26| Kids

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Toriel's POV 🥧

Without saying anything after that, Ryobo pulled me into a hug next, being careful not to touch my injured arm that was treated by him, so it would heal itself normally.

I hugged back as I buried my face into his chest, while I felt tears appearing in my eyes again.

"I'm so sorry, but...thank you." was all I uttered out as I sniffed tearfully.

"It's okay and you're welcome." Ryobo says as he smiled a little bit, while resting his forehead against mine.

We've stayed close to and cuddled each other for a bit, before I heard Ryobo purring like a cat while he wagged his tail happily, as his body felt so warm and soft.

"You purr a lot, don't you?" I mentioned as I looked at Ryobo, before chuckling a bit.

"Sorry, I can't help it." He replied.

"Nah. You're alright." I said as I smiled. "Also, I got a question for you..."


"Were you kissing me earlier while you were saving my life?" I asked, teasing him a bit.

"EH?! No! No! I was giving you mouth to mouth CPR!" Ryobo went as he blushed hard while waving his hands in defense. "I was doing CPR because you passed out while you were still underwater, since you lost a lot of air!"

I giggled a little at his reaction.

"I'm only kidding." I said before ruffling his head fur.

"Oh." He went.

We sat there in silence for a bit, Ryobo mostly, until he suddenly spoke up again.

"To be honest...It did feel really nice, even though it was just mouth-to-mouth CPR." He says as he blushed again.

"Yeah. It kinda did...Your lips felt warm and soft. Like how your body felt when someone hugs you." I mentioned as I blushed a little too while we were looking away from each other.

Then we didn't say anything again before we just hugged.

"Do you want to see the rest of my art in the sketchbook, since you've already looked through some of it?" Ryobo asked as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Sure. I guess." I went, not really sure how I felt.

Ryobo just hugged me again.

"Okay..." He says before grabbing the sketchbook and flipping the pages, back to where we left off.

Since he already knew I looked at the drawing of my horrortale self, he turned the page, showing another drawing which was of Undyne knocking me out with the handle of the axe, after I tried to hurt her.

The drawing also included the boys walking while Undyne carried me, since I was still unconscious, and made a small joke about Alphys.

As we continued looking, I smiled a bit after seeing the drawing of Ryobo's reaction when he saw me in the kimono that Alphys letted me keep later.

"Your art's really good. Why didn't you become an artist?" I asked.

"Because that's not what I want to be. I like drawing, yes, but it's not something I'd wanna do on a daily basis when I don't feel like drawing..." He replied.

"Oh...I understand." I say as I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm glad you do though." Ryobo sighed as he smiled.

After looking at the rest of the art he drew, I noticed two drawings that looked recent.

First one was some random art doodles, but, the second one was a drawing of me, asleep on the bed.

"That looks really good!" I commented.

"Thanks. I got bored earlier, so, I decided to draw you..." Ryobo says as he smiled a bit, while he closed the book.

"You must really love me, don't you?" I teased, making his face turn red again.

"Stop that!" Ryobo went before lightly smacking me by the uninjured arm, as I laughed. "God...You and your jokes, I swear."

I only laughed a little at that.

Ryobo's POV ❄️

While Toriel was laughing a little, I decided to ask her a question that suddenly came in my mind just now.

"Hey, Tori?"

"Yeah?" She went after she stopped laughing.

"Just out of curiosity, what did you look like when you were a little kid?" I asked.

"You're the first child I know to ask me that question." Toriel says as she gave me a small surprised look.


"No one, not even my own deceased son, has asked me what I was like in my childhood. But, I didn't say anything, knowing they might get bored or don't wanna hear it, if I told them anyways." Toriel explained as she looked at me.

"Not even the 6 human children I tried to save...Not even Frisk or Chara."

I noticed she looked a little sad when she mentioned the kids.

"Did something happen to them?" I asked.

"The six children I tried to save were killed by Asgore, just for their souls, after they chose to leave the ruins. But, these souls were different. Each one of those 6 kids had something special about them. Like Frisk..." Toriel sighed.

"Bravery, Justice, Kindness, Patience, Integrity, Perseverance and...Determination."

"So, Frisk is the 7th child to have fallen here? And that 'special thing' about Frisk was determination?" I asked.

"Yes. As for the other 6 kids, I've already mentioned what their special things are." Toriel says as she nodded.

"That's almost the color of the rainbow!" I mentioned after thinking about what colors represent those words.

"Exactly. But, for you and your brother to fall down here, that makes you two the 8th and 9th children to have fallen here. And you're the first two, who actually chose to stay with me." She went while smiling a tiny bit at me.

"Which means one of our souls is black, while the other one is white. The colors of the yin-yang..." I thought to myself at that.

Then I just nodded as I hugged her.

"You've been through a lot and enough already...That's why me and Itachi chose to stay. So, you won't have to suffer like this anymore longer." I said as I looked at Toriel while resting my head on hers.

"Yes, and I thank the both of you so much for that." Toriel replied as tears were in her eyes a little.

"What happened to Chara though?"

"Chara died. Just like Asriel. But, Chara's cause of death was unknown to us. No one knows what happened." She answered while sighing.

"I'm sorry that you lost so many..." I said.

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