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"We're not going to meet each other again, anymore."

Namjoon sat up straight, gazing at her with a shocked expression when he heard it from her.

Hyun Ae looked down at her hands, her fingers trembling as they fiddled with each other.

"Why?" he whispered, not trying to show a bit of the angry feeling he had when he heard it.

"I didn't want to say it, but we really... shouldn't-"

"Because you're afraid that Seorim will attack you again?"


"Or you're afraid that people would attack you-"

"Could you please calm down for a sec?" Hyun Ae grunted, putting a stop to his words.

"Rumors about us had made it to the top before. Now it's confirmed dating news of you with Seorim. If suddenly, some reporters see us together, they're going to claim that you're cheating on her. And yes. I don't want Seorim to come to my place again, going mad at me."

"Listen to me," Namjoon said, emphasizing every word as he grabbed both of her hands.

He stared at the small hands before he met her eyes. "I WILL still see you. No matter how hard you try to stop me."

"No, please-"

"Also, don't you have ever thought about the others if they heard that you don't want to see them?"

"But we can't be seen together all the time."

"Then we'll hang out privately. That's what we always do, right?" Namjoon begged, clasping her hands in his tightly as he placed kisses on them. "Please..."

Hyun Ae couldn't say anything. Because she didn't want him to have high hopes. She looked down at her hands, slowly pulling them away from him as she glanced at her table.

"I made something for you," she mumbled, standing up and walking over to the table. She picked up both galaxy lockets that she had completed and sat back on the beanbag next to him.

"If you open this galaxy locket," she started, giving him one of the lockets. He opened it slowly and there was a mini photo of a star.

"That's Sirius," Hyun Ae clarified, before opening the one in her hands. "And this is Leporis. Alpha Leporis. From the constellation Lepus. In Greek myth, Canis Major is one of Orion's dogs. If you see it on this chart, it hunts the Hare, Lepus," she stated, giving a further explanation as she showed another photo of a star in the locket that was in her hand.

She then closed it and placed both lockets onto Namjoon's palm.

"Give Lepus to someone you loved," she whispered, smiling at it. When she noticed the blank expression he had, she chuckled and began another explanation. "Canis Major coming after Lepus. In my own view, you, Sirius in Canis Major, is always having the Lepus in your sight. Get it?"

She wrapped his fingers over the lockets, patting them softly. "So give it to her, but don't tell her that it's... from me. She might be mad knowing that we met. To make it more precious, these two are my first shot of these stars tonight."

"Can't I give this to you instead?" he immediately urged, still with his hand fisting the precious lockets. But Hyun Ae quickly pushed his hand away, showing him another locket.

"No. I have my own. The Beta Monocerotis."

He let out a grumble, before plopping himself back onto his beanbag and had his left arm covering his eyes. And he started to mumble some words that she couldn't make out.

"You're seriously drunk. I'm calling Hyun Wook to bring you down," she muttered, pulling out her phone from her pocket as she was unlocking her phone, a pair of arms suddenly came around her body, hugging her from behind. 


She froze as she realized that Namjoon was so close to her that she could feel his breath against her neck. Even without looking, she knew he was now on his knees. And this shook her inside.

Tears began to threaten her, and she tried to resist them by biting her lips.

"Promise me that you won't leave me. Promise me... that you... won't leave me..."

After she felt a kiss on her head, suddenly he collapsed onto the floor beside her.

She was bewildered by it, but she then let out a sigh of relief after realizing that he had fallen asleep. Maybe passed out.

She scooted closer to him, then lifted up his head and slowly placed it down on her lap. Still, with her tears being held back, she leaned down and planted a kiss on his forehead, and lastly, a single tear dropped.

"I'm sorry, I can't," she sniffed, finally calling her brother on her phone. "Hyun Wook, get up here now. You're not wasted, right?"

"No, I'm not. We're not that wasted. Except for Jimin hyung though. And Namjoon hyung... who is with you right now."

"That's why I need you up here. He passed out."

"Oh my. I'll come up soon."

After the call ended, Hyun Ae looked around her for her pillows and tried to grab the nearest one, when she felt him moving on her lap.

"Hyun Ae..." he whispered, snuggling closer to her body as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Don't leave... Don't leave me..."

"Noona... are you there?" suddenly Hyun Wook called out, knocking on the door. She quickly wiped her tears away before clearing her throat.

"Just come in," she allowed, before the door opened, revealing Hyun Wook with Taehyung behind him.

"Sorry if he caused you a lot of trouble," Taehyung apologized, as he quickly lifted Namjoon up from her lap, trying to make him stand up straight by propping the leader on his shoulder.

Hyun Wook did the same on the other side and they began to walk towards the door.

"Nah, he didn't-"

"No, let me stay! She's going to leave me, she's going to leave me!" Namjoon suddenly grumbled, trying to resist the holds both Taehyung and Hyun Wook had on his body.

"Hyung! What are you talking about?" Taehyung asked, a bit surprised at his sudden consciousness.

"She's going to leave me, I said!"

"No one's going to leave! Hyung, we need to go home now!"

"No, I want to stay... with her!"

Taehyung took a glance over his shoulder at Hyun Ae, who was still on the floor, hugging her knees.

"Please Taehyung, take him away," she cried, and as her tears started to fall again, she hid her face onto her knees, continuing to cry.

"Noona..." Hyun Wook called out, but she didn't respond to him.

Still, with Namjoon, both Taehyung and Hyun Wook made it to the living room where the others were. They immediately placed the leader down on the sofa, letting out a sigh as they stretched out.

"What was that?" Taehyung whispered to Hyun Wook, being careful so Jin, who now checking on Namjoon, couldn't hear him.

"I... I don't know," Hyun Wook replied, a sigh escaped his lips as he ran his fingers through his hair. Suddenly he felt a grip on his wrist. He looked at it, only to meet Namjoon's half-closed eyes.

"Hyun Wook... I should've listened to you," he mumbled, shaking his head, again with the mumbling of random words.

"I better take them home," Jin chuckled as he approached Hyun Wook, looking around.

"Isn't it better for you guys to stay?" Hyun Wook offered, but then Jin politely declined.

"Nah, it's fine. Since I don't drink, and Seokjin hyung is not wasted so yeah," Taehyung nodded, placing his hand on Jin's shoulder.

"I'll get them to the car first, then I'll help clean," Jin suggested.

"No, Seokjin hyung. It's okay. I can clean this up. Just take them home," Hyun Wook advised.

"I'll take them home after we clean. It's your sister's house. She won't be happy if we just leave like this."

Hyun Wook couldn't resist, so he just let Jin order the rest of the group to clean the house in a flash, and it really didn't take that long.

After twenty minutes of cleaning, they all began to exchange hugs and goodbyes with Hyun Wook while asking his sister. He could only answer them by saying that she had fallen asleep in her observatory.

"Hyun Wook ah, please go check on her. I'm worried," Taehyung murmured in a low voice as they began to walk out of the house.

"It's okay, Taehyungie. I'll check on her after you guys leave," Hyun Wook repeatedly nodded his head, so Taehyung quickly turned to the door, but then stopped again.

"Wait." He turned to Hyun Wook with a raised eyebrow. "You're the same age as Jungkookie, right-"

"Drive home safely, hyungnim!" Hyun Wook suddenly cut him off, giving him the 90-degree bow, trying to hide his amused expression after getting such a reaction from the elder.

"Alright, it's fine. I'll let you go this time because we have the same height. And handsome. Girls' fave," Taehyung smirked, patting Hyun Wook's shoulder as he stood up straight.

"Extra fact: Hyun Ae loves me more than you," Hyun Wook smirked, wearing a winning smug smile on his face, making Taehyung laugh.

"Do you even have to tell that?"

"Yes. For the readers to know."

"Hey. All readers know your sister loves you more than any of us, her one and only young brother," Taehyung snickered. "You better check on her now. I'll make sure the doors are locked. They're auto, right?"

"Yes. Thank you, Tae-hyung." Again, Taehyung stared at him. This time, 'glared' at him.

"Hey, I said, 'Tae-hyung'. Not 'Taehyung'. I should stick with 'V-hyung', right?"

"That's better. Now go to her."


"Noona?" Hyun Wook poked his head in as he entered the observatory, only to find Hyun Ae sitting on the floor, still hugging her knees.

"Oh... Hyun Wook," she muttered, quickly wiping away her tears as her brother sat next to her.

"Is everything alright? Why are you crying?"

"I can't see him anymore. I can't..."

"So you've asked him about the dating..."

"Yes, I did," Hyun Ae smiled, still in tears that she kept on wiping away. "You know how much I love him. That dork..."

"I wish I could help you," Hyun Wook regretted, pulling his sister closer to him.

"No, it's okay. It's his choice, it's his heart. I can't force him to like me. After all, I'm just an ARMY."

Hyun Wook let out a sigh, patting her head softly as he stared up at the open night sky.

"You gave him your Sirius's first shot, right?" he asked, looking at her working area. She only nodded without any more words.

Hyun Wook stared at the wall opposite him, where a lot of first shots of the stars that she had found were stuck on, then he sighed.

"You never give away your first shots. Noona, you deserved someone better than him."


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Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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