12| Small Research

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Itachi's POV 🎸

After Ryobo came back, Undyne picked Toriel up and carried her bridal style before we left the house and started heading our way to Alphys' house, which shouldn't be a problem.

As for me, I just carried Undyne's water bottle for her since she had her hands full.

"Feels weird carrying Toriel like this..." Undyne mentioned as she looked at us. "But, I bet Alphys wouldn't mind if I did it to her!"

We started laughing after Undyne said that last part about Alphys while we were walking.

After a while, we took a small break from all of that walking as I handed the water bottle to Undyne, which she started to drink it after thanking me.

Once we were rested enough, we got back up and continued on our way until we arrived at Alphys' house.

When we showed up, a short monster that looks reptilian-like but in scientific clothes, was standing at the entrance with the door open waiting for us.

"Alphys! It's been a while!" Undyne says as she came over to the short reptilian-like monster.

"It's been a while too, Undyne." Alphys replied before smiling shyly. "I'm guessing the two boys that's with you are Ryobo and Itachi?"

"How did you - ?" I began.

"Undyne's told me a lot about you guys when she wasn't with you." Alphys explained.

"She's told us about you as well, mostly to me." Ryobo chuckled as he scratched the back of his head a little.

"Cool! But, we should save the chit-chat for later. You guys are here because Toriel's recently one of the injected victims, right?" Alphys mentioned as she letted us in her house, leading us to her lab.

Me and Ryobo nodded in response to that before I told Ryobo to show her the video footage of Toriel's creepy behavior.

Without any hesitation, Ryobo played the video on the VHS that Alphys said we can use, before showing her.

Good thing Ryobo edited the video earlier so the girls aren't gushing in adore or playfully teasing him and Toriel for being cute when showing mother and son moments.

We watched most of the video for a bit, before pausing the footage.

"Damn...If Toriel was a horror movie actress, she would've pulled it off really well." Undyne commented as Alphys nodded in agreement.

"The movie would've probably been called 'The Serial Killer Mother' or something like that." Alphys commented.

"Uh, y'all are getting off topic again." Ryobo says as he sweat dropped a little. "We're talking about Toriel, not horror movies."

"Sorry, I just had to say something." Undyne giggled.

Ryobo just rolled his eyes at that as he handed the VHS remote to Alphys.

"Hey, Ryobo? Do you have a copy of the whole thing? There's something I wanna look back into it now, since I noticed it earlier. Research wise." Alphys asked.

"Yeah. I already have a copy with me. Both DVD and VHS." Ryobo says as he pulled the extra copies out and handed them to Alphys.

"Thanks!" Alphys says as she took the copies.

"He thinks ahead a lot sometimes." I mentioned before ruffling Ryobo by the head fur.

"Shut up." Ryobo says as he blushed a little.

We chuckled a little at Ryobo's reaction before we focused our attention back to the serious situation.

As Alphys returned the original copy of the video footage to Ryobo's, Alphys putted her copy in the VHS before looking back on Toriel's strange behavior as Undyne went over to where a medical bed was and laid Toriel down in it.

Ryobo's POV ❄️

As me and Itachi watched Alphys look back at the footage, she suddenly paused the one part that caught her attention.

"Green eyes?" Alphys went as she squinted her eyes a little, while she adjusted her glasses for a moment.

Then she suddenly pulled out a portable notepad out of her pocket before she started jotting some notes down.

While she was doing that, I just looked over at Toriel while Itachi gave me a comforting hug, hoping she'd be alright on one side while silently praying she doesn't gain consciousness and try to kill us again on the other.

In just a few minutes, Alphys was already finished jotting down the notes and looking back on the footage again to make sure she didn't miss anything before she took her copy of the footage out and turned the TV off.

"For once this might actually make sense about what's going on with Toriel." Alphys murmured a bit as she looked at the notepad.

I gave her a questioned look over what was she rambling on or thinking aloud about.

"If I'm correct, this could actually...." Alphys continued rambling on as she walked over to the chemistry stuff that she has on one of her tables, before she began to grab some chemicals and mix them, after putting on a pair of safety goggles and gloves.

"Is she okay?" I mouthed to Itachi, making him shrug his shoulders.

"I dunno." Itachi mouthed back.

For several minutes, Alphys was mixing chemicals left and right until she went "Aha!"

"Now, as a test to make sure that it's safe and is able to neutralize it..." Alphys says before grabbing a cart and yanking the cover off, revealing an ordinary spider.

She then injected a sample of the unknown substance, that she somehow managed to get ahold of, into the spider.

As expected, the spider started acting strange before becoming aggressive, by hissing at us and at Alphys.

"Okay...Now, it's time to give this a test." Alphys went before she pulled out a syringe, got a small sample of the concoction she made, and injected it into the spider next after waiting for a few more minutes.

The spider still acted aggressive for a minute or two, but, it eventually started to calm down completely.

When Alphys reached in after that happened, the spider did back away and hiss at her a little showing some small aggression, but, it didn't attack her at all.

"Looks like the second cure is a success. It still needs to be modified here and there, but, this'll work well for the time being." Alphys says as she looked at us.

"Okay. So, what'll happen to Tori once you inject that in her? Will she have the same reaction like that test spider did or something else?" I asked as I looked away from the spider and directly at Alphys.

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