44| Recovering And Resting

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Ryobo's POV ❄️

Once we made it to safety, I sighed in relief before letting go of Toriel, as we sat down.

But, when I looked over at her, I noticed she had that look in her eyes like she's being weighed down with so much guilt and regret, it was almost close to a really heavy burden on her.

I felt worried for Toriel about that, as she already started the process in healing the rest of my injuries up that weren't fully healed earlier before Ruby came in.

There were even tear stains on her face that looked much more recent than when we had our small conflict earlier, before I got rid of the darkness from her.

"Tori? What's wrong?" I asked as I showed concern.

She didn't say anything and just continued healing me, which is obvious that she's ignoring me.

"Is it something you don't want to talk about now until later?" I asked.

I only got a nod out of her, in response to my second question.

"Alright. But, when we head back to your house in the ruins, you're gonna have to tell me what's wrong...Okay?" I said before sighing.

Toriel only nodded again in silence, before she was finished healing me up.

Now I was fully healed.

Sighing, I thanked her, before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Big mistake in doing that in front of the others.

Because right after I did that, Undyne started teasing me as Itachi sang out, "Ryobo and Tori, sitting in a tree! F-U-C-"

Just after Itachi started singing that, I quickly threw my backpack smack dab at Itachi's face to stop him from singing the rest of his stupid song.

"Oh my god, will you assholes just shut the hell up?!" I said as my face turned tomato red in embarrassment.

"Nope!" Itachi and Undyne both said in unison before laughing.

I face palmed myself at that as the tips of my ears turned red as well.

"This is why I'm never gonna publicly show affection to Toriel again after this little monastery..." I thought to myself as I shot Itachi my death stare when I caught him making kissy faces at me.

Unfortunately, I should've paid more close attention to Toriel, because I suddenly heard labored breathing from her, making me turn to face her.

"Tori? Are you okay?" I asked as I rested my hand on her shoulder.

I didn't get a response out of her, but when she looked at me, seeing that she was looking really tired and a bit of a complete mess, I immediately became worried about her.

She couldn't stop her labored breathing as she was still looking at me while her eyes were half-closed.

Without any warning, Toriel suddenly fell forward to the floor on her side, before her body looked like it was going into a seizure, making me and the others alarmed.

"Tori?! What's wrong?!?!" I asked with a panicked tone in my voice.

None of us couldn't get a response out of her, as Toriel's labored breathing was suddenly turned to hyperventilation.

She was clutching her head in one hand, while her other hand was clutching her chest, both out of and in pain.

Immediately in response to that, I gently picked Toriel up and pulled her close to my chest as that was happening, even when she suddenly coughed up some blood next.

For what felt like a while, Toriel eventually just passed out as she gripped on my hoodie lightly, while her breathing was starting to slow down and becoming normal but steady.

I just sighed a little before letting her rest on my lap, as her head was rested on my chest.

Looking over at her mouth, I pulled out a piece of cloth from my pants pocket and wiped the blood off for her, so, she wouldn't have to do it later when she wakes up.

"I think we should spend the night here..." I said as I looked at the others.

"Toriel's been through a lot and enough of it for today. Both physically, emotionally, and mental wise. She's already exhausted from everything that's happened to her so far. I don't want us to keep pushing her any further."

"Don't worry, wolf boy. We were actually thinking the same thing about Toriel as well." Undyne says as she gave me a light pat by my back.

I smiled a bit and nodded, glad that they understand what I meant.

"Try to get some rest, okay?" I said as I looked at them.

Alphys and Undyne nodded their heads as Papyrus gave me the thumbs up, while Sans just shrugged his shoulders before kicking back and relaxing.

Happy that they understood, I took my cloak out of my bag and used it as a blanket for me and Toriel, after lying down and resting my head on the backpack like it was a pillow.

Looking over at Toriel, I caressed her face lightly as I kept her close to my chest.

Then after a while, I eventually fell asleep as I had one of my arms wrapped around Toriel's waist, as my other arm was keeping her close to my chest.

Toriel's POV 🥧

By the time I woke up, I was back at home, and lying in my bed while Ryobo was sitting at my desk and busy drawing in his art diary.

For a second, I couldn't remember anything that's happened to me until it started to slowly come back in my mind.

Especially that girl who appeared out of nowhere and saved us from the energy ball Euna shot, before it could make any contact with us.

"Wait...What was that girl's name again?" I thought to myself in confusion for a moment.

"Ah, that's right...Her name is Ruby. A childhood friend of Ryobo and Itachi's."

I silently sighed a little as I closed my eyes for a moment, before deciding to sit up and talk to Ryobo. Try to learn more about that Ruby girl, not only to get a better understanding of her but in case she happens to be a child.

As soon as I sat up, I noticed my head and chest wasn't severely hurting me anymore, meaning I somehow got better.

When I did, Ryobo happened to notice me, before he stopped drawing in his art diary, closing it after bookmarking the page he was drawing in and turned to face me.

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