3| Just Like My Mother

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Ryobo's POV ❄️

"What about you?" She asked me next as she turned to face me.

I stood there in silence, thinking about that.

"Are you comfortable with a child sleeping with you?" I randomly asked her before my face turned red in embarrassment over the question.

"I-It's okay if you're not comfortable with that. I was just wondering."

"Ehh...I guess so?" Toriel went as her face turned red a little in embarrassment as well.

Wow. That pretty much got awkward really quickly.

It's either that or she probably thought I was referring to 'something else'.

So, I just hugged her instead, not really saying much.

Not like a simple hug would fix everything when it comes to awkward situations.

"Is it okay if I call you "Tori" or "mom"?" I asked, mentally glad that this question turned out better and less awkward.

Toriel thought about it for a second before smiling and nodding.

"Sure, my child."

I sighed a little as I smiled while Toriel gave me a head pat before rubbing my back soothingly. Just like how mom and Itachi would do it.

I lightly squeezed Toriel's hand in response to that, making her smile.

"I-I like sleeping with my mom a lot. And I'm not talking about 'that'. I meant in a comforting way." I mentioned as I was fidgeting with my fingers a little, feeling shy, embarrassed and nervous.

"Oh. I literally thought you were referring to 'that'...My fault for mistaking it." Toriel says before she blushed in embarrassment again.

"N-No! It's okay! You don't need to say it's your fault. It's technically my fault anyways because I wasn't being specific to you about what I was saying." I say as I sweat dropped a little.

"For once, you're right, Ryobo."

"I'm sorry that came out wrong. I was just feeling really shy. When that happens, I mostly say things that come out wrong but aren't supposed to come out like that. It's happened numerous times before when I meet new people." I said as I looked at Toriel.

"It's alright. No one's perfect and we all make mistakes. Especially monsters like me and the others." Toriel says as she looked at me.

I smiled and nodded in agreement with that.

Then we just hugged each other, before I went into the bathroom and changed into my pjs as Toriel did the same in another bathroom.

After that, we came back out.

"You and your brother are really interesting but polite children." Toriel mentions before chuckling a little as I walked over to her.

"How are we polite?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side a little out of curiosity.

"You two had helped me out when we were cooking together. Especially with the dishes." Toriel explained.

"Oh. Ahh, it was nothin." I went before rubbing the back of my head sheepishly.

"Don't be so modest, my child." Toriel chuckled.

"Just out of curiosity, but, why do you call me and my brother 'my child' ? Is it something you commonly say when meeting a human or a mobian? Or is there some kind of meaning behind it?" I asked as I looked at her while we headed in her bedroom.

I noticed that she seemed hesitant about that question until I looked around her room and saw why.

There was a picture of her with another monster who looks like her but only with horns and a blonde beard, making it obvious they're a male.

Standing in the middle of them was a child who also looked like Toriel but was wearing a green and light green striped T-shirt. From the facial expressions the child and the guy, along with Toriel herself were making, they seemed like a happy family.

Like me and my brother before mom and dad died.

"Oh..." I went as I already started to figure things out. "I didn't know you had a husband and a child yourself."

Toriel could only nod as she turned to look at me.

"What's their names and where are they anyways? The child and your husband I mean...The only people and monster here is me, my brother and you." I asked, curious and wanting to know her story.

Toriel and I sat down on her bed before she began to explain her story to me.

After she was done, everything about her made sense.

The husband's name is Asgore, and from the way Toriel was behaving when she mentioned him, seems like they're divorced, which they probably are. And as for the child, Asriel, which he is obviously named after the divorced couple, he went missing one day until Toriel later on found out that he died.

"I didn't know you lost a loved one too." I say, looking over at her. "I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure he must've been really special to you."

"He was. I still miss him every day. His atmosphere and personality was just like mine." Toriel says as she looked at the picture of her son.

I could only nod.

"Y'know...After everything the both of us went through, especially my brother as well...I actually want to stay with you and be your foster child. I'm sure Itachi would agree and say the same thing too, since we're orphans now." I mentioned as my gaze softened.

"I'm sure mom and dad would be happy that someone took us in to raise us for the rest of our lives until we're older."

Toriel could only smile as I rested my head on her arm as I said that.

"I actually was thinking the same thing too." She replies as she was running her hand through my hair.

I wagged my tail a little, feeling happy at that, already confirming that we just got ourselves a foster mom, while Toriel was probably thinking the same thing about us becoming her foster kids.

Curious about the Underground, civilization, history and what kind of money do they have here, I noticed a book that had all the answers for me in Toriel's library.

Getting up from the bed, I went over and took it out before I began reading, starting with the Underground's history.

"Oh, do you like to read?" Toriel asks while I was reading the book.

"Yeah. I like to read for fun sometimes. I'm reading this book though so I can get a better understanding and more knowledge about the Underground." I answered.

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