21| Spending Time At Snowdin

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Ryobo's POV ❄️

After me and Toriel slept for a while, we eventually woke up and yawned a little before sitting up.

Looking over at the table, I suddenly noticed a note, making me pick it up and read it as Toriel looked at it too, out of curiosity.

"Well, at least we know where Itachi is." I say before smiling a bit as I looked at Toriel, while she nodded her head in agreement with me.

"Oh! I didn't know that my dress was repaired!" Toriel went after looking back at the note before she got up and headed to her room.

I just sat there and waited for her, in response to that.

Toriel's POV 🥧

As I went into my room, I found my dress in the fashion bag thing before I unzipped the bag open and took a peek at the dress.

When I did, my face suddenly fell into surprise as I gasped lightly in shock while I took the dress out.

Attached to the dress was another note from Itachi:

"Tried to repair your dress the best I could, especially with the symbol that was on it, but after repairing it, I decided to change things up a bit with it.

Make it look really pretty like a princess's dress but comfortable like a pair of pajamas, y'know? I mostly would recommend wearing it on special occasions, like a dance or something else similar to it. That aside, I hope you like it!" - Itachi

I could only stare at the dress in awe as I looked back at it, after I read the note.

"Are you serious?! The dress is so beautiful!" I thought to myself. "Itachi should be a fashion designer when it comes to sewing and clothes."

But, I decided to stick with the kimono I'm currently wearing, since I didn't want to get the dress dirty.

Instead, I just putted the dress away and hung it up in my closet.

Then I headed back downstairs, seeing that Ryobo was waiting there on the couch for me, before he turned around to face me.

"So, you wanna head out somewhere and do something together, like how my brother's having some time to himself?" He asked.

"Sure. Let's go do something together for a change. I'm in the mood to leave the house anyways." I replied before smiling, as I grabbed a light sweater and a scarf to wear.

Ryobo smiled back at me as I said that, while he stood up before putting on his gloves, boots, and his light purple cloak on.

Then we headed out of the house together, as I already decided that we're gonna go to Snowdin.

Ryobo's POV ❄️

Once we exited out of the doors, I immediately noticed right off the bat that we were at Snowdin.

"Oh, I love this place!" I mentioned to Toriel as I wagged my tail happily.

"I actually do too. Aside from the cold weather and the snow, I like it here because of how comfortable the cabins are, when you go in and warm yourself up with some hot chocolate." Toriel mentions as I looked at her.

"So, I'm guessing winter is your favorite season too?" I asked, feeling a bit curious.

"I'm not really sure what my favorite season is, to be honest." She replied while sweat dropping a little in embarrassment.

"It's alright. I'm kinda like that too, even though I know myself well that I actually like winter the most." I say before chuckling a bit.

"Why do you like winter?" Toriel asked.

"I'll show you." I grinned before running over and jumping in a huge pile of snow.

For a few minutes, I waited while I made Toriel think I was moving around in the snow in front of her, as I eventually heard her calling my name out as she started looking for me.

As she was doing that, I silently snuck up behind Toriel and threw a snowball at the back of her head, making her turn around in surprise.

I started laughing at her reaction, when she turned to face me, before she seem to have realized why I like winter, by figuring it out.

"So, you like winter because you can blend in with the snow and sneak attack others when it comes to snowball fights, huh?" Toriel went as she smirked at me.

"Yeah!" I chuckled.

It didn't take long within a few seconds for me to suddenly get pelted with 6 snowballs that Toriel was throwing at me.

I squealed in laughter over that as I tried to take cover behind the trees, while Toriel was chasing and hurling snowballs at me at the same time.

"Nooo, I'm being attacked by snowballs!" I said as I tried to throw some snowballs back at Toriel, in defense, while attempting to hide.

I heard Toriel laugh in response to that before I threw a snowball at her forehead, startling her, before she slipped and fell backwards into the snow.

Laughing at Toriel when that happened, before coming over to help her up, I was suddenly tackled by her, resulting in us just playfully wrestling each other in the snow until we were exhausted.

When we stopped because of exhaustion, we failed to notice that we were in a awkward position for a moment until we suddenly widened our eyes a little in realization before we quickly got off of each other, while we were blushing hard.

"Whoops. Looks like we got a little carried away." Toriel says as she chuckled a bit, still feeling embarrassed.

"Y-Yeah." I replied as I nodded my head in agreement.

Then I just hugged Toriel, as we looked at each other.

Toriel's POV 🥧

"You really like hugging me that much, huh?" I asked as I gave Ryobo a head pat.

"Yes, and I can't help it." He replied. "Really cute people like you, male or female, deserve a hug from me."

"Aww...You're such a sweetheart." I gushed in adore before hugging Ryobo back.

"And you're cute as a button, you angel." Ryobo says as he looked at me while wagging his tail happily.

I smiled in response to that before we both got up and headed off to the cabins to warm ourselves up.

Once we went in a cabin, and I paid the monster so we'd have a room to stay in for a while, me and Ryobo sat down in front of the fireplace and drank some hot cocoa.

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