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It was already lunchtime. And so far everything went great. Everyone was busy, working hard and customers left the place with smiles on their faces.

"Eonnie! Hyun Ae eonnie!" Yoon Hee called out. Hyun Ae turned to her after delivering one meal. "Someone's looking for you on the phone," Yoon Hee said, waving the wireless phone to her. Quickly, Hyun Ae approached her and grabbed the phone.

"Who is it?" she asked Yoon Hee, who only shook her head. Curious, Hyun Ae then brought it to her ear. "Hello?"

"How's my dear girl?"

Hyun Ae froze for a while. And she could feel something was about to burst in her, so she ran into the kitchen, directly to her office. She sat down on her chair, her whole body trembling.

"Dad?" she cried out, and tears began to flow down her cheeks. When the man laughed, she sobbed.

The feeling of missing her dad whom she hadn't talked to for years had hit her hard.

"Don't cry, Hyunnie. Don't cry," her dad chuckled, trying to calm her down.

"Dad, I missed you..."

"How are you? Is the restaurant okay?"

"How did you know..."

"Hey, you're not the only Park there, right?"

At the right time, Hyun Wook entered the office, with a smile on his face, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh... Hyun Wook," Hyun Ae giggled, as she continued to speak. "Restaurant is fine. It's just a trial though. Just to see if it's a success or not."

"Of course, it's a success. Because you're my daughter! Cooking is in our blood, right?!" her dad reminded her, laughing before he let out a sigh.

"I'm proud of you, my precious girl. You finally have your own restaurant. Without any of my help! If there's time, me and your mom will visit you and your brother. Talking about Wook, I'm happy he's helping you. He has been a good kid, right?"

"Yes, dad. He's a good brother," she chuckled, grabbing Hyun Wook's hand she smiled up at him.

"Glad he is. It must be busy there now, right? Okay then, we'll talk again some other time."

"Ah, dad! When there's free time, we'll visit you and mom, okay? Send our regards to mom. Take care of your health."

After exchanging 'love you', Hyun Ae ended the call, and immediately gave her brother a tight hug, thanking him.

"Dad's happy, right? I had to tell him about this! And you made him proud," Hyun Wook snickered, patting her head right before the door opened.

"Um... eonnie?" Yoon Hee called out as her head popped in between the door and its frame. "Come! I got a surprise for you!"

The siblings followed after Yoon Hee as they made their way back to the outside. Then she asked, "Yoon Hee, what is it-"

Right before the front counter, there were eight men standing, one of them holding a big bouquet of Amaryllis. She gasped, not believing their sudden appearance.

"We're here!" all of them cheered, clapping their hands happily. "Only for lunchtime though..."

BTS at the restaurant really made the younger female customers go into fangirling mode.

"You guys came! I'm so happy! Oh, the manager is here too!" Hyun Ae giggled, receiving the bouquet that the manager gave her.

She turned to Yoon Hee, passing the bouquet to her before turning to Hyun Wook. "Um... is there any-"

"Oh, a group of students just finished. Here, let me show the way," Hyun Wook offered as he extended his arm to lead the way.

Each of them began to follow him while Hyun Ae was grabbed by her arm, only to find out it was Namjoon.

"Hey, did you cry?" he asked, noticing the dry trails of her tears as he traced them with his thumb.

Remembering back her dad's voice had made her cry, again. Without hesitation, she hugged him tightly and cried against his chest. Namjoon began to caress her hair as she began to speak.

"Dad called me. Dad called me..."

"Really? So you talked to him. How was it?" Namjoon curiously asked as they pulled away from each other's arms.

"He's proud of me. That lady was right about the reading!" Hyun Ae sniffed, wiping away her tears and she smiled.

"Just like what I want," he suddenly whispered as he moved closer to her. Their eyes met and his dimpled smile made her go blank.


"You smiled," Namjoon said as he wiped another single teardrop by her the corner of her left eye.

It was a silent moment for both of them while staring into each other's eyes with adoration.

Too bad... No matter how much I adore you, I'm on my own. ARMY should stay as an ARMY. But two weeks without you... it made me realize how much I love you, Kim Namjoon.

"Ah... I'll take you to your seat," Hyun Ae urged, as she stepped aside and led him towards their table with the rest of the members, who were still busy choosing the menu.

As Namjoon took the only empty seat, Hyun Ae stood at the corner as Hyun Wook began to take their orders.

Her eyes just won't get off Namjoon's excited face as he scanned down the menu book.

He's so cute and adorable- No, Hyun Ae. No.


"You guys really never know how to feel tired, right?" Hyun Ae asked, shaking her head as she got off the SUV van.

"Aw, come on! Hyunnie noona, we're celebrating your first day of success!" Hyun Wook whined, getting off from the front passenger seat, with two bags of snacks in his hands.

"But we had our company dinner with the employees, and the whole BTS!" she scoffed, turning around just to see the seven boys got off the van with happy looks on their faces. "Now you want to have this so-called 'after-dinner' party here?! Make sure you guys don't trash my house," she warned them, fishing out her keys from her bag.

"Don't worry! We'll be nice!" Jimin guaranteed, taking a step forward with two cases of 8-cans-of-beers.

"That's a lot of beers, seriously?!" she gasped but also smiled at the sight of the beverages. Then she took a glance at her brother. "Can I have them too?"

"Noona, I won't let you," Hyun Wook smoothly disapproved, taking the keys in her hand to unlock the door.

"Oh, come on," she whined, as she followed him into the house with her clasped hands. The rest of them began to follow behind the siblings toward the house.

"One can only," Hyun Wook allowed, opening the door and stepping aside, letting his sister enter first. But she just won't stop begging.



"Fine," Hyun Ae sighed, finally giving up as she placed her bag on top of the kitchen counter, leaning against it. The others couldn't help but laugh at this.

Hyun Wook could only shake his head, placing all the snacks on the glass table before helping Jimin with the beers.

"Why are you acting like you're the older one?" she mumbled, with her arms crossed and her pouty lips.

"Because I know what happened if you take more than two," Hyun Wook stated the fact as he placed the cases on top of the counter with Jimin. "Plus," he then took one can, and passed it to her as he smirked, "you're on medication."

"Urgh... I don't take them often, so nothing would happen."

"Oh and also..." he paused to pull out his phone and showed her the lighted screen. "Look at the date today."

Her eyes widened, and a bright smile began to appear on her face. "Canis Major. I gotta go!"

Grabbing the can of beer, she ran towards the stairs, heading to the rooftop for her observatory hut.

"What is it?" Jimin asked out of curiosity, popping one can and taking a gulp from it.

"Her favorite star. She can see it tonight. The Sirius star. Better don't bother her for a while, she had worked hard today. Now, let's have fun!" Hyun Wook cheered, passing the drinks to the others.


"Beautiful," Hyun Ae whispered, staring at the locket she had been holding to. She was still mesmerized by the galaxy stone attached to it.

She placed the locket next to another identical locket on her table, taking good sight of the two.

Feeling satisfied, she leaned back into her chair and took the last drop of her beer. She placed the empty can on her thigh, falling into her thought.

Should I ask him? Will he be honest? I need to know... for my own sake.

She heard the door opening behind her, so she turned around, still sitting.

"Oh, Namjoon oppa," she called out, as Namjoon peeked his head against the door frame.

But he didn't look normal.

"Heeey~ Will you come down again? Drink more with us," he slurred as he smiled, obviously drunk.

"Oh no, are you drunk?" she sighed, as she stood up and walked towards him.

"No, hahaha no no no no..."

"Yeah right."

Hyun Ae then put his arm over her shoulders as she brought him to the floor, resting him on one of the beanbags.

"So... you found your star... that Sirius guy?" Namjoon mumbled, his eyes half-closed as he stirred around on the large-sized beanbag, giggling like a maniac.

"What..." She shook her head, taking the empty spot beside him for her to sit. "Am I supposed to laugh at that?"

"A star got you. How hilarious," he sneered, placing both his arms behind his head, propping it as he stared at the open night sky.

Still couldn't believe what she was looking at, Hyun Ae hugged her legs as she stared at the sky too.

"Why did you drink too much?" she began to ask.

"Let me stay here for a while. I wanna see you're working," he snickered, still staring at the sky.

"But I'm all done. I was waiting for my materials to be printed, that's why I was down there, with you guys."

"Can you take one of those and lay down here with me?" he urged, pointing to other beanbags to her.

She grumbled, but moved to get it anyway and placed it closer next to him, before plopping herself down onto it.

"Night sky. I love the night sky. Stars. I'm looking at one of the small things that I love. I'm a Boy with Luv~ Oh my my my, oh my my my~"

Hyun Ae couldn't help but giggle at his drunk singing. He took a quick glance at her, smiling as he noticed her giggling.

"Are you okay now?" he asked, curious about her current state.

"Since my case isn't really serious, so I feel a bit fine. For now," she replied, flashing a reassuring smile at him.

Then it was her turn to ask him. "Oppa, can I ask you something?"


She bit her lips, still having a little argument in her head, about whether she should or should not ask him.

"Is that news true?" she began, but when he didn't even look at her, she sat up straight and proceeded to ask. "About you dating Seorim?"

Everything went dead quiet. Namjoon felt a bit sober after hearing her question, but he won't blame her for her curiosities.

A photo of him kissing Seorim last time at the Seoul Forest was leaked, and tabloids had done their jobs, and it all happened when he was outside of Korea. In every article, Seorim had admitted that they were dating now, so every reporter really wanted to hear confirmation from his side.

"Answer me," Hyun Ae demanded, shaking his arm to wake him from his deep thinking.

Still laying down, he turned to her and their eyes met. He could see that Hyun Ae was waiting for his answer.

"Yes. It's true. It has been months," he finally answered. "Months..."

She was a bit surprised after hearing it, then she let out a scoff, a bit mad with him. "Why did you never tell me?"

"It's better to be kept as a secret. Even the guys didn't know it at first, but when that news came out, we had an emergency meeting at the hotel. And I confessed to it."

After hearing it, Hyun Ae nodded and let out a sigh before she chuckled, clapping her hands together with a smile.

"Congrats though. Hah, finally... One of you is in a relationship! I know that there is negative feedback on this news, but trust me. Most of us had been waiting for this. We'll protect you at any cost," she assured him with a smile.

When Namjoon stared at her dearly, she felt embarrassed. But then she cleared her throat, interrupting him.

"You're such a good... friend. I like you," he whispered, barely could even smile back at her.

But then next, he couldn't smile at all as she spoke.

"But... You know what this means right? We're not going to meet each other again, anymore."


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You can also find me on AO3 : itsme_NanaMirai & Quotev : itsmeNanaMirai

Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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