11| A Syringe Full Of Poison

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Ryobo's POV ❄️

As soon as Toriel approached the closet, she suddenly slammed it open, breaking the closet door as me and Itachi screamed.

"Found you, dearies~!" Toriel says before grabbing mine and Itachi's wrist. "And don't I have a wonderful treat for you two!"

We could only struggle as Toriel forcefully dragged us out of the closet before she had us pinned against the bedroom wall with her body.

She was too focused on us to care about the phone I was holding, to my surprise.

"Look at these cute faces you two have here~!" Toriel went as she held the sides of Itachi's face with one hand while she was reaching into one of her pockets for something with the other hand.

"Let me go!!" Itachi begged fearfully.

My eyes widened when I saw Toriel pull out a syringe from her pocket, the syringe itself full of green liquid.

"Is that poison?!?!" I asked, terrified.

"That's right, sweetie~! It's the kind that can kill you too! Humans, your kind, and monsters all together!

God shouldn't be waiting though, so, let me put you both to rest!" Toriel giggled, before she tried to insert the syringe into Itachi, as I tried to keep the syringe away from him.

"Since when in the hell does religion have to do with this?!" Itachi screeched while he kept trying to keep the syringe away from himself too.

Eventually at some point, one of us actually managed to knock the syringe out of Toriel's hand, making her get off of us, so she could get the syringe.

We immediately ran out of the room and hid somewhere else together, the bathroom mostly, as we had the door locked and were ducked down, hiding in the bathtub together.

Through out the entire struggle seconds ago, I still had the phone with me.

"I don't know which one sounds worse to describe Toriel...The fact she's either acting like a heartless yandere or a psycho right now." I whispered to Itachi.

"Definitely a psycho!" Itachi whispered back.

Part of me thinks both, but, I agreed with Itachi on that, before Toriel found us again.

Only when she had the syringe in her hand this time, we immediately knocked it out of her hand again and had it fallen to the floor, before Itachi stomped on the syringe, completely breaking it and making the poison spill out of the broken syringe.

Now, she can't try killing us.

Well, at least we thought so, until Toriel just smiled eerily and giggled at us before pulling out a knife.

My only main question that I was thinking in my head was "When in the hell did she brought a knife with her?!" before she tried to hurt us again, which unfortunately, she was able to stab my arm.

I cried out in pain a little at that as Toriel pulled the knife out of my arm.

Before she could do anything again, she suddenly left the bathroom when we all heard a knock on the front door and Undyne calling out for me and Itachi.

Undyne's POV 🌊

Running out of my house and as quickly as I could while I had a water bottle with me, I immediately was hurrying over to Toriel's because of the phone call I got from Ryobo.

I heard a lot of commotion going on too in the background on their end, including the way Toriel was talking and sounding like.

By the time I finally showed up, panting a little, I called out to Ryobo and Itachi in hopes that they're okay, after I entered in the house.

As soon as I did, Toriel appeared from upstairs and went over to me, strangely looking very calm.

"Oh! Undyne! Is there something I can help you with?" She asked, immediately making me suspicious.

"Where's Ryobo and Itachi, Tori? I already know what happened here earlier." I asked in a demanding voice.

"They're asleep, all tucked in, and in their own little dream world." Toriel replied sweetly as she giggled.

"You're lying..." I say as I looked at her in the eyes.

Then Toriel gave me an eerie smile as she pulled out a knife that was lightly coated in blood before fingering it.

"You're right, Undyne. I was lying." She went before giggling again, only her giggle sounded really creepy this time.

I immediately brought my spear out and blocked Toriel's attack as soon as she came at me.

"Tori, you know this isn't you! Please! Snap out of it!" I said as I looked at her.

Toriel made no hesitation as she attacked me again.

Ryobo's POV ❄️

As me and my brother were still in the bathroom, we suddenly heard a commotion going on downstairs, making me hang up my phone when I noticed Undyne was here and fighting Toriel.

Which explained why Toriel suddenly left the bathroom when we heard a knock on the door earlier.

Looking over at Itachi before nodding, we picked up the axe Toriel used to get in Itachi's room, and tossed it at Undyne in which she easily caught it with no problem.

Once Undyne found the chance to strike, she swung the handle of the axe by the side of Toriel's head, just how anyone would've done it with a baseball bat.

When Toriel got hit, she made an "Uh!" sound before she fell to the floor and went unconscious.

After that happened, Undyne dropped the axe before we hurried downstairs and hugged her a bit.

"Are you two okay? She didn't hurt you, did she?" Undyne asked us worriedly as we parted the hug.

"She tried to kill us with poison inside a syringe and got Ryobo by the arm with a knife from the kitchen earlier, but, we're okay." Itachi answered as he looked at me for a second.

I nodded, showing my wounded arm to Undyne.

Seeing my wounded arm, Undyne sucked air in through her teeth sharply at the sight of the wound before she went in one of the rooms and came back out with a first aid kit, until she began treating my wounded arm once I took my hoodie off.

"There...That should do for now." Undyne went after putting the bandages on me.

I nodded in agreement as I stood up before heading upstairs and changing into a different hoodie while the one I was wearing earlier, before I got wounded, was thrown in the washing machine to clean the blood off.

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