13| Cured For The Time Being

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Ryobo's POV ❄️

"Toriel will have the same reaction that the spider had, but will be like how she was in the footage for a few minutes though. After that, she should be fine...Just still a bit strange, creepy and hostile for a while." Alphys answered before she walked over and injected it into Toriel.

Then Alphys just putted the syringe away, along with the cure, in a cool place after it was labeled.

"So, basically in anime terms from you and Undyne, Tori's gonna be acting like a yandere for a bit, every once in a while, here and there?" I say as I made the thinking look.

"Yes." Alphys says as she nodded a bit.

"Cool. Can we keep her like that? I don't mind yanderes as long as they're not too scary~" I went, making Itachi widen his eyes at what I said.

"Oh hell no! You're not keeping our mother as a yandere for good! I don't wanna deal with a part 2 of what we've already been through with Toriel's Psychotic Horrortale side before Undyne came to knock her out!

I'd rather have our mom the way she is when we first met her and we were taken in!" Itachi screeched, making me and Undyne laugh hard at his reaction.

"I'm only kidding, Itachi!" I laughed. "Even though it is true that I do have a thing for yanderes."

"Ryobo!" Itachi screeched at me again.

We just laughed at Itachi's reaction before deciding to do something together while we wait for Toriel to gain consciousness.

Of course, being the intelligent one, Alphys had Toriel pinned firmly down on the medical bed by tying her to it.

"Don't ya think that's a little too far and too much for Tori?" I asked Alphys as I sweat dropped a little.

"You'll thank me later when you realize why." She replied.

As if right on cue, me and Alphys noticed Toriel had gained consciousness.

"Just to let you know, if Toriel's eyes are still green, that means she's still behaving like her horrortale self. If so, we'll quickly back away from her and head back into the other room with Undyne and Itachi until Toriel's calmed down." Alphys quietly says as she looked at me.

I nodded before we walked over to Toriel to check on her and see if the cure has taken effect yet.

As Toriel laid there on the bed, not moving as expected, we noticed that she was making the face like she was trying to figure out and process the surroundings around her.

But, as we were suddenly noticed by her, Toriel just screamed angrily for no reason instead, making it easy for us to notice that her eyes were still green.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Toriel screamed out like a mad woman as she struggled to move or break free from what was keeping her restrained to the bed.


"My god, she sounds like she went completely insane!" I say to Alphys after we hurried out of the room, while Toriel just screamed in rage, kicking the air with her legs.

"Yeah, no kidding. I might have to make something for that later, so, Toriel's not sounding like a mad woman again." Alphys replied as she sweat dropped a little.

"If that's the case, please do." I went before we immediately flinched at the sound of something being snapped in half before we heard banging on the door to the room next, where Toriel's at.

"Jesus christ!" Itachi went as he and Undyne noticed before hearing Toriel losing her mind.

"Was this supposed to normally happen to her after you injected the cure into her???" Itachi asked as he looked at Alphys.

"No. I don't think so...But, as I already said, we should give it a few minutes before coming back in there." She answered, while Toriel was swearing so much in the other room, that I'm pretty sure someone would've made her wash her mouth out with a bar of soap.

It almost felt like we were Toriel's visitors at a mental hospital.

Just watching her.

After what felt like several minutes had passed, since me and Itachi were playing some games on our phones while Undyne and Alphys were watching anime together to pass the time, I happened to glance over and notice the room Tori's in was suddenly quiet.

Like really, really quiet.

Pausing the game I was playing, I setted my phone down next to Itachi before getting up and walking over to the door.

After I silently opened the door and peeked in the room to see where Toriel was, I noticed she was lying on the floor, curled up into a ball, with her back facing me as everything in the room was completely knocked over, broken, or trashed.

Cautiously, I entered in the room and went over to her, feeling my heart pounding hard in my chest nervously, as anxiety thoughts started to come into my head.

What if she hasn't calmed down at all and was just pretending that she is? What if the cure didn't work on her at all?? Or what if she's stuck like this forever???

I started to feel scared at that last thought as my hands started to shake a little in fear while I sat on my knees and had one of my hands outstretched towards her.

Taking in a deep breath and gathering up the courage I have, I rested my hand on her shoulder.

"Tori?" I went as I silently sighed in relief, seeing that she's not gonna do anything bad to me.

As soon as she heard me, Toriel immediately bolted up and quickly scooted away from me as she accidentally knocked over something, which made a loud noise when it hitted the floor, before Toriel just hid under a table.

She had her back against the wall as she pulled her knees close to her chest and buried her face in them while hugging her knees tightly.

"Stay away from me." She said, her voice slightly muffled, while shaking a little in fear.

"Tori, c'mon..." I went as I got up and walked to her, as I was unaware that the others were watching the whole thing when they heard the noise earlier.

No response.

"...Please?" I said.

"No!" Toriel went as she gripped her arms a bit tightly, while she trembled a little.

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