her work.

It was about forty-five minutes later when suddenly the doorbell chimed. Jungkook was standing by the counter, waiting for Yoon Hee to place the orders on his serving tray when a tall, foreign guy suddenly stood beside him.

"Excuse me..." the guy called out, getting Jungkook's attention to him just by those two English words.

"Oh, yes sir?" Jungkook asked in his simple English, with no nervous feeling at all.

"I'm here for a job interview," the guy explained in perfect Korean, making Jungkook let out a sigh of relief as the guy handed him a folder.

"Oh, wait," Jungkook said, turning back to the counter to Yoon Hee. "Call Hyun noona, someone's here for the interview."

"Oh, okay!" Yoon Hee said, going into the kitchen then went out a minute later with Hyun Ae behind her.

"You?" Hyun Ae spoke as she approached the tall guy. That guy chuckled as she stood right before him, eyes widened with her wide smile plastered on her face, looking up at him.


"Hey," Namjoon called out as he walked towards Jimin, who was cleaning one of the tables.

"Oh, Namjoon hyung," Jimin uttered, picking up his tray, piled with the leftovers that he had collected from other tables too.

"Where's Hyun-"

"No way! Aw, really?" Hyun Ae laughed from the corner of the café. Both Namjoon and Jimin looked at her, sitting with a guy across her. Namjoon couldn't see the guy's face because that guy's back was facing him. But he could make out that the guy was a foreigner.

"Yes! I named the dish after you, and then I passed and graduated!" the guy said, nodding his head as he leaned back into his seat.

"Ey, no way!" Hyun Ae giggled, taking a sip from her iced latte.

"Oh well, your name brought me luck, I guess? Unlike you, an amazing person with incredible culinary skills."

"No, I'm not."

"Who else got graduated two years earlier than they were supposed to? You're the only one!"

"Oh, no... that's not true- Oh, Namjoon oppa..." Hyun Ae called out, as her eyes fell on Namjoon who had been watching her from afar, still with Jimin beside him.

"Henry, come quick!" Hyun Ae quickly said, grabbing the guy's well-built arm as she stood up. She then dragged him along with her toward Namjoon. "Oppa, um... Henry. My one and only friend when I was in the culinary school in Canada," she introduced Henry to Namjoon happily then she turned to her friend. "Henry, this is..."

"RM from BTS," Henry finished, handing out his hand to Namjoon for a handshake, which then Namjoon took in. "Of course, I know him, you fool," Henry chortled, ruffling the top of her head, making her hair messy.

"Sheesh!" Hyun Ae giggled, slapping away his hand. "Ah, I forgot to tell you, tomorrow you can come in. If you're okay with it."

"Really? Yes! Thank you!" Henry thanked her, suddenly hugging her tightly as he laughed. "Now I get to see your face every day."

"Stop that, or I'll seal those lips of yours-"

"With what?" Henry smirked, coming closer to her, his nose almost bumping hers when suddenly she cleared her throat.

"Um... with my scotch tape. I got plenty below the counter."

"Haha, fine. I'll get going first. See you tomorrow, babe," Henry smiled, patting her shoulder as he moved closer to her again.

"Okay, bye. See you tomorrow," Hyun Ae muttered when Henry suddenly placed a kiss on her right cheek. Soon after, he left the café after giving Hyun Ae a wink, making her laugh.

Once Henry left, she then turned to Namjoon, who gave her a furious look. "What?" she whispered in confusion.

"I'm here?" he remarked, brows furrowed as he crossed his arms over his chest.


"At least, look at your surrounding first. You're not alone."

"What are you talking about?"

"That Henry guy kissed you on your cheek! Publicly! Find somewhere comfortable. People might take pictures!"

"Um, hello? I'm not a celebrity, so I can't really relate to you. Plus, kissing on cheeks is normal among Americans."

"But not you!"

Hyun Ae chuckled in disbelief, hands on her waist as she spoke. "First of all, why are you so irritated? Why are you here?"

"Um..." Namjoon hummed, then bent over to his side, picked up two bags, and passed them over to Jimin. "Take this."

"Oh? Ah, our stuff..." Jimin muttered as he checked the bags when suddenly Namjoon turned to leave. "Wait, Namjoon hyung. You're coming with us?"

"No. I got work to do. Have fun," Namjoon coldly said, without even turning around. Just walked out of the shop, leaving both Jimin and Hyun Ae speechless.

"What... is wrong with him?" Hyun Ae asked, feeling anger boil up in her after confronting such an attitude from Namjoon. An attitude that she had never thought he had.

"I... don't know," Jimin mumbled, even though he himself was unsure of what he had witnessed.

"Huh!" Hyun Ae sighed in annoyance, stomping her feet as she rushed back to the kitchen, being watched by Jimin.

"Jimin hyung," Jungkook suddenly called out from behind, surprising Jimin before turning to the maknae. "Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

"Ey... Namjoon hyung isn't like that..." Jimin said, shaking his head. "Maybe... I don't know."


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Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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